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Chris Bristow

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Everything posted by Chris Bristow

  1. I have a different take on the force you feel in the shoulder when firing a rifle. Maybe someone with a deeper understanding of physics will have a better explanation. At the first moment the bullet is separated from the shell it is no longer in contact with the rifle and does not add to the kick in the shoulder. At that 1st moment the bullet only has the energy acquired from the powder in the shell and has not been accelerated by the expanding gas yet. I think the rifle kick is due to the expanding gasses pushing in all directions. Maybe we could define that as an equal and opposite reaction or maybe the gas expanding in all directions is one force and the equal and opposite force may be from the gasses movement, I don't know. But I think either way the rifle kick is not a measure of the bullets energy as much as the expanding gasses.
  2. I assume most believe the evidence suggests shots came from two directions.
  3. The melon testing is definitely a joke. In tests I have seen like Penn and Tellers the melon starts to fall to the ground as soon as it rolls off the platform, you can see 30% of it below the platform as soon as it rolls behind it. They usually cut to slow mo so we can see it but it also hides the fact the melon does not have a lot of backward energy. They can also shoot the melon at the bottom and that can give it a counter spin to the rear. Youtube footage of 50. cal snipers in Afghanistan show the victim go flying and in different directions. I know that is a lot more energy but they often fire from a long way and the bullet slows a lot.
  4. Yes, I can't remember who at the moment but at least 2 more of the Parkland staff said it looked like a tangential wound. Dr Grossman said in an interview at Parkland that Clark lifted up JFK's head to inspect the wound which suggests he got a very good look. Good enough to give the monumental medical opinion that the wound was "unsurvivable")(From the WC), monumental because with his very next words he called off the resuscitation. Grossman said when Clark lifted the head it only took a moment to see it was mortal. I know skeptics say they never got a good look at the wound but it is pretty clear from their testimony Clark, Grossman and Peters all looked close enough to say it was a fatal wound. Bell, Grossman and Dulany have all stated that JFK's head was turned to the side to get a good look. Each of those instances of lifting or turning the head were separate events so consider the tangential testimony by 3 different staff to be fairly qualified.
  5. I know jacketed bullets will tend to pass through and leave less energy in the head. That's usually the example used but we really don't know what kind of ammo would have been used by a second gunman. Sometimes people get shot in the head from a distance and the non jacketed or maybe hollow point stays in the head. There are examples online of x-rays showing bullets lodged in the head. if the bullet stays in the head wouldn't that mean that 100% of the energy it had at impact transferred to the Head? If some of the energy was left in the bullet it may travel out of the head and be lost yet still cause the head to move. In the case of JFK bone and debris came flying out so some amount of energy was definitely transferred to the Head. bone matter flew upwards about 15 ft at approximately 100 miles per hour. Blood and maybe 25% of the brain was splattered all over and officer Hargis said something hit him hard enough that he thought he might have been shot himself. It seems there had to be a fair amount of energy transferred to the Head. I'm wondering if the bullet being seriously fragmented doesn't mean that it spent a fair amount of energy striking the bone in JFK's head?
  6. The uncropped version of Altgens 6 shown in the top right of the map allows for an new and precise line of sight from the southwest corner of the Dal Tex building and it makes a very big difference. The standard lines of sight used to find Altgens are the lamppost to the 3rd set of TSB windows and the white pillar to the pillars on the left side of the TSB front entrance. (Shown in the insets) They never fully resolve to Altgens supposed position standing six feet into the road but they are very close. Adding the new line of sight that runs from the Dal Tex, over the curb and almost touching Mr Brehm's torso, shows Altgens was about 20 feet southwest of his assumed position. Initially that would seem impossible as the old lines of sight from the lamppost and pillars were almost perfect. But the new location does not deviate from the old lines of sight it just extends them further along the same line. That new line of sight from the Dal Tex requires the old lines be extended and the slight misalignment of the original lines is solved in the process. The Dal Tex, and curb are hard landmarks and are very accurately represented in the Donald Roberdeau map. I double checked the locations by measuring the distances in Goggle Earth and the landmarks in question are right on. If Altgens had been 6 feet in the street the Dal Tex line would have missed the curb at Brehms location by 9 feet! If you tried to run the line to Brehm from Altgens at 6 feet into the road it would have missed the Dal Tex by approx 70 feet. The difference is so great there is no way around it, Altgens was never more than a few inches off the curb if that, and a good 15 feet west. So he must have taken #6 from a position 15 ft west and 15 ft south where the lines