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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Ron, you did. I was so close to leaving the forum. I needed to hear from a kind soul who encouraged me to stay despite my feeling academically inadequate in the high plane JFKA research community. Thanks for everything in this regards. Joe B.
  2. I see. Thank you for enlightening me in this way.
  3. Thank you W. N. You being highly educated in the mental health field, may I ask you if any general mental health assessments can in any measurable way be even suggestively contemplated or determined by one's artistic ability?
  4. Sandy, I may try to do a JFK, Jackie or even RFK portrait sketch at some point after my major surgery recovery. We'll see how well my recover goes.
  5. Thank you Bill. I know that if I had seriously stayed with art right after high school I could have done well. Didn't understand this at that young age however.
  6. Sandy...I took high school art. Never went to college and never got back into drawing or painting afterwards except rarely a simple drawing or two every 5 to 10 years with a pencil or pen when I was bored. I would doodle to entertain my kids when they got bored at night before bed. They liked seeing me draw animals like gorillas, horses, dogs, birds, etc. So one night in 1997 (28 years after high school art) my kids were asking me again to draw something. My wife is a history major ( U.C Santa Barbara grad ) and we have always had lots of modern history books around. Many with photos. I found one with photos of Jerry Garcia, Jim Morrison, Albert Einstein, Mother Theresa, a very young Leonardo DiCaprio, Debbie Harry ( Blondie), Paul Newman, a judge in the Nuremberg WWII trails, a prisoner there, a young father with his very young son hoisted on his shoulders, etc. All faces that inspired me. So, I jumped in and started rendering them on larger paper free hand. Many of the pictures in the book were quite small. It is a trick to draw them in larger scale and keep their realism integrity. And realistic portrait drawing is much more demanding than loose figure or landscape and architectural drawing imo. I noticed I would go into a kind of trance when I drew. In this effort especially. I got so into this drawing mentality I lost all track of time! I drew all night and into the next day. Seriously, it's like my brain was operating on a different vibration level. Totally outside of my normal thoughts. When I finally became exhausted with my brain trance effort I kind of collapsed. But I had about 10 decent renderings. I gave away my Debbie Harry ( Blondie ) drawing, but now I wished I had kept it. I also gave away my original Jerry Garcia one as well. I have never sketched again after that 1997 effort. I don't think I could do as well today at my late age anyway. Another member here wanted me to try a JFK sketch. I went out and bought the drawing supplies, but too depressed to even begin. Having major surgery next week so it will be weeks before I can try again.
  7. I watched the show Kirk. Agree with everything you say. Never followed Gabbard in the news so seeing her up close and listening to her speak really spooked me. This woman was a Democrat? Ha! Totally Trump centric. She has the bearing and countenance of a hard-nosed female military boot camp drill instructor. She IS a Lt. Colonel in the National Guard? Figures. Nice looking in a cold hard way. Not any softer feminine mannerisms and speaking tone. Very arrogant and condescending acting. Reminds me of other Republican women of the same tough talking dominatrix type make up. Kelly Ann Conway, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kristi Noem, Kerri Lake, and on and on. Trump women all look, sound and act as if they could be tough prison guard matrons.
