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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 3 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Ok Rich - Thanks for that. Since a few posters think they have a handle on me, think that I’m close minded or heavy handed, and since we’re on a thread about QJWIN, I’ll share with you my working theory. 

    I don’t think the operation was any one particular agency, rather individuals from many places, including CIA, Pentagon, Dallas officials. I think it was a right wing coup designed to thwart any attempts to change the status quo, which was the Cold War and the corporate profits it created. JFK was moving too far towards peace. The shooters were outsourced through QJWIN and ZRRIFLE - Bill Harvey. Dallas officials got JFK into the kill zone where a military style triangulation of fire ambush awaited. Not everything went smoothly after the fact - clearly. I don’t see that as proof that the organizers were low level. Who ordered the hit? I believe the pecking order is Pentagon first, in this case US Army. The attempts on DeGaulle seem to me to be a window into how things went down. You mentioned Frenchman Jean Souetre. Did you know that as a representative of the French renegade OAS, he visited Banister in New Orleans and Walker in Dallas in 1963? Banister sent money to OAS. Who else was funding OAS? According to DeGaulle and SDECE it was Permindex and Centro Mondiale Commerciale.

    Ive been reading Mort Sahl’s book Heartland. He spent 4 years with Garrison, who he says referred to the US security establishment as the Fourth Reich. Even if one finds quotes of Garrison blaming the CIA, it’s far too limited a view of Garison’s theory. He indicted Clay Shaw without knowing that Shaw was a CIA asset. I’m not sure he had any idea of Permindex ties with European fascists. Where I’m going with this is to suggest that the conspiracy was supranational. Walker and Banister were clearly tied to an International right wing movement. Anti-Communism was the overall rationale, but we should not forget that US southern racists used antiCommunism as a cover for their segregationist views. Strange bedfellows within the worldwide antiCommunist movement were not really so strange. International Drug trade generating huge profits to the international banking community, post war Nazis and fascists well funded by the careful and crafty Martin Bormann and his organization, interlocking corporate directorships that led to very few Nazis actually being punished for their crimes, secret deals between Allen Dulles and many Nazis including Reinhardt Gehlen. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the picture of how I see the backdrop to the milieu that fought JFK and ultimately killed him. 

    How was the order handed down? I don’t know. We never will. There is no document, no paper trail. I imagine that the actual orders were verbal, and came from corporate leaders to the military. 

    What do you think happened? 

    That is excellent, Paul. Thank you.

    One question,

    Do you see the Navy, or ONI, as having put a few necessary grams on the scale that led to the tip?

  2. 9 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    Damn cheek, is my response. Who the hell does he think he is? Whatever the answer I am not interested. On the other hand Jason has been very helpful and I very pleased to be able to take you up on your offer and associate me with "this ilk".

    That is par for the par 1, one-hole, mini golf course, run by Trejo and Ward that you seem to be frequenting.

    Paul Brancato asks insightful, intelligent and difficult questions and gets told to go-away, and put on an ignore list.

    It is revealing, actually. Trejo is getting some desperately-needed reinforcement for his perpetually failing theory.

    Cudos to Mr. Brancato, for flicking on the light switch, at the right moments.

  3. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/docid-32332692.pdf

    13 Page document. 

    Money Laundering and drug transactions in Cuba. NYC Fur trade, Prostittution. Mafia arms procurements.. FBI informants.

    Subject: Sebastian John Larocca

    First National Bank,  Meyer Lansky, money laundering with Cuban money. Lansky banned from Cuba.

    Albert Anastasia assassination, Appalachin conference, division of gambling rights in Florida.

