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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 7 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    If McCord killed Hoover it would lead to speculation as to who ‘inherited’ Hoover’s private files. I recall that sometime after his death there was a fire that destroyed his personal effects.

    I was not aware that Newman and Morley had different views on which Cubans Oswald was trying to infiltrate. I’ve always thought it was anti-Castro groups. Whenever this comes up I always think of the 6 or 7 small filings cabinets discovered at Ruth Paine’s house, which the DPD detective who put this in his first report said were of pro Castro exiles. Of course those files disappeared. But for me what’s important is that the detective assumed they were files of Oswald compatriots, and not of exiles he was monitoring, thus labeling Oswald as a Communist agent rather than an agent of US intelligence.

    To be sure Paul, I am not entertaining the idea that McCord killed Hoover. Honestly, I have a hard time imagining anyone doing such  a thing unless they say they did it and described how it went down; it's just a failing of my imagination. For example, in basic terms, I find James Files believable; I only discount his culpability based on the opinions of more Savvy researchers and commentators who seem to have a knack for idendifying prevaricators.

    I can imaginine Hoover being killed as an operation that doesn't include faces or names. 

    Further, the chicken and the egg could go either way here, with the Watergate op being spurned into action by the death of Hoover. By my comment above I am only noting the possible relationship between the two.

  2. McCord subject of investigation out of Manhattan field office in March of 1963. Posted for the purpose of locating McCord through this period.



    McCord acknowledged for anti-bugging technology development in 1966.



    McCord listed as one (along with Bruce Solie) of 37 officers approved for a BYECOM clearance. Of the 37, McCord is among 5 who hold only 2 clearances. Three only hold one clearance.



    Mccord in Germany, 62--63



    McCord to become Cief of Techical Diivision after Air War College



    McCord cleared for Special Intelligence in 1953




  3. On 4/15/2018 at 1:12 PM, Michael Clark said:

    Regarding the document, above, which claims that McCord was assigned to Frankfurt from June, 1962, to June 1964.

    The document linked below comments on McCords assignment for the same time period, but the location (15-20) is redacted. Yet, in the next note, comments are made about his performance in "Frankfurt,".

    So, the question is, if he was in Frankfurt for those 2 years, why redact the location in one instance, and not the other?

    My tentative conclusion is that Frankfurt is not the redacted location where he was assigned for 2 years, and location 15-20 is not Frankfurt.


    In relation to the above, we can see from the following 1959 travel order that location 15-20 was part of those 1959 orders


    I posted those travel orders in a thread requesting information on known CIA travel location codes, which I will link here in hopes that someone may have more information on those codes.

    Edit: it looks like 15-20 IS Frankfurt. P.21, here:



  4. On 4/8/2018 at 9:41 PM, Gene Kelly said:

    Carl McNabb, a former CIA agent, once stated that James McCord - who he said had the nickname in the Agency of “Zap Man” - had killed Hoover.  A file from McNabb's days at JM/Wave contained a personal note/notation "Zap Man".  When asked what that meant, he said that an officer told him this was the term given to Helm's private assassin.

    I certainly took note that Hoover Died on May 2, 1972, and the purported first Watergate break-in happened later that month.

  5. 10 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    So I was thinking about the reports filed at the time of the Mexico Incident....

    Americans at that Consulate was a big deal...  The CIA even had a team for following targets on the ground... LILYRIC? Sorry, doing this on my tab




    LILYRIC- One of three photo surveillance sites under the LIEMPTY umbrella project, the only one of the three that photographed license plates of all vehicles entering the compound. LILYRIC was a 3rd story apartment across the street from the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, south of the LIMITED installation. The other two photo sites were LIMITED and LICALLA. 

  6. Regarding the document, above, which claims that McCord was assigned to Frankfurt from June, 1962, to June 1964.

    The document linked below comments on McCords assignment for the same time period, but the location (15-20) is redacted. Yet, in the next note, comments are made about his performance in "Frankfurt,".

    So, the question is, if he was in Frankfurt for those 2 years, why redact the location in one instance, and not the other?

    My tentative conclusion is that Frankfurt is not the redacted location where he was assigned for 2 years, and location 15-20 is not Frankfurt.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

    If if if if if if............................



    I always go quickly to your posts to see if you offered anything, on this forum, that is interesting, congenial, scholarly, thought-provoking or constructive. I always come-away disappointed.




  8. Jefferson Morley states, matter-of-factly, that Oswald was trying to infiltrate anti-Castro groups in the summer of 1963.



    From the above link....:

    "George E. Joannides (pronounced “Joe-uh-NEE-deez”) ..........

    His personnel file showed that he served in 1963 as the chief of the Psychological Warfare branch of the CIA’s station in Miami. He had a staff of 24 and a budget of $1.5 million. He also was in charge of handling the anti-Castro student group that Oswald had tried to infiltrate in August 1963. They called themselves the Cuban Student Directorate and it was Joannides’s job to guide and monitor them. Under a CIA program code named AMSPELL, he was giving $25,000 a month to Luis Fernandez Rocha and Juan Salvat, the Directorate’s leaders in Miami. That funding supported the Directorate’s chapters in New Orleans and other cities."


