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Andrew Prutsok

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Everything posted by Andrew Prutsok

  1. Weird how those big rallies didn't translate into better ratings for his town hall. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/tv-ratings-thursday-oct-15-2020 TV Ratings: Biden's ABC Town Hall Beats Trump on NBC in Early Numbers
  2. I don't have the source. It was a guy on Twitter. Do you not get the joke?
  3. With apologies for the copy and paste, I just wanted to make sure everyone is clear on the evidence in the Hunter Biden email story: Hunter Biden, who lives in Los Angeles, decides to fly 3000 miles across country, to drop off 3 MacBook Pros at a repair shop run by a blind guy who charges the insanely low price of $85 ($28.33 per laptop). He gets off the plane and drunk drives to the repair shop (because there aren't repair shops in LA). He drops them off, signs a contract for repair and then disappears. The repair shop owner recovers and reads Hunter's *private* emails, a few of which mention a possible meeting with his dad and is so alarmed, he contacts the FBI. The FBI arranges to pick up the hard drives, but the computer repair shop owner takes a totally normal step of copying them. Once he realizes the FBI isn't doing anything with them, he calls up the most credible ex-Mayor on Earth and hands them the contents of these drives. That totally credible ex-Mayor sits on them for months, then chooses to release them 3 weeks before the election. The mainstream media asks to independently verify their validity but said ex-Mayor does what all people trying to prove facts do and ignores these requests.
  4. Seems like all of those things cumulatively worked out to have the cowardly beta male down double digits in the polls, flailing, and trying to incite brown shirts to violence on his behalf when he loses.
  5. How many of these Pieces of excrement are now going to be claiming to have tried to do the he honorable thing?
  6. LaRouche reported in 1987 that Trump was being groomed by Russians to run for president.
  7. I understand how bad the others have been and that they laid the groundwork for what we have now. I just never felt that any of those other presidents wanted to kill me.
  8. Cool. I was at one of the little weekly newspapers in Montana my company owns last week flipping through a 1917 bound volume and read a story about the town's first trainload of 77 boys being shipped out that day. There was a big celebration with 4,000 people and political speeches that mostly focused on the fact that the boys had to do their duty to make their country proud and avenge Belgium.
  9. He didn't coin anything. Look up : Lügenpresse and who used it.
  10. She’s the Julia Roberts character from the Tom Hanks movie. As such, I assume she’s a piece of xxxx, but beyond that, I can’t say I see the relevance to anything.
  11. Just to be fair, I respect and enjoy most of your posts about elite families and their connections to various events. I just can’t abide your Trump fandom; he’s weak, corrupt, f”soft, whiny, cowardly, rapey. I wish he were the person you think he is, but he’s not. We need that person and I hope he appears.
  12. It sounds like a Trump Organization company. Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced a lawsuit against an international adoption agency based in Strongsville for allegedly misleading clients and taking payment for adoption services it never performed...The lawsuit accuses the agency and its owner, Margaret Cole, of violating Ohio’s consumer protection and charitable laws.
  13. I don't think it's unreasonable for the American people to expect to be told whether their president tried to murder his opponent last week.
  14. There is credible evidence the president was infected with COVID-19 as early as Sept 24-26, likely from Romney's niece, and recklessly exposed Rose Garden ceremony, Gold Star families (Sunday meeting at which a Coast Guard admiral was infected), Biden, people in Ohio, Minnesota, New Jersey. For what other possible reason would they refuse to say when he last tested negative?
  15. Our macho president returning to the White House from Walter Reed:
  16. He’s like the biggest whiny pussy of a man who’s ever walked the earth. Total sissy, Beta, as hell.
  17. You know Trump’ss a doughy, weak, broke, pussy, imbecile don’t you?
  18. Countdown to Weber claiming Fauci is unaware of the president's gargantuan man-penis which caused the China Plague to quiver in its glorious presence.
  19. This is the best headline so far from this: https://www.salon.com/2020/10/05/donald-trump-jr-wants-to-stage-an-intervention-because-he-thinks-his-dads-acting-crazy-report_partner/ Donald Trump Jr. "wants to stage an intervention" because he thinks his dad's "acting crazy"
  20. My guess is he doesn’t want to stay in the hospital because it will make it difficult to hide his drug addictions.
  21. He had it during the debate, spewing virus Particles along with his word vomit to the entire arena and nation.
  22. I like that we’re now in the proof of life video stage of the Trump presidency.
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