    Joseph Silesi, Santos Trafficante

    Harry Barnett, Salvatore Badalamenti, Saul Gold, Abraham Chait, Joseph Berger, Sam Berger


    T-1 Albert Cupelli

    T-2 Joseph Amato

    T-3 Anthony Ciborski

    T-9 Lt. John Thompson NYPD

    T-11 Alex Fudemam

    T-13 Michael Romanelli

    T-14 Rocco Covucci

    T-15 William Cassillo

    T-18 Pasquale Cossentino

    T-20 Frank Calluccio

    T-29 James Anthony Madden

    T-30 Guido De Phillips

    T-31 Dominick Spollidoro

    T-36 Lorraine Devine

    T-38 Gloria Baily

    T-40 Lt. M. B. Phillips, Los Angeles.

    T-41 Cpt. James Hamilton,, Los Angeles

    T-47 Vincent Cmar

    T-48 James C. Hill, Tampa

    T-52 Albert Silverman, Tampa

    T-53 John O'Mara

    T-55 James Trombetta

    T-58 Hodges Hamilton, Dallas

    T-59 Edward Weinstein, NYC, Banker's Trust

    T-61  R. Ellis, NYPD

    T-63 Frank Nolan, SA

    T-64 Minnie Matheson

    T-66 Max Heilbronner

    T-67 Arthur Newman, Havana

    T-68 Eugene Niannini

    T-72 Lt. Sal Fiola 

    T-74 John Fells

    T-75 Jack Herbert Reiner

    T-83 Harry Finkel

    T-85 Bernard Hughes

    T-87 Frank Vescio

    T-89 Joe Schonberger

    T-91 Percell Granville

    T-92 John Andrew White



  4. 9 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:



    But having Paul wade in with his usual big bossy boots and tell everyone to think his way - or no way - is one reason way I dislike this kind of forum. That is, until I collide with someone very helpful like Jason.




    That is just not the case. You are seeing an admonishment of how you act, not how you think.

    I am hoping you will see that, and come-around at some point. Your negative characterizations of this forum and its members, at nearly every turn do not pass the "would I want everyone to act as I act" test; if we all did this, we would all be slinging a barb at everyone else, in an obligatory way, with every post.

    Jason Ward and Michael Walton are of this ilk, I hope you see fit to refrain from such manners.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I would agree with this much - that US Intelligence is not just CIA. Perhaps if you really want to openly explore here you could stop using the term CIA-did-it conspiracy theorists. We all know that term is a false definition of what researchers are engaged in. Also, when individual CIA agents or Brass are ‘investigated’ that also does not meet your false definition. It’s a slap in the face, started by Trejo years ago, that you have parroted for no explicable reason. Someone as intelligent and openminded as yourself owes it to the community you joined here to refrain from pigeonholing. It’s beneath you.


    On 3/17/2018 at 1:38 PM, James DiEugenio said:


    You are on of the best posters here.  And on top of that you are really a class act.


    (Italics are mine, substituting are for were)

  6. 4 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:


    Yes, I've seen some discussions about how Tippit was supposedly not such a good husband/father, etc. (i.e., that he was cheating on his wife, Marie, by having an affair with a waitress). And that part about him "cheating" on his wife is apparently true, and Dale Myers talks openly about Tippit's affair with the waitress in his book, "With Malice" (pages 35-36 and 305-306).

    But even if we acknowledge that Officer Tippit had his faults and cheated on his wife, I can't see how those facts have any relevance at all to the events in Dallas on November 22-24. Where's the tie-in? I see none.

    David, I was not really referring to those things. This is kind of important to my point, about which I made myself rather clear, back at the Mrs. Tippit posts. I don't have handy, nor do I think I need to refer to, assessments of Tiipits intelligence and character, which tend towards the negative. I am not talking about him as a husband, or family man. Are you aware of those appraisals? If so, do you kind of ascribe to those assessments? 

    Again, as mentioned above, I get the feeling that he was much smarter, more capable, more intelligent and savvier than for which he is often given credit.

    What do you think?

  7. 21 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:


    Mervyn, ... 

    I want to throw it out there because I feel the best hope now is that undiscovered unofficial evidence might yet surface that will finally solve everything.   



    Are you, like Paul Trejo, hoping that all the things that you believe might be revealed, someday, by some unseen, unexpected, unimaginable, surprise disclosure; sometime in the future?

