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Chris Bristow

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Everything posted by Chris Bristow

  1. Dr Curtis and Dr Baxter both testified to the WC that Dr Crenshaw was present in the room.
  2. Many of the Parkland witnesses were asked by the WC to name the other staff members they remembered being in the room that day. Most of them only recalled a few names, although we know there were many doctors and nurses in the room. I don't think we can infer too much from Hall not being remembered in WC testimony. I have wondered how nurse Hall could see a bullet when 20+ staff described their observation of the wound and recalled no copper colored object. Well, many said blood and brain matter was ejected with each compression of the chest from heart message. The area behind the ear must have been a mess of blood and brain matter. It also must have been a dynamic situation inwhich each pulse of extruding brain and blood matter may have changed what was visible from moment to moment. I wonder if she saw a 3cm long bullet or just the rear end of something copper colored? I consider it possible that she did see a bullet or a fragment. The most consistent accounts place the wound in the occipital parietal area as did Phyllis Hall. With 20+ witnesses repeating their stories many times over decades we have to expect some contradictory testimony from those witnesses. But even if we toss out half of them for sometimes minor inconsistencies, the weight of the Parkland testimony cannot be explained away. For decades skeptics have pushed the absurd narrative that the Parkland doctors were so busy trying to save JFK that they never got a good look at the big hole in his head. Or they saw it but somehow they all got it wrong. Even considering the contradictions to be found around the edges of their accounts, there is no plausible explanation for the overwhelming consistency of the Parkland testimony. The skeptics explanations amount to a shakey house of cards,, imo.
  3. The questions just keep piling up. One more day and the only questions left will be about his motive for lying.
  4. The following quote from the article implies the bullet was ejected from the shallow back wound by the energy of the head shot. It appears to be the speculation of the author, not Landis. "Maybe the bullet entered the president’s back only superficially; these WW II–vintage bullets, after all, were notoriously undercharged with gunpowder. If this were the case, it might have indeed fallen out when he was violently struck with the final shot;". He further speculates it landed on Jackie's clothing and was dragged with her as she climbed onto the trunk. In that case the bullet would not need to exit through the hole in the coat, as I assumed before. But it would still have to exit through the hole in the shirt. The hole in the shirt would have to be aligned with the entry wound even though JFK had raised his hands and hunched forward.
  5. For a bullet to reverse and exit his back the shirt and coat would have to be lined up with the entry wound at that moment. That seems unlikely since he raised his arms and hunched over after he the back/throat shot.
  6. I just never understood how Kinney would have thought he was "Doing something for his president" and "protecting his memory" by moving a bullet from the limo to his stretcher. Landis claiming the bullet needed to stay with JFK'S body is also strange. People can do very odd things when grief stricken but I think both stories sound fishy. After hearing the illogical reasoning attributed to Kinney, I considered that he may be taking the heat for another agents actions. Landis suffering from PTSD could have been the motivation for Kinney to bring the truth to light, thereby relieving some psychological burden from Landis. They can't both be telling the truth so there has to be motive to lie for one of them. I wonder what other motive might be plausible? If that seems like a stretch how bout this. The magic bullet bounced off Connally's femur and back out through the hole in his trousers. It then spun in the air as Connally jerked his hat upwards. The hat caught the bullet and flicked it over his left shoulder. It landed on the top/back of the seat. The SBT is saved and Oswald was the lone assassin. And I am not serious.
  7. Yes it creates considerable ambiguity. I think it has also been pointed out that Connally was too small. Computer 3d models are touted as unquestionably accurate but they can be manipulated.
  8. I wonder how accurately the trajectory of the 2nd shot can be estimated from what we can see in the Z film? If you draw a trajectory thru JFK to Connally's entry wound, but then change either persons lateral position in the limo by just 1/2 inch the trajectory changes by 1 degree. Maybe we could find their positions to within about 1 inch left or right. Move JFK 1 inch to his right and Connally 1 inch to his left and the trajectory changes 4 degrees. Connally is rotated in his seat and I have heard estimations from 20 to 30 degrees. 5 degrees rotational difference changes the lateral trajectory by another inch or 2 more degrees. If Connally scooted 3 inches forward to start his turn add another 2 degrees due to the bullets 13 degree lateral trajectory onto and across the limo. 8 degrees may be as close as we can estimate a trajectory based on the wounds.
