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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 23 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Hit List reaffirmed my memory.  Not a lot of info available on Pritchett but she was supposedly suffering from Leukemia and died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage the day after Killagen.  I never knew cerebral hemorrhage's were associated with Leukemia.  It's most often associated with Head Trauma.  What a unusual circumstance or strange coincidence given the timing, the questionable circumstances of Dorothy's death and the disappearance of her Ruby interview/notes/files.


    Where were we.....?

  2. 1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Steve, I've begun to wonder if you weren't supposed to draw a blank as a distraction to kill the thread.  

    That was not my intent. I apologize for butting-in. 

    And Ron, you could have just carried-on with the discussion.

  3. 7 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    I'm not making this up -- this comes from Dick Russell in his famous book, The Man Who Knew Too Much (1992).   Dick Russell interviewed two WC witnesses who knew George De Mohrenschildt (DM) very well.  They were Igor and Natasha Voshinin.  They despised the Oswalds, and never had anything to do with them.   If the Oswald's were at a Russian party, the Voshinins would boycott that party.   They knew George DM liked them, but they continued to urge George  to drop them.

    After the Walker shooting on Wednesday 10 April 1962, the local Dallas radio and TV stations were full of the buzz, and talking about how Dallas was going downhill.

    Anyway, on Easter Sunday 14 April 1963, George DM came to visit them very early in the morning.   They were early risers, so they offered him some coffee.  He was too anxious to accept.    He had to tell them his story.   He and Jeanne worried all week about whether Oswald was Walker's shooter.  Finally, at 10PM on Saturday evening, they hatched a plan.  They would buy an toy Easter bunny at a local drug store, and use this as a ruse to get into the Oswald home, uninvited.    

    Then, when George got Lee talking in one room, Jeanne would walk with Marina around the house, and search for clues.   That's just what they did.  They got the Oswald's out of bed with a surprise Easter visit.  The Oswald's invited them in, offered them soft drinks, and sat down to talk with them.   George kept Lee near the balcony, and Jeanne asked Marina to show her around their apartment.   Marina did, and Jeanne opened a closet door to find Lee's rifle, complete with scope.   

    "He has a rifle!"  shouted Jeanne from the other room.   George and Lee went to see.   Then George asked Lee:  "Lee, did you take that pot-shot at General Walker?   Lee froze.   Marina froze.  They looked at each other for clues.   Lee could not find a reply in this clumsy moment.   Then George started laughing.   Then Lee laughed.   Then Marina laughed and they all laughed together.   Then the De Mohrenschildt's excused themselves because it was so late.   They left.   They would never see the Oswalds again in their lives.

    Natahsa Voshinin urged George DM to call the FBI and tell them his suspicions immediately!   George said, no, he could never do that to a "friend."   (But he had just ratted Lee out to the Voshinins!)    Then George DM left.   Natasha saw her American duty -- she called the Dallas FBI right away, and told them everything that George DM had said.

    Notice, Jason, in that letter that I shared from Walker to Senator Church in 1975 -- he says that somebody in authority told him "WITHIN DAYS" that Lee Harvey Oswald had been his shooter.  In my humble opinion (still to be verified), the person who told Walker was really Dallas FBI agent James Hosty.  He was the agent monitoring both Walker and Oswald in Dallas for the FBI.   In my humble opinion, Natasha Voshinin told James Hosty.

    So -- Walker knew "WITHIN DAYS" of the Walker shooting that LHO was his shooter.   Dick Russell confirms Walker's own word for it.

    All best,

    Paul Trejo continues to fabricate stories. He fills them with false drama.

    -Marina denied that she Showed Jeanne DeM the Gun.

    -Jeanne does not say that George went to see the gun.

    -George denies that he saw the gun.

    -George denies that he knew that Lee had the gun.

    -Jeanne states that Marina showed her the gun while alone with her.

    -Marina stated the George made his comment about taking a pot shot at Walker, upon being greeted at the porch.

    -And Paul's little myth about that cozy Sunday morning with the DeM's, enjoying soft drinks is just more rubbish. Marina and George state that it was dark out, in the evening. It was the night before Easter. They had stopped by at the end of the day.

    ( I have a few quotes below, I'll add the testimony of the Dem's as I dig it up. It's such a hassle picking up the garbage that Paul dumps around the forum. I have way more of this committed to memory than I would care to. I have to re-read and post this stuff when Paul Trejo loses control of his creative fluids).





    Mr. McDONALD. Would you tell us what happened when you and Lee first met with George DeMohrenschildt after the Walker incident?
    Mrs. PORTER. Well, I heard George DeMohrenschildt making joking remark about how did you miss that, Lee? And so I look at Lee and I thought, gosh, did he tell him that, and he look at me because he 

    thought that I told on him. So as I recall right now, I don't know how George find out or he guess or he just make joke about it.
    Mr. McDONALD. Do you know---
    There must have been some reason for DeMohrenschildt to guess at it, unless he was told.

    Do you recall, in reflection on any of the conversations that they had, whether you heard the name "Walker" being mentioned?
    Mrs. PORTER. I do not recall the details right now, so I cannot say who said what after what.

    Mr. McDONALD. What did Lee say? Did he tell you that he told George DeMohrenschildt?
    Mrs. PORTER. Well, I do not remember his answer.
    Mr. McDONALD. Did you tell George DeMohrenschildt about the Walker incident?

    Mrs. PORTER. I don't think so.




    Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever show that rifle to the De Mohrenschildts?
    Mrs. OSWALD. I know that De Mohrenschildts had said that the rifle had been shown to him, but I don't remember that. 


    Mr. RANKIN. Did he comment on that at all?
    Mrs. OSWALD. He said only that he had taken very good aim, that it was just chance that caused him to miss. He was very sorry that he had not hit him.
    I asked him to give me his word that he would not repeat anything like that. I said that this chance shows that he must live and that he should not be shot at again. I told him that I would save the note and that if something like that
    should be repeated again, I would go to the police and I would have the proof in the form of that note. He said he would not repeat anything like that again.
    By the way, several days after that, the De Mohrenschildts came to us, and as soon as he opened the door he said, "Lee, how is it possible that you missed?"
    I looked at Lee. I thought that he had told De Mohrenschildt about it. And Lee looked at me, and he apparently thought that I had told De Mohrenschildt about it. It was kind of dark. But I noticed---it was in the evening, but I noticed that his face changed, that he almost became speechless.
    You see, other people knew my husband better than I did. Not always--but in this case.



