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Andrew Prutsok

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Everything posted by Andrew Prutsok

  1. Biden just said in Philadelphia he's opposed to packing the court but will appoint a commission with liberals and conservatives to study it for six months and will listen to what they have to say. Just imagine how disappointing he is going to be. We're going to go from outrage and disgust to total despondency, which may be a natural progression for residency in a failing empire. I felt the same way about Obama in 2008 before he was even inaugurated. Once he picked his cabinet, it was obvious there would be no reckoning or accountability about anything that came before.
  2. All the tossups go red. (Editor's note: New Mexico is Blue, Arizona is toss up, probably Tump. I need an editor).
  3. My grandpa started in the mines at 9 and he lived to 40. Didn’t hurt him.
  4. No clue what will happen today. I don’t trust the system and think Trump will win any state that’s close enough to conceivably steal. Questioning the integrity of the vote counting process is as taboo in the MSM as questioning the Warren Report, but I’m convinced it’s crooked as hell — Florida in 2000, Ohio in 2004, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania in 2016. There’s a reason Republicans are confident they can continue to treat everybody like excrement — now to the point of literally causing their deaths — and not fear being voted out for it.
  5. The Crab people who have been living in the sewers for decades and decades, unleashed by Trump, are not going to just go away.
  6. Kind of not really actual, verified news. More like fake, doctored news. He was being interviewed by George Lopez and Anna Navarro. That's the "George" he was referring to. “In the clip that’s being circulating, Joe Biden was responding to and addressing George,” Navarro continued. “That’s the George he was referring to. I know it may come as a shock to some Trump supporters, but some Latinos are named ‘George.’ Not everyone is Jose and Maria.” Finally, she added, “It’s not surprising that the Trump campaign would lie about the clip and take it out of context. But frankly, I had higher expectations for NBC News.”
  7. This is the post where I'm alleged to have said there were no media mentions of the Russia investigation prior to the election and that it was totally cool of Buzzfeed to publish the contents of the Steele Dossier.
  8. You are wrong. I did not say anything about alleged Russia involvement not being reported before the election. You said I did. The only thing I said was the Steele Dossier was not published until after the election. That's it. Period. Now you are angry, doubling and tripling down on your mistake by saying I supported the publication of the dossier, which I never said, and around trying to prove your unhinged, irrelevant-to-the-issue flailing by citing non-credible Trump/Putin apologists like Mate and Taibbi who prove with every post they make on the matter they haven't read the Mueller Report. Have you? And my quoting your post here should not be construed as an endorsement.
  9. Big surprise. Violent protesters were right wing chaos agents. https://www.startribune.com/charges-boogaloo-bois-fired-on-mpls-precinct-shouted-justice-for-floyd/572843802/ Charges: Boogaloo Bois fired on Minneapolis police precinct, shouted 'Justice for Floyd'
  10. Mr. DiEugenio, who ascribed the comments of someone I quoted to me.
  11. I didn’t realize quoting another poster and responding automatically conveys to others that I have accepted responsibility for the quoted remarks as my own.
  12. Sorry, but it all sounds concocted. On Sunday, July 10, 2016, Clinton was outpolling Trump 52 to 36. So she's going to risk everything by having some nobody murdered? And what good does murdering him do if the data is already out there? I don't buy it, and the fact that senile, old Sy Hersh believes it and a couple of gang members got killed aren't going to influence me. It's crazytown.
  13. It's comforting to know the story notes Russia's ability to change vote tallies is "limited."
  14. Don't believe I said the dossier warranted being published. In fact, I'm quite sure I did not. And the article you link is about Russians stealing emails, not the dossier, which is what I referred to. Apparently you think Seth Rich took the emails. Again, I'll pose the same question, which your smart ass reply failed to address: if the dossier was a hit job by the Deep State to stop Trump from being elected, why was it not made public -- whether warranted or not -- until well after the election? You'd think if they were against Trump they would have tried to get that published somewhere before the election instead of what they actually did, which was to come out 11 days before the election and state they had found new emails from the Democratic nominee and were restarting the investigation.
  15. Chris Hedges, one our generation's great thinkers, says the same thing. The collapsing empire is too far gone to be salvaged. It's easy to imagine the acceleration of it whichever one wins. When Biden wins, the nutcases will start marching again like they did against Obama, except this time they'll be armed and violent. If Trump wins, he'll just keep doing what he's doing. Either way were sunk and it's no more than we deserve. And regardless of which one wins, the president will continue to sell us out to the corporations. Trump is doing it; Biden will do it. I'm depressed. There is nothing in either of their histories to suggest anything else.
  16. I particularly like the way they tried to manufacture a Hillary win by not releasing the Steele Dossier until nearly three months after the election. It was brilliant.
  17. As a man who seems to enjoy conspiracy theories, here's one for you: Rudy has known since July that he was screwed by this video. For the past month, at least, he knew when the movie was coming out. Miraculously, he uncovers Hunter Biden's child-porn riddled laptop a week before the movie is to come out. This is not unlike the Podesta emails purely by coincidence being released when Trump's grab them by the genitals tape was released.
  18. He's a lefty who spent the entire past four years doing nothing but defend/rationalize every thing Donald Trump has done.
  19. It's nice to have a president that's cool as a cucumber, James Dean cool. Not at all flailing like a little girl.
  20. I think I may have said before, but I wish Donald Trump were the leader you believe him to be.
  21. Did you know Donald Trump bought a mansion in Florida for $48 million and sold it a to a Russian a couple years later — at the height of the housing collapse no less, for about $100 million? That Mar-A-Lago is crawling with Chinese members, some of whom carry around electronic eavesdropping devices? and that a 13-year-old girl filed suit against him for raping her, and that he once ran a modeling agency that trafficked in underage models? And the amazing part is that nobody needs emails leaked by Rudy Giuliani to know any of that.
  22. First McSally, now Sasse. The Rats are doing what rats predictably do.
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