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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 28 minutes ago, Kirk Ross said:

    In May of last year Mr. Caddy had posted

    these links:

    to which I had responded: 

    "Very interesting.  But what's the connection to Watergate?"

    I got no response.  But here you have made a connection.

    I never imagined there could be a connection between Casolaro and Watergate.  To find a connection here is quite surprising.  Isn't there documentation of Hunt and Liddy meeting in a restaurant with a CIA doctor to discuss how to deal with Anderson's leaks?  So Hunt was conspiring to eliminate the leaker he was feeding?  How does that make sense?  If taken at face value, how does this alter what were the assumed motivations of all involved?


    Hi Kirk, I'll first post that document in isolation of the threads you have posted and in isolation of the article I posted, above.


  2. Tommy was asked who he thinks did-it. His answer (edited to remove cartoon character silliness, provide clarity, and add bold to the point I am making in this posting):







    or ... ..... ... Lee Harvey Oswald (either per Pacepa, or all by him ..... self)


    --  TG


    I had to look up Pacepa, and found this link. I am also providing a quote from that linked article.

    "Of course, Oswald never needed a lawyer. Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, is believed by Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest ranking intelligence official ever to defect from the Soviet bloc, to have been a Cuban agent whose assignment was to keep Oswald from talking. "



  3. 16 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    If the CIA wasn't involved in the assassination, how can the whole Mexico City trip be explained? Recorded voices of impostors? (That later disappear.) No CIA surveillance photos of  Oswald? A pretend connection between Oswald and KGB assassin Kostikov? A pretend $6500 payoff to Oswald? What was the purpose of the whole charade?

    Do you think any other group beside the CIA could have pulled that off? If so, for what purpose?

    And what about Ann Egerter's testimony that the sole purpose for a 201 file being opened in Angleton's CI/SIG division would be if the person was an Agency employee who was being investigated? And a ton of other evidence Oswald worked for the CIA?




    3 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

    Sandy, this shows us that the CIA was involved with setting up the Oswald "legend" prior to, and definitely after, the assassination. The 201 file shows that Oswald was in some way connected to the CIA. 

    But as far as CIA fingerprints on the assassination itself...it's as if the murder weapon was "wiped clean" of those prints.

    Guilt-by-association isn't exactly enough to convict, IMHO.

    Hi there Mark, Sandy,

    I think we sometimes forget that we all have different standards for evidence and conclusions. I think this shows in regards to both of your remarks. I don't think you are in disagreement, I think you just differ in your standards and your purposes.



  4. 7 hours ago, Vanessa Loney said:


    I see that you have ducked the opportunity to give us your theory on who did it. You keep inviting us to offer speculative views. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Do you now think Oswald did it?



    6 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:






    or ... gasp ... Lee Harvey Oswald (either per Pacepa, or all by him witting-or-unwitting CIA Asset frustrated-widdle-self)



    --  TG





    It's important to have Tommy on the record for this thread.

  5. Hi Sandy,

    Thanks, but I am not concerned about it. I was posting that so other members would be aware of that issue. With the limited forum-hosted picture space it best to just not use it. If pictures are an important part of your post you would want them to remain and not disappear the next time you need to post a picture somewhere else.

    Thanks again,


  6. 6 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Thomas Graves

    Which Documents Would "The Evil, Evil CIA Did It" Researchers Like To See Released?

    How about:  A handwritten, notarized memo by Angleton or Joannides or Phillips or ("ex" FBI SA) Banister spelling how he or they had duped LHO into thinking that he (LHO) was workin' for the CIA, infiltratin' the DRE and the FPCC an' everythin', and was gonna be sent down to Mexico City to try to recruit Kostikov (and that short, thin-faced, blond-haired KGB colonel, Leonov), so he could be patsied in the upcoming JFK assassination?

    Or something like that?  

    I mean, you know, just for starters?

    --  TG

    EDIT ALERT:  Larry Hancock, what would you like to see that would help you to "wrap this puppy up" after 55 frustrating years?



    Thanks for giving all of us non-patriotic, commie, self loathing American CIA-Did-it Ct-ers an opportunity to come out of the closet and show our true, pinko, color.

    I would like to see released, all the documents that the CIA drew up to exterminate the tens of millions of oxygen-wasting, darkish, pope-worshipping folks who infested the greater Western Hemisphere and who insisted on being free from the imperial, Murican MIC establishment, and who had the nerve to think that, perhaps there might be more for them in their lives than picking bananai, barefoot.

