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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Regards a " JFK Snowden"; My guess is that most of the important documents have been shredded by now. Is there anything left to expose?
  2. I don't think Albert Thomas knew of actual JFK murder plot plans. However, it wouldn't surprise me that he may have heard whispered things previous and not been surprised when it happened. We all know now that Texas politicians ( and almost all levels ) at this time were just about the most corrupt in general than any others. LBJ was their captain. Massive military contracts and oil industry interests were the main priorities of these crooked pols. Thomas got NASA headquartered in Houston. How many billions did that bring into Texas coffers? And I believe Barr McClellan when he says that Ed Clark ran the state of Texas at that time. I've said many times, that most American people are extremely oblivious to the actual level of corruption that has been such a part of our government workings on every level ( especially federal ) throughout the 20th century and even today. In fact, corruption is one of the top three legacies of our society in the last 100 years. LBJ was so corrupt he was like a Mafia Don. Nixon was corrupt also on a high level but forces more powerful than he made sure one of his illegal deeds got exposed so that he was the first president to be caught and kicked out of office for this. But LBJ's "true level" of involvement in corruption has been simply kept out of the main stream media, enough so that this sinister reality and it's actual effect on our history has not been faced.
  3. That infamous Albert Thomas "wink" photo seconds after LBJ'S swearing in on Air Force One is still as disturbing and disgusting and sickening and suspicious to me now as the first time I saw this. How anyone in that monumentally serious, somber and tragic loss room and within feet of the blood covered Jackie Kennedy ( whose face and body are exhibiting trauma and grief so deep that even today it's hard to see this without feeling this yourself ) could crack that congratulatory happy "atta boy" smile and wink at Lyndon Johnson is way beyond the realm of normal. That picture says a thousand words ( maybe not quite a thousand ) about LBJ and his crooked cronies...in my opinion.
  4. These summaries by James DiEugenio are incredibly enlightening. One good thing that has came out of the decades of JFK event investigations are the many, many discoveries of so many other dark secrets and caverns of unwarranted power and influence regards those who have more influence in our government than our own elected representatives. How much of this democracy threatening reality, that Eisenhower warned us about in his MIC farewell address, would have stayed hidden, were it not for the work of JFK researchers? I am sure we would have had others not in the JFK research realm inform us of "some" of these dark power secrets ( as we have ) but we have learned so much more due to the JFK research community.
  5. Jim DiEugenio. I have been reading more and more of your essays. I am learning more from them than any other single writer's work. A comment on Walter Cronkite. His lifetime acceptance of the WC Lone Gunman conclusion and his dismissive even condescending tone regards anyone who didn't always struck me as suspiciously weird. One would think that after having LBJ himself tell Cronkite one-on-one, face to face that - " I've never been completely relieved of the fact that there might have been international connections" regards the JFK murder that this incredible statement by LBJ ( versus the WC lone gunman finding ) would have blown Cronkite and his acceptance of the WC finding away. How could Cronkite hear this from LBJ and not re-think his blind acceptance of the WC and their finding? I would love for some highly experienced body language experts to watch that LBJ/ Cronkite interview video and hear what they have to say about LBJ's body language and facial expressions during it. I have hardly ever seen anyone act so nervous and shifting and closing their eyes and refusing to make direct eye contact and hesitating and halted speech than LBJ in that interview. I am no expert and yet I think I see someone who is so troubled by what they are saying they look and act like they need a sedative. But, it doesn't make sense that after that interview and personally hearing LBJ say those remarkable doubts about the WC finding that Walter Cronkite could not doubt this himself. Cronkite actually said in one interview that one cannot accept that there was a conspiracy in the JFK affair because it was just too "Machiavellian." WHAT ???
  6. Correction to my previous post. The Florida Supreme Court decision to continue the vote count in 2000 was decided on a 4 to 3 margin.
