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Chris Bristow

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Everything posted by Chris Bristow

  1. I haven't fully grasped the implications of the elevation and timing differences but it is more subtle then the positions of Moorman and Hill. Hill and Moorman are actually in the correct positions when you consider the different positions of Muchmore and Zapruder.
  2. Exhuming Governor Connally would tell us if the Dallas surgeon was correct when he said he left up to three grains of lead in Connelly's wrist. They left it there because it may do more damage to have to cut through all the tissue required to get to it. But if there was three grains of lead then the total amount of fragments found would add up to more than one Magic Bullet. That would be a Smoking Gun that proves a second shooter. So I also have to agree with Terry that they'll never let us exhume him.
  3. I wonder about his Stetson because he was holding it in a way that would make it hard for the magic bullet to exit his wrist from the dorsal side as claimed without hitting his hat on it's way to his thigh.
  4. Some of the most convincing testimony involving the limo stopping relates to Chaney's ride forward to tell Chief Curry that the president had been mortally wounded. The Zapruder film and the Orville Nix film contradict Chaney's claim that he rode forward after the headshot. But if the limo stop had been taken out they would have to take out Chaney's ride forward too. There would be no time for Chaney to ride forward and stop at Curry's car to have a chat. Because Chaney's claim was corroborated by Hargis, Chief Curry, Sorrels, Winston and I believe Stovall it is fairly compelling evidence that the films were altered, that the limo stop and Chaney's ride were removed
  5. Thanks for the input. That's a nice clear image of the logo.
  6. Does anyone know what the initials are(Looks like VS) on the towel under JFK's head on the blue part of the towel? Also was the gallery on a second floor looking down on the scene as other galleries? And for anyone who wants to strain their eyes you can see some of the room reflected in the chrome head brace in the photo that shows the phone in the background. Looks like you can make out a bowl and maybe cabinets.
  7. In this drawing I am looking at the two sinks against the wall on the right which correspond to O'Conners drawing. Looking at several autopsy photos with a body on the table it appears the head is positioned at the end of the table that has the sink and faucets on it. Using the cabinet with the 2 sinks in the drawing above as reference the sink at the end of the table indicates that JFK would have been lying in the opposite direction that the Ryberg drawing shows. If that is right it would explain what we see in the death stare photo because JFk's body facing the other way means the camera was facing away from the gallery and towards the cabinets.
  8. If Ryberg drew JFK facing the wrong way the camera would be facing the cabinets. I noticed that O'Connor drew the shipping casket as being squared off on the right but not on the left side. Does that imply the head was on the left and the feet on the right? Maybe they just reversed the negative when they printed this photo and we are really looking at JFK's left side and they doctored the image thinking they were working on the right side.
  9. Hey you forgot Jack White's research partner Gary Mack.. I'm kidding. I'm sure many see the BS Mack put forth after he started at the 6th floor museum and consider him to have been working with the CIA or whoever from the start. Which means he teamed up with Jack White in order to sabotage White work. Mack and Jack White had the plaza closed off one day and they brought in a limo and reproduced Moorman's photo among other tests. They used lasers to find the exact position of the limo and from that position determined Moorman had to 8 feet away from her location in the Z film. Some how the limo was placed in the wrong position and I think that was responsible for Jack White thinking Moorman was in the wrong position. I would love to know if it was Mack who positioned the limo for Jack White that day.
