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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Agree. I believe Garrison felt compelled to look into way more tips and leads ( hundreds if not thousands ) more than even he ever imagined he would. Probably because he was finding solid ones mixed in with dead ended or false lead planted ones. And in this historically important epic case he simply could not over-look anything. He was so continually sabotaged by false lead tips it's amazing he kept it all together enough to get Clay Shaw to trial. Garrison publicly offered some of the more convoluted theoretically scenarios than I think he should have. But not a kooky amount. Why, I don't know. Maybe he was purposely throwing out baited false stories to see the reactions of those he felt may have been involved in a peripheral way and/or those who were intent on destroying him? Playing with false leads they were feeding him? But the man wasn't some flawless person professionally and maybe even personally. Please tell us who was back then? IMO however, he "was" an extremely intelligent individual. Even an intellectual in many ways. His writing skills are obvious. No ghost writer for him. And imagine the massive years long commitment he took on along with taking a beating from our highest power groups who felt threatened by his investigation. His sacrifices were many...including his marriage and for years, his reputation. Garrison and his investigative case became a cause celebre'. Thousands of famous people passionately seeking the truth of the JFKA offered their support. They wouldn't have stuck by Jim Garrison for years if he truly was simply some mentally off-balanced and/or star struck attention seeker.
  2. Brownlow and his professor friend just found this unconnected person, fabricated her credentials and put her up to tell this completely made-up story? Kept her face and name hidden with the excuse that she was still afraid for her personal safety for revealing her story even decades after 11,22,1963? Brownlow probably paid this randomly found woman ( 1 to 2 hundred dollars maybe ) to participate in this low budget charade? Low income appearing home, funky couch, poorly dressed Brownlow and friend, hot day, no air conditioning, Brownlow occasionally wiping the sweat off his face, cheap recording and filming equipment? Strong indication proof this Tippit/Ruby, Oswald/foreign speaking man meet-up eyewitness and her story was all just a cheap made up show to promote Brownlow as a serious researcher? No one has ever identified the woman interviewee? Not even Brownlow? How about his professor buddy that was right there as well? This woman wasn't Mary Dowling? BB...do you also dismiss Sylvia Odio's story of being introduced to a "Leon Oswald" at her Dallas Area apartment door in late September, 1963...with her sister Anna who was present with her and who has always backed up her story 100%?
  3. It's the interviewee whom I believe. Brownlow's questions were basic ones anyone would ask of her regards her employment at the establishments she claims, the time frames of her employment and what she observed as she states. In this interview we hear this former waitress describe "her" Tippit recollections and story. Brownlow isn't answering for her. Nor is he leading her to answer in a certain way. A few times Brownlow seemed to almost do this by the way he framed the questions but I noticed she immediately and firmly redirected his own inferences and state something much more independently in line with her own points and views. She really impressed me with her courage and integrity to not let anyone try to steer her away from her story truth. My observation also was that Brownlow's college professor friend who helped interview the woman, was impressed with her recollection confidence and personal integrity to stand by them to the point of redirecting questions that she felt were not adhering to her specific point sharing. So, imo, Brownlow's integrity isn't the issue regards this interview. You say Brownlow is a proven liar. What about this woman? Former waitress at real establishments where it's "proven" Tippit either worked at or dropped in for coffee and during her employment tenure there? Can you say with any investigative proof that "she" was a proven liar? Dan Rather could have asked this woman the same questions Brownlow did. It's not about the integrity of the person asking her questions about her Tippit recollections, it's about her and her answers to them. IMO.
  4. What makes this interview and the comments made by this waitress not credible to you? Mike Brownlow's questions were sensible and straight forward. First verifying her employment history ( where, when and in what capacity ) and co-worker situation. He allowed for her to answer them with no bias or pressure or leading. She was respectfully and calmly allowed to not answer questions she didn't feel comfortable answering without any pushing by Brownlow. She didn't want her face to be seen in the interview. She apparently still had some fear regards sharing what she knew and saw back in 1963 and clearly she wasn't doing this for media attention. I noticed she took a lot of time before answering many of Brownlow's and his partner's questions. I felt she did so to get her memory recollections right. It was decades later. To me that revealed an honest thoughtfulness. Clearly this woman was who she said she was. A waitress employed in the restaurants where Tippit was present many times and during the entire year leading up to Tippit's murder. So, this part of her story is true and even you must admit this. Yet, her story was simply made up or highly exaggerated? What reason do you think she would do that for? And for allowing herself to be interviewed in the first place?
