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Michael Clark

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Everything posted by Michael Clark

  1. "McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." (Wikipedia; Oswald and the CIA by John Newman p.138)"
  2. I thought James McCord Jr. should have an entry in the JFK section; if only a link to the Watergate forum thread...
  3. From Wikipedia: James W. McCord Jr. For other people named James or Jim McCord, see James McCord (disambiguation). James Walter McCord Jr. (born June 26, 1924) is a former CIA officer, later involved, as an electronics expert, in the burglaries which precipitated the Watergate scandal.[2] CareerEdit McCord was born in Waurika, Oklahoma[3][4] and briefly attended Baylor University before receiving a B.B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin in 1949.[5] In 1965, he received an M.S. in international affairs from George Washington University.[6][5] After beginning his career at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, ultimately ascending to a GS-15 position in the Agency's Office of Security.[7] For a period of time, he was in charge of physical security at the Agency's Langley headquarters.[8] According to Russ Baker, then-Director of Central IntelligenceAllen Dulles once introduced McCord to an Air Force colonel as "the best man we have".[9] In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.[10] He also held the rank of lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force Reserve.[11] WatergateEdit Shortly after resigning from the CIA, McCord was interviewed and then hired by Jack Caulfield in January 1972 "for strict, solely defensive security work at the Republican National Committee and the Committee to Re-Elect the President(CRP)". He and four other accomplices were arrested during the second break-in to the Democratic National Committee's headquarters at the Watergate complex on June 17, 1972. The arrests led to the Watergate scandal and resignation of President Nixon. McCord was one of the first men convicted in the Watergate criminal trial; on eight counts of conspiracy, burglary and wiretapping.[3] In a later letter, written to U.S. District Judge John Sirica, McCord stated that his plea and testimony, some of which he claimed was perjured, were compelled by pressure from White House counsel John Dean and former Attorney General John N. Mitchell. The letter implicated senior individuals in the Richard Nixon administration of covering up the conspiracy that led to the burglary.[12]
  4. From this thread... G. Gordon Liddy and Marathon Oil—1962 to 1963 By Ashton Gray, January 20, 2007 in JFK Assassination Debate " I only have some sketchy information ........... G. Gordon Liddy was in the FBI from 1957 until September 1962, and prior to resigning in September 1962 had been involved in COINTELPRO....... .......And who else was in New York City during this fertile period in 1963? James McCord, of CIA's Manhattan Field Office. In fact, there are some indications that McCord may even have been the "Special Agent In Charge" of the Manhattan Field Office." Ashton Gray
  5. I won't speak outright for David, but If you read his brilliant Mexico City work, the point is that the evidence is a cobbled together mass of manufactured, manipulated and forged garbage. The visa documentation is inconsistent with the official story; in this case, I believe, the HSCA Lopez report.
  6. Just a heads-up to those that may not know.... DVP is a master at throwing topics off track, like this very thread you are reading. And, this is is what he does with his participation here: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/04/assorted-assassination-arguments.html http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2017/02/ http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2017/01/ While it Is important to have all points of view here at EF, I don't see why EF should be feeding his ego-archive off site. Edit "heads-up" inserted in place of "reminder". An u
  7. Re: James McCord Jr. "McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." (Wikipedia; Oswald and the CIA by John Newman p.138)
  8. To be sure, my earlier Trump comments were not anti-Trump; it was a fair characterization. There is nothing he won't use to his perceived advantage. His seizing upon the National Enquirer article identifying Ted Cuz's father as being present in the NOLA FPPC leafleting pictures with LHO is a prime example.
  9. Last I heard her speak, she still has a thick accent and does not have grasp of English verbs and tenses. Some people just Don't have that ability to adapt and adopt a new language. I can't understand 90% of what my Italian barber says, and I've been going to him for almost 25 years. Some people have an exceptional ability to make such adaptations. I'm not saying it is exceptional intelligence, it is just a knack, so to speak. I am kind of like that; If I spend time away, where there is an accent or different word usages, I start involuntarily picking those usages-up, I can't help it.
