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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 7/16/2008 at 5:42 PM, Jack White said:

    David Atlee Phillips and his family are a ripe area for research. Phillips is my main


    W.T. Waggoner and family are not. Their interests were horses, cattle, and oil.

    As far as is known, they had little interest in politics. They built the first horserace

    track in Texas, Arlington Downs. They sold the racetrack land to Dallas interests

    which built GSW...nothing suspicious there...that was back in the 40s-50s.

    As for the W.T. Waggoner building, at the time of construction it was the tallest

    building in Fort Worth, 20 stories, and still stands today. It is not suspicious that

    anyone might have an office in such a building.

    Many wealthy people lived in the Rivercrest area...nothing suspicious about that.


    James McCord Jr. Worked for the Waggoner bank, early in his career.

    Also, David Boylan posted a document recently, showing that Mccord Worked for Phillips while in the CIA.

    Mccord provides a line from Phillips directly to Oswald. McCord was in charge of an operation to infiltrate the FPCC.

  2. On 8/11/2005 at 2:04 PM, Ryan Crowe said:

    I found this last night.............

    Perhaps because of the following account, David Atlee Phillips was questioned by the HSCA about his possible relationship with both Freeport Sulphur and Moa Bay Mining Company. While working for the HSCA, Fonzi interviewed James Cogswell III, in his home in Palm Beach, Florida. Cogswell presented Fonzi with various leads he felt were important to the case, one of which was the following:

    Cogswell says the Bishop sketch resembles the former president of a Moa Bay subsidiary, Freeport Sulphur of New Orleans. Cogswell doesn't remember name of that officer, but says he knew he had very powerful connections and came from Texas.

    When Phillips, who came from Texas, was asked about Freeport, the HSCA staffer noted this response:

    Mr. Phillips stated that he "probably" did have some contacts with someone or some persons associated with the Moa Bay Mining Company, but he did not recall any specific names. He also "must have" had some contact with Freeport Sulphur people. "I was fairly socially active at the time and the name of the company is familiar to me."

    Note that Phillips did not deny an association, but left it to the investigators to find more. Steve Dorrill reported in the Lobster article mentioned previously that one of the pilots of the Moa Bay Mining Company was Pedro Diaz Lanz, a hotshot pilot who defected from the head of Castro's air force and subsequently befriended both Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt, both of whom have also been closely associated with David Phillips. Another employee of the Moa Bay Mining Company, Jorge Alfredo Tarafa, listed Freeport Nickel Company, Moa Bay Cuba as his place of employment from 9/21/59 to 4/8/60 on his job resume. Tarafa was identified as a delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Front (FRD) in New Orleans, headed by Sergio Arcacha Smith. The FRD was the group that E. Howard Hunt set up with exiled Cuban leader Tony Varona to sponsor anti-Castro activities.

    Arcacha, Banister, and "Mr. Phillips"

    Probe has turned up a long lost transcript of a deposition of a person whose name would be instantly recognized by anyone who has studied the Kennedy assassination. It is our hope to reveal the source of this deposition to the ARRB if and when they come to the West Coast.

    In this deposition, we find the following startling information. Picking up where the witness was telling how Sergio Arcacha Smith, one of Garrison's original suspects in the Kennedy assassination planning, had invited the witness to a meeting in Guy Banister's office:

    Q: Did you go alone to that meeting?

    A: As I recall, I did, yes.

    Q: Who was there?

    A: Mr. Banister, Mr. Arcacha Smith, and Mr. Phillips.

    Q: Do you know his first name [meaning Phillips]?

    A: No.

    Q: Had you seen him before?

    A: No.

    Q: Was he a Latin?

    A: No.

    Q: What was his interest in the meeting?

    A: He seemed to be running the show.

    Q: Telling Banister and Arcacha Smith what to do?

    A: His presence was commanding. It wasn't in an orderly military situation, you know. It was just they seemed to introduce Mr. Phillips.

    Q: How old a man was he?

    A: I would say he was around 51, 52 [Note: the speaker is young.]

    Q: American?

    A: American.

    Q: Was he identified as to his background?

    A: No.

    Q: Were hints dropped as to his background?

    A: Just that he was from Washington, that's all.

    Q: Did you assume from that he was with the CIA?

    A: I didn't assume anything, I never assume anything. . . .I think someone mentioned something about this conversation isn't taking place.

    The project that Banister and Arcacha and Mr. Phillips were working on, according to the witness, was to be a televised anti-Castro propaganda program, something that would have been in the direct purview of David Phillips as chief of propaganda for Cuban operations at that time.

    Excellent thread, with research on Freeport Sulpher. But I am wondering if the source of the above-mentioned deposition was ever revealed.