    Of course, the realease of the CIA documents that offered technical proposals on how to process the remains of those poor folks to create industrial products that were previously impossible to bring to market, due to an ill-conceived and outdated notion that perhaps products derived from the processing of human remains would not sell well on the international market, would be a bonus.

    But, of course, that's just this rabid anti-American, pinko, CIA-did-it CT-er.

    Thanks Tommy, That feels soooooo good to finally let it all out. I feel like a born-again, pinko, American, thanks to you.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    But would love it if you came up with threads about the Secret Army Organization. Not sure what the French is, but it is OAS - something like Organization Army Secrete. I’m going to post on this thread eventually since I’m on the same page as Paz 


  8. 9 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    But would love it if you came up with threads about the Secret Army Organization. Not sure what the French is, but it is OAS - something like Organization Army Secrete. I’m going to post on this thread eventually since I’m on the same page as Paz 

    Organisation armée secrète




    The Organisation armée secrète or OAS (meaning Secret Army Organisation) was a short-lived right-wing[1] French dissident paramilitary organization during the Algerian War (1954–62). The OAS carried out terrorist attacks, including bombings and assassinations, in an attempt to prevent Algeria's independence from French colonial rule.[1][2] Its motto was L’Algérie est française et le restera ("Algeria is French and will remain so").


  9. 2 minutes ago, James R Gordon said:

    That device - if it works - should still come from your storage limit. At present you have used 99% of your limit allocation.

    Thanks James, yet, like I assume Mervyn is experiencing, I cannot delete anything from my storage. I am not complaining, nor do I wish to take-up anyone's time to figure it out, It has always been that way. I added 4ish photos and have never been able to delete them.

  10. Since this thread is at the top I will add that using what I see on my iPad, at the lower right, as a " insert other media" button, can be used to insert web links that end in .jpg.... etc. I have to play with it to make it work and sometimes I am unseuccessfull, without understanding why.

  11. Here is John Dean’s description of Liddy’s presentation...

    John Dean described his recollections of this meeting to President Nixon on March 21, 1973, during the "Cancer on the Presidency" conversation: "So I came over and Liddy laid out a million dollar plan that was the most incredible thing I have ever laid my eyes on: all in codes, and involved black bag operations, kidnapping, providing prostitutes, uh, to weaken the opposition, bugging, uh, mugging teams. It was just an incredible thing."

  12. On 12/9/2010 at 8:19 PM, Jack White said:

    According to Fletch Prouty, the mastermind of operations was Lucien Conein, assisted by Lansdale, Phillips and Hunt.


    Interesting topic. 

    I don’t have Conein on my radar and I see Landsdale as a commanding officer, with expertise and a plan of his own in the Psy Ops side of things. 

    As far as planning, communications, strategic and (high level) tactical decisions  and executive authority for ongoing operations I see Phillips, Hunt, William F. Buckley, and Liddy. 

    This description of Liddy’s planing capabilities is humorous but I think there is another, better description of Liddy’s plans for operation “Gemstone” (Watergate). This is Halderman, Talking to Nixon.. “There were these
    meetings in Mitchell`s office, uh, where
    Liddy unveiled his plan.  And the first plan
    he unveiled, uh, nobody bought.  They all
    laughed at it.  Cause it was so bizarre
    So he went back to the drawing, board and
    came back with a second plan and the second plan didn`t get, bought either.”

    The penchant for writing these spy novels, that Hunt, Liddy, and Phillips had, I surmise, were excercises of the imagination; playbooks, if you will, that was meant to give these guys the ability to form a plan, react to contingencies, execute on both and know how the other guys think.


  13. On 12/2/2017 at 9:54 AM, John Butler said:

    An answer for Sandy Larsen:

    I went back and reviewed the Martin film’s sequence showing Prayer Man.  It is about 4 seconds in length and that would be about 70 frames if the film moved at Zapruder speed.  That segment shows Prayer Man on the Elm Street curb as the presidential limousine passes by.  The limo is hard to see since what is show is just the top and the occupant’s heads.  However, at the end of the sequence are several good shots of the limo as it passes the monument walkway unto El Street.  In those frames you can see President Kennedy’s head (the imagery is really not that good).  In this frame you can clearly the limo, Prayer Man and,  two Motorcycle Policemen as the motorcade goes by.




  14. 12 minutes ago, Trygve V. Jensen said:

    I would as well.


    So I ask, if anyone could be so kind to link to the best/good versions of the relevant films , available now in 2018, - regarding this topic ?

    Like the Martin (so can make an attempt to actually see this PM with his camera), Wiegman, Towner, - footage. Or Hughes, Bell, Couch, Mentesana,  and Muchmore - footage , - for that matter.


    . Any input appreciated.



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