  8. I was raised here in Monterey, Calif. 120 miles South of San Francisco. I cruised the streets outside of the Monterey Pop Festival ( June of 1967 ) located in the Monterey Fairgrounds complex with friends at the age of 15. It was a true "happening." Thousands of young people converged here. Hundreds sleeping on the ground during the entire run in open fields not far from the fairgrounds. This was no rough edged crowd though. Beautiful young people, many dressed in chic hippie outfits. Tasseled leather and beaded jackets. Colorful ostentatious hats and scarfs. These kids weren't from poor backgrounds. There were so many pretty girls...it was amazing. The smell of marijuana and patchouli oil filled the air for blocks around the fairgrounds night and day. It was a heady, seductive atmosphere. Incredibly good ,calm and upbeat vibes. No violence or craziness at all. There were Monterey cops everywhere and yet, just as Eric Burden described in his song "Monterey" they were incredibly laid back. "Even the cops grooved with us", "Do you believe me yeah?" was the true-life scene at the POP exactly as Burden described. >>> Although it was true Charles Manson's family was there as well. Traveling in an old converted school bus. Manson must have been in a good mood. The scene was just too cool, friendly and pot sharing smell laid back.<<< Jimmy Hendricks sauntered up and down the outside streets during the festival. No one rushed him at all. He wasn't that well known yet. One famous picture showed him and a couple of companions buying some flowers from a small vendor shop on Fremont Street just two blocks from the fairgrounds one day. Again, no one ran up to him and his friends. Being so close to San Francisco at that time, Monterey was a hub of hippie traffic. Coming and going to the city. Dozens of hitchhikers on the streets. Big Sur was a super popular place of hippie congregation at that time as well. I didn't buy tickets and attend the POP. Didn't think of taking pictures. I was just a naively dumb and unworldly teenager. I didn't appreciate the event for what it was. Thousands of beautiful young people, the constant late August warm day and night heady smell of pot and patchouli oil, energizing creative freedom and soulful "peace, love and fun" music put almost everyone into a mellow place. It was all just a very exciting and freeing experience from past musical norms. Weirdly, the city of Monterey seemed to make an effort to not make this iconic event a regular part of their advertised historical image. Like they wanted to distance themselves from it and even forget it happened! No celebratory events until decades later. I always felt a hip, downtown Monterey cafe type establishment celebrating the event would have been a good business and exciting nostalgia idea. I even had a name for such. Simply..."The POP!" Walls covered in Pop Festival mementos ( tickets? ) posters and photos. Glass covered tables with Pop pictures underneath. Playing songs from the festival occasionally such as Burden's "Monterey", Janis Joplin, Hendrix, Otis Redding, The Who, Hugh Masekela's " dark as night" music. Servers dressed in hippie garb. Dishes with Pop related names such as "The 'Burden' Burger" ? Joplin apple pie? The "Who Omelete?" Never made it to the City ( San Francisco ) during that time though. I knew many, many fellow kids from Monterey/Pacific Grove who did however. Their lives changed from the experience. Some got too far into the acid scene and were damaged by this. San Francisco was truly a weird mix back then. New "Free Love/ Flower Child, be sure to wear a flower in your hair" vibes and energy. So different than the old Herb Cain, Tony Bennett, Carol Doda and Mitchell brothers times. Lots of vice yet also lots of upper-class Nob Hill wealth in San Francsico. No homeless problems anything like today. Harvey Milk/Castro district movement really growing though. 4:11 MONTEREY - Eric Burdon & The Animals (With Lyrics)
  9. Mr. Caddy was "right there" with all the major players of the Watergate event. In the famous film "All The Presidents Men" Caddy's character was well represented. Caddy knew Hunt personally and for many years. His credibility in this important major historical event realm is proven beyond any doubt.
  10. Wow Steve! Was this evening or daytime? Any more details regards what the object looked like? How many fans in the stadium at the time? Did the fans seem to talk amongst themselves after seeing this? Rare that so many see something like that at the same time. I've had three sighting events myself. Driving with my young son to Santa Cruz Ca. from Monterey one sunny clear blue sky morning. We were maybe 5 miles from Santa Cruz on Highway 1 when a bright flash caught our eyes. It was a "super shiny" silver object that zoomed super fast from in front of us above and on our left to passing back behind us. Extremely polished silver that flash/reflected the sun. Maybe only 2 to 300 feet above us? It moved so fast we almost missed it. Maybe the size of a large car? Another time about 7 years ago I was sitting on a cement/beach stone wall on a bluff 30 to 40 feet above our main tourist beach here in Pacific Grove, California called "Lovers Point Beach." Above the beach was this bluff wall, the parking area, hamburger stand, volleyball sand court, etc. Two sets of stairs took you down to the beach and pier below. This