    ****edit: Jim DiEugenio answered the above question....

    Jim D said: 

    The witness from the deposition from Probe was Gordon Novel. The deposition was taken during his libel suit against Playboy magazine, for Garrison mentioning him during his famous interview. In the mid nineties, I tracked down the defense lawyer, a guy named David Krupp. I called him up to try and locate the deposition.  He said he probably would not recall a lawsuit from that long ago or the witness. This colloquy then followed:

    "Oh, you will remember this guy."  

    "Who is it?"  

    "Gordon Novel."  

    "Oh, Gordon!  He was one of the more colorful characters I interviewed."

    Then he directed me toward the Playboy legal department. They actually sent me the entire three day interview in a bound set of about 12 volumes.  They paid for both the shipping and duplicating.  Lisa Pease actually read every page of it, and she put together a three part series for Probe based upon the deposition.  And this is just one part of one installment.

    And to me its not even the highlight.  The highlight is when he describes his relationship with Allen Dulles during the Garrison investigation.

    Its very unfortunate what happened to Novel at about the time of the Church Committee and the coming of the HSCA.  That is a long, convoluted and complex saga that no one has ever written about except some alternative newspapers down in New Orleans.  Suffice it to say, very few people who were in any way approachable, knew as much about what happened to JFK as he did.

  3. 7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    That is not why you started the thread.

    Because the answer to that is that it did not matter, did it?

    So your underlying idea, which is the basis for every single thread you start, that somehow it could not really be the Deep State behind all this, it simply ridiculous on its face, to everyone but you.

    Because only an investigation that was rigged from the start would overlook something that important in the first place.

    But you have to completely ignored that fact to promote your Russian translator did it non starter.

    Moreover, it is a question that could have, should have and has been asked many times as a relavent part of another thread.

    As it stands, this thread serves as one of many that can be used, bounced, with just a "Buped" "edited" or addressed to someone (" bumped for Paul""), and displace other threads, control the front page, and keep Tommy's mug hanging around and in everyone's face. Most importantly, and unfortunately, this displaces a lot of worthwhile research the multiple threads allow Tommy to do this and, technically, obey the "24 hour" rule.

    I am not making an assertion of Tommy's motivations, because that is against the rules. Yet, that is ultimately what his actions serve to to.

    PS. Prayer man, Oswald, might have been exactly where he was supposed to be, for reasons unknown.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Sandy Old Buddy,

    Do you think Baker was haulin' you-know-what down to the corner so he could hang out with his buds down there for a couple of minutes, you know, thinking that maybe they had an extra donut or two and he wanted to get there before they could eat 'em all up?

    --  TG  (aka "Tommy", "Tom," "Thomas," "Mr. Graves!", etc)


    Tommy, is that what Sandy said?

    What are YOU trying to say?

  5. 7 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    You mean they actually had him on some kind of leash out there, you know, with one foot on the top step, and either the toe of his other one balanced on the landing, or with his left leg splayed way back and his knee bent awkwardly so he could get that dang foot flat-like on that darned landing, as PM is portrayed in both of them there ways in Andrej's models?

    --  TG

    Silliness, conjecture, ridicule, and making no assertions or sense, are you?

  6. 8 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:


    1. The pre-assassination Oswald so obviously sheep dipped to look like a Castro-loving or even Castro-controlled conspiratorial Communist is at odds with the post-assassination Lone Nut - 




    I have been recently-convinced that LHO was not sheep-dipped at all.

    He was infiltrating Pro-Castro groups (the FPCC), as a CIA operative, under David Atlee Phillips, via James McCord Jr.. As David Bolan pointed-out recently, McCord was working for Phillips. Phillips was the Chief of Western Hemisphere operations and, under him, McCord directed a counter intelligence program against the FPCC.

    Oswald was working for Phillips, through McCord. Oswald was a CIA agent.

  7. On 4/3/2018 at 9:04 PM, David Boylan said:

    Thanks David, so we have McCord working for Phillips at a time when McCord was leading a project to infiltrate the FPCC. Oswald, would be highly recommended for such an infiltration job because of his highly public defection to the Soviet Union. Some of that publicity would come from the Dallas and Fort Worth areas; Phillips home town.

  8. Please humor my current interest in James McCord Jr. when I note that, on October 16, 1963, it was deemed necessary to swear this CIA officer to secrecy; noting that during his previous 14 months with A "Q" clearance from the Atomic Energy Commission it was not deemed necessary.

    "In 1961, and under James McCord's direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." Wikipedia 





  9. It strikes me as odd that that it was deemed necessary to swear McCord to secrecy on October, 16, 1963; 14 months after he received his Q clearance from The Atomic Energy Agency. What was going on, in October of 1963, that required his being sworn, and was deemed more important than his access to nuclear secrets over the previous year?


  10. 14 minutes ago, Trygve V. Jensen said:

    Yet I also, - no matter how many times seeing the Zapruder-film (even when trying to persuade myself to see it from a non-SBT-supportive view) ---- just can not get away from seeing what looks like Connally being hit by the same bullet.



