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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 11 minutes ago, Mike Kilroy said:

    Quite a document, Michael. Do you have any background on the context of its creation and purpose? The writing does sound like JFK to me.

    Explosive really to anyone who understands how radical these ideas are. I can recall supporting a nuclear freeze initiative in the 80s that was considered radical. Can’t imagine how the security state felt about this in the fall of 1963.

    Was this part of the most recent release of docs?  Obviously no national security interest to keep this secret like you say. This was purely to hide JFK‘s intention to end the nuclear arms race.

    Hi Mike, it was part of the recent release. No provenance. No Author. What you see is all I know. I agree with your assessment.

  2. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/180-10146-10034.pdf

    P. 9. TIPSTAFF / 4 / 2. Not in MFF

    P. 10. EIGTORD / 3. ????? Can't read this one

    P. 13. TUBLEWEED.  Not in MMF

    P. 16 WOODHEAD. Not in MFF

    P. 16 TIPSTAFF. Not in MFF

    P. 16 RIDDERSTRALE. Not in MFF

    P. 18 LITEMPO

    P. 22. AMIDLE / 1. Not in MFF

    P. 23. MKTOPAZ

    P. 28. lol

    P. 29. PBSWING

    P. 29 BELFRAGE. Not in MFF



















  3. Thanks for that Robert. Unfortunately, War and perpetual antagonism proved too profitable, especially when the promised space race could be had as well.

    Allow me to share a document that may be relevant. I think that this may very well have been written by JFK. I see it as a foreign policy primer for his administration, congress, and the states. It also, IMO, reads like a précis for a speech. It's unfathomable that it was withheld for so long. It's classification as Top Secret highlights the perps and their motivations.

    The content dates it to the Fall of '63. The cover page dates it to October, '63.


  4. Thread Post 7



    P. 21: 15 - 20 = Frankfurt



    P. 2   15-20 = Frankfurt 



    p.1 and 3;  15-20 = Frankfurt  (also "Mankel") doc shared by David Boylan 7-7-18






    P. 3   AMMOG / 1. Not in MFF, distinct from AMMUG?

    P. 5  AMNIP / 1

    P. 8  UNSNAFU / 9

    P. 13  SMABOVE Not in MFF

    p. 29   AMETROPIA / 1  Not in MFF

    P. 31 HYSAGE / 1. According to MFF, a Female, Thelma King. According to this do., handled by Rogelco Rodriguez Lopez

    P.33. SLANK / 1. Not in MFF (note: " believe  AMMUG changed to this")









  6. 30 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I know that eyes roll when I bring up Nazis. Oh wel

    The problem with using the "N" word is that Nazi's were socialists. The socialist aspect of Naziism did not go underground and spread to anywhere. Nazis were also Nationalists, truly; and, likewise, did not spread outside of Germany.

    So, it is, truly, a term that is not useful to anyone in the context which you are trying to use it.

  7. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/157-10004-10068.pdf



    ZRRAGTIME (not in MFF)


    QJBANNER "Agent who in fact help locate QJWIN"

    WIROTH (Not on MFF)

    WIROTH-1(Not on MFF) another CIA agent, tries to recruit to QJWIN to join assassination gang. Station says WIROTH "exceeding instructions". WIROTH trained in small arms, demolition and "medical immunizations." (PDF P.6)


  8. 28 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

    Mr. Walton, you are intentionally misquoting me.

    I have NEVER SAID that Prayer Man is without question LHO.

    You just proved my point about faulty logic. "IF I disagree with you, THEN I believe Prayer Man is LHO" is a blatant example of faulty logic.

    Thanks for your example of faulty logic. I would be hard pressed to come up with a better example so quickly.

    Mark, Michael Walton seems to have started to be clear about when he is NOT trying to stir the pot. That is awfully nice of him..

    4 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Is there any possibility - at all - that .......


    This is actually a serious question and not a xxxx stirring question. .......




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