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Andrew Prutsok

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Everything posted by Andrew Prutsok

  1. It’s Kushner. He’s the mob’s man. He’ll be in charge if Pence is made president, too. Pence is the Kevin Pollack character from Casino.
  2. Biden needs to put his ads back up and double them. Trump is broke, sick, feeble, beaten. Spend him to death.
  3. Funny you should mention that; the original intent was for shooting at black people.
  4. Still like Bernie. Never liked/trusted her cult "past." Country has had enough of cults.
  5. How about the charismatic, not-the-least-bit-arrogant-or-unlikable Tulsi Gabbard publicly touting Project Veritas? She was always wrong, which was clear to anyone who paid attention from the beginning.
  6. We've got his tax returns which show he is an incompetent businessman.
  7. Donald Trump has $400 million in loans coming due soon to somebody. No security threat there.
  8. They're stripping America for parts and selling it to their Transnational crime syndicate pals.
  9. Wrote off $750,000 he paid his daughter for consulting fees on hotel deals. She was a full-time employee. I'm not sure it's legal to pay someone as an employee and a contractor, at least my company won't let me do it.
  10. Part of the IRS' mission is to enable rich people to do the type of stuff Trump was doing. Did you see the story today that the five counties with the highest incidence of taxpayer audits are all poverty-stricken largely African American counties in Mississippi.
  11. I sure as hell hope so. I just think he’s up to his dead ears in it.
  12. Central to the grift is that no matter what sin you committed or how many of them, you can be saved by accepting whatever it is they say you have to accept. The prospect expands the field of potential marks exponentially. It's brilliant really. That's why evangelical leaders adore him. If a thrice-married, lying, thieving, whoremongering conman can come around to their side, so can you. As for the rank and file, they see him as a hero being attacked by everything that threatens them and their beliefs -- liberals, hippies, black people, Mexicans, women, gays, scientists, smart people.
  13. H.W.'s actions around the Kennedy assassination/Watergate are bizarre and incriminating. Can't imagine as CIA director/VP/President, he did not make sure no documents existed.
  14. I've never seen a UFO, but I did have what I believe to have been a Thunderbird fly about 50 feet over my head one night when I was 9 or 10 years old. It was 15 or 20 feet long. This was in southern West Virginia about the same time as Mothman was making appearances some 100 miles away in Point Pleasant. The government's been covering up Mothmen.
  15. I'm just excited about the prospect of Supreme Court opinions being written in tongues.
  16. The mass death is all part of the joke those us not in the know don't get.
  17. Good post Mr. Wheeler. Full agreement. Their intelligence community's beef with Trump is that he says the quiet parts out loud. He did, however, unleash military on U.S. citizens on U.S. soil.
  18. Russ Baker reported he was Naval Intelligence, just like Ben Bradlee, and with zero experience when he got out of the service went straight to work for a small paper owned by the Post and was shortly thereafter elevated to the Post.
  19. Also, I understand Woodward’s shtick is to tell his subjects something to the effect of, “I’m going to write this book about you. If you don’t talk to me, it will just be interviews with people who don’t like you.”
  20. It’s just that attempts at insults like “beta male” and “cuck” are normally the exclusive province of incels, 14-year-old boys infatuated with Ayn Rand and men who are just Insecure about their masculinity generally. I noticed you used them five or six times in a single post. Figured there was some projection going on there.
  21. So why else would they show up at Billy Lovelady’s home the very night of the assassination? They were scared xxxxless.
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