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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 1 minute ago, Len Colby said:


    Gee folks, lighten up, it was a joke. And no it didn't inspire the antagonism the naysayers feared. And a good way to improve the forum's tone would be to lay off the Twilight Zoney topics like the ones I sited and "two Oswald's" etc. 


    "Fetter is no longer here to defend himself" because of his trollish behavior. 

    I know, I feel like a dummy. Thanks for the Ha ha!

    To be sure, I am certain there was an impersonator moving about. Armstrong's work was meant to cover every inch of that mystery. From what I've seen, he did a great job. It's too bad that people want to criticize his Herculean effort to be thorough.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

    Yeah good luck with that fairy tale.

    Bart, you need to put up or........ as well.

    Without making a thesis about it, and trying to stay on topic, make a case against Doyle, Tommy's.... whatever, and Sandy's mistakes.

    So, you won a Lancer award. You're  resting on your laurels, sinking low, disrespecting the forum and its membership, and hardly rising above Tommy's antics.

    Bart, what you got? Let's see it.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    But neither does it necessarily mean that the absence of cold, hard evidence regarding whatever "probably" or "must have happened."

    Unless, of course, there's an overwhelming amount of properly analysed and properly applied "circumstantial" evidence.



    --  TG



    Tommy, I have been waiting for you to finish editing your response. It is making less sense with each edit.

  4. 1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:

    What possible useful purpose does this tongue-in-cheek thread serve? All it does is provide a platform for the Fetzer and White haters. So why was this topic created in the first place? It certainly does nothing to improve the forum's "tone", which is something James R. Gordon wants to see improved, otherwise this forum might go down the drain completely due to a lack of funding in the near future. And this type of wholly unnecessary backhanded swipe at James Fetzer and Jack White (even though I don't agree with their theories either, and I don't think many EF members do either) is just the kind of intentionally antagonistic thread that we shouldn't be seeing at this forum at this particular time (given the posts that have been made in recent weeks by Mr. Gordon, who is deeply concerned about "the future of the forum").

    Agreed. Jack White is dead. Fetter is no longer here to defend himself. I am kind of surprised at Len's having taken such latitude in posting this. I am particularly irritated that he has caused me to find myself in agreement with DVP. :P

  5. 6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



    Thank you. I told you my eyes weren't so good. *smile*


    But you did help me figure out he was talking about both of his brother's; Robert, who worked at Acme Brick, and John Pic, who was a Sgt. in the Air Force.


    Steve Thomas

    Steve, I was looking for Oswald's letter, from late 1963, to the CWP, expressing interest in moving to the Philadelphia or Delaware area. I didn't find that but I did come across this...


    Philadelphia is where Lee Harvey Oswald told Ruth Paine he was going to relocate to and work shortly before he went to Mexico City, and there are four Philadelphia addresses in Oswaldʼs notebook, each an interesting lead worth pursuing. 


  6. 39 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:



    It's interesting that Oswald expressed himself so gosh-darned well for a guy whom the H& L crowd believes was born in Hungary, and had learned that non Indo-European language and Indo-European (but highly inflected) Russian before, at eight years or so of age, he finally learned not-nearly-so-highly-inflected English.

    Amazing.  Absolutely amazing.

    --  TG




    If anyone else is tired of this kind of stuff from Tommy, please speak-up to the mods or admin. I don't want to get myself in trouble with them and I am sure there are others who have had enough of it as well.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Rob Couteau said:

    The work that has emerged in the last few years on JFK's foreign policy certainly proves that. I would like to see more discussion of this on the forum. I just finished Greg Poulgrain's "Incubus" book as well the Mahoney's "JFK: Ordeal in Africa" and one thing that struck me was the parallel patterns of CIA plotting in Indonesia and the Congo. The other thing that is striking is JFK's intelligence and far-ranging grasp of foreign policy - so far beyond that of the people around him. He certainly did not need to be schooled by Mary Meyer about anything other than art. If the general public could be made more aware of this they would view JFK in a different light.