    I have been compelled into this search by the notion that LHO was trying to infiltrate Pro-Castro groups, via James McCord's operation with that same goal. Morely's assertion seems quite different but I am not sure that it really matters. Morley is saying that Oswald is trying infiltrate anti-Castro groups. A main point that I am offering is that Oswald was not being sheep-dipped, but that he was was a CIA operative. If Oswald was the "marked card" or " barium meal", who was the target of his operation? I have been leaning towards Phillips and Hunt using a second Oswald to keep Angleton off-balance, confused, and his back against a wall through this period. Angleton is trying to figure-out who, within his agency, is counter manipulating the identity of an Oswald, through the use of the Oswald double.


    It is interesting that Morley and Newman, the intrepid reasearchers who interviewed Jane Roman, have this different take on which group LHO was tasked to infiltrate.

  9. 7 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:


    In  this 1979   Video Averell Hariman talks about Kennedy and the Bay of Bigs. At 4min 50 of the video, he says, quote:


    Again, the term blot against him makes no sense ... or am I mistaken?


    The word in question is heard at 5:06, in the video.

    Karl. I think "blot" makes the most sense. Without reservation, I am hearing "blot".

    In the context of the next sentence, "blot" makes even more sense. Kennedy did not want another mark against him. Mark, blot, score..... etc.

  10. Summary of employment upon retirement. It notes that 2 years of service were overseas. As noted in an above post, he was assigned from June of 62 to June of 64, in Frankfurt Germany. I have seen nothing yet that substantiates John Newman's claim that McCord headed an FPCC infiltration program. I have not seen John's footnote on this yet, I've only seen footnotes on that claim referencing John Newman.


  11. On MFF I can see this entry for a document, but I cannot get to the document. There is reference to a news story which I will look for.


    Record Number: 104-10123-10365
    Record Series: JFK      Agency: CIA
    Agency File No.: 80T01357A      Originator: OPEN
    From: UPI      To: [No To]
    Date: 05/09/1975      Pages: 1
    Document Type: PAPER - TEXTUAL DOCUMENT      Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
    Restrictions: OPEN IN FULL      Current Status: OPEN
    Date of Last Review: 04/11/1994      Opening Criteria: [empty value]
  12. House select Committee on Intelligence Document.

    States that James McCord Jr. Was stationed in Frankfort, Germany between June of 62 and June of 64..

    States that E. H. Hunt was stationed domestically in a similar period.

    Both notations specify where Hunt and McCord were stationed in November of 1963 and that neither were in charge of Mexican operations at the time of the Kennedy Assassination.

    Also mentioned are William Harvey, Sam Giancana, Robert Maheu, Johnny Roselli.

    Dulles approved a Castro operation .

    $150,000 was approved for an anti Castro operation in May, 1962.




  13. CIA program HT AUTOMAT

    Keywords: HT AUTOMAT,  AQUATONE, OSI, James McCord Jr., Dr. Herbert Scoville, R. C. Swendiman


    From "The Almost Classified guide to CIA Front Companies":

    Perkin-Elmer (CIA Front Company) Based in Norwalk, Connecticut. Manufactured camera system for project Oxcart, the CIA's SR-71 program and U-2 photography, Project AUTOMAT.






    Document Type: 
    Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
    Release Decision: 
    Original Classification: 
    Document Page Count: 
    Document Creation Date: 
    December 9, 2016
    Document Release Date: 
    March 12, 2001
    Sequence Number: 
    Case Number: 
    Publication Date: 
    July 30, 1957
    Content Type: 
    Attachment Size
    PDF icon CIA-RDP61S00750A000500090038-5.pdf 40.97 KB

    Approved For Release 2001/3G/8SE lA-RDP61 S0075OA000500090038-5
    C .lUi. 957
    MEMORA1]JM FOR: Project Director
    SUBJECT : Assignment of Personnel: Projects AQUATONE and HT AUTOMAT
    1. As a result of the recent assignment of
    on indefinite TDY to NSA, this Office has decided on a realignment of
    responsibilities relative to OSI participation in Projects AQUATONE




    (Note: below, I deleted and added ".pdf" in the following link so it does not automatically show as a document)





  14. 52 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - there’s some interesting stuff on McCord in Peter Dale Scott’s book Dallas ‘63. When I have more time I’ll give you some detail

    Paul,  I searched Scott and McCord, and found something in which you might be interested. Also, curiously, and very speculatively, I was, earlier today, looking into Oliver North, for the first time.

    See Jack Crichton, in bold, below.