was a cold March evening about 8:00 PM. No one was in the location at all except me. It was very cold with the ocean wind that came down from the Alaska current. Living here my whole life I would occasionally park down at Lovers Point and get out and sit on the long view wall above the beach. Even during the early evening. The cold never bothered me. I grew up here and was used to it. It was cold but the super fresh ocean air was invigorating. From this perch you could see all the bright night city lights around the Monterey Bay from Monterey and Seaside to well past the huge Moss Landing electric power station nearer to Santa Cruz. This power plant had two very tall cement towers with flashing lights on the top. There is a good-sized harbor at Moss Landing. The boats that went out onto the bay from there at night to fish, used the tower lights as a navigational point to guide them back to the harbor. I could see the tower lights clearly blinking. When the air is that cold on the bay, you can see much more clearly all the lights I mentioned. Even from 20 to 25 miles away! Moss Landing was about 15 to 20 miles from me as the crow flies. While taking in the Moss Landing lights views I suddenly noticed an "orange" light above the Moss Landing tower ones. It was a steady glowing light versus the tower flashing lights. It was not much higher in the sky than the tower top lights. It was bright enough to see even at that distance. I kept looking at it as it was so anomalous and it appeared to be moving in my direction. We have an airport in Monterey. I know the flight patterns of incoming and departing planes there as I have been here my whole life and see them almost daily for 70 years. These flight patterns are totally perpendicular to the flight direction of the orange light I was watching. East and West versus immediately North to South. This single orange light just kept coming in my direction. Within 5 minutes or more it was almost to me. I estimated that it must have been traveling fairly slowly. I was curiously amazed at this point but then the object was straight up, right above my head! It was roundish. Very bright orange. The size of a small camper van? It was maybe 500 to 600 feet in the air. It was perfectly silent. I know exactly what small planes and helicopters sound like when they fly directly above you at that low altitude level. We have so many fly out of our airport every day. The object seemed to slow in speed as it passed over me. At this point I actually felt some apprehension. I got off the wall and was making a bee line to my car maybe 60 feet away. I didn't want to see this right above me orange light object anymore. As I got close to my car I noticed a young couple walking on the Ocean View Blvd. street sidewalk across from my beach parking area which was the street the beach park is located. They have several Bed and Breakfast inns right there and they looked as if they were guests and just taking an after dinner cold ocean air walk before bed. They were only 30 feet from me. The orange object was right above us both. I called out to the couple "hello?" They looked at me. I called over to them calmly but seriously "do you see that light?" pointing up above us. They stopped and looked up. They didn't say anything but I know they saw it. The light was so bright and orange. At that point this orange ball light object just kept moving Southward. I stood at my car and watched it barely clear the 500 foot high pine forest hill between my town and the small tourist town of Carmel, Ca 6 miles away South and which if the object kept on that directional path would have eventually passed over the Big Sur coastal area. The object was solid. It was no balloon. It had traveled all the way from Moss Landing to the Monterey Peninsula and beyond southward. All in 5 minutes time? I posted this event on our local Craigslist community page. A fellow got back. He stated he knew what the object was! He claimed it was "aerial advertising!" I got back and thanked him for the fun laugh. I explained that if this object was nighttime aerial advertising, that their potential audience may have been what...a dozen people out waking in the freezing March Ocean air? I asked this silly answer responding person what he did for a living. He actually got back and said he was a teacher at our local Navy Post Graduate Center station! Hmmm...pretty heady position. They do a lot of meteorological science work there. Always have. Super high security facility. I guessed the guy was no kook. But why waste his time sending me such a juvenile response? Third sighting a little later.
  11. Did E. Howard Hunt also make up his end-of-life JFKA "Big Event" / "LBJ/Cord Meyer " story he allowed his son Saint John Hunt to record on tape? If so...it was a whopper! Could Hunt have thought that maybe his son Saint John could make a good amount of money shopping his sensational story around after his death? Assuaging his guilt of not having anything to leave for his son after a lifetime of big spender indulgence? Even if the story was a made up bald a$$ lie? Hunt admitting lying gratuitously to Congress and so many other investigative agencies. It seemed lying was second nature to him. Justified in his mind as a patriotic duty in his role of protector of the truly right ideology of America as expressed and defined by his friend William F. Buckley?