  10. James McCord Jr. Is still alive. "McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee" (Wikipedia)
  11. Harry, this is off topic for this thread but allow me to ask: Did you ever cross paths with James McCord Jr. when he's was leading the CIA counter-intelligence program against the FPCC? Is there anything about this in your posts or in Crosstrails? From Wikipedia: "McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee"
  12. Ha Ha! I think you ruined his plan to post this thread in his little Hall of Selective Fame that he maintains on his website.
  13. Lois was pretty clear about what she knew, didn't know, what she saw and what was speculation on her part. Her belief that John had a hand in body alteration and that he went to Washington was speculation and she says so. What she states as fact is the following points: - John was called away from a family funeral immediately after the assassination. - He disappeared for twenty four hours. - He came home after 24 hours, stressed, disheveled and exhausted. - He took the whole family south, saying that they needed to "let the whole thing blow over". -' They went to Corpus Christie, to a hotel. - They stayed in a hotel, with John stressed-out, watching TV on Sunday. - They watched LHO get shot and then John said it's all ok now, and they returned home. I am not interested in the body alteration stuff, the info above is interesiting enough for me. John is interesting to me because his actions compare well with the Carouse crew, including Crafard, Ruby, Senator
  14. If we want to see the "1" that DVP says is there, I can see similar phantom digits in multiple locations. It just isn't there. ***edit... I see that David Josephs already made that point.
  15. I'm not really that concerned. I just like to give members an opportunity for their posts to fill-out relevant threads.
  16. Jim's post states that john Liggets brother confirms the story surrounding John's arrest and demise. Malcolm really only denies his knowledge and participation, from Jim's post
  17. Thanks Jim, but the "Smoking Guns" episode had more than just Lois Liggets story in it. It would also be of some importance to know the disposition of the lawsuit. Again thanks for providing more info, but I don't feel like the story has been debunked. The meat and potatoes are still there. More importantly, these shows go back to a time when some charachters, like Judith, were still being vetted and researchers were still sorting these things out. It's easy to make them look bad now for any of their failures.
  18. I just know that your using your conclusion to support your premise, it's a fallacy.
  19. I feel the same way Roger. One parallel I see, and it is a nearly exact parallel, is the time line, actions and demeanor of Jack Ruby through this period; culminating in the description of him (can't remember who described this) in jail, an emotional basket case, smoking cigarettes ( he didn't smoke) until he heard that LHO was dead. There seems to be something huge going on, even beyond their involvement in the killing of a president.
  20. Jim, All I know is that "boloney" is far from a critical analysis that doesn't address anything the prior postings in this thread or any of the, say, 10 points that one might make about Lois' story. I'm also left wondering why Turner is a bad guy. All I have is that Jim Di Eugenio says-so. Was Lois John's wife? Was he a mortician? Was he a master mortician? Was he called away from a family funeral on 11-22? Did he disappear for the next 24 hours? Did he grab the family and get out of Dodge for the next 24 hours? Was he freaking out until he heard the LHO was killed? Was Lois a xxxx? Was her daughter a xxxx? Was he arrested for murder? Was he shot in the back by the DPD while trying to escape? and on and on and on.... Is it all boloney, or just part of it? Most of the story is directly from Lois and the daughter. Where did Nigel Turner go wrong with this story? Jim, you have quite a reputation. Burying everything these witnesses say with a blanket of boloney isn't good enough, especially when there is a lot of input from forum members, a click away.
  21. DVP, The "1" didn't show up at all. It's not there. It never was. Perhaps you should go look for it in the Apollo Moon Mission threads. You might be able to come-up with a better argument after that sojourn to an altered reality. The one you are presenting here isn't going to work out well for you.
  22. Lois Liggett and her daughter state that the were on the run, driving south from Dallas to Corpus Christie from Saturday 11-23 Into Sunday, 11-24. They state that John Liggett was in a panic until he watched Jack Ruby kill LHO on TV. He then calmed down and said it was ok to return home. This part of their story is of great interest to me. If anyone believes that this part of their story is bunk, that would, likewise, be important to me.
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