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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. In light of the recent "Future of the Education Forum" post, I want to raise this point once again. 

    James made a point that we all have lives outside the JFK Assassination forum. Surely we all have many interests and some that are particularly engrossing to us as individuals. 

    I think that we could do more for the Educationforum and it's future, by filling-out the forum with things that are interesting to us. I know Kathy has accommodated me with a Latin Inscriptions sub-forum. But, that relied heavily on pictures, which tend to go away over time and leave posts without the core from which that forum could flourish.

    There is so much potential for this forum if people would contribute in other areas. It doesn't cost anything and it could really bridge gaps between members that tend to become problematic in an area such as the JFK case or political conspiracy in general.

    Just a though.





  2. On 12/24/2011 at 9:21 PM, Greg Parker said:


    you said it all when you said 'allegedly" couldn't drive. I'm curious as to why this could not have been the O's (apart from the driving issue)? Where else were they supposed to have been at the time?

    I'm perfectly at ease with the Irving incidents being the O's as I have looked into those sightings quite recently, but it's possible I missed that they were supposed to be elsewhere. The January one, I'd have to take another look at -- has been a while...

    The Furniture Mart.

    It's not that the Oswalds, all four of them, were supposed to be somewhere else at the time (as is mentioned above) it's that the owner of the Mart, and a friend, testified, simultaneously, in the same room, with Marina, with back and forth exchanges, in front of the Warren Commission! Maria says she wasn't the woman that the owner saw. The owner testifies that LHO was the person that was with Marina. They had both children in tow. 

    A funny exchange during the testimony...... The owner described how Marina looked that day in the Funitur Mart, remarking that she had very pretty eyes; and Marina replies... "thank you".

    It is a worthwhile read. I am not sold on the depth and breadth of H&L, but I believe all of this testimony; which means that LHO's double was the spitting image of him, as was Marina's double. If you agree with me on this episode then that goes very very deep into H&L territory. It means the whole family was doubled and presented for this instance. This was after October 20th, when their second daughter was born.

    For those who do not know, LHO went in to the shop, with a rifle scope, to have it serviced, or a piece replaced or made for it. This was weeks before the assassination. There was no longer a gunsmith at that store. A "gunsmith" sign was in the window from a time prior when a gunsmith had a counter in the store. So, LHO would never be coming back for a second visit... quite a convenience. LHO drove like a novice, and went the wrong way down a one-way-street.


  3. It is difficult for me give my answer to the question that James asked, simply because the answer is so obvious that I take it as almost a rhetorical question. Language does matter. Some things matter more however. Respect for the membership as whole is more important than language, grammar, politeness. Tommy's 100 word sentences are a form of self-stimulation and are disrespectful to the reader. Paul Trejo's "politeness" is meaningless in light of the falsehoods that he constantly purveys. Walton's hit list, of what he deems are absurd theories, that he shuffles through whenever he wants to place a member's offerings in his bucket of contempt that he carries around the forum, is hugely disrespectful to the forum and all members in it. James's point about language, assuming he is pointing out David's harsh words that he sometimes uses is more than a fair point; but, IMO, it pails in comparison to the overall damage to the forum that is done by the other three members I have mentioned.

    What is really worthy of note is that James and others who support the forum financially are doing so for the benefit of about 30 people who post here with some frequency. While the maintainance of the historical record of the forum, long before I came here, is invaluable, maintaining it for the few who now participate, and the the very few who walk in with muddy shoes, makes no sense.

    I would like to know what James' ending of financial support means to the forum. I want to help, if something can be done. It seems that maintaining the forum, closed, as a historical record and maintaining it as an open and operating forum are the two options apart from turning out the lights. If it could be made clear what the costs are and how to make payments going forward, if that method is actually different from how it is done now, I think that would be helpful.

    Thanks for all you have done in the past, James, and the other admins and moderators.


  4. Eddy, I have never used the ignore function but I just looked into it for you. I am using an iPad. I clicked on my name in the upper right hand corner, and a drop down list includes "ignored users". Click on that and you can enter: " Name of user". You are then offered some options, like, if you want to just ignore their signature, posts, etc. Then click add user.

  5. I just want to mention one thing because it is egregious behavior, IMO, and the mods may not have noticed. Our prolific “KGB did it” member has started to equivocate his theory with that of being a patriotic Amarican. To be sure, he has supported his position by pointing out that he is a proud American, and questioned whether detractors of his theory are patriotic. And, make no mistake, sometimes his sarcastic comment that “ Putin is a very nice man” is used to characterize his impression of the character of other members.

    It can be very hard to control oneself under such circumstances, and such behavior is guaranteed to provoke harsh, personal pushback if it is not checked.