  5. Respectfully disagree. I have never engaged with the Tippit murder debate. Just not inclined to studying that event. And not sure enough to know whether Tippit had anything to do with the JFKA. Yet, what I share about Tippit and his last years personal life is based on what I see as very credible truth based on the research findings of at least a few good investigative journalists ( Joseph McBride especially) but also under oath testimony given by many in investigation committee hearings such as the HSCA. Has anyone here done 100th the time and work effort McBride has done regards Tippit? And what are we saying about Tippit that is so wrong? We know his history. Both personal and his police work history. We know he had an affair with a woman while he was married to another not long before the day he was murdered. We know that at least one and maybe two people who worked in the establishments he visited frequently or even worked at part time stated that they saw him sitting with Ruby at least once. Guess it all boils down to either believing those witnesses or not. After so many years of reading about all the different aspects of the JFKA and those involved, even peripherally, with the main characters... I realized that the effort to marginalize and dismiss the testimonies of people who reported observations that didn't fit the WC narrative were way more pushed and promoted than the opposite. Too much so in my life time experience, logical and common sense thinking mind. At some point...you can't dismiss every witness account that doesn't adhere to the nutcase, lone gunman all alone who just did what he was alleged to have done on impulse and got lucky in defeating an army of security doing so. I simply believe this one waitress who verifiably worked at the establishments where Tippit visited on a regular basis ( and during the right times ) and who claimed she saw Tippt sitting with Jack Ruby...and Lee Harvey Oswald sitting with a man "who looked about 40" in her workplace and them speaking in a foreign language. Her observations are bomb shell ones if true.
  6. Roscoe White. What to make of him? The man and his life "begs" suspicion.
  7. Being an adulterer does not make one a murderer. Thanks for that insightful wisdom. I never even inferred that with Tippit. I do however think Tippit was capable of being involved in some activities that some might consider...unethical? If he engaged with Jack Ruby in any way...it sure wasn't to organize charity events. Utter nonsense? Everything I have posted has been posted many times by others on this forum. I am simply reposting their thoughts and propositions.
  8. The person being interviewed does not appear on camera. IMO her story is compelling. She obviously worked at either the Dobbs House or Austin Barbeque restaurant all through 1963. Sometimes you just have to rely on your inner gut feelings to decide if someone sharing a history changing story is telling the truth. In this case I sense this woman is telling the truth. And "someone" besides this interviewee must have known whether J.D. Tippit did stop into the restaurant as often as she recollects during 1963. And, at this women's long term Dallas residency and older age, there must have been others who knew her who could have vouched for her credibility...or lack of it.
  9. Not even "reportedly?" I'll post my source. BB...are you stating Tippit "did not" have a one year plus long sexual affair with Austin Barbeque waitress Johnny Maxie Witherspoon? My point here is that "if" it's true he did...it reveals something important about Tippit's over-all character including his willingness to engage in very risky ( even dangerous ) behavior with potentially very damaging results. The truth about J.D. Tippit in this area could bolster or dissipate the debate suggestions that he may have been capable of being involved in other areas of deceptively risky nefarious behavior. Perhaps Tippit was the totally innocent and honest loving husband family man type many have described? What does Joseph McBride have to say about the alleged Tippit/Witherspoon affair?