    Are you hoping that all of this evidence, which of course is the foundation of all that you and Paul Trejo purvey around the forum, for carts and shovels to collect, might one day be released by the dark deep-state that is preventing you from receiving the recognition of your genius?







  8. 12 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    OK. ....


    Lets take a few steps, posts, back, regarding the videos.

    will you offer your opinion on your feelings and understandings regarding Tippit's character, integrity, intelligence and the like. Of course this question probes your understanding in relation, or contrast to commonly stated assessments of him, as a person. Of course I am assuming that you are aware that the above mentioned assessments of Tippit are often assessed unflatteringly.


  9. 1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:

    First of all, explain what the hell this is supposed to mean, Ten-Four?....

    "David, you are implying that Tippit's murder played no part in the failure to protect Oswald."

    Spell it out slowly now. (Remember, I'm just a mindless hick LNer from the Hoosier State.)

    Ostentation, playing dumb.... you can try to pick-up fools elsewhere.

  10. 13 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    That's correct (of course).

    (I'm not sure I even know what you're getting at here.)

    And, of course, according to you and Jack Ruby, Ruby murdered Oswald out of lamentation of Jackie Kennedy's grievous situation, right?

    Go ahead, David; state your agreement with that. 


  11. 13 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:



    Who do you think murdered J.D. Tippit---if not Lee H. Oswald? Any idea at all?


    Mike Robinson gives the only clue from a source that I believe to be credible, Mike Robinson. I don't believe he can know who was talking about who. But I believe his story when he says that a cop did-it, inasmuch as we can be sure that he was hearing a cop talking to another cop. 

    Do we really know who Tippit was? As I posted, a few posts above, I believe he carried more sophistication than for which he is usually credited.

  12. 37 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    I.... ...... know one thing for certain....

    Anyone who attempts to defend Lee Harvey Oswald for the cold-blooded murder of Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit is attempting to defend a proven killer.

    David, that's an ostententatious guilt trip. LHO, was murdered while in custody of some 70 Dallas police officers, by a known, creepy, mafia thug. 

    Dont give us any of that garbage. Even you should bemoan that crime.

  13. On 4/13/2018 at 9:36 PM, Jason Ward said:







    1. 1245-1250 Truly has informed DPD that Oswald is missing as he says.  Fritz learns this no later than his arrival at DPD, no later than 1258, even though I now throw open the possibility that Fritz arrives earlier at the TSBD, which makes sense given the short distance between Parkland and TSBD.  
    2. 1258-1 Hulls found, as Mooney says.
    3. 1:06 The rifle is found, as Craig says, which in turn means the empty shell casings were found a bit earlier - as Mooney says.
    4. 1:06 [all witnesses refuse to identify the exact person who makes an] announcement that an officer is shot in Oak Cliff
    5. ----insert mysterious interregnum implied by mismatched testimony around time--- whereby Fritz goes by Decker's office and doesn't re-appear in a verifiable time and place until about 2:20 when Oswald is already in custody at DPD headquarters <this is a panic/heart-attack time for Fritz and Decker>
    6. 1:18 Citizen calls on Tippit's radio to say a policeman is shot dead next to his car

    IMPLICATION:     By the time of WC testimony, the conspirators MUST show the rifle found at a time much closer to the DPD radio announcement at 1:18, therefore they must in testimony delay the time the rifle was found - 1:12 is the time they all agree upon.  In turn, they must delay the time they hear about Oswald from Truly

    You've always known it, Paul - Tippit's murder is a monkey wrench in the plan and by the very fact that it is unplanned it becomes perhaps the Rosetta Stone to figuring out the assassination.   