  9. I did say: "This is only possible if the car was either about 6 to 8 feet farther east than is depicted in the film," BUT I ALSO SAID: "or the limo is turned six or seven degrees to the right of the direction of Elm Street at that point. It's possible that Greer veered to the right a bit as he looked over his right shoulder." I think the more feasible answer is the second choice. The reflection off the trunk match frame 312 and the limo continued in a crooked manner for around 30 more frames.
  10. A woman in front of the TSBD told officer J. Smith people were shooting from the bushes in the general area of the colonnade or west of it. Smith then encountered the SS I.D. guy in that approx area. Possibly at about the same time and place we see the Silhouette guy in the Bothun photo.
  11. The 5 ft stake fence is definitely providing almost complete coverage. And all those other factors like ducking and placing the gun in a car trunk in less than 2 seconds, with most people looking away in those moments puts a shooter in a very good position. If there was no shooter there they missed the opportunity of a lifetime.. The angle from the fence to a throat shot at frame 209 to 224 would be about 30 degrees. That bullet would exit around JFK'S jugular vein on his left side. It does not square with any of the CT or LN versions and makes question a knoll throat shot.
  12. I could only guess as to why they don't show up in Willis 5. Maybe they reflect enough light to fade into the blotchy grey scale pattern of the fence behind them. Can't say how much the head might be turned towards the light or how much is in shadow. BDM seems strangely dark but what might be his face is a fairly light shade of grey that is not too far off the background. It is possible the camera just did not pick them up.
  13. The only story of a fake SS agent I recall is DPD Smith's encounter on the Elm St extension near the SW corner of the TSBD, and Malcolm Summers "machine gun guy" at about the same location. But I do favor the South Knoll over the Grassy Knoll.
  14. The first time I mapped it out I put the shooter between the trees to match the prevailing theory including the footprints and Holland's account. The trees provided fairly good coverage but left a big gap for people on the overpass above Main St, up to the Franzen family. I placed the shooter behind and right up against the first tree to see what the max coverage would be. I allow for the possibility that a shooter moved from the footprints to behind the tree for the actual shot. The Moorman photo does seem to show a figure between the trees and maybe a figures at the edge of the first tree. The Moorman photo is washed out to the point that much of the first tree is not visible so I am not fully confident of what all we can see there. The evidence does point to the location between the trees as the more likely shooter location if there was anyone there at all. The Franzen family would need to look away from The motorcade by about 90 degrees to spot the shooter taking aim. Because the crowd would have been looking to the motorcade just prior to and during the head shot I think the more open location between the trees is still feasible. A shooter would have had the option to move closer to either tree depending on who might be looking his way and where witnesses were standing. In any case the trees provided more coverage than I had previously considered.
  15. It is really common to hear people who have been to the plaza remark about how small it actually is. They stand behind the fence and decide it is too obvious a location. I am not advocating for or against a knoll shooter, I just wanted to do a fair evaluation of the coverage there. I was surprised to find there was much more coverage than I suspected. On the map there are several inserts. 3rd from the top shows two of the small trees on the south facing fence. Note the small 4" gap from the fence top to the first tree(12ft from the corner). It is the center part of that tree that leaves a 4" gap and is 24" wide. A shooter standing there and aiming toward the limo at frame 313 would have the rifle at a very shallow angle to the fence, putting the butt of the rifle less than 15" from the fence. That allows a shooter to stand very close and get more coverage. The two red lines on the map show approx how much coverage the tree would provide, leaving only the 4" gap. The red line heading to the overpass would intersect, or come close to, the second tree and help block the view to the overpass. The magnified map insert shows both trees and the second tree is about 30% larger than the first tree. A shooter would have to fire between the 4" gap so their head would have be low to use the sights. Maybe 