    You came to the door and either Marina or Oswald came to the door, and you and your husband went in the home?
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. That is right.
    Mr. JENNER. Then, go on. Tell me about it.
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. And I believe from what I remember George sat down on the sofa and started talking to Lee, and Marina was showing me the house that is why I said it looks like it was the first time, because why would she show me the house if I had been there before? Then we went to another room, and she opens the closet, and I see the gun standing there. I said, what is the gun doing over there?
    Mr. JENNER. You say---
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. A rifle.
    Mr. JENNER. A rifle, in the closet?
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. In the closet, right in the beginning. It wasn't hidden or anything.
    Mr. JENNER. Standing up on its butt?
    Mr. JENNER. I show you Commission Exhibit 139. Is that the rifle that you saw? 

    Mr. JENNER. All right. Now, then, what did you do? Go into some other part of the house?
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. It wasn't very much. I believe it was only two rooms. And then I returned back, and told George do you know what they have in the closet? I came back to the room, where George and Lee were sitting and talking. I said, do you know what they have in the closet? A rifle. And started to laugh about it. And George, of course, with his sense of humor--Walker was shot at a few days ago, within that time. He said, "Did you take a pot shot at Walker by any chance?" And 
    we started laughing our heads off, big joke, big George's joke. And later on, according to the newspapers, he admitted that he shot at Walker.
    Mr. JENNER. Now, when George made that remark in the presence of Lee Oswald, "Did you take a pot shot at Walker?" Did you notice any change----
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. We were not looking for any. I wish I would know.
    Mr. JENNER. Please--I want only your reaction. Your husband has told me his. You noticed nothing? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I didn't notice anything.
    Mr. JENNER. Were you looking to see whether he had a change of expression?
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No; none at all. It was just a joke.
    Mr. JENNER. As far as you were concerned, it was a joke?
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Sure.


    Mr. JENNER. I think Easter was late that year, but I am not certain. In any event, it was the day before Easter?
    Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I believe so; yes. The night before Easter.


    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Easter day. I don't remember it was Easter Sunday.
    Mr. JENNER. Easter is always on Sunday.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; maybe it was the day before, the day after, but I think it was on the holiday. Maybe my wife will remember the date exactly. And so we drove over quite late in the evening and walked up--I think they were asleep. They were asleep and we knocked at the door and shouted, and Lee Oswald came down undressed, half undressed you see, maybe in shorts, and opened the door and we told him that we have the rabbit for the child. And it was a very short visit, you know. We just gave the rabbit to the baby and I was talking to Lee while Jeanne was talking to Marina about something which is immaterial which I do not recall right now, and all of a sudden----
    Mr. JENNER. Excuse me. Mr. Reporter, Jeanne is spelled J-e-a-n-n-e.
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. And I think Oswald and I were standing near the window looking outside and I was asking him "How is your job" or "Are you making any money? Are you happy," some question of that type. All of a sudden Jeanne who was with Marina in the other room told me "Look, George, they have a gun here." And Marina opened the closet and showed it to Jeanne, a gun that belonged obviously to Oswald.
    Mr. JENNER. This was a weapon? Did you go in and look?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. No; I didn't look at the gun. 


    Mr. JENNER. Mr. De Mohrenschildt, up to that moment, is it your testimony that you never knew and had no inkling whatsoever, that the Oswalds had a rifle or other weapon in their home?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Absolutely positive that personally I didn't know a damn thing about it, positive, neither did my wife.
    Mr. JENNER. And as far as you know your wife didn't either?
    Mr. JENNER. Did you see the weapon?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. I did not see the weapon.


    And, as for Paul's description about the DeM's "scheming" for a way to infiltrate Oswald's house, to obtain evidence of Lee's having taken a shot at Walker, we have this....


    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. And Jeanne told me that day, "Let's go and take a rabbit for Oswald's baby."



    Mr. JENNER. Was there ever an occasion after this time, when you and Mrs. De Mohrenschildt came to see the Oswalds, that as soon as you opened the door, you said, "Lee, how is it possible that you missed?"
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Never. I don't recall that incident.

    Mr. JENNER. You have now given me your full recollection of that entire rifle incident?
    Mr. JENNER. Weapon incident, and what you said to him?
    Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes, yes, yes, yes; that is right. How could I have--my recollections are vague, of course, but how could I have said that when I didn't know that he had a gun you see. I was standing there and then Jeanne told us or Marina, you know, the incident just as I have described it, that here is a gun, you see. I remember very distinctly saying, "Did you take the potshot at General Walker?" 




  4. 1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:



    I'm not sure this is directed at me, but I'm sorry. I don't remember this. Old age, I guess. Do you remember the topic?


    Steve Thomas

    Hello Steve,

    Yes. I thought that it was in one of your recent posts with regard to Oswald in Miami, Alabama, in the fall of 1963 etc. I remember reading about about a meeting that included Elliott Roosevelt. The meeting also included, I think, Phillips. I got diverted and read some interesting pieces. I wanted to share them in context with the original thread but I cannot find that thread now.

    It might not have been one of your threads. Thanks for your response. 

    The post was definitely within the last two months.

    Again, thanks for your reply, and as always, thanks for your contributions.





  5. 2 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    Greg Parker responds:


    Ray is responding to Jim Hargroves straw argument - 



    I have a fair measure of respect for Greg Parker, but this post is a great example of a person, characteristic of all the detractors of Sandy's findings, who is so wedded to a position that they are bleary-eyed and blind to proof that they are mistaken.

    Ray is not responding to anyone's straw man argument. He is posting his findings after having consulted an expert. That expert has stated, unequically, that the claims made by the nay-sayers are just plain wrong.

    Well done Sandy. Your findings are "indisputable".

  6. Steve, I have enjoyed your many threads over the last year, they are some of the best content on this forum these days.

    I have a question. I have been looking for a reference that you quoted which made reference to a "Roosevelt", I believe Elliott, being in a meeting with several persons of interest. Can you Help me find that reference?





  7. On 3/5/2018 at 7:42 PM, Paul Trejo said:

    There is a weak consensus among CTers that since Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot at JFK, then he "could not have" shot at General Walker, as if there is some real connection between the two.

    I have maintained for six years on this Forum that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't one of the JFK shooters -- nevertheless, he certainly was one of two shooters at General Walker.