    Whether or not they knew about Iran-Contra, Cheney and Rumsfeld were on the COG planning committee at the time of Iran-Contra. There is no such obvious link between COG planning and Watergate, but the involvement of COG personnel in Watergate is nonetheless striking. James McCord, one of the Watergate burglars, was a member of a small Air Force Reserve unit in Washington attached to the Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) that was assigned “to draw up lists of radicals and to develop contingency plans for censorship of the news media and U.S. mail in time of war.” [8] His unit was part of the Wartime Information Security Program (WISP), which had responsibility for activating “contingency plans for imposing censorship on the press, the mails and all telecommunications (including government communications) [and] preventive detention of civilian ‘security risks,ʼ who would be placed in military ‘camps.ʼ” [9] In addition, John Dean, perhaps the central Watergate figure, had overseen secret COG activities when serving as the associate deputy attorney general. [10]

    In the case of the JFK assassination, I wish to focus on two men who functioned as part of the communications network of the Office of Emergency Planning (OEP), the agency renamed in 1968 as the Office of Emergency Preparedness (to which McCord was attached), and renamed again in 1982 as the National Program Office (for which Oliver North was the action officer). [11]

    These two men (there are others) are Winston Lawson, the Secret Service advance man who from the lead car of the motorcade was in charge of the Secret Service radio channels operating in the motorcade; and Jack Crichton, the army intelligence reserve officer who with Deputy Dallas Police Chief George Lumpkin selected the Russian interpreter for Marina Oswaldʼs first (and falsified) FBI interview. [12] 




  15. 29 minutes ago, Kirk Ross said:

    Not really.  For some time I have been aware of his connection to the "Promis Affair" and Inslaw.  But that context is later and is connected to (many) other conspiracies.  I don't recall how he said he came across this case or Standorf, but I seem to remember it was an unusual coincidence.  Now, he is coincidentally connected to another historical event involving  national security much earlier.  In my view, belief in coincidence is overrated.  I'm thinking there is more to his background than is publicly available.  How would it be possible for Cosalaro to establish this theory about Hunt in the early 70's?  All this was top secret back then.  

    I just pulled out "The Octopus", which I haven't read in years.  According to that book all the Kennedy/Watergate/Cuba/Fidel was related to "The Octopus" (not that I'm convinced that the book is revealing "The Truth"", but it does make the connection itself).  Trying to keep my CT's straight here.  Didn't Fletcher Prouty introduce the metaphor of the octopus?   

    Hi Kirk, I bolded, above, several pronouns. I assume that you are referring to Danny Casolero, in all cases.

    Regarding coincidences, I don't take them to the bank. They are helpful for developing speculation. Speculation is similar to a hypothesis and helps one move foreward in the excercise of proving or disproving one claim or another. That is the scientific method.

    Regarding Prouty and the Octopous... That sounds familiar, I'll keep my eye out for it.

    Regarding Inslaw and Promis.... that case, this software business, seems to fit better as a covering operation, a distraction, a hang-out. Perhaps Danny C. may have been on to this for a very long time, since the 1974 document posted above. He may have never let it go.

  16. 40 minutes ago, Kirk Ross said:


     Isn't there documentation of Hunt and Liddy meeting in a restaurant with a CIA doctor to discuss how to deal with Anderson's leaks?  So Hunt was conspiring to eliminate the leaker he was feeding?  How does that make sense?  If taken at face value, how does this alter what were the assumed motivations of all involved?


    This is important to clarify.

    I recently read that Nixon ordered that Anderson be silenced, one way or another. The info or quote may be in the above article. I'll post it here if I find it.

    I suppose that Hunt might have been feigning or delaying action on Anderson in order, still, to pressure Nixon on an action against Cuba.

  17. 30 minutes ago, Kirk Ross said:

    In May of last year Mr. Caddy had posted

    these links:

    to which I had responded: 

    "Very interesting.  But what's the connection to Watergate?"

    I got no response.  But here you have made a connection.

    I never imagined there could be a connection between Casolaro and Watergate.  To find a connection here is quite surprising.  Isn't there documentation of Hunt and Liddy meeting in a restaurant with a CIA doctor to discuss how to deal with Anderson's leaks?  So Hunt was conspiring to eliminate the leaker he was feeding?  How does that make sense?  If taken at face value, how does this alter what were the assumed motivations of all involved?


    Hi again Kirk, 

    I first should add that my approach to things is much more speculative than is comfortable for others. That said, I will further note that I see the Watergate affair as an attempt to threaten Nixon into moving on a promise to "liberate" Cuba. That promise was made as part of the deal the move the JFK assassination forward in 1963.

    I have to note that it is my theory that there were Military, racist, industrial, and religious conservative groups that were not interested in a liberated Cuba; so those invasion plans got squashed; Hunt, his domestic team, and anti-Castro Cubans got double crossed. 

    This is how and why Hunt, Sturgis, Barker and McCord show up at Watergate, to make that threat to move on Cuba or the JFKA, the "whole Bay of Pigs Thing", might be exposed.

    Danny Casolero might have been putting these pieces together.



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