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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. Thread Post 1

    In this first post I will try to illustrate a suspicion I have; namely, I think that "2X- xx" location codes are indicating a specific location within a city, rather than generally making referencing a particular city. These 2X-X codes, I surmise, are referencing a CIA HQ, embassy or consulate in a given city. 


    These documents indicate Paris as both 15-4 and 20-4.




    This document indicates Luxembourg as 20-5

    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=31777#relPageId=3&tab=page .....

    While this document shows Luxembourg as ....

    Oops, I'll have to find this one again and edit-it in.


    This doc indicates Madrid as 20-2


    While this one indicates Madrid as 15-2




    This Doc indicates London as 20-1



    While These Docs indicates London as 15-1




    15 - 30 and 20 - 30 are both used for Karlsruhe in this document.









    20-20   Frankfurt


































    21-5   Redacted


    Same doc as above, unredacted

    16-5  San Jose

    21-5  SANJ

















  2. Recently released document on Gilberto Lopez.


    HSCA commentary on Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations on the Performance of Intelligence Agencies in the Inevestigation of Assassination.

    Blatantly critical of the FBI and CIA.

    Early mention is made of Gelberto Lopez' flight to Cuba via Mexico, beginning on Nov. 23, 1963.


    Mention made of:


    LIFIRE - joint program with the Mexican security forces. LIFIRE obtained passenger manifests of all commercial flights, passport photographs of travelers to Cuba, and could sometimes even follow a passenger to the hotel with their surveillance truck. 

    Giberto Lopez (Mar. 19, 1964)  is said to have been involved in the Kennedy Assassination

    - March '63 report on Lopez " jibes fully" with that provided station by LITEMPO early December, 1963.

    - Lopez' wife stated that Lopez suffered bouts of epilepsy, and had to be confined to Jackson State Hospital (crossed-out in Key West crossed-out).

               - assuming this is Jackson State Hospital, Louisiana. No such place in Key West.

    - Lopez' FPCC activities

    - CIA provided no information on Lopez to the Warren Comission

    - FBI provided one singe piece of Lopez information, regarding a check, to the Warren Comission



  3. HSCA commentary on Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations on the Performance of Intelligence Agencies in the Inevestigation of Assassination.

    Blatantly critical of the FBI and CIA.

    Early mention is made of Gelberto Lopez' flight to Cuba via Mexico, beginning on Nov. 23, 1963.


    Mention made of:


    LIFIRE - joint program with the Mexican security forces. LIFIRE obtained passenger manifests of all commercial flights, passport photographs of travelers to Cuba, and could sometimes even follow a passenger to the hotel with their surveillance truck. 

    Giberto Lopez (Mar. 19, 1964)  is said to have been involved in the Kennedy Assassination

    - March '64 report on Lopez " jibes fully" with that provided station by LITEMPO early December, 1963.

    - Lopez' wife stated that Lopez suffered bouts of epilepsy, and had to be confined to Jackson State Hospital (crossed-out in Key West crossed-out).

               - assuming this is Jackson State Hospital, Mississippi. No such place in Key West.

    -Lopez' FPCC activities

    -- CIA provided no information on Lopez to the Warren Comission

    - FBI provided one singe piece of Lopez information, regarding a check, to the Warren Comission








  4. Dallas Mayor During JFK Assassination Was CIA Asset

    Earle Cabell, Dealey Plaza

    Here is the first major revelation from the historic release of previously withheld government records on the JFK Assassination: the mayor of Dallas when President John F. Kennedy was killed in that city was a CIA asset.

    We were alerted to this salient fact by retired military intelligence officer and author John Newman, who is conducting a thorough analysis of the long-secret documents.

    At the time of the assassination, Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell, brother of one-time Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Charles P. Cabell, had been a CIA asset since 1956.

    It is worth noting that Kennedy dismissed CIA Director Allen Dulles in November 1961, and that Earle Cabell’s brother Charles left the CIA on January 31, 1962, after Kennedy forced him to resignThus, both Dulles and Charles Cabell were no longer working for the CIA on November 22, 1963, when Kennedy was killed.

    Earle Cabell, who had been elected mayor of Dallas in May 1961, oversaw arrangements for Kennedy’s trip and motorcade, which took him through Dealey Plaza, a route that violated almost all standard rules for presidential safety — and where normal safeguards, such as sealing windows and placing sharpshooters, were ignored. This is of interest to researchers into the assassination, who have been collecting evidence of CIA ties to a host of individuals who figure in the events of 11/22/63 (see also WhoWhatWhy Editor-in-Chief Russ Baker’s Family of Secrets for more on this topic.)

    Below is Earle Cabell’s 10/17/56 CIA Secrecy Agreement, his CIA 201 file cover sheet (a “personality” file opened on actual or potential agents, assets, or informants), his 5/13/57 CIA Personality 201 File Request, and a cover sheet indicating that the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) reviewed his 201 file.

    It is quite remarkable both that this document was withheld all these years under the criterion that it was “Not Believed Relevant” (NBR) to the Kennedy assassination. Judge John Tunheim, who led the JFK Assassination Records Review Board, a 1990s successor to the HSCA, recently said he now believes that many of the NBR-designated documents are indeed relevant.