    My material evidence for this claim, ironically, comes from General Walker himself,  in a letter he wrote to Senator Frank Church in 1975.   Here is the letter:  http://www.pet880.com/images/19750623_EAW_to_Frank_Church.pdf

    It is precisely because of the content of this letter that General Walker tracked Lee Harvey Oswald from April 1963 through November 1963, including the Mexico City episode.

    General Walker, I propose, planned both the deaths of JFK and of Lee Harvey Oswald to occur on 11/22/1963.  

    All best,


    It looks like Walker thought that Oswald was involved with a CIA conspiracy. He notes that Oswald was released on a "higher authority than that in Dallas"

    Paul Trejo, You fail in your affect. A  letter written 12 years after the fact is hardly "material evidence". Furthermore, it clearly destroys your Dallas based delusions and points directly to the CIA as the prime-mover!

    The letter reads:


    Dear Senator Church:

    The Warren Commission found and concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald attempted to assassinate the undersigned at his home, at 9 pm. on April 10,1963. 

    The initial and immediate investigationat the time of the incident reported two men at my home, one with a gun, seen by an eye-witness --a neighbor. 

    Within days I was informed by a Lieutenant on the Dallas City Police Force that Oswald was in custody by 12 pm. that night for questioning. He was released on higher authority than that in Dallas. There were two men, not a " Lonely Loner ". 

    Please inform me if the CIA was involved in this attempted assassination ? 


    Yours Sincerely,

    Edwin A. Walker


    Twelve years after the fact, with all his experience, knowledge and connections, he still believed that the CIA was involved; indeed, he believed that Oswald was CIA!




  8. On 3/5/2018 at 7:42 PM, Paul Trejo said:

    There is a weak consensus among CTers that since Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot at JFK, then he "could not have" shot at General Walker, as if there is some real connection between the two.

    I have maintained for six years on this Forum that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't one of the JFK shooters -- nevertheless, he certainly was one of two shooters at General Walker.

    My material evidence for this claim, ironically, comes from General Walker himself,  in a letter he wrote to Senator Frank Church in 1975.   Here is the letter:  http://www.pet880.com/images/19750623_EAW_to_Frank_Church.pdf

    It is precisely because of the content of this letter that General Walker tracked Lee Harvey Oswald from April 1963 through November 1963, including the Mexico City episode.

    General Walker, I propose, planned both the deaths of JFK and of Lee Harvey Oswald to occur on 11/22/1963.  

    All best,

    Paul Trejo's first sentence, which I have rendered in bold-type, is typical of the falsehoods that he posts. There is no logic in that statement, There is no way to logically follow from the premise to the conclusion. Aside from Paul himself, I know of no one on this forum who makes such absurd statements and derives such foolish conclusions from premises. It is a non sequitor and Paul builds his arguments on such nonsense at every turn.


    ***edit.  The following thread was begun weeks after this thread began, as a response to Paul Trejo and Jason Ward's approach, to this thread.



  9. On 2/13/2018 at 11:58 AM, Don Jeffries said:


    I'd like to compliment you on your good research. You're one of the few in this community now who are asking important questions, and approaching the subject with an open mind. 

    As I've said before, those dismissing Harvey and Lee out of hand are not interested in the whole truth. Whether his entire theory is correct or not, John Armstrong conducted a massive amount of research, all out of his own pocket. How many who post on this forum have done any independent research on this subject?  


    I agree with Don.

  10. 1 minute ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I am not sure if he is.  But if he is still alive, wow, he must be really old, like in his nineties. (BTW, that link above is not to Ray.)

    Ray never wanted to write The Bastard Bullet.  He did not think he was skilled enough.  But I think he did a good job.

    Thank to Mr. Gordon.

    Yeah, I was looking deeper and I cannot connect the two, although the above link for Raymond Marcus (Pen Name) would be 99 YO.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Ernie Lazar said:

    (3)  So, bottom-line is this: 

    Regardless of Paul Trejo's personal opinions -- it is simply INDISPUTABLE that my original comments regarding Caufield (and Harry Dean) were accurate and truthful.

    Yes Ernie, I was appalled by the cowardly expediency to which Paul Trejo resorted when he characterized your observation as "a lie".He had no choice though because it was impossible to refute your observation with any examples that might demonstrate that you were incorrect. 

    The irony is glaringly evident.





  12. Robert Easterling's account of the origin of the pristine bullet was shared recently by Ernie Lazar:


    Quoted from the article below...

    "When they returned to the bar, Easterling said, he was told details of the assassination plan. The box with the Czech rifle hidden inside would be placed where the assassination would take place. Someone else would have the other rifle, the Mannlicher-Carcano. The president would be killed with the Czech rifle, using cartridges that would disintegrate upon contact. The gun would then be smuggled out. Three shell casings from the Mannlicher-Carcano (presumably the ones fired into the water barrel) would be left at the scene (the book depository) and a slug from it (one of those fired into the water barrel) would be left (at Parkland Hospital) where the police could find it. The man with the Mannlicher-Carcano was to be set up to take the blame."

    On 2/26/2018 at 12:16 PM, Ernie Lazar said:

    While doing research for another matter, I came across this February 1986 Chicago Sun-Times article which might be of interest -- about a "confession" by Robert Easterling.


    A startling confession and how it casts doubt on the accepted version of JFK's assassination
    Chicago Sun-Times  - February 9, 1986,  page 25,  by Jim Quinlan

    In a 26-volume report, the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, chaired by U.S. Chief Justice Earl Warren, reached the following conclusions 10 months after the death of JFK in 1963:

    Lee Harvey Oswald alone killed the president.
    Jack Ruby, acting alone, killed Oswald.
    There was no credible evidence of any conspiracy.
    Three shots were fired at the president's car. One went through his neck, then through the chest and wrist of Texas Gov. John Connally.
    Another shot hit the President's head. Another shot missed.
    All the shooting was from the sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository building.

    Investigative reporter Henry Hurt has spent more than four years searching for a solution to one of history's greatest mysteries: Who murdered President John F. Kennedy?

    In the introduction to his book, Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy (Henry Holt & Co.; $19.95), Hurt identifies himself among the 80 percent of Americans who polls say seriously doubt the Warren Commission's official explanation for Kennedy's tragic death in 1963.