  7. Douglas, I listened to last night's show also. That 5% figure is something isn't it? Yes, her phone line cut off several times ( without her doing anything on her end like accidentally pressing a button or dropping her phone ) which doesn't happen very often on C2C. When Ms. Harris was asked by George Noory if she thought the Florida vote count in 2000 was rigged and should have gone for Gore, she agreed that it was and that a large number of those 50,000 voters who were disallowed were later found to be eligible. Together with the U.S. Supreme Court ( by that typical Republican favoring 5 to 4 vote count ) shutting down the Florida vote count ( unprecendented ) despite a "unanimous" Florida state Supreme Court ruling to continue it, Gore didn't have a chance She mentioned the vote count fraud in Ohio in 2004 also. 8 years of George W. Bush ... and it was all possible by fraud. What a sad state of our democracy Yes, there was vote rigging in 1960 in Chicago and West Virginia too.
  8. To me, G.H.W. Bush's nationally reported and recorded claim that he didn't remember ( and still doesn't ? ) where he was when he heard of JFK's murder was an outrageously brazen display of dismissive arrogance. I always wondered if Bush truly realized how much that statement made tens of millions of American citizens who were alive on 11,22,1963 ( and over the age of say 10? ) instantly feel a twinge of uneasiness about his honesty. I have personally never met anyone who was a teenager or older in America on 11,22,1963 that didn't remember where they were that day unless perhaps they were under anesthesia or mentally handicapped or very isolated ( camping, hunting, logging , etc ) from any TV, radio or newspaper reports. This ridiculously illogical statement of Bush's ( "can't remember where I was on 11,22,1963" ) was actually insulting of millions of honest American's own memory intelligence and appropriately one of his most enduring top three negative historical association ones ... right up there with "Read My Lips." Yet, he and the main stream historical community just seem to laugh it all off. Ha, let the peons worry about my ridiculous absent minded explanation. Nothing will come of it. And nothing really has, except that lingering twinge of doubt and suspicion. But, even that concern is dying off as we of the JFK generation pass on. I also remember another Bush act of arrogance. When he was debating Clinton and Ross Perot, the camera caught him pulling up his coat sleeve to look at his watch with an expression of bothered "can't these people hurry this up" annoyance. I guess that is the attitude one acquires after three generations of elitist affluence and power.
  9. Regards this fascinating Bush/Zapata essay; incredibly revealing of how things really work in this corporate country of ours.
  10. I have not yet read the book, Joe Bauer, but I'm sure many of us are impressed about Clint taking care of Jackie Kennedy. But when Hill was asked where the shots had come from, he said from high up and back. That stops me cold. He was right there when Jackie's limo came to a halt by the grassy knoll and the shots came from behind? Kathy Kathy, my point was not whether Hill had or had not been very protective of Jackie Kennedy, but rather pondering whether he may have personally fallen in love with her. Clint Hill was only 28 to 32 years old and Jackie Kennedy 32 to 36 years old during their 4 year long protection assignment relationship. When a man of that young and vigorous age spends more time ( very close one-on-one and familial touching time such as major family holidays and outings and world class travel trips ) with another beautiful woman and her young family ( with the husband and children's real father absent ) than his own wife and family for years, then it is not illogical to assume this said person might develop stronger personal emotional bonds than normal with his security charge family because of this situation. On another point, I have heard Hill say in televised interviews more than once that JFK was very well liked by all his SS detail. I have also read statements reportedly made by other members of this protection group that many of them were disgusted by JFK's extra-marital sexual behavior while traveling or even in the White House. And of course we have Abraham Boldin's statements regarding the actual hatred of JFK by members of this group because of his sympathetic personal views on race and in particular blacks. So, who is telling the