  10. I found a couple new things regarding my pet theory about the 45ci engine. The dispatch supervisor had weighed in and felt the sound on the belt was definitely a three wheeler belonging to a different cop who was not in the plaza. The supervisor must have felt he could identify engine sounds on the dicta belt that match the engine sounds he heard as a dispatch supervisor. The quote is from Wikipedia. "Jim Bowles, a Dallas police dispatcher supervisor in November 1963, and later Dallas County Sheriff, believes it originated from a particular officer on a three-wheeled motorcycle stationed at the Trade Mart." I said in a previous post that the dispatchers opinion would be a highly qualified source to weigh in on engine sounds. So I find it persuasive. In the interview below Mclain said Bowles sat him down to listen to the tape and they agreed it was the 3 wheeler. Mclain explains the 45ci sound and names the 3 wheeler officer as Les somebody(Can't make out the name). It is in this 6th floor interview and he talks about it starting at 30:00min. Mclain also says at the end that he does not believe JFK was shot from the TSBD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FNK2oS491M One of the the acoustic experts testimony at the HSCA, Dr Barger, pointed out that Mclain's testified that he stopped as they turned onto Elm because the motorcade had bunched up. Dr Barger said this was consistent with the sound on the tape because you could hear Mclain slowing way down just prior to the first shot. The engine is the only sound I can think of that would indicate slowing down. What sounds to me like a 45ci does exactly that. It slows to near an idle just before the theorized moment of the 1st shot. Dr Barger and Mr Bowles are both claiming to be able to identify the engine sounds on the tape. One is an acoustics expert and the other highly experienced at hearing the sound of an engine that comes over the Dallas Police radio. There is not any question as to whether you can hear engine sounds over a radio. The question is can a dicta belt record that engine sound. I would have to say a dispatcher identifying the dicta belt sound as replicating the sound he would intimately know to be the specific difference between a 1200cc and a 45ci Harley, is very strong evidence that the dicta belt did record the engine sounds.
  11. Here is 16 minutes of the Dallas tape. Whistle is at 9:40. There are many parts of the tape in which the motor sound is clearer. At 15 minutes there is a good sample and at 15:35 you hear it start to accelerate. Between 15:40 and 15:50 the engine revs a bit then takes off and the rpms go way up till 15:50 when he would shift, which is consistent with the rpm at that point. What sounds like the rpm range is definitely in line with a Harley motor. In the 45 demo I provided "motoridle" you hear the 45 accelerate away towards the end. Compare it to the sound at 15:35 to 15:50 of the dicta belt and see what you all think. EDIT: Oops the "motoridle" tape does not have it accelerating away. I will find it and post. https://www.nap.edu/resource/JFK_audio/tr6B_128.mp3
  12. Matt, forgot to hit "quote" in responding to you. I can't find data on the frequency range of the Harley or any bike yet other than the frequency related to rpm and decibel ratings. Sub sonic is about rate of speed relative to the speed of sound but I am concerned with the frequency of sound. I could see the frequency of a 1200 being very low but it goes way up with other bikes like a 45 running at 2200rpm. I don't mean to confuse the frequency of the rpm with a single engine pop but it sounds like the frequency of single pops goes way up when each pop takes less time to execute. So I don't know the answer but my gut feeling is voice and engine sounds can overlap in frequency. From what I have read so far the human voice tops out around 2000hz but goes as low as 80hz. If the dicta belt does take out engine sound I would need explain what the 2200cpm sound is since it only happens when that particular mic was keyed. And whatever it is is would have to be within the range of the human voice or higher if that is all the dicta belt can record.
  13. Every time someone talks about the head shot I have to ask myself, is this even real? How can we confidently discuss it? So ya it could be faked but you can't add images from much earlier in the film because the shadows, reflections, angle and definition of the image constantly change. You can't add film that was taken from a very different vantage point. I think Z's pedestal is the only place you could get footage to be used in the Z film. I wonder if video cameras in 63 could provide a clear enough image to be mixed together with film? They were just starting to uses trucks to lug around the equipment needed to send the video back to the station were it could be recorded. I think to fake the Z film you could use elements from the film and just juggle them around but there would be limits. Like maybe you could use a limo image from several frames prior but you can't go too far before everything changes. Like all the reflections in the trunk of the limo match the position of the limo. I have always been baffled at how they could fake it but at the same time I think they must have at least removed the limo stop and the head blowout. Although Costella's issue of the Stemmons pincushion distortion is convincing too After the assassination the plaza was closed off one day so they could survey it and whatever else. They could have used Zapruders camera to re film the background at the same time of day and used that as part of their fabrication. I guess they could have even used the limo and filmed it moving down Elm Advertising firms in the day could cut and past someone in or out of a still photo. They can construct a scene with people at a beach and it looked perfect if they were careful. On the other hand many of the celebs currently taping from home are accused of using green screen. but when you light a person outdoors they can often look so different from the background in terms of light temperature and such that it looks phony. That does not directly related to the Z film of course but is interesting to note regarding how our brains interrupt what we see.
