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Andrew Prutsok

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Everything posted by Andrew Prutsok

  1. Buzzfeed is now referring to Q cult members as suffering from "collective delusion" rather than merely spouting conspiracy theories. Not sure if that is good or bad. It's certainly accurate, but I fear it will simply harden those pathetic, gullible souls in their beliefs.
  2. I do. Sorry if I did not make that clear in my post. What also attests to Oswald claiming to be out front is the fact that officers or agents showed up at Lovelady's home the night of the assassination to have him identify himself in the Altgens photo. They were afraid it was Oswald and the photo was evidence that he was exactly where he claimed to be during the shooting.
  3. Not one single person except Lee Harvey Oswald. And he did not "scream" about anything. He was calm and collected through the entire thing. He did say he was out front with Bill Shelley.
  4. What makes you think these gentlemen aren’t chaos agents of the right or the feds? I realize nobody’s ever tried that before, of course.
  5. Countdown to the Q followers on here claiming he is working with Trump to overthrow and jail the evil baby-eating cabal.
  6. The Pizzagate and Q nutcase stuff were started to deflect from Trump’s participation in child molestation/trafficking/organized crime activities. Pizzagate was started by Wikileaks and Q is the work of foreign intelligence services. Every charge that comes out of their mouths is projection.
  7. Anybody else catch Aaron J. Mate's exclusive interview with the president last night?
  8. I missed Risenstein today. Did he say anything about the Trump campaign’s 200 contacts with Russians before the election?
  9. I’m not sure that’s our military. Could as easily be Eric Prince’s Brown Shirts.
  10. I don't buy it. Trump would have colluded with them, laundered money for them or sold the US out to them by now if they were real.
  11. Many people excuse and rationalize Trump’s behavior by citing things Obama and Bush did. They think two wrongs make a right, somehow. Yes, a lot of bad stuff has happened and they’ve all been complicit. Because Trump does it openly doesn’t make him noble.
  12. Why do we need to know more that he bought a mansion in. Florida for $45 million and turned around in a couple years at the height of the housing meltdown and sold it for more than double what he paid, to some Russian dude?
  13. The founders were clear: Vacant land owned by white men needed to be represented.
  14. Is it just me or is it odd that the Pentagon acknowledging the existence of UFOs and releasing video evidence is not bigger news?
  15. Pretty good lineup beginning at 11 a.m. Eastern with the documentary “Primary” about the 1960 Democratic primary in Wisconsin by Albert Maysles and D.A.Pennybaker, followed by, in order: 12:30 Executive Action 2:15 The Candidate 4:15 Gabriel Over the White House — A Depression-era, pre-code political gem with Walter Huston starring — financed by William Randolph Hearst to promote his populist/fascist views 5:45 Seven Days in May
  16. Dylan's first-ever number one song on Billboard: https://www.billboard.com/articles/business/chart-beat/9354213/bob-dylan-murder-most-foul-first-number-one-song-chart
  17. It's true that tragedy never seems to stop visiting the family. Be that as it may, having lived for many years in Hampton Roads, traveling the Chesapeake Bridge Tunnel and golfing along it shores. you could not pay enough me enough to enter those waters in a canoe.
  18. This article by Phillip Nelson was posted yesterday on the Lew Rockwell site. Spoiler alert: He thinks LBJ arranged it. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/04/phillip-f-nelson/why-jfk-went-to-texas/
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