truth here? Hill when he says that JFK was liked by the entire SS detail? Boldin who relates that many in this group deeply hated JFK? Those other SS personnel who reportedly expressed personal disgust towards JFK and his sexcapades? In two televised interviews I also listened to Hill spend more time than asked in addressing the issue presented to him regarding no one checking open windows on JFK's motorcade route through Dallas on 11,22,1963. Hill was obviously touchy about this security lapse charge and somewhat downplayed it by saying that they had had several similar motorcade assignments and they just didn't have the manpower to check all the windows on these motorcades so they just didn't...or that they didn't have any reports to do so ??? No mention whether any other security teams may have had a high rise open window checking assignment. I am one who considers that security lapse more important and appalling than Hill does. We had 5 or 6 Dealey Plaza bystanders on 11,22,1963 who came forward to report seeing a man ( or men ) with a rifle or rifles in the open windows of the Texas School Book Depository minutes before JFK's motorcade arrived there. There may have been more but who knows how many bystanders that day stayed quiet out of reluctance in dealing with the authorities or press. Now, that's quite a few sidewalk bystanders to see something so threatening. Especially so, considering the crowds had thinned by then and these 5 or 6 witnesses to this TSBD open window rifle display were were not trained or ordered or paid or even inclined to look for such things. But just by casual looking around ( without binoculars ) and the closeness of the TSBD above them, it wasn't difficult for them to see this ??? It's always been disturbingly amazing to me that along the JFK motorcade route when it went underneath the downtown Dallas high rises, that there weren't any trained security personnel to do even a cursory scan of those open windows. If 5 or 6 untrained,un-ordered and un-inclined regular bystanders with no binoculars can see all they reported in the 6th floor windows of the TSBD building from as early as 10 minutes before JFK's limo arrived there, think what one trained and observant security professional could have seen. I just wished that Hill could for once be confronted with "real" questions about so many issues like this that we have all wondered about regarding JFK in Dallas and his SS protection there. I wish that he could be asked how much he knew about presidential motorcade rules and regulations like those the late Fletcher Prouty informed us of ( and were violated ) such as no turns at high degree angles which could cause slow downs and the use of other ground security to check for things like open windows and suspicious characters in odd places. Two men standing in the tree limb obstructed and shaded area ( and standing in mud ) behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll would be such an obvious odd place like this to observe such a motorcade. I would ask Mr. Hill if he knew what drastic measures the Miami police and his own group took regards JFK's motorcade trip there just weeks earlier? They cancelled that motorcade and instead flew JFK by helicopter to the stadium where he spoke there. Or if he was aware of why the JFK Miami motorcade was cancelled with one reason being that the Miami PD had secretly taped a seriously connected JFK threat ( Joseph Milteer ) predicting that JFK would be shot from a high rise and a patsy arrested soon after, ( "It's in the workings" ) and that this covert meeting and taping took place in Miami just a relatively short time before JFK's arrival there? Or how about the Chicago incident? JFK's trip there was changed also! If both of those JFK threat events that really happened and caused major JFK protection plans just weeks before Dallas wouldn't make you super conscious of high rise open windows in another major city clearly known as one of the most JFK hating ones in the country, and at least while JFK was moving directly underneath these...what would? I know that many are so taken by the Clint Hill story that they would consider my doubts and less than hero worship feelings about him as repulsively offensive. Sorry, but I just see too many questionable things in Hill's statements. And he has never allowed himself to be engaged with serious questions about 11,22,1963 in person. His appearances have all been tightly controlled and managed. Those are truth hiding red flags to me.