    This raises the question of who is determining which documents to release, what training they receive, and under what instructions they operate.


  5. JUWTFA Activated after the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force, Atlantic

    - Prepare, Cordinate and execute operations against Cuba

    - Reduce affectiveness and morale of Castro goverment

    - Assist in establishing friendly political control of Cuba

    - 1959 JUWTFA predecessor comprised of 26 officers and 7 enlisted men (Unified Action Armed Forces)

    - initial JUWTFA staffing inadequate, required considerable augmentation

    - Additional Army and Air Force personnel obtained

    - 26, Nov. 62 letter proposed actions to bring JUWTFA planning to full wartime compliment

    - 2 Submarines and 2 Seal Teams provided






  6. Meeting of Krulak committee,




    Justice (RFK?)


    - Mexicans willing, privately, to help

    - need authority to act

    - interdiction of gun-running, locally

    - restrictions on travel

    - Travel to be controlled at sources, not international waters

    - communications to other nations, letting them know that they can help.

    - easy to put two people at each of 93 non -US airfields within reach of Cuba for surveillance 



  7. 18 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    P. 28

    Department of Defence Directive. December 5, 1957.

    Policies governing the assignment of Military Personnel to the CIA.

    Cancels the 1952 Directive 1315.2 which governed the use of military personnel in the CIA.

    "Certain military personnel should be assigned to the CIA to provide adequate military participation and support at appropriate levels in the agency..... personnel should be the best qualified and most experienced available, with a well-founded understanding of their own service..."







  8. 3 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    BTW, the more we learn about the whole QJ WIN AND WI ROGUE in Congo, the more incredible it gets.

    In Michael LeFlem's article on this at K and K,  it is show that the CIA had a total of five people assigned to the liquidation of Lumumba over time.


    Thanks Jim, I was assuming this was about Lumumba, but I didn't want to say so without more research.

    The other items about Bagley were interesting as well, like the failure to follow-up on Nosenko leads which, when later-followed, yielded fruit.

  9. P. 28

    Department of Defence Directive. December 5, 1957.

    Policies governing the assignment of Military Personnel to the CIA.

    Cancels the 1952 Directive 1315.2 which governed the use of military personnel in the CIA.

    "Certain military personnel should be assigned to the CIA to provide adequate military participation and support at appropriate levels in the agency..... personnel should be the best qualified and most experienced available, with a well-founded understanding of their own service..."






  10. Memo by Howard Osborne, expressing reservations regarding promotion of Bagley. His reasoning, re: Nosenko, are interesting. (June 2017 release)


    ****edit I transcribed the above. Italics are mine..




    13 October 1970


    Subject: BAGELY, Tennant, Harrington

    #386 38

    1) On Wednesday, 7 October 1970 I briefed Colonel L. K. White, Executive  Director-Controller on certain reservations I have concerning the proposed promotion of subject to a supergrade position.

    2)  I was very careful to explain to Colonel White at the outset that my reservations had nothing whatsoever to do with Bagely's security status. I explained that it was my conviction that Bagely was almost exclusively responsible for the manner in which the Nosenko case had been handled by our SR division. I said I considered that Bagely lacked objectivity and that he had displayed extremely poor judgment over a two year period in the handling of this case. Specifically as one example of Bagely's extreme prejudice I pointed out that the SR division had neglected to follow up several leads provided by Nosenko which subsequently had been followed up by this office (Bruce Solie) and that this lead us to individuals who have confess their recruitment and use by the Soviets over an extensive period of time.

    3)  I explained further that Bagely displayed extremely poor judgment in the actions he took during that time that the Nosenko was incarcerated at ISOLATION. On many occasions, as the individual responsible for Nosenko's care, I refuse to condone subjects instructions to my people who are guarding him. In one instance Bagely insisted that and Nosenko's food ration be reduced to black bread and water three times daily. After I had briefed Colonel White, he indicated that he would refresh the Director's memory on Bagely's role in the Nosenko case at the time he reviews supergrade promotions. 


    Howard J. Osborn

    Director of Security



    ***edit corrected name for Osborn

  11. An interesting document from the June 2017 release:


    Subject: Garrison and the Kennedy assassination .

    20 peoeple involed in the Garrison investigation who have CIA connections.

    Thomas Edward Beckham (Mark Evans)

    Melvin Belli (mention of Lucky Luciano)

    Don Bohning

    Colonel L. Robert Castorr; Assosiate of General Walker

    Lloyd J. Cobb. Boss of Clay Shaw

    Michael Charles Conley

    Wieslaw Gornicki (polish journalist)

    Marshall Wilson Houts (FBI,  OSS, critic of JFK auutopsy; published)

    Guy Persac Johnson; Lawyer for Clay Shaw

    William R Klein, friend of Garrison, Cuban organizer

    Robert Evanson Lee; Assistant DA to Garrison

    William Richard Martin, assistant DA to Garrison

    Relman Morin, Author of  "Assasssinations"; pro Warren Commission 

    Dr. Alton Ochsner, Garrison considered him a principal in the JFKA.

    Robert Perrin;

    Benjamin Sonnenburg

    Mr. And  Mrs. Edgar Bloom Stern

    !Monroe Sullivan

    William Clarence  Wood (AkA Bill Boxley) OSS



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