  12. A free hand sketch I did of Jerry Garcia in 1997 from a book photo.
  13. Sandy, your two post propositions above are exactly my point! How could any decently educated and informed American who benefits from Social Security and Medicare and or state and county medical care aid and food stamps and section 8 housing and SNAP and public schools and free lunch programs and so many other public services NOT know these are pure socialistic programs? How could they be so ignorant of this simple to understand fact? And if any of these benefited people, who don't even know that these programs are socialistic, say they are afraid of socialism or think a more capitalistic system is better than the one we have and that they are taking full advantage of...what does that tell you about the credibility of their informed intelligence and the polls you cite? I believe that millions of Americans have been brainwashed into falling for this false premise exaggerated fear propaganda pounded into their consciousness, and the social consciousness at large, for the last 40+ years via massive right-wing radio and right-wing media like Fox News, etc., incessantly promoting that socialism is a terrifying boogie man thing and Democrats and liberals are the promoting agents of this scary evil. I explained the reality of socialism being a part of every modern nation societal construct. That there has to be a balance of a free market only system with a socialistic one. Too many American citizens have been worked up into this "socialism" boogie man fear mind set by a huge and hugely financed exaggerated fear mongering manipulation machine of right-wing propaganda as I have described. Who again, have successfully imbued into their target subject's consciousness this wide-eyed scary fear link of the terms "democrat/liberal" with the socialist monster one. In the minds of these manipulated people they are one and the same. An all inclusive national health care system in America has been successfully defeated time and time again using this exaggerated socialism fear tactic. America is the only industrialized country on Earth that does not have a full access national health care system. And understand this fact. In the last 50 years America has fallen way down the list of world health care standards for health care and so many other societal health and welfare standards. Who in this country is fine with that decline? The minority wealthy right wing and corporate lobbies ( Wall Street ) who benefit hugely by keeping our country on a free market/class system of health care access...that's who. And their greatest fear threats and enemies are the likes of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Yes, much of what is being posted here is not purely JFKA Research and Debate centered...but in social conscious spirit it is definitely JFK and RFK connected...imo anyways. And it has been removed to it's own forum space that any orthodox forum member can avoid completely. And in these highly unusual stressed political times since the beginning of the Earth shaking Corona Virus, it is a bonus in giving many of us current events concerned forum members just a little extra incentive in keeping connected to the main forum board. I don't post anything that isn't strictly JFKA related on the main forum. I believe in the integrity of keeping that sacrosanctity in place there. Like the record post response thread that Joseph McBride started several years ago and that was finally moved due to it's kind of devolving into a scattered subject free-for-all, it had to be. Yet, I enjoyed the thread while it was there. If this side forum is removed, well ... again I'll miss it ... but so be it. The main forum will always be my main interest.
  14. The most intriguing film footage of actual aliens here on Earth imo. This was alleged to be footage filmed in Russia. 2:51 Now playing The Mysterious Alien Videos | Skinny Bob Alien Video | KGB Leaked Footage Of Real Aliens | Ivan0135 21K views2 years ago
  15. If Jack Ruby hadn't sauntered into the Dallas Police Department basement right passed and through 70 armed personnel unnoticed and unchecked in the highest security alert time in their history to get within inches of perhaps the most important criminal suspect in U.S. history ( Lee Harvey Oswald ) to blow out his guts... Maybe Oswald may have had a chance at some defense.