  11. Just to veer this thread back to JFK somewhat, I wonder what he would think of Trump and Hillary? I also wonder if Trumps mentioning a possible link between Raphael Cruz Sr. and Lee Harvey Oswald (both born in 1939 ) means he personally believes the JFK killing was a conspiracy, or does he just throw anything he can find out there ( with no personal convictions or beliefs about these ) to defeat his competition? Whether Raphael Cruz Sr, did or did not know or know of Lee Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1963, one thing is for sure. He ( Cruz Sr. ) perfectly fit the extreme political background (with typically obfuscated personal activity and movement history) cast of crazy characters bill that occupied New Orleans at that time. "It was like a circus" Jack Martin said to Jim Garrison when asked what he personally witnessed inside of Guy Bannister's offices. For the seriousness release fun of it, I have imagined going back in time to New Orleans in the long hot summer of 1963 and observing all of these eccentric characters doing their crazy things. Guy Bannister running groups of hot headed army surplus outfitted Cubans and Rambo minded mercenaries around in the Bayous yelling and shooting with hairless David Ferrie leading the charge. Setting up hokey potential commie catching traps with infiltrators on college campuses or downtown or in front Clay Shaw's Trade Mart. Ferrie and Shaw looking for young dis-functional boys/men to befriend and counsel. Shloshed, sweaty under-armed Dean Andrews doing the samba in a dumpy ( but cheap ) French Quarter dive with a drink in one hand and a small umbrella in the other. I would have loved to heard first person his practiced "Cool Daddy-O" Beatnik/Bourbon Street hybrid lingo. Really got him going in this with exaggerated ego building praise ... DEANO...YOU'RE THE MAN! And ...ANOTHER ROUND ON ME ...AND BRING MY FRIEND SOME MORE JAMBLAYA! And I could maybe run into Judy Vary when her and LHO were together? I would have seen Carlos Bringuier taking swings at LHO in that busy downtown brawl. Who knows who else I might have run into. Marcello himself? Maybe Jack Ruby coming into town to talk Jada into performing at his higher class venue in Dallas? I would truly loved to have sat with Big Jim Garrison for lunch at Katz-N-Jammers. Same thing with Jack Martin. Carnival character NO was so eccentric back then it was surreal. Definitely worthy of a Rod Serling script. And Raphael Cruz Sr. ( who sounds BS loony even today! ) would have fit right in.
  12. That YouTube Video you link us to Douglas...Dear God!
  13. I noticed on the Wiki Page for Raphael Cruz SR. that it mentions him moving to New Orleans, but they conspicuously leave out any "specific time frame date" and say only "in the early 60's." The dates that Cruz moved to N.O. and lived there are important to validate whether he was actually living in New Orleans during the time Oswald was there and demonstrating. And we now know that Cruz Sr. was indeed there at that time. And it's also common knowledge that during this time New Orleans was a hub for some of the most militant anti-Castro Cubans who's obsession was to seek vengeance against Castro for running them all out of their homeland. This N.O. area anti-Castro activity included military training. I cannot believe that Cruz Sr. ( who at that time was so involved in the anti-Castro movement he traveled and lectured on the Cuban situation ) did not know the key players of that movement in N.O. including Carlos Bringuier whose clothing store was the headquarters for this group and that Cruz Sr. did not know of Oswald, at least starting with the day Oswald and Bringuier got into that tussell downtown while Oswald was passing put pro-Castro leaflets and that was reported and actually filmed and broadcast on N.O. TV and radio. What serious anti-Castro Cuban living in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 wasn't aware of Oswald after his broad daylight downtown leaflet activities were reported? Common sense tells you that those N.O. Cubans communicated among themselves and what would enrage them more than hearing of some non-Cuban was passing out pro-Castro leaflets right in their midst? The Anti-Castro group head Bringuier was "reportedly" so enraged he confronted Oswald with cursing and even started fighting with him. Cruz Sr. was in New Orleans during this news reported heated Oswald/ Bringuier confrontation and being so passionate and even active in the Anti-Castro movement with his speeches against Castro to outside groups, certainly knows much more about those doings and Oswald than he has or ever will acknowledge. He had to know. Even people who didn't have any concern about Castro or Oswald saw this report on their TV news station and maybe even their local paper. Regarding the National Enquirer story of Cruz Sr. being photographed with Oswald; I don't dismiss this suggestion out-of-hand. Those pictures they published do look a lot like Cruz Sr. Cruz Sr. was there in New Orleans at that time. He was active in the anti-Castro movement. The National Enquirer cites the conclusion of two so called photo or facial recognition "experts" who state it is probable that those pictures do show Cruz Sr. They cite the credential of those experts and at least one ( the lady from U.C.L.A.? ) seems pretty legitimate. The man identified as Cruz looks definitely Cuban ( white Cuban with Euro ancestry. ) And as far as the credibility of the National Enquirer and the expose articles they have published over the last 4 decades, my take on them and these articles are that they are more revealing of the truth than not. In fact, even several of our so-called " more credible" main stream media entities have grudgingly admitted that the National