    "In my quest to understand the case, I was not burdened by any preconceived notion, beyond a general feeling that the official version seemed illogically simplistic, that it seemed virtually impossible that Lee Harvey Oswald had done what the government had said that he had done," Hurt said.

    Reasonable Doubt is a thorough reconstruction of most of the evidence that has accumulated over the decades. It is a meticulous examination of virtually every detail of the assassination story, including a right-wing Cuban plot engineered by Fidel Castro to kill the president, the bungled JFK autopsy, the rushed Warren Commission report, the public expressions of doubt at every level, Oswald's intelligence connection, the "other" Oswald, the "magic" bullet, suppressed evidence, and dozens of other mysteries and bizarre characters connected with the case.

    In the end, after countless hours re-examinIng the mountain of material, Hurt concludes, just as many governmental investigations and countless private ones before him, "a powerful case can be made that Oswald did not kill Kennedy." 

    Although Reasonable Doubt agrees with the conclusion of the 1978 House Select Committee on Assassinations that John Kennedy's death was the result of a conspiracy, it stands apart from other works on the subject by offering what could be the missing pieces of the JFK murder puzzle.

    In Reasonable Doubt, Hurt offers answers to the questions: "who were the conspirators?" and "how did they manage to kill the president before our eyes and escape justice?"

    According to Hurt, the center of this historical storm was Robert Easterling, "a multiple felon, an ex-convict, a raging alcoholic, a diagnosed psychotic and schizophrenic" who came forward with a confession because he believed he was dying and wanted to clear his conscience.

    In so doing, Easterling gained the unique distinction of being the only person to offer a "full, detailed" confession to the crime of the century, according to Hurt.

    Unlike the FBI and others who chose to ignore Robert Easterling's confession, Hurt spent more than 100 hours interviewing the brutal ex convict. Where others chose to pass up any investigation of Easterling because they claimed he couldn't identify or locate the people he named as co-conspirators, Hurt listened. If Easterling's story is true, then Hurt has succeeded in explaining many of the questions that have plagued this numbing tragedy for more than two decades.

    Hurt said Easterling repeatedly attempted to contact the FBI with his story. Following the 1975 attempt on the life of President Gerald  Ford, Easterling tried again, this time with the Secret Service.

    Although the Secret Service was interested in Easterling as late as 1982, there is no evidence any governmental agency took him seriously, Hurt said.

    That's probably because it wasn't possible to verify Easterling's story in "traditional fashion," Hurt said. In the early '60s, Easterling lived at the Windmill Trailer Court in Marrero, La., near New Orleans. An oil company worker, he frequented the Habana Bar in New Orleans. The Habana Bar was a haven for Cuban exiles at the time. Hurt identified Orest Pena, the bar's owner, as a leading member of the Cuban Revolutionary Council. He was also called an FBI and CIA source.

    It was in the Habana Bar in February, 1963, that Easterling claims he was enlisted in the conspiracy to kill the president, Hurt said.  Nicknamed "Hardhat" because of the white construction hat he wore, Easterling spent the fateful night in the bar becoming reacquainted with a man named Manuel Rivera, a man he first met in 1960 when Rivera was running numbers for organized crime in New Orleans. 

    Nicknamed "Hardhat" because of the white construction hat he wore, Easterling spent the fateful night in the bar becoming reacquainted with a man named Manuel Rivera, a man he first met in 1960 when Rivera was running numbers for organized crime in New Orleans. Easterling said Rivera told tales of having worked both for and against Castro, and of having been trained in Russia in sabotage and assassination techniques.

    Easterling said that standing at the bar with Rivera was David W. Ferrie, a pilot who had just flown him to New Orleans from Cuba, and a man identified as Clay Shaw.

    Ferrie, a violent anti-communist, religious zealot and "New Orleans styled mad genius," was thought to be a CIA contact in the Cuban community. In February, 1967, when New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison announced he had solved the Kennedy assassination, the name of Ferrie surfaced as one of the suspects. During the course of Garrison's investigation, six witnesses claimed Ferrie, Oswald and Shaw, a prominent New Orleans businessman, met together in Clinton, La., a small town 150 m iles from New Orleans. Five days after Garrison's announcement, Ferrie was found dead. Despite a suicide note, the coroner said he died of a brain hemorrhage.

    Easterling told Hurt that during the bar meeting they examined a rifle that was there when he arrived. The rifle was later identified by Rivera as a Czech-made 7-mm. automatic rifle with a special design. It had a box on the side to catch used cartridges.

    After the others left, Rivera and Easterling continued their talk. It was during this conversation that Rivera told Easterling of the plan to kill  the president. Easterling said Rivera asked him to help, with the promise of good pay.

    Hurt said he talked with Pena, who confirmed that Ferrie and Shaw were customers. Although Shaw had an office near the bar, Pena said he may have confused Shaw with a man named Guy Bannister.

    Bannister, a former FBI agent, was once head of the Chicago office. An avid anti-communist and John Birch Society member, he supervised a small group of right- wing radicals who carried out various missions for U.S. intelligence from an office in New Orleans. Bannister died of a heart attack in June, 1964.

    Easterling said Rivera stored the Czech rifle in his car along with another rifle he described as a Mannlicher-Carcano, the same model that Oswald allegedly used to kill Kennedy.

    Rivera then asked Easterling to help him find a barrel of water and a place to fire the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. Easterling said Rivera wanted both the spent slugs and their shell casings intact.

    Easterling accommodated Rivera the following day, taking him to the field behind his trailer where the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was fired and the slugs and casings were retrieved.

    Easterling said Rivera held up one of the slugs afterward and told him it would someday be famous.  Weeks later, Easterling said, he was in the bar again with Rivera discussing the assassination plan when he was told a photo was going to be taken of him and the others involved. Easterling said he was blindfolded and driven with two other men to a place where the picture was taken. He said Rivera told them it was necessary to keep such a record for historical purposes.

    It was at this time that Easterling was shown a rectangular, wooden box with a false bottom. The secret compartment was to be the hiding place for the Czech rifle, Easterling said.

    When they returned to the bar, Easterling said, he was told details of the assassination plan. The box with the Czech rifle hidden inside would be placed where the assassination would take place. Someone else would have the other rifle, the Mannlicher-Carcano. The president would be killed with the Czech rifle, using cartridges that would disintegrate upon contact. The gun would then be smuggled out. Three shell casings from the Mannlicher-Carcano (presumably the ones fired into the water barrel) would be left at the scene (the book depository) and a slug from it (one of those fired into the water barrel) would be left (at Parkland Hospital) where the police could find it. The man with the Mannlicher-Carcano was to be set up to take the blame.

