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Andrew Prutsok

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Everything posted by Andrew Prutsok

  1. Not a book, but a good long-read article in the new Texas Monthly. It's the story of a little-known school shooting in Austin in 1978. Bit of a stretch to call it JFK related, however the shooter was the 14-year-old son of LBJ's former press secretary George Christian. https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/the-school-shooting-that-austin-forgot/ In 1978, an eighth grader killed his teacher. After 20 months in a psychiatric facility, he was freed. His classmates still wonder: What really happened?
  2. Democrats have Biden on ice and are not bringing his decrepit, rotted corpse out until an unless absolutely necessary.
  3. Anybody know how the Google website and Walmart parking lot drive thru clinics are working out?
  4. I have family in Salt Lake City. Anybody have any information on the MORMAN earthquake that took place there this morning?
  5. It's really cool that only old people are dying from the CHINESE virus.
  6. DOJ dropped a single count in the case against the corporation due to the difficulty in getting it in court. The case remains in force against the humans involved.
  7. It doesn’t surprise me in the least the healthiest, most capable, highest IQ person to ever hold the office can snuggle up to infected people in crowded rooms and remain virus free. He’s incredible.
  8. I don’t feel in this case it’s as offensive as shrugging off a pandemic because the people who are dying are elderly. They are our parents, grandparents and presidential candidates.
  9. Thanks. My apologies. It was unintentional.
  10. Naïveté relieves the syphilitic, drug-addled, criminal moron of responsibility.
  11. Hitler called them “Eaters.” Nobody knows the impact this will have on young people, or how it might mutate. A week ago we didn’t even know it aerosoloized.
  12. News this morning that Biden is considering Jamie Dimon for Treasury. I bet he's also considering retaining Mnuchen. Why don't we talk more about the 25th Amendment with three demented old men vying to lead the nation? It is never talked about in the media. It should be.
  13. How's that Russian gun rights movement progressing, by the way?
  14. Who wants to give odds on Coronavirus leper colonies run by private contractors? Stephen Miller's new wife is in charge of all messaging for science-denying Mike Pence's new virus task force (which includes the eminient virologists Steve Mnuchin and Larry Kudlow), so I think it's a possibility.
  15. The State Department overrode CDC officials who advised not to repatriate 14 infected Americans. They stuck them on a plane with people who weren't sick. They don't know what they are doing. And then sent poorly equipped personnel lacking adequate training to quarantine them.
  16. What you are witnessing with the Coronavirus/Stock Market situation is what happens when a fascist encounters a real crisis. He/They do really well with their made up crises that they can control the messaging on -- like massive invasions of criminal/terrorist migrants flooding across the border when they were really just poor, oppressed people -- amplified by Fox News, which allows him to strut around playing the strong man telling people he's protecting them. They did not invent this crisis and have no idea what to do about it. It exposes him.
  17. I'm a Bernie guy, but it's interesting that both Bernie and Trump supporters are threatening violence if their candidate is removed/defeated/denied nomination. Nice country we're living in.
  18. Lots of Neoliberal hacks on social media claiming JFK a cold warrior to criticize Bernie Sanders.
  19. JFK used back channels for humanitarian purposes; current president uses them to loot and cheat.
  20. So which degenerate xxxx are we supposed to believe?
  21. Mate doesn’t report anything. All just opinion. Never cites any sources for his claims.
  22. Are the Q followers on here going to commit suicide over McCabe getting off, or is it all part of larger plot to lull the Deep State into a false sense of security before the roundups begin?
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