Enquirer has scooped them many times. These medias gave weak excuses for this scoop disparity such as stating they just didn't commit the needed resources to do the ground investigative work the N.E. was doing to get to the truth behind these stories. I have seen so many exclusive N.E. stories in the last 30+ years ( not reported in the main stream media until after these came out ) that were found to be factual and that changed the most famous celebrity's lives and careers and even the course of national elections and murder and other criminal trials. Just a handful but there are dozens more: Gary Hart & Donna Rice. John Edwards and Reille Hunter and their love child. O.J. Simpson and his Bruno Magli Shoes. Micheal Jackson and his trial and pay offs to the families of his supposed victims. Tiger Woods and marital troubles and harem of kept women. Jesse Jackson and his love child. Mel Gibson. Rush Limbaugh's addiction to pain killers. Yes, they have been caught publishing false stories and forced to retract, admit and apologize and even make restitution. Carol Burnett Cameron Diaz. The Family of Elizabeth Smart, etc. But, the numbers of these are quite low considering how many exposes they cover and report. Here is another person's comment ( not mine ) that one could argue is more logical in determining who to trust in our national media versus who not to trust. It brings to mind Judyth Miller of the New York Times. "Despite its reputation as a smear rag, the Enquirer turns out to be more often right about celebrity scandals than the vast majority of the Operation Mockingbird-infiltrated American media. It is a mark of how far American journalism is falling that the National Enquirer is now more trustworthy than CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and the rest of the CIA's Hegelian-dialectic, divide-and-conquer cable news media empires."
  14. Douglas Caddy, What a strange and credibility questioning action on the part of JVB. Who better to have at a conference with Billy Sol Estes as a main topic than the person who legally represented him at a most crucial and important time in the LBJ/Mac Wallace/Estes revelation story? I have always given JVB's story more respect than those who feel she is nothing more than an off-balance nut case seeking fame and fortune through exaggerated claims of her New Orleans relationship with Oswald and Ferry, etc. I gave more weight to the "facts" of her being employed at the same work location in New Orleans and on the same day as Oswald along with many other parts of her New Orleans /Oswald/Ferry story that to me could not be easily dismissed as totally untrue or created only from the investigative literary work of others that was published years before she came on the scene. Her early life auto-biography matched known records and has been verified by others close to her in her youth and teen years. And I believe she was as naive and innocent as she claimed by the time she reached New Orleans as a very young woman. The opposite of hard youth life Marina Oswald. I could easily see Lee Harvey Oswald being attracted to a young and less hard woman who thought he was something special versus Marina's almost disdainful feeling and attitude towards him and even having an intimate affair with person like JVB. This seemingly illogical cancellation of your invitation e-mail from JVB to you Mr. Caddy is something that can't help but give one pause in the JVB credibility area. Heck, if you were the "only" speaker here near the San Francisco Bay Area regarding your first person interaction history with many of the most important persons involved with the JFK and Watergate events, I would gladly pay to see and hear you alone. JVB's loss here.
  15. Larry, just read your essay. So informative. It reminds me again that the main group of contributors on this site are esteemed researchers and I am not. I feel embarrassed re-reading my few simple minded postings and seeing that they would be more appropriate on a "beginners" JFK website versus this much more " advanced" research one. However, I will continue to read the incredibly informed postings here and deeply appreciate the lifetime efforts you all have contributed in this heroic search for the JFK assassination truth. As well as the RFK and MLK assassination truths.
  16. Yes, fascinating. Who was in charge of RFK's personal body guard security in the Ambassador at that time? It seems a given that someone of RFK's stature and just winning the Calif. primary, which everyone knew made him "the Democratic candidate" in the next election, would mandate much more serious physical protection than allowing an uneducated, racist, Nazi admiring rent-a-security guard George Zimmerman type cop wannabe who couldn't pass the basic psychological and educational requirements to be one, to be RFK's personal body to body escort. Assigning Thane Cesar ( who hated RFK and was armed no less ) to this position seems like a security lapse so negligent it shouts suspicion. There is an audio tape ( On You Tube ) of the Ambassador Hotel's night manager calling the L.A.P.D to first report a shooting at their hotel that night, right after RFK was gunned down. She tells the police dispatcher that RFK is at the hotel and this police dispatcher immediately interjects a derisive toned "Big Deal" in response to the lady manager's mention of RFK. This dispatcher's dislike of RFK was so strong and personal, he couldn't help but interjecting it, even though doing so was highly unprofessional in response to an emergency shooting call. His hateful words towards RFK couldn't help but make you think that many in the L.A. P.D. felt the same way about RFK and reminded you of the same ultra right wing Kennedy hating mind set of many Dallas PD personnel in 1963.