  14. Frame 280 obviously didn't line up with a single bullet theory but it also would have to come from the South East corner of the plaza to take the path it did through Connally. It would have come real close to Nellie. It looks like he is turned about 200 degrees to his right from his forward position in 280. That would mean the path would lead back to the North East corner of terminal annex building on Commerce and Huston pretty much right where J.C. price was sitting. Strange that they would have even considered a shot at 280 if they were trying to support the lone gunman theory.
  15. Very interesting. Going to look for the book. EDIT: Found your podcast.
  16. Yes the 45ci sound is very subjective. what is also subjective but much more compelling to me is the whistle. Whether a person is a whistler or not is usually something they know innately. I can't see anyone not recognizing the sound of their own whistle and others not being able to quickly identify someone they know from their whistle. What is not as subjective is that 2200rpm sound that only happens when we hear the keyed mic. even if the dicta belt frequency is filtered to record within the range of the human voice or the mic is designed that way or is omni directional(I think you need a longer mic like a handheld announcers mic for that) background sounds seem to be heard. I cannot imagine a mic not picking up the engine sound as the main background sound. If it is not an engine then something else was repeating at 2200 cpm and only when that mic was transmitting. What could explain that? I do have some questions about the timing of the shots since 313 is the only one we can be sure of. I have heard anywhere from 209 to 223 for the throat shot. So I have some reading to do. As to the sound matching the speed of the motorcade Mclain said he was at a stop when he saw the head shot. He was matching the motorcade and it was bunching up to make the turn on Elm as he came to a stop. So as he pulled to a stop he must have been crawling along in the 5 seconds before the head shot, then he was fully stopped at the head shot. Still I guess in slowing from about 5mph to zero he traveled 25 feet maybe. As I recall they set up microphones around the plaza to record the test shots. If they had placed Mclain's bike at the location he stopped at and opened the mic to record the test shots to the actual dicta belt it would have been so valuable. Would also like to hear other dicta belt recording from the Dallas PD. So I can't explain the engine sound or those big peaks that conform to gunshots. If Joseph's post about Gary Mack is correct then all bets are off. If it is possible and has compelling circumstantial evidence it throws a monkey wrench into the entire issue. It does seem that explaining the 2200rpm happening only when the mic was keyed is just as difficult as explaining gunshot sound that are not gunshots. I'm am stuck either way! You know who could of solved this whole thing is the dispatcher who worked with the officers in question. They would have heard each officers engine so may times I bet they could identify people just by the engine sound. And I don't mean 45 vs 1200 I mean. I spent 5 years on radios and hung out in dispatch. you could often tell each individual by very subtle aspects of the transmission.
  17. I thought I downloaded the file but can't be sure of my memory. My old hard drive is long dead.
  18. James, I suppose if Mclain is correct they can't be gunshots. But I don't have the knowledge to consider if there are other valid explanations. Joseph's comment about Gary Mack is very interesting and that would explain everything but it is the first I have heard of that so I can't say anything. Yes it is a problem and if there is no other reason for those spikes I would have to consider Mclain may be wrong. But Gary Mack may have been involved with a forgery to discredit the HSCA and if so I doubt he left a smoking gun. That would make the issue a bottomless rabbit hole. I know they Harley 45 sound is totally subjective but the rpm and whistling is very convincing. I don't think you could ever have a mic in that location and not have the engine sound as the main component of the recording.
  19. No I think McClain was likely correct that the keyed mic was another Dallas PD officer riding a three-wheeled Harley 45 who at the time was a few miles from Dealey Plaza.
  20. I suppose I'm 85% confident in what I hear. But as I was writing that post I realized that you would pretty much have to hear the engine. How could you have a microphone mounted right on top of the gas tank and not hear the engine? I could see if a person had the mic up to their mouth it may drowned out the engine. But if the mic is just sitting there the biggest sound would be the engine. Other ambient sounds may come and go that are louder but every time you hear the keyed mic that 1800 to 2200 RPM is in the background. I considered that McClain's bike at a full idle may not be obvious enough to hear. But then the question remains what is the repeating sound that we do here? I think McLean did mention the name of the cop and question in the article. I lost a lot of stuff with my last hard drive failure so I don't have it. I believe if it is an engine sound it had to be in motion at 2200 RPM.