    I absolutely agree. It seems like one of most obvious things that can be said about the file. Connally and Kennedy react instantaneously. Connally flags his hand as he is hit in the wrist, as JFK pulls his hands up. 

  11. 20 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

    The trouble with Earle Cabell is that he didn't have the military, paramilitary or special services training that such an orchestration would require.


    --Paul Trejo

    From Wikipedia: Earle "Cabell was the 4th of 4 sons of the then former 1900–1904 City of Dallas Mayor Ben E. Cabell and also the grandson of the former multi-term City of Dallas Mayor William L. Cabell of the late 19th Century. He was the brother of Charles Cabell, who was deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency until Charles resigned in the wake of the Bay of Pigs invasion....... One version of John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories, the "Renegade CIA Clique" theory, implicates Cabell and other alleged conspirators, including CIA officials James Jesus AngletonWilliam King Harvey, and Cabell's brother Charles Cabell.[4] This theory claims Earl Cabell re-routed Kennedy's motorcade as a favor to his brother.[4]

    "At the time of the assassination, Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell, brother of one-time Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Charles P. Cabell, had been a CIA asset since 1956."



    "Charles Pearre Cabell (October 11, 1903 – May 25, 1971) was a United States Air Force General and Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency." .......Brother of Earle Cabell



    On 10/14/2004 at 2:27 PM, Jack White said:


    After studying this for more than 40 years, my conclusion is that

    you left off your list the MAIN PROBABILITY...A COMBINATION

    OF MANY ON YOUR LIST. (And you left off 

    ..... Lyndon may have also recruited LUCE,

    BUSH, and ZAPRUDER. 


    Your list has nearly all the SUSPECTS, but fails to connect




    I don't recall Jack, or anyone else, calling out Zapruder, so distinctly, as a perp. I have suspected Zapruder as, at least, having foreknowledge.

  13. 12 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    And around and around in circles we go (again), with Mr. Lifton apparently (again) totally ignoring the following facts that were discussed about a month ago. Quoting from my previous posts....

    ---Quote On:---

    "In the 1967 interview [here], Dr. Perry says that he did some "cutting through the wound" just before he says the word "inviolate" or "invalid". But regardless of which word he used there, it's a moot point because of the words he uttered immediately prior to that --- "cutting through the wound".

    And please keep in mind the context of the sentence that Dr. Perry is uttering. The word "inviolate" in that part of his 1967 CBS-TV interview doesn't make any sense at all. But "invalid" sure does. Perry's complete statement was:

    "I didn't really concern myself too much with how it happened or why. And for that reason, of course, I didn't think about cutting through the wound, which, of course, rendered it invalid (inviolate?) for as regards further examination and inspection."

    Now, if the word spoken by Dr. Perry there was really "inviolate", how does that sentence he just spoke make any sense at all? Inviolate means "Not Violated" and "Intact". So if Perry had really said the wound was "inviolate", it would have meant the wound was still "intact", and therefore it COULD have still been available for "further examination and inspection". But Perry implied exactly the opposite in his '67 interview. He was implying the wound was no longer available for additional examination. (Is there any doubt in anyone's mind—even David Lifton's—that that is what he was implying there? How could anyone doubt that fact after listening to the full interview?) Therefore, how could he have meant the wound was "inviolate"?


    Some additional thoughts....

    Since you [David S. Lifton] are pretty sure at this point that Dr. Perry's 1966/1967 CBS interview has been "altered", then can you tell me WHY the people who altered it would have wanted the end result of such fakery to be a totally nonsensical statement being uttered by Dr. Malcolm Perry?

    If "they" can seamlessly alter the audio/video of that interview, then why didn't they replace what you believe to be the KEY WORD in the interview ("inviolate") with something else? But you're saying that even though the tape of the interview was "altered", the alterers decided NOT to remove the one and only word that is creating the big controversy here—"inviolate". Is that correct, DSL? (This reminds me of the argument from the people who think the Zapruder Film has also been altered, even though the film alterers decided to LEAVE IN the "back and to the left" footage of JFK's head movement after the fatal shot, which is, of course, the MAIN reason why so many conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy in the first place. Ironic, huh?)


    Since you are convinced that Perry did NOT cut through JFK's throat wound at all, then that must mean that the following portion of Perry's interview is a portion that you think was "altered", right?....

    "...cutting through the wound..."

    Or do you think that Dr. Perry was in a lying mood (or mode) when he uttered the above sentence, but then he turned off his "lying mode" a couple of seconds later when the word "inviolate" came out of his mouth?"

    -- DVP; February 28 & early March 2018; Hendricks County, Indiana; USA; North America; Earth; Milky Way

    David Von Pein, Your cut and paste style fails on very important test. I does not pass the "would you want everyone else do what you do?" test. You take advantage of the good sense of others by acting in a way that they do not act. If everyone pasted quotes from their archive of debates there would be no debate. 

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