    Since only three spent cartridges were found by the window in the Texas School Book Depository where the commission claims Oswald fired at the president, it was their official conclusion that only three shots were fired.

    In its report, the commission said one shot shattered the president's head, a second shot missed and the third, referred to as the "magic" bullet, hit the president's back and exited through his neck. The bullet then struck Texas Gov. John Connally, who was seated in front of the president, at the rear of his right armpit. Before it exited Connally's chest it "pulverized" his fifth rib. Finally, the bullet, according to the Warren Commission, struck the governor's right wrist and entered his left thigh.

    A bullet that would be ballistic ally connected to the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was later discovered in "nearly perfect condition" in a Parkland Hospital corridor after the assassination. There was no visible blood or tissue on it. It was following this amazing account of its destructive path that critics dubbed it "magic."

    Easterling described for Hurt the first time he saw Lee Harvey Oswald. It was in the Habana Bar in 1963, he said. Oswald came in with a young Cuban. It was memorable because Oswald ordered lemonade. After getting his drink, Oswald complained about the price and then threw up all over the table where the two men were sitting.

    Hurt said the incident was remembered by those present that night and the description given of the man with Oswald fits the description Easterling gave of Rivera.

    Later, Rivera told Easterling that Oswald was to be the dupe in the assassination and would later himself be killed. Since Easterling was supposed to pick up Oswald following the assassination and drive him to Mexico, he began to fear for his own life. Easterling believed he, too, was marked for death.

    Later in that summer of 1963, Easterling recalled doing a favor for a wealthy businessman. Although the favor was a small one, he came in contact once again with two men, one of whom he identified as Clay Shaw, whom Hurt believed was Guy Bannister. The other was Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby. Both men were doing favors for organized crime in the area.

    Easterling said the businessman told him Shaw and Ruby were involved in a plot to kill the Kennedys. Hurt said he confirmed the association but would not name the businessman.

    Jack Ruby gunned down Oswald before a live television audience two days following JFK's death. With the killing by Ruby, the chance to discover firsthand whether Oswald was guilty or not, a conspirator or not, was lost forever.

    The Warren Commission concluded Ruby acted alone and out of grief over the death of Kennedy. Ruby died of cancer in prison. In September, 1963, two months before the assassination, Easterling was notified he was to assist in removing Oswald, who Rivera believed was being watched by the FBI, from New Orleans. Oswald had been involved in at least two street brawls that had been reported to New Orleans police. He was also active in a Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a pro-Castro group federal officials were watching. To cover Oswald's departure from New Orleans, Easterling said, a diversionary fire was set the day Oswald was to be driven to Houston. Hurt said he followed up Easterling's account by checking times and places with official New Orleans Fire Department records. Hurt said the records all but confirmed Easterling's memory of the fire and its location, a building the FBI said Oswald had frequented in the past. The last time Oswald was seen in New Orleans was Sept. 23, just as Easterling said.

    After Rivera, Oswald and Easterling reached Houston they made contact with another man, one who looked "strikingly" like Oswald, Easterling said. The man, who Easterling believed spoke little English, was identified only as "Carlo." Carlo would later figure prominently in the assassination plot.

    In an effort to evaluate Easterling's confession, Hurt said he tracked down as many of the principals as possible. Orest Pena, owner of the Habana Bar, told Hurt he heard people in his bar talking about killing the president but said he heard no one plot a conspiracy. He confirmed that David Ferrie and Clay Shaw were patrons of the bar.

    Hurt said Ruby visited New Orleans in June, 1963. Although he denied any connection to a conspiracy, the wealthy businessman named by Easterling as doing business with Ruby admitted to knowing Easterling, Hurt said.

    As the days grew closer to Kennedy's arrival in Dallas, Easterling said he became more frightened. He was certain he would die like Rivera said Oswald would. Rivera told him his job was to come to Dallas after the assassination, pick up Oswald, then drive to Mexico. Hurt said Easterling made a desperate attempt to warn the FBI of the assassination plan. Hurt said the FBI denied it had any relationship with Easter ling. According to an official bureau statement, there is "nothing in FBI files to substantiate Mr. Easter ling's claim that he called the FBI on the night of Nov. 21, 1963," one day before the assassination.

    Hurt said that in spite of the FBI's denial, most of what happened next to Easterling can be verified. Easterling said that as a means of covering for himself and avoiding any possible connection to the assassination, he planned to commit a burglary on Nov. 22. Early in the morning of the assassination day, he broke into store in Baton Rouge and after encountering the watchman escaped in his car. He had no intention of going to Dallas and picking up the doomed Oswald.

    After a narrow escape from the police, Easterling went to Jackson, Miss., where he heard the first news accounts of the assassination. He watched the television coverage and the murder of Oswald by Ruby the following morning.

    Easterling assumed a new identity and financed the next few months with a series of burglaries. By early 1964, Easterling was picked up by the FBI on a fugitive warrant and returned to Baton Rouge, where he was charged with the break-in on Nov. 22, 1963. He was sentenced to five years in the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola. He served three years.

    It was not until 1974 and a chance encounter with Francisco Rivera, the younger brother of Manuel, that Easterling learned what the alleged conspirators say really happened in Dallas the day Kennedy was killed. Francisco told him in detail. Hurt writes:

    "Shortly before the motorcade was due to arrive in Dealey Plaza, Rivera took advantage of the gathering crowd to slip into the Book Depository. Presumably it was not his first visit. He made his way to the sixth floor, overlooking the spacious plaza area below. He located his special box, even though there were dozens of other boxes of varying descriptions in the cavernous, warehouselike room.

    "Carlo, the Oswald look-alike, was already in the building. Numerous people saw him and later remembered him. Like the real Oswald, he kept to himself and said little. Since mid-morning, the real Lee Harvey Oswald had been at the bus station a few blocks away, waiting to be picked up by Robert Easterling.

    "During the minutes before the arrival of the motorcade, Rivera and Carlo made their preparations. They made sure the Mannlicher-Carcano - the Oswald rifle - was stashed between some boxes at the other end of the {book depository} room. Francisco claimed that they then took three empty cartridge shells that had been fired earlier from the Oswald rifle and placed them on the floor beside the assassin's window. Rivera removed the Czech rifle from the special box and checked it over. All was ready.