  17. I have always wondered if Clint Hill had fallen in love with Jackie Kennedy while he was assigned to guard her. After reading what I could about his life and feelings as related in his book and in his many interviews...I felt instinctively that there was something deeper going on in his heart about the most beautiful first lady that ever graced the White House...and that he will never ever reveal to anyone. I have seen at least one home movie type video showing Hill with Jackie that gave me a feeling that their relationship was far from impersonal. In this one scene, Jackie and her two your children are walking with Hill on a small two lane road or driveway in what looks like a Seaside rural area. Perhaps at the ocean in Mass? They ( Jackie, the kids and even Hill ) are all dressed in very casual beach type clothing...and Hill is actually holding up and swinging John John in a playful way as they walk as Jackie is looking at them both with a relaxed, approving and trusting smile. If you didn't know who these people were you would swear they were a family ( a happy and content one ) and Hill fit the loving playful father image to a tee. John John looks young enough that this may have been before 11,22,1963. If so, JFK was obviously far away on business. I wondered how much of Hill's job time was interacting so closely with Jackie like this. Now, I am going to speculate a little here. Clint Hill is in his younger middle age prime when he starts protecting Jackie Kennedy. He obviously is as attracted to beautiful women as any other healthy man his age. He sees just over 30 years old world class attractive Jackie so much and is so physically close to her as well, he could literally smell her perfume. I know that if it was me with that job, I couldn't help but be battling my attraction to this women. And when a man has a job of protecting such a person, often even a possessiveness can take hold. That may not be a scientifically proven fact...but I believe it can be the case if the protected one is incredibly, even seductively beautiful as Jackie Kennedy obviously was. You do remember the film "The Body Guard" with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston? I know...that's not a great comparative analogy, but the film's story line did follow the same emotional connection and bond I just described and which is somewhat commonly related to historically. Didn't Patricia Hearst and her bodyguard fall in love as well? I can think of several other similar situations with famous people. I also understand that Clint Hill's own marriage wasn't a healthy or happy one. That would make him even more prone or even susceptible to falling for someone of Jackie Kennedy's beauty and classy but soft feminine ways and speaking. When Hill supposedly and reportedly fell apart and began drinking heavy years after the JFK ass. I sense that this had more to do with him losing his connection to Jackie Kennedy than failing in keeping JFK from having his head blown apart right in front of him. Now, without being the revered researchers like our main posters here, I must ask, didn't Hill and Jackie finally get intimate after JFK was taken out? If they did, that would cement in my mind the belief that Hill was deeply in love with Jackie from the get go. I bring up this possible emotional feeling scenario regards Hill toward Jackie to also propose that I don't think Hill cared that much about JFK's brutal death. I also feel that contrary to Hill's often repeated statement that the Secret Service all liked JFK very much is a non-truth. I believe that many hated JFK for his stand on race ( The Abraham Boldin affair highlighted this ) and many felt complete disgust for him regards his incredible sexcapades, sometimes with hookers and some felt extreme jealousy towards him as Jackie Kennedy's husband ...in particular Clint Hill. I believe these negative feelings ( some deeply hateful ) towards JFK's by his own private guards in the least may have caused them to be more lax than they should have in his protection in Dallas. If I was assigned to guard JFK in a city known for it's extreme JFK hatred...I would have raided a fuss about going against driving protocol in so many ways it was outrageous...and I would have demanded that every open window above JFK be watched continuously while he was driving underneath. I have not read Vince Palamara's books except excerpts but I have listened to his interviews on line. It seems to me that this is a take on Hill that he doesn't go into at all. So without good research evidence I can only present my take as curious speculation, but I do feel this area of Hill's part in this historical period would take on a different meaning with this understanding of his true emotional connection towards Jackie Kennedy and JFK. Your thoughts?