8" of the shooter would appear above the fence. The red lines show the shooter would have a wide swath of coverage. The blue line shows zapruder's line of sight but it is blocked by the bush on the east facing fence. The insert of the Z frame shows the tree that would have hid the shooter from Z. There is a break in coverage on the east fence at the corner as seen in The Z frame. The gold horizontal lines on the map illustrate who could see through that gap. this would allow the couple eating lunch on the patio to see the shooter, but only if they stood up. They were about one foot too low so maybe could have seen the top few inches of the shooters head. Black Dog Man could have see the shooter slightly obscured by the few branches over that gap in coverage. Anyone in the pergola may have had a fairly direct view of a shooter. Continuing along that line of sight the gold horizontal lines extend to the Newman's. But the eye level at that location would be a full 5 ft below the fence top. . At that distance the 8" of the shooter visible above the fence would very small. to get an idea of it, hold your hand at arms length and make a 1/4 inch gap between your index finger and thumb. That is about the size of your view to the shooter for anyone beyond approx 100 ft. The Stemmons sign would block the view of the Westbrook/Simmons group on N. Elm. The next group east, of about 11 people, would have a view to the shooter about one ft wide between the Stemmons sign and the Pyracantha bush. Beyond the coverage the Knoll has another big advantage. The most vulnerable moment for the shooter is when they have to bring the rifle up above the fence and take time to track the limo and aim at it. But that is the moment virtually everyone is looking towards the motorcade and away from the shooter location. all these people came there and waited for their 20 second opportunity to see the president. I think it is a safe bet to assume almost every single person was looking to the motorcade. At frame 313 the Moorman group would be looking toward the fence and may be able to see a flash from behind the tree. I would guess that everyone who saw JFK'S head explode would be absolutely stunned for a second or two. A gunman crouched a few inches above the fence could simultaneously pull the rifle back and step away and down in under two seconds. At that point he would be completely invisible to everyone. So again, I am not saying there was a gunman there. But if there was they had exceptionally good coverage.
  16. Yes, correct. I found the video on YouTube and my memory was wrong. It's closer to 130 ft Maybe. So it was going closer to 1900 feet per second.
  17. Yes I agree. The shirt and the coat put an end to the tumbling bullet theory.
  18. I think Dr Shaw mentioned in his WC testimony that he couldn't be sure if the 1.5 cm entry wound was the result of tumbling or the downward angle of the trajectory. But he did say the clothing might have "occasioned" it. I take that to mean a tumbling bullet would have left an oblong hole in the clothing. Joseph Dolce mentioned that the tip of ce399 was pristine. That gets pretty hard to explain if the bullet struck the fifth rib nose first. I know the Myers father/son team fired a Carcano round into a stack of pine and it came out undamaged. But they fired it from about 10 ft away which means it first struck the boards at virtually full velocity. Specifically they measured it at 2050 ft per second. The SBT claim is that the bullets slowed down enough to prevent deforming while still damaging bone. but the Myers test struck the pine at full velocity and still didn't damage the bullet. What they proved was that Pine is too soft to test for bullet deformation since even at full velocity it couldn't damage the bullet.
  19. The lines of sight in the photos below may help with your analysis of the motorcade 63 animation. I found a Google Street View image on Main Street (Bottom photo) that almost exactly matches the A6 line of sight to the pillars on the left of the TSB entrance. I corrected for the slight difference and the line of sight in the photo in the upper left is now a near perfect match for Altgens line of sight. The photo in the upper right is a much more accurate line of sight that matches the curb on Elm Street to the Daltex. Altgens was standing where those two lines would cross each other on Elm, although I couldn't combine the images as my hard drive crashed and I don't have the good software anymore. I think the thickness of the yellow lines should allow for some leeway in the measurements. I could be wrong but It still seems like his location was up to 10 ft West of his position in the Z film, and he may have been up to 3 ft into the street.