  21. Officer Mclain's opinion about the tape is very convincing and he swore it was not his motor that is recorded on the tape. First point is he and another motor cop(Name?) Said they could hear the cop on the tape whistling. Mclain made it clear that he is not a "Whistle while you work kind of guy". The first tape is the dictabelt and from 23 to 25 seconds you hear about 7 notes whistled. It is not very loud but has no distortion to it. I assume with the mic mounted on top of the gas tank under the windshield the cop would be whistling almost straight into the mic. The windshield blocks much of the ambient sound from the front and may also reflect the whistle sound back to the mic. The whistle is so distinct there is no question that it is a human whistling. Mclain and the 2nd cop stated they recognized the cop by his whistle. This is pretty strong evidence that it was not Mclain's mic that was stuck or 'keyed' that day. A second piece of evidence I find very compelling is both Mclain and cop 2 said they recognized the motor sound on the tape as a 45ci trike just like the type meter maids are known to drive. The cop they thought was whistling did drive a 45ci trike and was a few miles from the plaza at that time). Mclain rode a 1200cc that has that wonderful unique sound especially when idling and sound nothing like the 45. Those opinions are subjective of course but there is more to it. Mclain stated that he came to a stop on Huston just before Elm. He turned his head to the left and saw the head shot. This means his bike was at or almost at an idle when the head shot occurred. From the 30 sec mark to 50 seconds on the first recording the sound of the engine is fairly clear. You hear the engine sound as a static pattern but it is possible to count the the rpm as the engine is popping. Counting those pops in a wave analysis program shows the engine was running at, as I recall. about 2200rpm. The second recording is a sample of a 45 trike as it drive away from the mic. You can compare it to the dicta belt at 30 to 50 sec. Anyone who loves Harley's knows the sound of a 45ci trike engine. It has this weird sound like rubbing steel wool across a sheet of metal while matching the rpm as you rub back and forth. Mclain and cop 2 recognized the 45ci sound and even though the sound on the tape is a representation of the motor in a static pattern I think it is convincing. And I should point out that the engine is the the closest and loudest ambient sound the mic would pick up. If there is not something obvious like a train going by the mic should always pick up the engine. A 1200 at an idle may be harder to hear but the the pattern of the 1200 at idle is unmistakable. If it is the motor sound then regardless of whether it is a 45 or 1200 the entire dicta belt issue ends there. If it is the motor it is running at approx 1800-2200 rpm and could not be Mclain who was stopped at the head shot. I have an unrelated story: I had a 1966 1200 without an electric start. One hot day I turned the ignition on to kick start it. The motor had stopped in a position at which one cylinder was timed to fire. So when I turned the switch the spark plug must have fired and the cylinder must have had fumes due to the hot sun on the engine, because when I hit the switch the motor went Kathunk and tuned over once. The friggin thing almost started itself without a starter motor!!!
  22. it would take a lot of brainstorming to consider all the possible contingencies. If Oswald was a CIA asset with a Handler it would have been easy to control his exact location during the shooting and to lead him to the Texas theater for a meeting. It's hard to imagine all the contingencies needed if you couldn't control Oswald very closely. What if Clint Hill had gotten to JFK just before the head shot and covered JFK's body with his own? What if Oswald went to take the first shot and fell out the window?
  23. I never knew that Humes found stitches. I had assumed he just found scalpel marks. The idea of a signalman in the plaza makes much more sense if you consider a shot from the front as a last resort. From Jarrell Custer reports and Paul Connors it sounds like the brain may not have been replaced into the skull. Both of them say there was only a tiny amount of brains left in the cranium. If that is true the brain was introduced into the autopsy at some other point.
  24. I wonder how exactly the conspirators would have considered the possibility of Kennedy getting away. If he had lived through it would the entire force of the government then come down on the conspirators? If they considered that outcome they would have to be absolutely sure that they can finish him off in the plaza. So placing a rifle in front with a contingency plan to hide the evidence may have been necessary.
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