  18. Thinking more broadly, there are many things that were "done" by agencies that - in retrospect - would reflect poorly on government today. This is one reason (imho) that official JFK stories have not changed, nor are any politicians interested in dredging-up the truth and laying it out in modern times. One knowledgeable person who had worked the HSCA once told me - when asked about why the truth wasn't revealed after so many years - >>> "why do you think that (JFK's murder) was the worst thing they'd done?" <<< Dear God ... what could be worse than the bloody head exploding slaughter of a sitting president in broad daylight just feet away from hundreds of innocent citizens and inches from his wife's face? While the perpetrators are clearer today (for me anyway), I'd venture that today's CIA and other intelligence agencies are vastly different than they were 50 years ago. Vastly different? In some ways perhaps however, I think the same main great worry among citizens who care about the health of our society and constitutional form of government has not changed. And that is the real and rational fear that these secret, massive budge, limited oversight agencies ( and the unknown people and groups who control them ) have acquired more real power and influence than our elected officials. That the ominous message conveyed in Eisenhower's MIC warning farewell speech has possibly become our new reality. I also have no doubt there are many earnest (and honest) folks who devote their careers to those agencies; I worked in government for 17 years, and can attest to such. However, one thing that I vividly learned is that the very strongest instinct within an agency is its continuance ... and anything that threatens its existence (funding by Congress, public reputation as civil servants, mission etc.) is defended in strong terms. Federal agencies deeply believe in themselves, and their mission, and will fight to no ends to continue to exist. Again, your take forces one to ask the logical and ominous question of how far these agencies would go to defend their existence? And when JFK said he was going to scatter one of them to the winds ... what would they honestly do in response to this threat? I find that telling friends, family, co-workers and others the true JFK "story" is met with mixed results. Some are fascinated, some are uninterested, and some cannot countenance this would happen. Its difficult to keep their focus and attention for too long. I too teach, and students have less patience today for books, research and deeper inquiry. They like their news in snippets and their stories in one simple summary paragraph. When you lay some enigmas and sub-plots out clearly (pictures help, like umbrella man or Tippit's murder scene) they are fascinated, but its like driving by an accident on the highway... a brief fascination and then quickly move on. Young people not caring about the JFK event is natural. But I always felt sad that with each ten years passing, this detachment was greater and greater. I couldn't keep my kids ( now adults) interest in this story if I paid them. Well ,maybe if I could pay off their crushing student loans. I was 12 on 11,22,1963 and to me it was truly "The Day The Earth Stood Still." Starting the afternoon of 11,22,1963 I watched TV every minute for 4 straight days except when the late-at-night black and white TV light about made me blind with eye strain and leep deprived exhaustion. Of course none of saw the Zapruder film at that time which would have shocked and traumatized us even more, but seeing Mafia connected, strip joint owning Jack Ruby whack Lee Harvey Oswald on "live" national TV inside a major city police department building crawling with over 70 armed and highest alert in their lifetimes security personnel was so powerfully effecting, those of us who witnessed this can't help but feel this the rest of our lives. And it was so illogical that you also were rationally forced to be very suspicious about the whole JFK affair also for the rest of your life.
  19. This statement by Marina is thoughtfully reflective and relevant. Marina Oswald has always been extremely interesting. Her place in this incredible historical drama. Her entire life from Russia and marriage to Oswald to now. Her words and commentaries throughout the decades. Even her early contradictory testimony which changed over the years. And so many from 1963 on were smitten by her natural beauty. Norman Mailer in a nationally televised book interview promoting his book on Oswald said after meeting and interviewing Marina Oswald ... She's very intelligent and " the truth is very important to her." He also said about Marina "She has extraordinary blue eyes, absolutely beautiful, they look like diamonds."