  20. There's a lot to unpack in his testimony. The first problem is the number three location he verified on that photo of Dealey Plaza would not allow him to photograph the limo from the front at z255. That number three location would be next to the limo if not east of it. It definitely would not allow him to photograph the limo from at least 20 ft in front of it as we see in A6. It is also possible his memory of the timing is wrong. Did he snap the photo in the street and then walk to the curb to avoid the bikes? Or could he have seen the bikes coming, then walk to the curb before he snapped his photo? The line of sight from the Daltex in A6 passes over the grass about 15 inches in from the curb and also passes through Charles Brehm's arms. On the map I posted the purple line represents that line of sight. It allows for Altgens to be maybe one foot into the street. But there is no way to reconcile the Daltex line of sight that passes over the grass with a position 6 ft into Elm Street. If you try and add Brehm's position to that it becomes even worse. Brehm's position on the map I posted is very accurate and can be verified by comparing the Z film and the Muchmore film. If Altgens was 6 ft in the street then the purple line of sight from the Daltex has to be modified. But I can't find any variation in the measurements and positions of the those landmarks. The maps I have looked at and the Google Earth image all match well. So the first question is, can you find a line of sight from the Daltex the passes over the grass approximately 15 inches from the curb and ends 6 ft into the street? The next line of sight to reconcile is the blue line that goes from the right side of the middle window of the TSB and through the lamp post on Elm. The original position of the lamp post next to the curb is very well documented by many photos. The middle window on the map of the TSB could be off by a few inches. We could take that into account by doing several lines of sight from the window. Adjusting the window location still does not allow the camera to be 6 ft into the street. The photo had to be taken from a position where those two lines of sight meet. Taking both those lines of sight into account places Altgens next to the curb about 15 ft west of his location in the Z film. I can find no other solution other than Altgens memory and estimation of locations was off. If you could find a map that allows for both those lines of sight and still places him in the street it would be a great help. I think the definitive answer would require someone to be in the plaza and attempt to photographically duplicate the lines of sight. The Lamppost has been moved since the assassination so it would be better to use the monolith and the pillars at the left side of the entrance to the TSB as a line of sight instead of the lamp post/window. Once you have those two lines of sight it would be necessary to rotate towards the Colonnade and Z's pedestal and photograph that from the same position. The lines of sight in The Colonnade and from Z's pedestal to the pergola behind it would allow for a very accurate determination of the East-West location of the camera in A6.
  21. I agree Altgens was at the curb, but I think he was up to 15 ft Southwest of the location shown in the motorcade 63 graphic. The motorcade 63 position matches the place he is seen in the Z film, but he had about 5 Seconds to walk there after his number 6 photo. The best lines of sight to get his location are the Lamppost on Elm that sits on the right side of the middle window on the TSB, and the corner of the Daltex building that runs over the grass and Brehm's arms. The TSB in the map below has been enlarged 5% because it was slightly off. When using the lamp post to window line of sight that adjustment makes almost zero difference because the 5% increase is from the center outward. So the the alignment point of the lamp post to the center window only changes by about 4 in. Drawing a vertical line on the motorcade map aligns Altgens with the east entrance to the east pergola as most Maps do. In the map below, which I believe has the correct lines of sight, he lines up on the other side of that pergola. When enlarging the TSB by 5%, you can align it by the east corner, the West corner or expand it from the center out. I used the center. But if we used the east corner it would move the lines of sight such that Altgens would only be about 8 ft Southwest of his spot on the motorcade map. I think he's a good 15 ft South West but it could be as little as 8 ft. Either change will sync up better with the positions of the vehicles shown in the motorcade 63 map. Lens distortion in Altgens 6 is minimal partially because his camera tilt was almost zero. Vertical lines on the far right and left sides of the photo match very well and show the Distortion is almost nothing. Altgens 6 does need to be rotated one degree to the right, and that will change the lines of sight slightly. The line of the Daltex in the upper right corner of the uncropped version shows no visible pin cushion distortion.
  22. Well that's definitely a very small conspiracy. It seems plausible but they would have to be shooting from somewhere very close to the sixth floor position to match the trajectory. I can't imagine them firing from the same window as Oswald because he would realize he's been set up as soon as they fire the second and third shot and hit JFK. The west side of the TSB would have a trajectory that's 30° different from the 6th floor, so I don't think that would work. There is a spot on the roof of the Daltex from which a shooter would match Oswald's throat shot trajectory to within a couple degrees. The middle window on the 7th Floor would match the headshot trajectory. Theoretically they could fire from those positions and it would not be distinguishable from shots from Oswald's position.