  6. On 5/20/2015 at 10:09 AM, Ron Ecker said:

    IMO the Oxnard call, made just minutes before the assassination, is prima facie evidence of a conspiracy. 



    Quoting the opening post of this thread.

  7. We're the Sea Peoples simply the Phoenicians, in Ascendency?

    I have recently become interested in the Sea Peoples, as I often come across them in my ancillary studies. With regard to the Wikipedia entries I have searched, I found something quite curious.


    I converted the Wiki entries to PDFs, to make them more easily searchable, and this is what I noticed:


    In my 53 page PDF on the “Sea Peoples” there is no mention of Phoenecia.


    In my 54 page PDF on “Phoenicia”, there is no mention o “Sea Peoples”


    Yet, regarding the Sea Peoples, they are given a time-frame for their exploits of between 1200 and 900 B.C.; whilst the Phoenicians are credited for enjoying their prime between 1200 and 800 B.C..  How can the two cultures be treated properly in isolation; describing one with no mention made of the other?


    Are we not talking about the consolidation, in the Eastern Mediterranean, of a group, a culture, a way of life that had spread across the sea and become cosmopolitan to the Mediterranean? Are we not seeing, in the descriptions made by the Egyptians, Anatolia, Syrians and Hitites, the ascendency of an empire that had arose, under their noses, to dominate the full range of the Mediterranean, and were only now being noticed as the power player of the frontier between each of them and encroaching upon what they had understood to be their territory?


    The Wikipedia has a chart which uses various ancient words for the Sea Peoples and their origins. Indeed the the assertions therein span the Length and breadth of the Mediterranean, from Sardinia, Sicily, The Tyrrhenian Sea, Mycenae, Greece and Anatolia. Could it not be all of these places? Could it be that Phoenicia had come of age and simply began to dominate all who resisted, and indeed, reasserted hegemony over what is often, possibly falsely, considered their homeland. 


    It has been argued that the word Phoenician is a construct of later times, referring to the empire that plied in the trade of purple dies and textiles, and that it is not a term that they would have called themselves. 


    Are the Sea Peoples simply the Phoenicians, in ascendency?

  8. 2 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    I would like to congratulate you on the perfect syntax, grammar, and vocabulary you've incorporated in the above sentence.

    Just remember:  You can really impress highly-educated, literature readin' folks by remembering and applying the rule (as that Hungarian boy, "Harvey, evidently did") "the gerund takes the possessive."


    Your favorite "Grammar xxxx",

    --  Tommy  :sun


  9. 1 hour ago, Mark Knight said:

    The current owners of the site and the moderators as well are people who have lives outside the forum. Sometimes they don't see certain posts until they are brought to a moderator's attention. 

    Sometimes the moderators disagree on taking certain actions. There are sometimes "back-channel" emails exchanged among the owners and moderators discussing courses of action that are taken [or are not taken]. But it's not as if some grand cabal is behind removing or suspending certain forum members. And we are human. Sometimes someone irritates a certain owner or moderator to the point that action is taken that may be hasty or overreactive. It happens.

    I happen to think that the majority of David Josephs' recent posts have been quite informative. But there have been a few which some mods may believe have crossed a line. The truth is, I'm not driving this bus. Then again, I'm also not the person who is making the major financial commitment to keep the forum available. Therefore, any comments I have are merely advisory, and may or may not carry any weight at any given point in time.

    But I sincerely hope that Paul Brancato reconsiders and stays.

    Mark, Thanks for the insight. I would ask one thing. Please don't leave somebody like Don Jeffries out of the loop. That can be disconcerting, to Don, at least.

    Don Jeffries shows up in the staff section of the forum. Most of all, I feel (lack of a better term, "bad?) that he does not know he stands. I know that feeling. It is a very bad feeling.

    Lastly, Thanks to you and your colleagues for all that you do.



  10. 8 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:



    With all due respect, and FWIW, I understand them just fine.

    --  Tommy  :sun

    And to be sure, this is coming from our in-house language Nazi; from whom, I hate to admit it, I have been encouraged to try to learn the rules, and write and speak properly.



  11. 4 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    Bumping this because it needs to.  Of course Chris will as usual ignore it instead of trying to show why this bump is not correct and why others (not just me) are wrong:



    Please try to construct sentences. That would be helpful to those taking the time to pay any attention to your posts.

  12. 1 minute ago, Thomas Graves said:


    Good one, Pamela!

    I do wear size fifteen "Gordon" dress shoes by Dockers.

    I swear to God.

    Available at J. C. Penny. (Catalog order, only)

    75 bucks, iirc.

    --  Tommy  :sun

    PS   Good for "stompin' vermin."

    What, Tommy, pray-tell, does this have to do wit the subject at hand?

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