  16. LBJ would not have told Walter Cronkite in 1969 that: "I" and others could never be absolutely sure that others might not have been involved besides Oswald. If LBJ himself is feeling doubt about the lone gunman WC conclusion... who else would have more information about the JFKA than him? 1:28 Now playing Lyndon Johnson interview with Walter Cronkite, September 1969
  17. "Afraid of socialism?" Our society is inherently socialistic in huge ways...and must be to keep half our population from falling to the extreme poverty wayside completely. SL, with very due respect...I disagree with your postulation that "Americans are afraid of socialism." Social Security is a purely socialistic program. 72 million Americans are receiving SS checks every month from it. The majority of them depend on it for their main income! Almost all the well-off people recipients of Social Security who say the Democrats are too boogie man socialistic don't send back their socialism SS checks. They cash them and keep the funds like everyone else. They don't send them back to protest this awful socialistic evil. Medicare same thing. Totally socialistic program. 1/4th of adult Americans take full advantage of it's benefits. Including our higher income retirees. How many Trump supporters who mouth the Republican party "socialistic" fear line are on food stamps? Free medical care? Tens of millions! Purely socialistic programs. Public schools are socialistic in their funding and availability and use to anyone despite income. Every modern nation/society on Earth is a form of a Democratic/Socialistic hybrid construct. Japan, France, England, every Nordic country, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany and on and on have national health care and many other social programs in their daily lives. Government pensions. Many have free higher education policies. Vacation, sick leave, elder care same thing ... guaranteed. Even Russia is not totally socialistic. The truth is no country on Earth is totally capitalistic/free market system only. Ever hear of tax breaks for the rich? How about massive bailouts for the rich when their pyramid schemes collapse like the Bush bank fraud/housing value collapse in 2007! Billions in bailouts to Wall Street? Pure Socialism for the most wealthy. But THAT kind of socialism is okay? There must be a mix of socialist governing policy along with free market only in today's real world. We all know this. These mixed construct societies demand their governments provide them with these social benefits as a return on their tax payments to them their entire working lives. The term "socialist" has for 50 years been purposely turned into a "Boogie Man" one by the Repub/wealthy class when in reality every nation is hugely socialistic. Right wing American radio has been the biggest pusher of this " Socialist/Boogie Man" false reality fear exaggeration brain washing. Rush Limbaugh and his huge number of right-wing propaganda spreading spawn have been spreading this exaggerated fear claim for 50 years! Democrats/liberals are ... grab your guns...socialists! Orson Wells "War Of The Worlds" panic in the streets type stuff. 50 million Americans listen to this crazy, exaggerated fear and hate mongering extreme right wing talk radio cow dung. 50 million radio listeners have been indoctrinated with these exaggerated twisted fear lies 24/7 for 50 years! The end game has been to link the words "Democrats / Liberals" with planted mental fear images such as commies, queers, drug users, socialist, minority racial and illegal immigration and crime coddling, cop hating "Vermin" as their fearless leader has labeled them. We are a socialistic society like every other country on Earth. To say some democrats are afraid of socialism is a total oxymoron. How many democrats who you say fear socialism would be willing to give up their pure socialistic Social Security checks, their Medicare coverage, their food stamps, etc.? America, even the top 10% most wealthy take full advantage of these socialistic programs. And their own socialistic tax cuts? However, a large majority of them too often want to cut these programs for the "little people" ( us middle and lower income classes ) as archetypal Republican value icon Leona Helmsley famously called us. For anyone who says they fear socialism in this country I say ...okay, give up any form of government assistance programs they take advantage of themselves.
  18. You'll remember that Warren and Bernie were eating Biden up in the 2020 primary debates. High energy, passion, clear speaking with much more specific agendas. Biden did just awful. Low energy, much less specific policy plans, etc. Warren and Bernie combined were just killing Biden in those debates. Their combined poll numbers were two times higher than Biden. That's when Bloomberg jumped in and spent 1 BILLION dollars for a two and 1/2 month long primary campaign run. 1 BILLION was a crazy high record amount by any primary candidate ever... and again, he just stayed in the race for 2 and 1/2 months? It didn't make sense. The most votes Bloomberg got was 10% in any race. I believe Bloomberg got in to help takes votes from Warren and Sanders. He considered them bigger threats to Wall Street. As soon as Warren and Sanders were numerically eliminated from the race...Bloomberg dropped his campaign. Biden was no threat to Wall Street and Donald Trump was no threat to Wall Street either. And I also believe that certain large black vote states made a deal with Biden. You give us a black woman vice president and we'll swing our voters to you. That's exactly what they did. Warren and Sanders got whacked out of the park by those states and on Super Tuesday. I don't think Warren and Sanders were rejected by less progressive Democrats because they had been labeled as such. Heck, what you are saying is that the Democratic party majority doesn't like progressives? I believe the Democratic party has always been more progressive than Centrist. Progressivism is the true heart of the Democratic party imo. If it isn't...they aren't much different ideologically than the Republicans who equate progressives on the same level as commies and queers. Biden has always been much more a Wall Street person than not. They consider him one of theirs imo. Bloomberg was happy when Biden got the nomination. I never recalled Biden saying anything negative or taking on Wall Street as Warren and Sanders did and still do.