    "Rivera stood back from the window as he watched the presidential motorcade approaching his position. He could see the tanned and smiling face of John F. Kennedy, the president of the United States, as he waved to the cheering crowds. As the president's limousine made the turn from Houston onto Elm Street, just below him, Rivera stepped to the window and crouched.

    "The head of President Kennedy filled the rifle scope. Rivera took a deep breath, expelled it slowly, then squeezed the trigger. With stunning speed and accuracy, he fired three times in 5.6 seconds to strike his moving target. His firing time had been been better on the coconuts, but this got the job done. Rivera waited a fraction of a second after the last shot to see if another was needed. But he could see that it was not necessary. He had blown apart the president's head.

    "Moving quickly, Rivera returned the Czech rifle {that fired the exploding bullets} to its hiding place beneath the false bottom of the special box. At that moment, Carlo was dawdling about at the soda machine four floors below. {It appeared Carlo's role was to be seen in the building and mistaken for Oswald so there would be no doubt that the real Oswald had been in the building at the time of the shooting.} Carlo was challenged by a police officer who was rushing past him to reach the uppe r floors of the building. But Carlo remained calm and said nothing. A man who worked in the building told the policeman that Carlo - whom he believed to be Oswald - also worked there. Carlo then slowly made his way out of the building and melted into the hysterical crowds.

    "Within minutes, Manuel Rivera had left the building. At the parking lot, he and Carlo got into a car and were on their way home. At some point, a little later, the nearly perfect bullet that had been fired from the Oswald rifle into a water barrel was placed on an unattended stretcher in a public corridor at Parkland Hospital, where the dying president had been taken."

    Hurt points out some of the "enduring oddities" of evidence other investigators have pondered for years. The three cartridge shells linked to Oswald's rifle. Shells which were not scattered about in a normal fashion.

    "Another curious point is the failure by investigators to find a single Mannlicher-Carcano cartridge other than those, including a live round still in the rifle,  discovered at the scene," Hurt said. "No extra cartridge was ever found on Oswald or in his possessions. No evidence was found that he ever purchased ammunition at all. If he was the assassin, his only ammunition was at the scene - the cartridge shells lined up as evidence in the assassin's lair. There is no official explanation as to where Oswald supposedly got his four cartridges."

    Hurt called the alleged assassination weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, one of the "worst possible" selections for such shooting. Oswald was a marginal marksman in the Marines. "Yet he is credited with a combination of shooting skills on Nov. 22 that has never been  matched in repeated government tests by the most proficient riflemen in the United States," Hurt said.

    "Moreover, there is no evidence that the Mannlicher-Carcano was even fired on the day of the assassination." Hurt takes aim at the investigation conducted immediately following the assassination. Although the alleged murder weapon was discovered less than an hour after the shooting, he said, there is no evidence of any further search of the building or its contents. According to the Warren Report, Oswald's clipboard was found 10 days later on the sixth floor. "His jacket was not found until late November."

    The litany of clues, claims and coincidences will perhaps haunt the Kennedy assassination story forever. In his conclusion to Easterling's "confession," Hurt returns to much of what has puzzled others before him.

    "The case against Lee Harvey Oswald has always been circumstantial at best. No reliable witness ever placed him in the assassin's lair," he said. There were no fingerprints on the rifle and "only the most tenuous evidence" to indicate Oswald took the Mannlicher-Carcano into the building. There is also no known motive, Hurt said. "During his interrogation, Oswald stoutly denied his guilt. `I didn't shoot anyone,' he stated in a corridor encounter with the press. 

    "What, then, was Oswald's role?

    "He was silenced, of course, before he could give his version of events. However, in one of his last statements on record, Oswald shouted to reporters:

    " `I'm just a patsy! I'm just a patsy!' "


  13. Editor’s note: John Ritchson died on 13 August 2005 and was buried on 18 August 2005. The official cause of death is “heart attack”, but he had told Assassination Research editor Jim Fetzer of his experience of being run off the road by a black SUV with tinted windows a few months ago, which left him severely injured. He thought it could be related to his recent efforts to study the man who carried JFK’s “football” (the Presidential con- trols for the U.S. nuclear weapons network), CWO Robert M. Powell. It might also have been related to his work on ballistics, however, as a warn- ing signal that he should not keep it up. He did persist, with great courage and integrity, and now he is dead. His work on the ballistics was ex- tremely good and powerfully discredits the official government account. Jim Fetzer spoke with John’s father and learned that he had been drink- ing with friends and came home and fell asleep without connecting his oxygen mask, which he had had to use since his automobile accident. He apparently suffocated from lack of oxygen. In this issue of Assassination Research we are not only publishing two of John Ritchson’s studies of the ballistics evidence, but also, below, a brief biographical sketch, in his own words, and his last comments posted to JFKresearch.com and to The Edu- cation Forum.]

    Biographical Sketch: Vernon John Ritchson

    In his own words: February 2005 


    Greetings all:

    I am seeking any information on the whereabouts and activities of CWO Robert M. Powell who was JFK’s personal attaché and carried the “football” chained to his left hand. For those of you needing clarification—the term, “football” is the codeword for the case which allows the President to conduct WWIII from any- where on earth, and thus would never under any circumstances would be very far from the President.

    What this man was doing before, during and after JFK’s murder is of extreme importance because the “football” is more important than even the President in terms of national security, and its bearer is in actually the most powerful indi- vidual on earth, and in terms of loyalty, integrity, and responsibility must be beyond reproach.

    What he knew, witnessed, or surmised, to my knowledge, has never been ex- plored by the assassination community, and I can find no mention of him in any official document that I have examined. What I have seen, however, is a let- ter of personal commendation written by JFK, on official White House stationery lettered in gold leaf and signed by JFK, who called him “my friend and compan- ion”.

    Please feel free to personal-message me with any info you may possess. Thanks and Best Regards

    John Ritchson (SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69) (GunSmith/Ballistican, Black Eagle Gun Works)
    (Survivor, SE Asian Games, 11BRAVO7, Tet 1970) 

    His Last Comments

    Posted on The Education Forum, 10 August 2005

    K.B. wrote [snip]:

    Paul, you have any cites to back this up? I am not as knowledgeable as you when it comes to ballistics, etc., and I do not have an expert as Sam does to call re information John has posted, but I do have a few books and a bit of experi- ence reloading and I have won my fair share of Turkey-shoots and as far as I have seen, John Ritchson is right on with everything he has posted that I have read. So who are your Carcano enthusiasts?