converge on the map. (Ignore for now the black and green lines coming up from the bottom of the map). Then after taking #6 from there he walked East to his position in the Z film in about 5 seconds, easily doable. His next photo #7 still has a line of sight I can't resolve. The black line from the underpass passes through the lamppost and gives what should be a very exact line of sight when lined up correctly with the underpass, that should be easy. The black line misses Altgens so maybe he stepped into the street or walked 10 feet east for #7. He had about 3 seconds from the last time we see him in Nix to get to the black line of sight, stand still, focus and shoot. Not impossible, but in Nix he is already holding his camera up and pointing to the limo What does not make sense is the simultaneous alignments of the limo to the lane marker under the right rear tire and the lamppost with the spare tire compartment. The black line of sight isn't close enough to the first marker to put the rear tire on the lane marker, after that the limo has moved well into the left lane far past the 2nd lane marker. To correct this Algtens would have to be standing on the green line of sight. Then the limo would line up well with the 2nd lane marker. But the green line requires Altgens to have stepped back several feet. Secondly the green line of sight through the lamppost does not line up correctly with the underpass. It is off by 3 feet. Three feet seems like a bit more than I would expect for easily measurable landmarks. I would guess the #7 problem will have an answer as it is not that complicated. But with Altgens #6 I think it is definitive that he did not walk that 6 feet into the street. EDIT: my modification of the buttresses on the TSB was incorrect. The image of the buttresses on the map also include the 6 in on either side between the window and the buttress. There seems to be some very slight inaccuracies in the dimensions of the front of the TSB. To get an accurate measurement I went to the Southeast corner of the TSB and measured from there. The positions of hard landmarks like the corners of the buildings are extremely accurate on the map. Measuring from the corner of the TSB keeps the line of sight in the same place as the map below.
  7. Even if the less sensational accounts are true it would be a security issues.
  8. I understand your point. Was it a rumor or one of those facts that cops often have an inside track on? Cops tend to have both. Rumors can definitely go around and at the same time they often have inside knowledge of things. I think it would be valuable for any cops called to an incident at that particular Hotel at the same time that JFK was in town would benefit from the knowledge that he might be there. Like if the cop comes rushing into the building and sees several guys that look like Secret Service it would be a benefit to know that secret service would be there at the same time JFK is. I'm sure there are other practical benefits to having that foreknowledge. I think it would be important for the local cops to know where the senator is during a visit. All we can do is speculate about this so I just put the story out for people to take it for what they feel it is worth.
  9. I entered into this just to get informed about the murder mystery, and the photogrammetric work done on the claims of CT evidence . But I don't know how anyone could study this for very long without attaching some emotion to the event. If you study the Z film you end up watching the headshot over and over and Jackie's horrified face. It can leave you a bit sick. You may also develop a deep level of disgust for the perpetrators and the fact they got away with it. There seems to be a lot of salacious BS about Kennedy's affairs but I do not believe it is all made up. I'm just going to throw this story out for what it's worth. In the 1950s my father was a reporter for the Los Angeles Times and spent some of those years on the police beat. In about 1972 he told me that all the reporters and the cops knew that when Kennedy came to town he kept more than one woman a specific downtown hotel. My father was not the type of person who spoke emotionally about politics or argued the talking points of either side. He did not state it as if it was a rumor that went around but as a known fact. Of course I'm talking about my own family but believe it was a credible account.
  10. That is a reflection off of Greer's searchlight sitting just in front of his rear view mirror. If you go back and start at frame 324 you can see it moving along with the limo. Uh I looked at that on my phone and made a stupid mistake. The light in question is way above the Searchlight.
  11. I think if you follow Altgens left shoe as his image moves across the screen up to frame 355 it shows that the light is a reflection coming off of the outside edge of Altgens shoe. As Altgens moves from frame 352 to 353 the camera motion blur flips the shoe reflection almost 90 degrees from side to side. Compare that to the motion image blur of his camera in those two frames and you will see the appearance of that light in fr 341 is a fairly good match for the angle and size of the light on his shoe in 352. The angle varies a bit because the camera motion blur in 341 and 352 is not exactly the same.The biggest clue is the light sits at the same location relative to Altgens shoe in all frame were it is visible. Altgens was in the process of stepping back with his right leg so his left foot must have rocked some and may explain why we don't see the reflection in every frame. It may also have rotated a bit changing the angle from 341 to 352.