  23. EDIT: I mistakenly referenced Carlos Marcello as Sam Giancana throughout this post. It has been corrected. This is not going to be about creating a new theory of the assassination. This is simply an exercise that may spark new lines of thought around some limited aspect of an overall conspiracy. Trying to adhere to the premise which considers the smallest amount of people required for a conspiracy, may be contrived at some point, but that's okay. This is just an exercise in Creative thought that is meant to stimulate fresh perspectives. Carlos Marcello hated the Kennedys and wanted to get even after his deportation by RFK. His personal pilot David Ferrie was connected to Oswald through the Civil Air Patrol and may have known of Oswald's employment at the TSB. The original Dallas motorcade route went down Main Street and was close enough to the TSB for an assassin to take a shot from there. These connections may have presented an opportunity for Marcello to initiate a murder plot. Ferrie could have contacted Oswald to make him a shooter in the plot, or maybe Oswald was enlisted to be the Inside Man who helped get the shooter in and out of the building unnoticed. Maybe he just helped set up the snipers nest, hide the rifle and possibly run interference to help a shooter egress after the deed was done. So the beginning of the conspiracy could have as little as five people if we add a second shooter at the South Knoll and another mob person to assist in the organization of the plot. The mob has been known to set up a patsy and then have them killed to wrap up the Loose Ends. Oswald may have been a valuable asset as a shooter and the Patsy. Oswald being well known to agent Hosty and having been in recent contact with him could have tied the hands of the FBI to some degree and benefited Marcello. The FBI may have wanted to bury their connection to Oswald. They would have seemed less than competent for failing to keep track of Oswald's employment and inform the Secret Service of Oswald's proximity to Dealey Plaza and the motorcade route. An infinitely larger problem for the FBI and intelligence communities was Oswald's connections to Russia. On the afternoon of the assassination Oswald's presence as an employee at the TSB and as a possible suspect were revealed. At that very early stage of the investigation the FBI would have seriously considered the possibility that the assassination was carried out by Russia. They would not know if in the coming hours other connections to Russia might have come to light. It would not be an exaggeration to say that uncovering a Russian plot could lead to a nuclear Exchange between our countries. Even if the US did not initiate such an action we could not be sure that the Russians, having been found out, would not attempt a first strike. The FBI would have been forced to proceed very carefully with their investigation and not release information on suspects who could soon be found to be associated with the Russians. This could have benefited Marcello. If he had used a person with a Russian name as the primary contact to Oswald from the mob, what would the FBI do with that? The only smart thing to do would be to cover that up, at least for a while. We know a majority of the Parkland staff reported a large blowout in the occipital parietal. If the reports were correct it would be pointing to a possible 2nd gunman and a conspiracy. if true, The Prudent action would have to be to cover up that fact, at least temporarily. By the time the autopsy was done it had been less than 24 hours since the assassination, they would still be very much in the dark. This is where the conspiracy would expand. That cover-up would be safest course of action for the country at that moment. Most of the staff at the autopsy were naval military and had to sign secrecy statements that came with severe penalties. they would not be willing participants in the cover-up as much as loyal Personnel that had to keep their mouth shut. At that point The Conspiracy to cover up the autopsy would expand to maybe a dozen intelligence agents? It would also require the assistance of a few peripheral players like Arlan Spector who according to agents Sibert and O'Neill 'lost' much of the photographic evidence and notes from the autopsy. Maybe a few well-placed people within the Warren Commission were brought into the loop. Maybe some FBI agents were required to cover up some evidence like bullet fragments or maybe a hole in the windshield. Jack Ruby was thought to be a low-level mob person. It may be that Marcello knew in advance that Ruby had access to the Dallas Police Department and could come and go without suspicion. They might have decided to use Ruby to kill Oswald before Ruby even knew it. Ruby showed up at the last second before Oswald was transferred. It is thought that there needed to be another Inside man at the police department to make sure Ruby was in place before the transfer. That would require one more conspirator. But maybe Ruby was trying to run late so he would have an excuse for not killing Oswald. if he was tapped to kill Oswald his life was basically over. He would likely be killed himself if he failed to follow orders. So maybe he tried to miss the transfer, but because Oswald ran late his plan didn't work. So maybe a couple dozen people had to remain silent about the cover-up. But if it was not a cabal of nefarious traitors, just a group of loyal Americans doing what needed to be done to prevent nuclear war, it might have been easier to keep the lid on it.
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