  10. I stand corrected Bill Brown. I will edit my recent post to correct the points you mentioned. It does appear Maxie Witherspoon worked at Austin's Barbeque...not at the Dobbs House restaurant. Reportedly Witherspoon years later stated that while she was married to another man, she became pregnant with Tippit's child. Regards Ruby knowing half the DPD police officer force, several people close to Ruby stated their guess that he knew up to half the force. Maybe casually by name only and a smaller amount more personally? I'm sure however, at least half the longer time employee force "knew of" the Carousel Club and probably who owned and ran it...Jack Ruby. What adult who lived in Dallas as many years as Tippit and Ruby didn't know of Ruby's Carousel Club and his other clubs at some point? Heck, the man ran "weekly ads" for the Carousel in the Dallas Morning News for years! He handed out thousands of his personal business cards as well. Thousands of people from Dallas and beyond visited Ruby's "joint" over the years...if even just once. Our own Jim Marrs enjoyed going there in his younger days. He wrote about this and even joked about jumping on stage once to participate in some silly audience participation act. Even Dallas D.A. Henry Wade popped in to imbibe according to one of Ruby's bar manager employees Nancy Hamilton.
  11. Dobbs House restaurant was so close to Oswald's North Beckley residence ( walking distance ) it would make sense he might pop in to have a cup of coffee and maybe even a meal there now and then. He could not cook anything at his rooming house except to have a little room in the communal refrigerator to keep some milk and a little cupboard space to keep some cereal and some peanut butter and bread for a snack or bag lunch? It would have been nice to have a warm meal such as eggs and toast once in a awhile at Dobbs. And it sounds as if the food prices at Dobbs House were cheap enough for Oswald to afford them. Tippit did have a longer than one year affair with Johnny Maxie Witherspoon. An affair that began when Witherspoon worked at Austin's Barbeque restaurant where Tippit worked as a security guard. Tippit and Witherspoon took a very risky path with their one year + affair. Tippit was willing to cheat on his wife. She would have been devastated to know of this affair. And Witherspoon was "married" the entire time? That's dangerous. If her husband caught Tippit and his wife actually indulging their sexual fantasies...the guy could very well have lost it and exacted pay back unto Tippit and maybe even his wife. Tippit was willing to risk this possible scenario? So, we know Tippit was not the most innocently clean cut character regards his marriage, his wife and even his kids. A Dobbs House "Mary Dowling "stated Tippit was coming to see her regularly when she worked at the Airport drug store going back 5 years! Obviously he was flirting with her as well. Tippit was a lady's man as much as a family man according to these two stories. P.S. Ruby did not live "that far away" from North Beckley and the Dobbs House restaurant himself. His apartment was in Oak Cliff. And it has been so often stated that Ruby knew well over half the Dallas police officers in his time. Tippit was with the force for a good amount of time. He surely knew of the Carousel and Jack Ruby.
  12. Wiliam...exactly. I was a sunny California beach goer all my childhood. Surfer for a brief time as well. We actually had the "Beach Boys" described "Surfer Girl" girls who would grace the warm sun sandy beach scene in bikinis constantly. Blond and tan was a standout physical attraction combination...for me anyway. The Marilyn Monroe syndrome too? Often called the most beautiful woman in modern American culture, her creators made her a platinum blonde. Why? Many behavioral scientists have concluded that a majority of men worldwide ( including me ) find this single physical trait most appealing. Why, I have no idea. Paul, sorry for upsetting your sense of beauty bias. My analogy was biased. Maybe I should have said any new human/ET hybrid program would be more acceptable if it included factoring in a general human sense of physical beauty attraction. If human males are presented with an order to mate with ET/hybrid females at least give them something more physically appealing than a typical spindly limbed, big scary black eyed, no lips alien grey with a wildly ill-fitted wig and lipstick.
  13. Alpha 66? Or some other rogue element of our agency founded and funded covert action teams? Not without approval from the top. Executive, military and agency. They would never plan and carry out something as big as the JFKA on their own. You don't do something the people that pay you don't want you to do. Simple reality. IMO anyways. P.S. Curious coincidence. The new national figure behind the ET presence discloser agenda "Luis Elizondo" said in an interview shown on You Tube, stated his Castro expelled Cuban expatriate father was a member of Alpha 66. The younger Elizondo "was" raised in Miami.
