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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. Testimony of FBI agent Vincent Drain


    "There was also a story about an alleged Minox camera. I'm well aware of what a Minox camera is because we used them. when we itemized all that material, I don't recall any Minox camera; however, the light meter would be easily mistaken for one by somebody that really didn't know and, at that point in time, I never knew the Dallas Police Department to use them. In fact, I would seriously doubt that the average police officer would have known what one would have looked like. I'm not casting any reflection on them but, one must remember that, back then, those cameras were very expensive. A good one might cost between $500 and $700, something like that. "

  2. On 11/18/2017 at 3:37 PM, Michael Clark said:

    Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch society,... "...... identified as Communists who took their orders from Moscow Eisenhower’s brother Milton, then president of Johns Hopkins University; his secretary of state, John Foster Dulles; Dulles’s brother, Allen, then director of Central Intelligence; and former secretary of state George Marshall, among others. In a note Buckley sent Welch along with the returned manuscript, he said that he found the charges against Eisenhower “curiously — almost pathetically optimistic.” If Communist infiltration of the American government was as extensive as Welch claimed, Buckley argued, changing presidents would not relieve the situation. Nor would political organizing. “Reaching for rifles” might be a better approach, Buckley argued." 



  3. I was born in 1969. My mother told me her story. She was out in front of her apartment in Zanesville Ohio, with my 4-and-1 year old brothers when a woman came outside, crying and screaming that that JFK had been shot. I do not know how I never got my father's story. PLEASE COLLECT THESE STORIES FROM THE LIVING!

  4. 3 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    [cue the crickets...]

     The T3 deniers are silenced. 

    There is no argument. 

    There is no fake debate.



    Cliff, I admire your persistence, and I agree that the evidence that you hold-forth is monumental and definitive. Yet, please respect my observations, in light of the comments of Vincent Salandria at @13 minutes into the video that was recently posted, and in light of the comments he made at about the same time, that the shirt holes do qualify as the minutiae that Vince warned about. Conspiracy is a fact. I will go back and lift Mr. salandria's exact words but it is long-past the time to even care about gathering consensus on the minutiae. It has long-been time to board a plane and map the landscape. To be sure, I am aware that you are all over that as well, and I hope that you publish your findings.



  5. 6 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Paul B.,

    Your logic is so full of holes ....


    --Paul Trejo


    43 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    STOP IT, MR. TREJO!......


    Agreed, Jim.

    Paul Trejo fills his holes with inbred dialectics (an oxymoron; a contradiction in terms, an impossibility, a fallacy) , which he prefers to call "nuances".



  6. 13 minutes ago, Harry J.Dean said:


    22 November 1963

    (the thoughts of many)


    Mr. President J. F. K.

    What were our thoughts of you

    Before death took you from us this day

    We gave our love, hope and admiration too,


    Mourning now, we of this world

    Know you  ask not - but gave all for your country,

    Of your strength, through accusations  hurled

    As you stood undaunted against that enemy


    You were a stalwart laborer of a stately nation

    As America weeps it shall not forget

    The burden, the pain, of your trying station

    And your words and deeds remain with us yet.


    (C) H J Dean

    I apreciate your offering of well-sewn words , and I thank you for them.

  7. We have a failure to communicate, and it is important. Personally I have no clue what people are talking about when they talk about Fascists, or Fascism. Similar to the Anti Fa movement and their call-out of Nazis. It's just a big bag of things that people hate. We get no where without critical thinking and expression. All this talk about Nazis and Fascists gets us nowhere if we all just have a bag of personal pet peeves, and we want to all just assume that we are all carrying the same crap in our bag. Rant-over....

  8. 4 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    12:10 to 14:22

    Salandria's greatest accomplishment!

    Cut to the chase and the jury will love it!

    Thanks Cliff. @13:xx he points out that the plotters wanted us to get bogged down in the minutia. That's where things stand. As an aside, disinformation like the Walker-did-It fabrication is backup plan to derail the solution to the problem, which is a counter coup.

  9. 31 minutes ago, Rob Couteau said:

    Ann Egerter’s full testimony implies that 201 files were only opened on those "who were suspected one way or another.” Does anyone know if there were any exceptions to this? If not, does that mean that Earle Cabell was also "suspected one way or another.”  Or does it imply that before, full trust is accorded, an asset's personality file is assembled to analyze whether he should be granted eventual trust? If you get my drift, there is a significant difference between these two parameters.


    Rob, can you post the testimony that indicates what you say? Jim's post seems to be saying that her group investigates suspect employees. She is not saying that 201 files are open on suspect employees. That is my read, and my understanding.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Indeed it has.  Here’s a version of the doc with a NARA file date in Sept. 1995.


    This is yet another largely ignored doc suggestion Jack Ruby had a far deeper role in the assassination than we previously believed.  For example, a direct line of command from CIA’s David Atlee Phillips to Ruby the night of 11/22/63 can be seen using Gordon McLendon as the cutout. 

    KLIF radio founder Gordon McLendon was a former Naval Intelligence officer who was a close friend and confidant of CIA officer David Atlee Phillips.

    Jack Ruby called McLendon’s unlisted phone number the day of the assassination. Ruby was overheard that very afternoon saying he could be reached at KLIF, and he continued writing letters to McLendon even from prison.

    In 1975 McLendon and David Atlee Phillips formed the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). The two men had known one another since childhood. And it was Phillips who was spotted by Antonio Veciana talking to LEE Oswald at the Southland building in Dallas in the summer of 1963.

    And so we are starring at a direct chain of command from CIA’s David Atlee Phillips to former intel officer Gordon McLendon to McLendon’s close friend Jack Ruby.

    If Ralph Yarbrough was in the seat that Conally occupied and was killed in Dealy Plaza, Gordon Mclendon very well might have become US Senator from Texas after the 1964 election.


    "...McLendon, a conservative Democrat, garnered only 43 percent of the vote in a primary race against incumbent US Senator Ralph Yarborough in 1964."

  11. Thank you Kirk, 

    At some point we lose traction with the terms "Right" and "Left" . We then have to consider terms like "oligarchy" " Royalism" "Class" and "Money". Right or left, America does not exist without liberal values. The right to Bear Arms, the Right of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, and Press, and, indeed, The Bill of Rights are, in fact, liberal traditions. This debate makes think of, and want to read Christoper Hitchens' book: Blood, Class and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies.


  12. 10 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Thanks Michael.

    James Darnell footage.

    Pool of blood, lower left side on the walkway?

    The two men are quite interested in this.



    Thank you Chris, in the notes of the video I posted a link to a frame from the sequence that you shared is posted.




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