    On Nov 22 around 1, they are now off-script and ad-libbing because Tippit is killed.  By the time of WC they are moving the times later (hulls discovered/rifle discovered/...and the police radio logs are correct.and Mooney's testimony about guarding the evidence PRIOR to 1pm is correct..and if in your CT Roy Truly is no conspirator...and there's no reason why Roger Craig would pick 1:06 out of his hat randomly, is there? information/news of Tippit's murder/even perhaps Fritz's arrival at TSBD that he wants to make sure is never contested)..... because they now have to GET CLOSE to matching the radio logs to cover up their ad-libbing.  They have to move EVERYTHING closer to 1:18 - Truly, gun, shells, everything!

    THE KEY: Radio logs.  All the mendacity is generated by having to match the radio logs for the WC, which they never planned on having to do, because Oswald was meant to be dead asap. All of ACT III was re-written on the spot and re-written sloppily - they meant ACT III to be Tippit offs Oswald.  The end.   No timeframe discussion needed.  NOW, for the WC, they have to explain all kinds of timestamps they never planned on having to explain - when the gun was fund, when they heard from Truly and what they heard from Truly, when they heard of Tippit's death, et al.,  - all this was made up as they went along and it DOESN'T WORK in retrospect.  Truly has wildly different timeframes because all the cops have moved everything later to justify their actions in light of the radio logs.  Truly has no radio log he has to align with his testimony.

      Fritz knows this is very thin and dangerous ice he's now walking on so in WC testimony FRITZ pinpoints no time whatsoever, except his arrival time at TSBD.   He relies on everyone else to testify to a 1:12 timestamp and other time references, which is closer to the 1:18 radio call about Tippit....which in turn is necessary because everyone remembers that the rifle and the news about Tippit come in rapid succession.  Follow me?



    It means that Fritz & Company are moving to Oak Cliff before there's any established reason to go to Oak Cliff...as if..they knew beforehand that the next scene in the play had to move to Oak Cliff even if in the actual event there was no plausible reason to do so.  ACT III had begun.  In retrospect, in front of the WC, they can only explain why ACT III moves to Oak Cliff by moving all the TSBD action closer to the 1:18 radio call (remember they were expecting a 1pm radio call from Tippit saying Oswald was shot.)  They now have an 18 minute problem.  The scripted call from Tippit around 1 has been replaced by the uscripted call from a citizen at 1:18.  The radio logs and TSBD timeframes as testified by Truly and Craig don't match up well - because in fact Fritz is changing the scenery to ACT III in Oak Cliff, just as if -according to script- Tippit had shot Oswald.  Maybe he hopes Tippit has shot Oswald and he just hasn't heard about it yet.  THEN --->total misfire--->Tippit is dead and they hear about it AFTER director Fritz is already moving ACT III to Oak Cliff.  EMERGENCY conference with Decker required.


    THEY HAD TO GET GOING TO OAK CLIFF whether there's a radio announcement or not.    In the event, instead of Tippit calling in at 1 to say Oswald is dead, there was dead air.   Dead air for 18 minutes.   PROBLEM...they'd already established in a script that they find the shells, the rifle, and hear from Truly by 1:06.    So they acted the script until the snafu of Tippit's missing radio call ignites timeframe chaos.

    In other words - the script is going right on cue....until....dead air....Where's the call from Tippit saying Oswald's dead?

    ...dead air....

    (but the players nervously continue on script moving the action towards Oak Cliff)

    1:18  FINALLY, a relevant transmission = Tippit is dead, not Oswald.  Emergency.  Immediate conference between Decker and Fritz required.   

    In your CT, IIRC, Fritz already knows Oswald is the patsy when the day begins and on 22 November Fritz is acting at all times with this knowledge.  However, by the time of WC testimony, his actions that day must look as if he has no idea who shot JFK until Truly says Oswald is missing.  With (1) the missing critical scene where Tippit shoots Oswald and (2) with the off-script event of the Tippit shooting, ALL THE TSBD action has to happen later - 15-20 minutes later, because the Tippit shooting is reported 15-20 minutes later than the scripted transmission from Tippet they were expecting.

    If Oswald was supposed to be dead anyway by Tippit's gun, none of this timing question was going to matter.  Dead president, dead assassin.  Neat. Easy. 