    One of the areas Mr. Burke and the rest of the lone-nutters are real short on is authoritative cites in the relevant areas being discussed. Rather, their agenda appears to be one of debasement and denigration as exemplified by their refer- ences to me as a faker, fraud, cowardly dog, and buffoon, all in a sophomoric attempt to trivialize and obfuscate the importance of my and other researchers’ work in this case. These sort of tactics represent the last resort of those who know in their hearts the essential weakness of their case and are thus reduced to ad hominem, having failed to produce any real rebuttal. For the record, I am constantly garnering feedback and opinions from qualified professionals in the field of firearms ballistics to absolutely minimise any possibility of error before I even post an article.

    I also make every effort to clearly separate qualified facts and opinions from speculation and/or guesswork. Occasionally I will fail in this effort, as is the norm, but the body of my work remains intact and presents a damning indict- ment to those who would perpetuate the lone-nutter myth. Looking at the lone- nutter contingent, one sees an impressive array of individuals with credentials and qualifications in every area but the field of firearms ballistics, joined at the hip with the spook crew who post from positions of anonymity. Together, they would have us believe they represent a united front espousing the truth of the JFK assassination, when in fact they are nothing more than a collection of bags of mostly hot air with about as much substance as a fart in the wind.

    Personally I think they know they have already failed to prevent the truth from coming out, and are simply engaged in damage control by saturating this forum with BS in an ineffectual attempt to keep relevant discourse to a bare mini- mum, as well as using their under-handed tactics to create an unsavory atmos- phere whereby new readers will be put off from joining in the discourse. Be that as it may, I’m resolved to undo that sort of mischief, at least as far as the ballis- tic evidence is concerned, by adding a relevant professional perspective to the JFK case. To that end, I’ve gained the support of a number of world-class people with impeccable credentials and unassailable reputations in their various fields of expertise. A list of those who have contributed to my work is as follows:

    Alan Horst, German action specialist and old world gunsmith who declares that 

    one may spend over a thousand dollars reworking a M38 surplus Carcano and still be left with a hundred dollar gun. (Note: For a verifiable professional alter- native opinion of the WWII M38, Alan can be reached at 406-454-1831.)

    Frank de Haas, who started out in this business as a hobbiest after WWII and ultimately became a world renowned authority on center-fire turnbolt action ri- fles with the publication of his book, Bolt Action Rifles, which is now an almost universally held reference manual on the subject. He is a contributing editor of The American Rifleman, and has his shop in Orange City, Iowa. (Note: Mr. de Haas is now deceased; however, his son has taken over the family business.)

    Richard Hobbs, considered by many, including Carcano historian Alexander Eichener, as a world authority on the Carcano rifle, who, after examination of CE-139/C2766 concluded it was, in fact, a Moschettieridel Duce Carcano of Mussolini’s Gardia del Duce, and not a cheap surplus field rifle that would be sold in a Chicago sporting goods store. (Note: I believe there is an address and phone number for Richard posted on Alexander Eichener’s Carcano web-site.)

    Wolfgang Droege, founder of the Shiloh Rifle Manufacturing Co, Big Timber, Montana and creator of the Buffalo Rifle for Tom Selleck’s movie, Quigley Down Under, who also presented a custom 45-70 gold inlayed Creedmoor Rifle to for- mer President Ronald Reagan. (Note: Even though Wolfgang is not a Carcano expert per se he does make some of the world’s most powerful rifles, and any- one who doubts the concept of knockdown power should see one of these rifles in action.)

    Richard Casull, founder of Freedom Arms, Freedom, Wyoming and creator of the world’s most powerful revolver, the .454 Casull Magnum, and, like Wolfgang Droege, has forgotten more ballistics than most people will ever know. (Note: Dick openly scoffs at the idea firearms lack knockdown power and is more than happy to give critics a taste of the power of his remarkable pistol which per- forms on par with many rifles.)

    Wayne Leek, ballistician for the Remington Arms Company and creator of the Fireball XP-100. (Note: even though Wayne is closed-mouthed about the dispo- sition of many of his prototype XP-100’s, he is more than happy to expound upon the performance capabilities of one of the world’s most powerful and ac- curate varmint handguns, which, by the way, can be fired quite easily from a two-handed combat stance.

    Bert Waldron, sniper (US Army), 113 confirmed kills with a verified cartridge expenditure of 1.3 cartridges per kill, as compared to the world infantry expen- diture of 10,000 to 50,000 cartridges per kill. (Note: Bert can be contacted through the editor of Guns Magazine. Also, he is a quiet and unassuming per- son, and if asked about jet-effect and retro-recoil he will just shake his head and smile, but his eyes speak volumes.)

    Craig Roberts, sniper (USMC), 26-year police veteran, specialist in sniper and counter-sniper tactics, author of the book Kill Zone, which is a professional sniper’s perspective of the JFK assassination, which blows the lone nutter the- 

    ory right out of the water. (Note: I consider Craig a personal friend and collabo- rator on the JFK case, and I strongly recommend careful study of his book. Craig can be reached via email at craig@ionet.net, if memory serves.

    Carlos “Gunny” Hathcock, sniper (USMC), the Marine Corps’ premier sniper with 93 confirmed kills including history’s longest single kill-shot of 2,500 me- ters, nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam, former chief instructor of the USMC Sniper’s School, at Quantico, Virginia. (Note: Gunny Hathcock proved the impossibility of the lone-nutter scenario dur- ing tests he personally conducted at Quantico, and although he is now suffering from MS he is still more than happy to poke holes in the lone-nutter scenario. He can be reached through Craig Roberts.) (NOTE: Since the writing of this arti- cle, Gunny has gone on his final patrol. God keep you Gunny!)

    Dr. Joel Ham, professor of physics, who wishes to keep his school out of the public debate, but has proven by demonstrable scientific method the irrele- vancy of the jet-effect with respect to firearms ballistics.

    Dr. George E. Miller, professor of physics and supervisor of the nuclear reactor facilities at UC Irvine who is assisting me with my neutron activation analysis evaluation of the ballistics evidence.