  12. I think they did a pretty good job of shopping Oswald out of 133a. The grass where Oswald's legs and shadow had been looks convincing, imo. They used the pickets from the left lower side of the fence to fill in the section behind Oswald. The space to the left of the 5th picket and 7th pickets are the same image. So are the images to the left of picket #'s 6 and 8. I placed an extra large copy of pickets 6 & 8 to show the subtle but matching shading in the top half. I think all the elements in the image are from 133a, although the grass does not show any obvious duplication's pasted from other parts of the photo. They may have taken the time to take sections of grass and alter them slightly to remove tell tale patterns, then maybe invert, flip and resize the image to make detecting a duplicate feature very hard to find.
  13. I am sure the reconstruction was done with the intent to support the official story. At least they acknowledged the variables and made the yellow cone large. Many witness statements like the Hester's make a solid argument for shots coming from the TSB. I think shots did come from there and somewhere else too. The close to matching trajectories from the TSB and Dal Tex are, imo, just an interesting fact, but I do not intend to make a theory out of it.
  14. Just wanted to add something to your 1st point. for every 1/2 inch difference in the position of JFK's neck or J.C's back you get 1 degree change in trajectory back to the shooter position. At the TSB window 1 degree results in a 3 ft. change of the shooter position. I assume both men could change the trajectory by up to 1 1/2 inches(3 degrees) each just by combining slight changes in lean or arching the back, sliding forward slightly or a couple degrees of rotation. That could mean 3 inches total change and result in an 18ft difference in the shooter location at the TSB. If you centered the 18ft circle on Oswald's 6th floor perch a portion of it lands to the right side of the building in mid air. what is interesting is if you extend that part of the circle another 130 ft it continues upward and lands at the roof of the Dal Tex building. It proves a shooter on that roof would be able to create a trajectory to the limo that would be so close to the 6th floor trajectory(within the yellow cone) that it could not be distinguished from shots from the 6th floor. A nice way to get a shot in and still set up a patsy on the TSB 6th floor window. The graphic below was a skeptics attempt to show the shots must have come from the 6th floor but it actually proves the Dal Tex is a second possible shooter position.
  15. If he was shot around fr 223 the TSB might work but I am theorizing about a shot much later around fr 290. That is a problematic trajectory that leads toward the corner of northwest corner of the red courthouse.
  16. I think the frame 390 mistake was mine, I meant to say 295. His turnaround after 223 when he has lost 4 in of rib and has a sucking chest wound seems impossible to me. Dr Shaw felt the wound was too severe for a delayed reaction. But I'm also stuck with where the bullet would have come from because JC was facing more towards the side of the limo.
  17. Yes it breaks much easier along the grain. If I remember correctly the grain is fairly tight on pine and I guess the bullet would at least partially pass through the darker and softer grain lines on some of the boards. You mentioned the shot at frame 390 and I have wondered where that shot would have come from. J.C's wounds suggest it would have to come from the direction of the northwest tower of the old red courthouse. Not trying to start a new CT here but where would a shot at 390 come from?
  18. Yes that is the point that I was trying to make. But I didn't consider the point you made about the boards limiting any deformation. The fact that the bullet did not be deform when hitting the first Pine board when it was moving at full velocity proves that Pine is not hard enough to deform the bullet. As I recall from Google even the hardest type of pine is only about 60 or 70% the density of human bone.
  19. The path of the bullet shown in most all diagrams has it moving on a straight path through Connally to his leg. I think it is represented this way because any deflection off bone would make it harder to justify the near pristine state of CE399. The entry and exit location on Connally's torso shows the bullet must have deflected by approx 20 degrees. It's is generally agreed he was turned about 30 degrees to his right as he emerged from the Stemmons sign, Add another 10 degrees lateral angle from the the 6th floor window and the track through J.C. would have been 40 degrees. That trajectory is shown by the red arrow below(I put it at 35 degrees to err on the side of caution). The downward angle of 28 degrees created a track of about 13 inches front to back.(That 13 inch measurement is not accurately reflected by the over head view because the overhead can't show the downward angle of 28 degrees which lengthens the track by about 30%). The lateral angle of 35 degrees adds another 3 inches to the length of the bullet track. I'll call the track 15 inches in total to be extra cautious. The lateral 35 degree track moves across the torso at .67 inches for every inch the bullet travels. That means a 15 inch bullet track will move 10 inches laterally to the left before it exits. If the bullet traveled straight with no deflection it should have exited J.C. at the center line of his body. The face sheet shows only about 2.5 inches lateral travel from entry to exit. The vertical drop of a 15 inch track should be about 8 inches but the vertical drop on J.C. is only 4 inches. It seems the bullet must have deflected by approx 20 degrees as it passed through J.C. Even if it deflected and followed a track closer to the amber line it would have hit the rib at a fairly steep angle instead of traveling along the rib and taking out 4 inches of it. For the bullet to travel along the rib it would have to change direction twice or maybe take a curved path. Finally a straight line trajectory lands in J.C's leg but if the bullet deflected as the entry and exit wound suggest, the bullet may have had to deflect again as it passed through the wrist.