    ACCORDING TO SCRIPT: No one's going to go looking into the timeframe of all the TSBD events AND no one's going to go looking into the timeframe to explain how Oswald was caught because lone-cop Tippit caught Oswald singlehandedly just by good intincts.  No need to methodically rebuild the TSBD timeframe to show how they were able to capture Oswald.  

    ...But in the actual event they are playing it by ear, and by the time of WC testimony they have to explain how/when/why Tippit was shot and how/when they hear of Tippit's death, plus how/when/why they leave TSBD when they do, plus how/when/why they manage to catch Oswald at Texas Theatre...all of which in the actual event was done on the fly and off script, but now has to be sloppily half-way sorta explained to the WC and matched reasonably well to radio logs.

    THEREFORE, Fritz testifies to nothing about time frame.  It's a giant quagmire for him because he's at the center of all relevant acts in the play; in fact he is the play's director.  HOWEVER, other less involved characters can help Fritz out of this jam and establish the 1:12 time frame because they aren't so wrapped up in explaining their behavior, they just take orders...but Fritz has to explain WHY he gives the orders when he does.   So he has no timestamp in his testomony. 

    You've been right all along here - the timeframe tells us everything and Tippit's murder interacts with the timeframe by throwing it off by at least 20 minutes.  Remember - the script is in effect and everything has pre-planned times such as the TSBD events...but...the 1o'clock scene fails to materialize when Tippit doesn't call saying Oswald is dead.   Fritz knew it in his testimony, so he offers no timeframe, but makes darn sure everyone else makes a timeframe to explain Fritz's decisions and movements.  Furthermore, I ask you to think deeper about the consequences of Tippit's unplanned murder on the day's script.  Tippit killing Oswald was meant to be THE END....,

    ....THINK what NOT HAVING the expected call from Tippit announcing the assassin is dead, the case is solved, the play is over, the script is done, everyone can go home now.... 

    ....means to a. the post-1pm actions on 22NOV and b. the WC testimony that has to explain the post-Tippit events and match it to the radio logs.  Everything has for awhile spun out of control, now timeframes must be fixed retroactively from the original script to match radio logs in the aftermath of Tippit's death.

    Follow me???????


    An actor missed his cue, the actor, Tippit, was dead.  Now it's ad-lib time and the messy WC testimony has to cover up the ad-libbing, AND...radio transcripts now must lead the given testimony.  It was meant to be an open-and-shut case with no close radio log scrutiny, no Tippit murder, and certainly no absurd Ruby-murdering-Oswald in police custody.   Without the unplanned Tippit murder and Ruby fiasco, the radio logs et al. never come in to play because who would care?....IMO.

    [Of course, if Tippit's murder was part of the plan, disregard everything in this post.]

    Compare to the testimony of the boy Mike Robinson overhearing the conversation in the men's room of DPD HQ documented by Walt Brown....the testimony that Oswald should be dead according to script, not Tippit.  


    Jason, You are as much of a conspiracy theorist as the next guy, or gal. Your rantings of how you only present only evidence are absurd.

  14. 7 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    I don't have any interviews with Marie Tippit in my collection. But there is one available at the Sixth Floor YouTube channel (from 2014)....


    Thanks David. I can only find this one assassination era video (interview) of her. My point in asking was that I had thought I had seen an vintage video of her from which I came away thinking that Mrs. Tippit seemed far too sophisticated and intelligent to be the husband of the man that we are so often led to believe was a simple, sorry example of a man and a cop. This video does not belie that impression which I had, but does not really give me the same impression that I had.


  15. Following the above post...

    On 4/27/2018 at 7:35 PM, Jason Ward said:

    Great evidence, David!

    This in my count is version #3 of how they came to determine the rifle came from Klein's.

    Over in the Walker thread where CIA-ers do not tread, I've highlighted 6 explanations for how they found the Beckley address.