    Rob, That is a very good point, and I agree with you. Reading your comment made me wonder, however, if JFK had a grasp of Realpolitiks. That is something I had not thought about and It is a nuance for which will keep myself on the lookout. What I have considered, and it seems to be relevant to my question, is this: For all his vision and capacity for imagination, could JFK could have considered, or imagined, for a moment, a blockade and sequestration of Cuba over the coming 6 decades? I don't think so. I don't think he could have imagined such a situation lasting through a speculative second term. I think that is what, in the end, got him killed. I think that what we have, regarding Cuba, is what the highest level of the chain of command within the conspiracy had in mind.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:


    Cunningham Exhibit 1 is an employment record with the Texas Employment Commission.


    On page 298 of CE 19, (page 2 of Cunningham's exhibit), under Conditions Affecting Employment, there is something about an Air Force Sergeant.

    My eyes aren't so good. Can someone make out what that says exactly?




    Steve Thomas



    I think you meant p. 398?

    I am checking it out. Right now I am reading....

    "Brother(?) junior exec. Acme Buick"

    Brother (?) "Staff sgt - Air Force"

    ******* *** *

    applicant"s characteristics... "well-groomed + spoken, business suit,

    Alert. R****** expresses self extremely well.


  9. 22 minutes ago, Roger DeLaria said:

    I would agree with you Jason, and say yes. Real and/or faux would require facilitation and support from higher level DPD. 

    And the CIA-employed Mayor of Dallas, Earle Cabell.


    ”At the time of the assassination, Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell, brother of one-time Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Charles P. Cabell, had been a CIA asset since 1956.

    It is worth noting that Kennedy dismissed CIA Director Allen Dulles in November 1961, and that Earle Cabell’s brother Charles left the CIA on January 31, 1962,...”


  10. 18 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:
    On 11/16/2016 at 9:58 PM, Thomas Graves said:


    Results from old La Jolla Bluebook telephone books:

    There was an Andres Cortes living at 7818 Fay Avenue, La Jolla, California in 1964-1965 and in 1966. No phone number given in the 1964-1965 book, just his address and name in the "Householder's Directory" in the back. He's not listed in the front "normal" part of the 1966 Bluebook either. It's only in the "Homeowner's Directory" in 1966. It was 454-5874. 7818 Fay Avenue was "transient" in 1963, whatever that means. I noticed that the "Homeowner's Directory" part of the La Jolla Bluebook used the a different term, "vacant," to describe unoccupied houses...

    --Tommy :sun

    PS --  "Hombre afuera" is Spanish for "man outside" (or "outside man"), so in the document it's a phrase, not a name. (FWIW, "inside man" = hombre adentro")




    I'm bumping this thread again because I'm fascinated by the fact that a car registered to a man living in my home town was spotted near the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City the day after the assassination.  

    It's interesting to note that about a year ago I found out from a La Jolla acquaintance of mine, via a FB post, that he was invited to attend an Alpha 66 meeting in La Jolla around 1963, which he says he did, but that he didn't understand what was discussed there because he didn't speak Spanish at the time ...

    --  TG

    PS  To see where this "La Jolla" angle begins in this thread, see Robert Howard's June 26, 2010, post at the top of page 8, and my replies thereto.



    --  TG

    Quoted for a few comments I have.

  11. Andre, Tommy is all about asking questions. He his the questioner. He does not like being asked questions and will usually reply to a question with another. Yes it is a silly game. I was pleased when you declared that you would disengage from the game earlier on in the thread, and was disappointed when you got sucked back in.

    Tommy always has a handful of similar threads handy, (Russians, scarves, skirts and TSBD minutiae) that he uses to control what is seen on the front page. It's not strictly against the rules, but it certainly does not pass the "would you want everyone to do it?" test.


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