  14. After 61 years of unprecedented, high academic plane, courageous even heroic independent research investigation I believe the case has been very credibly made that the JFKA was a conspiracy. An effort made even more heroic when one acknowledges the massively powerful impediment forces the JFKA research community has had to wrestle with all that time...90% of our national media and the entire apparatus of our federal government with unlimited funds and influence. As Dallas PD homicide captain Will Fritz once shouted to the world press just 2 days after Oswald's arrest..."This case is cinched!" Yes, cinched alright imo ( without a specific ground action guilty party identification ) in that the JFKA was a conspiracy ... AND American born. So many reasons I don't feel any foreign adversary was involved. Here are two main ones: Does any rational person think that if Cuba/ Castro, or the Russians were the perps, and our highest levels of government ( agencies, military ) knew this to be the truth, ( and they would have discovered this truth ) that we would not have carried out punitive actions against them, just short of all-out war? If either of those two entities "took out our sitting President" and in such a brutal way, we would have done so much more in retaliation against them than we did. We would have crushed Castro. No way we just embargo him and leave him alone for the next 55 years. We would have taken a tack of crippling aggression against the USSR beyond any other we had previously taken in decades of the cold war. The murder of our president by a foreign power would have been looked upon as an act of war by our military...as it should have. LeMay might have finally had his crazy all-out first strike way...if he and the rest of the military knew "for certain" that these usual suspects were behind this act. No, Castro and the USSR did not take out JFK. And no other foreign nation and power did either. No foreign power groups hated and felt more threatened by JFK than those in our own country. Someone or group in a great position of power, wealth and influence in our own country did JFK. And it was a conspiracy. We know this. It's so naive to think that so many highest level cabals of power, wealth and influence in this country in 1963 ( that were seriously threatened by JFK's presidency ) could not be so corrupt and ruthless to plan, okay and carry out something as diabolical as the JFKA. Folks...anyone of them or all of them were. Please see the film "Seven Days In May" again ( which JFK himself wanted to be made and seen ) to understand the all too plausible and possible dynamics of such a proposition.
  15. I would assume that a new hybrid change would include the ability to communicate via telepathy. Therefore ... no more private thoughts? THAT to me would be one of my most personally regretted sacred sanctity losses. If a hybridization program is our fate, I would hope the blond Nordic type is at least on the table as one of the planned models of physical body change. Why not give us a new look that many would consider an attractive upgrade? Seriously, my sci fi imagination speculation as to the actual implementation of any hybridizing program would be that it would be carried out in a way that we would be manipulated cognitively so as to be incapable of being fully aware of it's happening.
  16. My guess is that everyone of us on this planet are living in a false reality self-awareness or innocently or maybe even manipulated unawareness state. That if it is true, and revealed to all of us that there really is a far superior technologically advanced race of beings who are interacting with our planet and us and have been for hundreds if not thousands of years "for their own interests", our entire collective consciousness concept of everything will be instantly crushed in a terrifying way. Human kind will no longer be in charge of itself. We will no longer have "free will" to choose our path. Sorry for the depressing take. It's been postulated that an ET disclosure and acceptance scenario could initiate an instantaneous jump to a new evolutionary species through hybridization. Such as Neanderthals giving way to Homo Sapiens.
  17. Reagan was originally due to be released in 2021 but was then delayed to an unspecified date.[35][37][38] In March 2024, it was announced ShowBiz Direct would theatrically distribute the film on August 30, 2024.[39] Facebook temporarily restricted the film from advertising on its platform, alleging that the ads were efforts to influence the 2024 United States elections.[40][41] Audiences skewed older, white, and Southern. 78% of moviegoers were white, 63% were at least 55 years old, and the theater with the highest grosses for the film on opening weekend was located in Edmund, Oklahoma.dmond, Oklahoma.[43] Critical response [edit] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 17% of 63 critics' reviews are positive, with an average rating of 4/10. The website's consensus reads: "While Reagan the movie undoubtedly admires Reagan the man, its cloying and glossy rendering of history flattens the 40th U.S. President into caricature." Metacritic, which uses a weighted average, assigned the film a score of 22 out of 100, based on 20 critics, indicating "generally unfavorable" reviews.