  20. I've never heard of the CT claim you mentioned in the first paragraph. I am only speaking about the results of a bullet striking bone, although the Myers test on the stack of pine confirms a bullet can spend all of its energy striking something as hard as Pine and not be deformed. Your summary of the SBT issue regarding velocity, bone density and bullet deformation is the problem on many people's minds. I think repeating the tests that Joseph Dolce carried out with emphasis on the lower velocity bone strikes and done in a fully transparent manner may put the ce399 theory to bed.
  21. I have heard many times that the low velocity of CE399 at the rib and wrist allowed it to remain mostly undamaged. Has there ever been a real world test that proves this? I saw the Myers video test firing into several feet of pine and retrieving a near pristine bullet. Pine is much less dense than bone so I had my doubts. It occurred to me that putting the wood just a foot or two from the barrel meant the bullet impacted the first boards at nearly full velocity. But even with the bullet moving at near full speed the pine was not dense enough to deform the bullet. I think this shows that pine makes for a useless comparison. Here Joseph Dolce states that the bullets they fired for the WC deformed ""even at low velocity". Thank you Vince. If the low velocity explanation is valid why has no one taken a rack of beef ribs and rounds with smaller loads and duplicated CE399?
  22. THE WHITE PATCH IS NOT THE CLOTHING OF THE CROFT LADY BEHIND JFK: The Croft lady behind JFK is holding a handbag with white squares surrounded by darker colors. A sliver of the top and right side of it are visible above the white patch. you can see the pattern of checked light and dark squares on both slivers. The location is a perfect match to her handbag and the size of the dark and light squares also match. This tells me that the white patch is not in the correct place to be her clothing because the white patch overlaps her dark apron looking thing and obscures it. It has been theorized that the white patch IS her handbag. But her handbag is light squares surrounded by the brown stripes while the white patch is dark at the center with white all around it. The white patch is also far to large to have anything to do with her handbag even if it was in the right location which it is not. Because the white patch covers her dark apron it has to be something in front of it, but I can't find anything to explain it. The Altgens 7 image appears to be further to the side of the mirror than in A-6, but because the hole and mirror are not on the same plain(The mirror is several inches behind the windshield.) the A-7 angle should show more area between the mirror and the white patch. The fact the white patch is in that different location in A-7 supports the idea that the white patch was located on the windshield. Finally I think there is no dark hole visible in A-7 for two possible reasons. First a hole would be seen from more of an angle than A-6 and would be more oval. Second the Sun coming from the front/side in A-7 would create much more glare of the inside wall of the hole and the fractured area around it. In A-6 the Sun is coming from behind Altgens. I don't argue for it definitely being a hole but the proofs given that it is not a hole don't add up for me.
  23. If the theorized bullet hole was Jackie's right hand glove then her arm should cover part of the right rear hand hold. If she was reaching from below her arm would cover part of JFK's coat. If she reached over the top of the hand hold image we would see her forearm block the clothing of the Croft lady in the background. None of those are present so I think it is impossible that the white patch could be her arm. I believe we can see her right hand on top of JFK's left forearm and her left hand is obviously holding JFK's forearm from below.
  24. Yes leaving a round in the rifle to shoot his way out could make sense but having only one round seems strange. If he was the shooter it must have been part of his plan to get down to the break room and act casual for a little while then walk calmly out of the building. I doubt stopping at the break room would be a spontaneous decision. Personally I think walking out of the building right away would not be that suspicious as people were coming and going and running all over. Maybe he heard Baker running up the stairs at a fast pace and diverted himself to the break room until they passed. So I guess the stop at the break room could have been either spontaneous or pre-planned. Then again maybe he was part of the conspiracy but was just watching the stairs for the shooter. In that case it would make more sense for him to just walk down to the break room and act casual. 10 more minutes and I'm going to have 10 more possibilities, I'll leave it at that.
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