  19. Kirk Galloway: "There's absolutely no pressure to. Gain 1% from the conspiracy crowd to upset 10% of the law and order crowd?" Exactly. Surely the biggest behind the scenes promoters of Harris as Biden's replacement are Biden himself and his family, the high level financial and political groups and individuals who are benefiting the most under Biden/Harris and the hundreds of Biden/Harris appointees that are there because of them and don't want to lose the best jobs they have ever had in their lives. If Harris is the candidate and she wins, they keep those jobs. Maureen Dowd of the New York Times described the last group as opportunists. The push for Harris is instantly big time. I think us 77 million Democrats deserve to not have Biden's replacement chosen for us. I like other potential candidates more myself. Whitmer. Newsome. Beto O'Rourke. I have always liked Elizabeth Warren. Still do. She and Bernie Sanders were neutralized in the 2020 primaries after they had surpassed Biden in the polls ( especially during and after the primary debates - where Biden was looking and speaking weakly even back then ) by the mind boggling record amount one BILLION dollar expense, 2 month only long late entry of Michael Bloomberg ( who was quoted telling his Goldman Sachs people that Warren and Sanders were more a threat than Donald Trump ) and who took 10% of the following primary votes ( away from Warren and Sanders ) after he joined the race and as well by secret deals with state parties made to back Biden just before Super Tuesday if Biden promised to choose a black woman as his VP ( Harris ) which he did. Lots of secret agenda and big money Machiavellian shenanigans behind the scenes to neutralize the primary polls leading Warren and Sanders and get Biden as the candidate. It seems to me that Michael Bloomberg more than any one individual got Biden in the presidency. Again, his and the rest of Wall Street hierarchy's greatest fear was a Warren or Sanders candidacy. Both Warren and Sanders were going to crack down on Wall Street and it's self- regulated gold mine. Reminds one of JFK's threat to the richest men on Earth ( Texas oil barons ) with his proposal to get rid of the Oil Depletion Allowance which made them even wealthier. No way was Kennedy going to be allowed to push that plan through.
  20. Can't anyone else see the Elm Street running/crossing woman is not wearing a head scarf? The Brehm location woman is.
  21. "Fading" after 4 PM is one thing, being seriously cognitively and physically impaired by 9 PM ( starting time of the debate ) is another. Isn't it rational for Americans to want a president, who if woken up at midnight to handle a major emergency crisis, be sharper than what we saw last Thursday evening of Biden? Most of us have had older loved ones in rest homes at some point in our lives. My own mother was in one for several years starting around Biden's age now. My wife and kids and I took care of her in our home for several years ( with part time in-home nurse visits ) up until we she fell and broke her hip and we could no longer meet her 24 hour needs. I would say half the residents of the rest home in the years we visited my mother ( almost daily ) were sharper than Biden last Thursday evening. Millions of us Democrats have been worried about Biden's older age stamina for years. I thought he was too old and showing decline in 2020! Each year of his presidency Biden seems to have regressed even more in this way in my observation. Physically, each progressive year since 2020 Biden is walking slower and with less confidence and same with his head, arm and hand movements. His speech is clearly weaker and much slower as well. Often to degrees that make you feel concerned and uncomfortable. I really felt he should have faced the truth about his age and declining abilities and not run this year. Like others I was pleasantly surprised and somewhat more encouraged by his strong state of the union speech earlier this year. Yet even that performance didn't assuage my gut feeling concern that he should have retired. The difference in cognitive and physical decline in Biden today from 2020 is startling. And the national concern about Biden's age and condition isn't just about this one debate performance. It's about a certain decline even further in the next 4 years. If Biden declines at the rate he has from 2020 to now...it is a scientific certainty that he will continue to do so from now through 2028. We HAVE to face this reality. I voted for Biden. I think he has done a great job in his 4 years. I'll even vote for him again in a second against Trump if he won't step down as the candidate.
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