  18. For one to accept that elements of our own government eliminated JFK... they would have to believe that one or more of the usual suspects mentioned were truly willing to go so far as to violently remove a sitting president. Everybody including LBJ, top military Generals and Admirals, black budget agency heads, Hoover, corporate icons, wealthiest families, ... etc. etc. That is a paradigm belief crossing too scary to accept for the vast majority of Americans. Because if they do ... it would mean that the true reality of our nation since 1963 is that it was taken over by non-elected forces and the idea that we have had a constitutionally based democracy government since then has been a mirage. A reality such as that is simply too hard to accept. It would have a psychological impact as devastating as one would imagine if our society was told the Alien ET presence is real. The huge majority of American society citizens just could not ( and still cannot ) go there. Do you believe LBJ was capable of crossing the line like that? Dulles? Hoover? Generals and Admirals? The 1962 published book and 1964 produced film "7 Days In May" suggested that a reality like that was more a possibility than the average American wanted to believe. JFK himself ( who wanted the film to be made and nationally distributed ) believed such a scenario was possible! Seven Days in May is a 1964 American political thriller film about a military-political cabal's planned takeover of the United States government in reaction to the president's negotiation of a disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union. The film, starring Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Fredric March, and Ava Gardner, was directed by John Frankenheimer from a screenplay written by Rod Serling and based on the novel of the same name by Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II, published in September 1962.[2]
  19. Mercer was a bright and responsible young woman. You suggest that in just 1, 2 or 3 days after 11,22,1963 ( when she sat for an affidavit for the FBI ) Mercer came up with her pieced together and misremembered recollection of what she saw out of some immature mental or character flaw on her part? And that she'd risk presenting a made up, pieced together or scattered time-line story like that to the FBI? I guarantee you young and intelligent Ms. Mercer knew what an incredibly important event this was. More important than anything she could ever have imagined. Lots of quite detailed points and observations in her affidavit. Plaid shirt wearing younger man with a wool beanie type cap. Pulls out of a back of the truck tool box what looked to her like a gun case? Then oddly carries this off up the grassy knoll bank? She even remembered the end of the case catching on the grass as this young man carried it away. Mercer just pieced this all together? Made it up as she went along? There was no other accounts reported like hers when she told it. Nothing for her to borrow from in making it up. Please, cite some reputable source that ever found Ms Mercer to be of non-credible character? We know she later married a congressman ... state or federal not sure. Sometimes one has to believe in the credibility of at least a few of the important conspiracy suggesting witnesses in the JFKA case more so than not. They can't be 100% dismissed. Sylvia Odio is another witness who's recollections I believe were true and accurate. With her on scene eye witness sister Anna backing her up.
  20. What an astounding essay by Truman. Same grave concerns JFK had about the CIA and it's overreach of it's intended functions and powers. How have I never seen this Truman warning piece before?
  21. Interesting. One cold and damp air evening several years ago I arrived home about 11:PM from a pet sitting job at a pet friendly hotel in Carmel, California. We live in a forested area of town. Pine trees and oak trees all around. Property lots quite spacious. 1/3 of an acre maybe? Not many street lamps. No sidewalks. The only light was from homes set back from the street. Just as I stepped out of my car...I was scarily shocked by a very loud explosion just 25 feet from me in the middle of the street between our home and the one across the street. The occupants of this rather run down home were a mix of rather edgy people. Bikers, criminal record types ... some sleeping in the garage. I had seen and heard "cherry bombs" go off back when I was a teenager. I guessed that the explosion in the street was one of these. Tossed there to shock me by one of these edgy type neighbor fellows who probably got a kick out of doing so. After I got more over the shock I got angry. I called the police. They came and after hearing my story, walked over to the front door of the biker/meth house. A middle aged woman answered. I couldn't hear their conversation. The police gave her a warning after not being clearly able to determine for sure if one of her garage tenets had tossed the device. Days later I noticed most of the tenets moving out. The reason I share this story however was to highlight a physical aspect of the cherry bomb explosion. It occurred directly between me and the lighted windows of the biker house. I got a very clear view of the smoke this device created upon exploding. There was a lot! This smoke cloud hung solidly in it's place for a few seconds...and then slowly wafted away with the soft breeze present. Mentioning the possibility of a "diversionary" explosive device going off at the tree and fence line on top of the grassy knoll might explain the very visible "smoke" cloud the railroad workers all reported seeing. Rifles generally do not create that much smoke upon firing. A cherry bomb device would. Interesting diversionary action contemplation.