    These are some of the people who I consider to be more or less in my corner, who roughly share my views on the subject of firearms ballistics, and I urge the readers of this forum to carefully compare these qualified professionals with the collection of political scientists, piss doctors, jet mechanics, computer nerds, wannabes and nobodies that comprise the lone-nutter contingent, and then ask yourself, “Who, then, is best qualified to address the ballistic issues of the JFK case?” “Who, then, represents the more credible authority?” “Whose opinions possess the greater validity and are more deserving of serious consideration?”

    Finally, I want to add that all of the derision, the snide innuendo, the ad homi- nem labels, the feeble attempts at denigration, the smart-xxx remarks and week-kneed mockery heaped upon myself and the other serious researchers on this newsgroup by the lone-nutter collection of misfits will not detract me one iota from my agenda and goal of seeing justice done in the JFK case.

    Finally, with respect to my own qualifications:

    I come from an unbroken line of firearms and ballisticians going back to 1680 when my direct ancestor, Barnett Richardson, established the Richardson foun- dry near Jamestown Virginia.

    I was literally raised working at my father’s forge and machine shop. I have ac- tually studied Newton, Julian Hatcher, John Thompson, Helson & Barnes, John Browning, Dave Emory of Hornady, Vernon Speer, Robert D. Hayden, Ted C. Almgren, Martin J. Hull, and Bill McDonald. As to my forensic qualifications, I encourage all readers to read my petition to reopen the JFK case as a murder investigation. Such should give the readers some idea as to my legal knowledge. 

    As an avid independent, I quite simply refuse to join any trade organizations, all of whom operate from one kind of agenda or another, and I refuse to be locked into any such agenda, especially when it involves people like Fackler, Lattimer, Alverez, Oliver and the like.

    With Regard:

    John Ritchson (SSGT. 499th TC USATC HG US Army Class of 69) (GunSmith/Ballistican, Black Eagle Gun Works)
    (Survivor, SE Asian Games, 11BRAVO7, Tet 1970) 




  14. And BTW, John Ritchson, who posted in this thread was, IMO, a great Ed Forum contributor. The activity page of his forum profile comes up blank for me; you have to click on "All Acivity" , then "Topics" or ""posts" to see his contributions. He was run off the road, into a tree and eventually died as a result of his injuries. The power went out at his home and his ventilator stopped working, and he then died, as I understand it.


  15. On 2/24/2005 at 11:28 AM, Guest Stephen Turner said:

    In her article, The Nazi connection to the assassination of John f. Kennedy

    (1983) Mae Brussell writes

    "One of the most consistant conservatives among Buckley's Advisory Board

    was Sen John Tower. Yet ,2 years after the YAF team Tower was passing all

    waivers in order for Marina to get into the USA.Without his permission ,this trip

    might never have taken place.

    March 22, 1962, Tower cooperated"The sanctions imposed on Immigration &

    Nationality are hereby waived in behalf of Mrs Oswald"(Volume XXIV,298

    Warren Comission)

    John Tower knew Marina was a safe bet.Otherwise why the hurry? The CIA &

    Defense Dept knew all there was to know about both Oswalds.

    Thats why Tower signed the papers FAST.

    @Jim Hargrove, Sorry if this has been covered before, but I am wondering if John Tower's efforts on behalf of Marina and LHO have been a focus of research for you guys?

  16. And here is the thread that I created which Michael Walton misrepresented, mocked and about which he leveled false accusations, without providing a link to which a reader would be able refer. 


  17. 23 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Really Gene? This all goes both ways. The folks who post rebuttals to this theory have posted solid rebuttals  and we too are attacked for being "ignorant" and worst by the same people  you list above. As a matter of fact it got so bad that one unnamed  member here was  throwing all kinds of venom on MY PROFILE PAGE. When I  reported it this member was "banned" from the forum.

    Guess what? Shockingly this member is now back. And if you  don't  believe me - which seems to be the modus operandi  here on EF - send me a PM and I'll  be glad to share the venom.


    I addressed your off-topic schoolyard invite for off-line gossip and private slur party here:


  18. On 10/8/2017 at 9:05 PM, Michael Walton said:

    Oh no, Mike Clark is back on here.  This is the guy who came up with a theory on EF a while back.  His theory went something like this:

    A telecom company took over the building that used to house Ruby's nightclub. During renovations on it and because there was something like a lot of copper wiring in it, his theory was - of course! Deep in the bowels of Ruby's nightclub building was assassination central.  They had a bevy of secret agents monitoring live TV cameras stationed throughout the city being displayed on TVs and were controlling all events, including the shooting.  Down in that smoke-filled assassination central room were Dulles, Bush, Nixon, Hunt and others gleefully rubbing their hands together as the killing took place. He based this theory on the large amount of copper wiring found in the building.

    This is all you need to know about Mike Clark's way of thinking. This is his only attempt on EF to ever come up with a theory and it was a doozy.  Otherwise, because he believes everything was faked in the JFK case, he'll swoop down from time to time, saying his usual bits of "Great goings" to fellow everything is faked believers, while admonishing those who know better.


    This is an important example of how Michael Walton spins bogus representations of other members postings in an effort to make them look foolish and discredit the larger community.

    Then Michael continues to peddle his myth, inviting members to PM him for the scoop. He posted this (below) yesterday. He claims I was banned for posting issues like this to his Bio page. I was not banned for this or at this time. I was banned for two weeks in May because I was part of a trio who were together forming a critical mass of bickering and flooding the forum. It was acknowledged the I broke no rules. I also received a week and a half ban in December, 2017, for being too negative around the holidays. 

    Michael Walton, in the post quoted below, states that I was banned for posting to his bio, and that he reported me, initiating the ban. This is not true. It is, IMO, a better option to call out bad behavior and false accusations, here, rather    than muck-up the thread where the false accusation occurred. If I am informed by moderators that this is not appropriate I will not do it again; yet I would appreciate an alternative to posting an off-topic rebuttal to an off-topic slur in the middle of a forum debate.


    On 1-4-18 , Michael Walton wrote:

    "Really Gene? This all goes both ways. The folks who post rebuttals to this theory have posted solid rebuttals  and we too are attacked for being "ignorant" and worst by the same people  you list above. As a matter of fact it got so bad that one unnamed  member here was  throwing all kinds of venom on MY PROFILE PAGE. When I  reported it this member was "banned" from the forum.

    Guess what? Shockingly this member is now back. And if you  don't  believe me - which seems to be the modus operandi  here on EF - send me a PM and I'll  be glad to share the venom."

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