  20. Married men of great financial means having sex with other women besides their one legal spouse is so common that to me it is a non-issue. Unless you are a TV preacher/evangelist asking people to send in "donations" to help you in your moral crusade message cause. I have wondered several times in my life what it must be like to have millions of dollars and a true love for women and intimacy with them and how hard it would be to not have at least "some" extra-marital affairs. That kind of temptation would be extremely hard to avoid under those circumstances. I am sure that more than half of all married men of these common male traits would do this if they had the financial means. I am brand new to the forum. I joined out of desperation. I am no writer. I am not a person who has spent anything close to the "years" of incredibly hard work, time and even money the core group of contributing members here have in researching the JFK assassination. For those two reasons I felt I didn't deserve to join the forum and post. Until now. I am getting up there in age and I am willing to risk some embarrassment to leave my deeply, deeply heart-felt JFK murder and cover-up injustice thoughts and feelings "somewhere more meaningful" than my own head and my poor suffering wife's head as she has truly earned martyrdom granting me a one person audience ( albeit with eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth agape ) listening to my long-winded and surely boring JFK assassination obsession rants ... for the last 34 years! It is with a leap of faith that my personal passion for the JFK truth will somewhat balance my lack of research knowledge and writing skills and not lower this most prestigious JFK research and debate forum's standards when posting. Quick JFK assassination historical interest synopsis: I was 12 when a fellow student ran out on our junior high school football field and yelled "the president's been shot!" We were sent home. I watched TV every second for the next few days. I watched Jack Ruby whack Lee Harvey Oswald live on TV. It was Lee Harvey Oswald's incredible openness, lack of logical security and his killing inside the Dallas Police Department building with dozens of armed security looking on that instantly made me feel in my young gut...that the entire JFK affair was much more than one "Lone Nut" who wanted fame. I lived ( and still do ) in the same small town area that Mae Brussells and I believe Harrison Livingstone lived. Monterey, Carmel and Carmel Valley, Calif. I listened to Mae Brussell's radio broadcasts on KRML for years. Clint Eastwood lives here. In his film "Play Misty For Me, Eastwood's role is that of a radio DJ and the station he is broadcasting from is this same KRML. I have always been deeply effected, saddened and curious about the killing of JFK and the falsehood of the official explanation of this event as stated in our MSM and accepted historical record. I have read what I could regarding independent JFK research off-and-on while just living and scraping by and raising a family. I feel Jim Garrison and Mark Lane and so many other investigators, researchers and writers are heroes in this regard, including many who post here currently. You know who you are. The work you have done for this cause is just incredible and invaluable and will never get the credit it deserves in your life times. Just to mention one of many who are on my mind - Doug Caddy. I know your background from reading your many postings and watching your interviews when I can. I find it truly inspiring that someone of your first person republican political insider position back in the 60's and 70's would spend years of great time and effort on your part, trying to help everyone find the truth about not just the JFK affair but so many other important American secrets. I hope to post my own thoughts of some areas of JFK study soon enough. Mostly just tid-bits to further the discourse. My one claim to fame regards any input in the JFK discussion? An e-mail I sent to Ian Punnit ( spelling? ) of Coast To Coast AM during his interview of David Talbot about his book "Brothers" was read in it's entirety while he and Talbot were in the middle of their interview...and given a positive acknowledgement by both. The e-mail I sent to Punnit and Talbot expressed my thoughts that one thing we could all agree on regards JFK's assassination, was that America was a much more corrupt country than most of it's citizen's could ever imagine and that in fact, corruption was one of America's top 3 legacies of the 20th century. Corruption in every area and level of government, corporate and organized crime importance. An as Robert Kennedy said in his book "The Enemy Within" it was this corruption that was eating away at the core of America's societal soul. And I believe it was this same great corruption that took out Robert Kennedy in 1968. One of my favorite Dealey Plaza testimonies? Julia Ann Mercer.
  22. Born the same year the film "The Day The Earth Stood Still" was released. Youngest of 7 poverty stricken sons. No sisters - they wouldn't have survived. No education past high school. Functionally illiterate. Witnessed Ruby shooting Oswald on live TV. To me 11/22/1963 was the day "The Earth Stood Still." Consider Mark Lane & Jim Garrison American Heroes.
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