  22. I always keep in mind Julia Ann Mercer's account of being stuck behind a green utility truck ( air conditioning ) that had apparently stalled and pulled over right below the over-pass end of the grassy knoll on Elm Street as she was driving through Dealey Plaza on her sales job. This was just an hour or two before the JFK motorcade came through. Her actual signed ( Sheriff's Department ? ) affidavit below: Right after the assassination, Julia Ann Mercer gave a statement to the FBI: She was directly behind this truck. She was disturbed upon seeing a younger, thin build man ( with "plaid shirt" and wool pullover head cap ) get out of the truck and walk to the back of the truck and pull out from a tool box what appeared to her to be a gun ( rifle ) carrying case (or bag?) and then walking this up the grassy knoll and not seeing this young man return by the time she was able to get passed the truck. Seeing this odd gun removal and illogical walking away with it action ( which upon reflection she found disturbing enough to share with someone else " the Secret Service wasn't very secret.") not long after as she stopped at a diner down the road and which resulted in her being over-heard by someone who called the authorities who came and took her in for questioning. Mercer has never been seriously found to be a witness of questionable character. Her post JFKA bio is quite interesting and of good social standing. Common sense forces one to consider what Mercer saw and shared to the FBI that day ( or the next two days ) as very possibly connected on at least two key points to several other eye-witness testimonies regards what they saw in the same area next to and above the grassy knoll just before and after the shooting. Bowers saw a younger thinner man next to the picket fence who was wearing a "plaid shirt." Ed Hoffman said he saw two men passing a broken-down gun ( rifle ) in the same area just seconds after the shooting, etc. Let us assume Mercer's recounting of her observation of the younger man taking a gun case out of the back of the stalled green truck and illogically walking away with it to an area oddly away from it ( and that made no sense regards the urgent task at hand to get the stalled truck on it's way ) is true. Just all an unrelated coincidence? Grassy knoll rifle movement, plaid shirt, a man sitting behind the steering wheel of the stalled truck who Mercer picked out of photo's the FBI presented to Mercer as Jack Ruby? The FBI took Mercer and her story seriously enough to call her in for questioning and to have her sign an affidavit. And affidavit that was signed by a notary which Mercer told Jim Garrison "was not present" when she gave it? And signed with a signature that was not hers? Please.
  23. The recently released REAGAN film has a Rotten Tomato rating of....drum roll ... 18%! A complete bomb! Some showings have NO paid audience! It will have a ridiculously short distribution run. Who in the heck green lighted and financed this easy to see from conception money loser? Hardly any American under the age of 60 ( the majority of movie goers ) would want to see a shmaltzy film of an overly hyped-up and promoted ( by the right wing ) guy who's ancient history to them. I'm certain some films are green lighted, financed, produced and distributed to A list theater venues and promoted in the media for reasons other than making money. They are more propaganda films pushing a narrative. By whom...come on...take a guess. Tom Hank's "Parkland" was the poster child for this kind of weird alternate agenda film creation thing. One of the biggest money losing films in American history. Check MOJO records. The film was pulled from theaters after a week or two. Most showings sold not one ticket! I went to a local showing. I forced my wife to go with me but she couldn't take more than 20 to 30 minutes of it. She left at that point. One other fellow was in the audience. A huge pot-bellied sweat stained T-shirt wearing fellow who had a big black beard and very hairy arms, neck, belly. He appeared drunk! He fell asleep the first 10 minutes and his snoring was so loud...you couldn't hear the film dialogue. This film was pulled from this theater the very next day. Hanks only made this film with an obvious agenda of promoting the Warren Commission "Lone Nut" finding over the conspiracy one. IMO anyways. It was released on the 50th anniversary of the JFKA. Something to blunt the highly increased media attention on the conspiracy talk and belief that the majority of Americans still held all that time.
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