    The appearance of manufactured evidence and chaotic, ludicrous explanations like this one from Pinkston is all over the place.   How you get from this retarded Keystone Cops show to saying that the greatest, smartest, richest intelligence agencies in the world did the assassination absolutely baffles me.  The cops - yes.  The CIA - no.


    Bold is mine

  16. On 3/13/2018 at 2:25 PM, Paul Trejo said:


    I agree with this fully, from my own perspective.  Even if former CIA agent Victor Marchetti was right, and LHO went to the USSR as a "dangle" for the ONI, that has no necessary connection with the JFK Assassination.

    In my CT, if LHO was a "dangle" for the ONI in the USSR, then something  happened in the USSR to cause him to sharply break with the ONI.  

    I say this for three reasons: (1) when he returned to the USA, his Marine discharge status was downgraded to "undesirable"; (2) when he returned to the USA, he did not have a steady, full-time job with the ONI, or with any intelligence agency, but at best he was a contract informant for the FBI, part-time; and (3) when he returned to the USA, he and Marina lived in abject poverty, in roach-infested apartments, where the baby's crib was a suitcase, with Marina seriously In need of medical and dental attention, and with LHO losing weight.

    So, I say again -- even if the ONI sent LHO to Helsinki, and sent him into the USSR, it didn't last, in my reading.  And so there was no straight-line from the USSR to the JFK Assassination as John Newman and many others have presumed.

    All best,

    I would like to point out that the name, and focus, of this thread was changed at some point from "General Walker and Lee Harvey Oswald" to it's present name, "General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald" and Dallas Officials". 

    There is no "edited" notation in Paul Trejo's opening post, so, I assume, he asked a moderator to do it.

    I was recently and privately admonished for posting information that was deemed, or could have been deemed, as derailing of this thread.

    Jason even gave members a taunt, characterizing this thread, thusly: "Over in the Walker thread where CIA-ers do not tread," (was the word "dare" edited-out? I can't be sure enough to say so. Post linked below).

    So what do we do? The title change makes it look like early posters were here to obstruct this thread whilst Jason and Paul Trejo play a shell game with the topic, possibly even reporting on members who come around their sand box.

    lastly, Paul Trejo has publicly announced that he has placed several "Class-Act's" of this forum, such Paul Brancato and Steve Thomas on an ignore, as well as less capable debaters such as myself. Jason has done the same thing. In an admonishment I received privately, I was asked why I did not PM Paul Trejo or Jason if my input was welcome. How could I?

    So, it is with those observations put-forth, that I make the case that, in large, Paul Trejo and Jason have been allowed to carry-on a research thread disguised as a debate, and have beeen allowed to truncate the discussion as they see fit by the petty use of the ignnore tool,  and by, indeed,  manipulating the moderators who do not deserve to be so used and manipulated.

    So, miffed, I rest my case.



  17. On 5/1/2018 at 10:58 AM, John Kowalski said:


    Just began reading this thread. Really enjoy reading all the original source material. It's a really good idea.



    I am glad you see some usefulness in it. Feel free to reserve some posting space so you can edit-in items of interest as you come across them. This thread is for anyone to use. 

    Cheers, Michael

  18. 3 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

    159 page doc concerning the molestation of collection of JFK autopsy photos. Early pages are a request by the HSCA made to the FBI for fingerprints of committee staff which were taken upon employment by the commission.

    Talk of a possible break-in of a safe containing JFK autopsy photos and evidence.

    request for Professional finger print identification personnel 

    Many pages of finger prints and much redaction.

    The meat and potatoes start on page 96.

    p.100 Regis Blahut, CIA agent, is identified as the person whose fingerprints were found in the safe.

    p 136 to end, blanks or finger prints, mostly redacted.




    1 hour ago, John Kowalski said:

    Why Winnipeg? Still do not understand why they would pick this city, of all places, to hold a meeting.

    The purpose of the meeting is unclear to me, anyone have any idea how it relates to the assassination?


    The guy who overheard the conversation says it was David Ferrie.

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