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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 8 minutes ago, Ernie Lazar said:

    Ya--if memory serves me correctly, there is an early article in the New York Times which described Castro as a democratic reformer and the "George Washington" of Cuba.  Our corporate interests certainly supported Batista (along with other dictators in Central and South America).  Oh--btw, the former head of the Cuban Air Force under Castro (Pedro Luiz Diaz Lanz) defected to the U.S. and he also became a JBS member and paid JBS speaker.]

    Ernie, as an aside, I don't recall you mentioning the Mafia, or Mob-interests all that much. Is that an accurate observation? If so, is there a reason for that?



  2. 12 minutes ago, Ernie Lazar said:

    "Our side" may not have been all that thrilled with Batista but I am not aware that Castro ever supported Batista.  [Interestingly one former State Dept official -- Ambassador Spruille Braden -- later became a John Birch Society member.   During his State Dept service Braden wrote a scathing report about Batista -- but the JBS never bothered to point that out.

    Ernie, I didn't mean to suggest that Castro supported Batista. I thought that Batista's corrupt, royalistic lifestyle and desire for his reliance upon his personal dignity and authority were what ran him afoul of interests in the US. I also thought that Castro was deemed to be a better option, but that he was not considered to be a candidate for becoming a Soviet-Block member. 

    *** poorly worded, and I am poorly prepared for a debate with Ernie on this...

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    Alright, Paul, you may have convinced me there is something possibly blockbuster in this.  

    Because of their immense, repetitive and generally disorganized ways, two of our largest and least audited government agencies in1963 (the FBI and CIA) frequently toss around the same kernal of information repeatedly, repackaged a dozen or more times as staff send memos back and forth between themselves.  The tidbit from the CIA cable I posted above about Gabaldon and an unnamed source "80%" certain the commies killed Kennedy acts as a marker I've been able to trace through 20+ documents spanning about two decades.  

    I think I've located the original, unedited rough report from a local Mexico City CIA operative; probably that he turned into his boss, who in turn gave it to Winston Scott, who in turn edited it for transmission to Langley (which is the version I posted above).  It's always essential to find the original raw intelligence report so that we can filter out the superfluous bureaucratic efforts of staffers, analysts, and paper pushers who like to mix and match intelligence reports into something they imagine is more comprehensive or useful.


    Here's the potentially explosive part: remember Gilberto Alvarado, the guy almost immediately discredited who initially comes forward to say he saw and heard Oswald taking big cash from some Cuban in Mexico City to kill Kennedy?

    Alvarado is either the source of the Gabaldon reference or is outright connected to Gabaldon according to documented evidence I've seen today.

    Get it?   Alvarado is a hired provocateur of Gabaldon.

    Chew on that for awhile!




    {have to be with the family tonight - I may get some time later to post more.   I like to verify this 2 or 3 different ways before we call this a secure find.)





    Waiting for the "blockbuster" from Trejo-and-Ward....

  4. Castro, as the history now reads, went from right to left. It seems pretty clear to me that Castro, after taking down Batista, saw that he could not have a free and independent Cuba. Nixon, the mob and the Navy wanted their casinos, perks and Guantanamo, in perpetuity, and he did not accept that. His experience forced him away from imperial domination by the US and the criminal destruction of his independent country by the mafia. I get the feeling that Nixon made him nautious with his expectations. Was Castro truly a Communist? I don't think so. He found out that he and his country were going to be truly and wholly owned, and that was an unpalpable proposition.

    .... yes, I just made-up the word "unpalpable"; oriented to the word "palpable", and distinguished from the word "impalpable". I am an English major, I take such license on occasion. I hope you find it amusing, appropriate, interesting, acceptable; or the opposite of all of those. I just hope that you didn't miss it. ;)


  5. 22 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Micah, this testimony by this informant, told many years after the JFK event, is part of a lot of conflicting testimony regards Jack Ruby's whereabouts, actions and words on 11,22,1963

    In the You Tube video interview of Dallas Morning News writer Jerry Coley titled " Blood Found In Dealey Plaza" Coley gives us his timeline for when he first saw Jack Ruby,



    22 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    The following is some Warren Commission testimony by Jack Ruby, explaining where he was on 11,22,1963 from early morning to 12:30 PM. :


    I picked up the brochure that Friday morning, and I .....


    our beloved President and all the parade that transpired.
    But all that adds up why it is important for me to be in the News Building.


    I keep posting this. I wish I did not have to, it needs to be transcribed. I would just copy the relevant text if I could.



  6. 4 hours ago, Roger DeLaria said:


    It's been quite awhile since I've looked at it, so I'd have to read it again to refresh specific info. For that time period, when most journalists and all media toed the WC line, for these researchers to bring up the questions they did, really bucked the trend.

    What I found interesting in just taking a quick glance without reading, are how the researchers such as Penn Jones and others, noticed the multiple mysterious deaths of persons who all had some kind of knowledge related to the assassination. Such as the meeting in Ruby's appt. on 11/24/63 when 3 at the meeting, Jim Koethe, Bill Hunter, and Tom Howard, all died mysterious deaths. Whenever any of these people investigated, such as when amateur researcher Shirley Martin, a housewife from Oklahoma, made trips to Dalls to interview witnesses, the police would tail her, openly following her around, and stick to her until she left Dallas. The same happened with others investigating in the area. The Dallas police would constantly surveil anyone coming in to investigate. Someone clearly didn't want anybody poking around.

    I read a just-released document that demonstrates Mark Lane's early commitment as well as the FBI' interest in Lane's investigation (May, 1964)


  7. 5 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:

    I tried the link, it works for me. Don't understand why it does not work for you.

    You should not have been redirected when you arrived at the website.

    I agree. It is very unusual ( I don't remember this ever happening ) for me to receive a notice that I cannot access content because of my location. I would like to know if other Americans are blocked.

  8. 2 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:

    it is a video not an article. Where are you located?

    NY. It came up so briefly that it didn't even load a whole page. It got as far as loading the title before the re-direct. Your original link loaded fully, with a blacked out video viewer window. That was earlier. Now that does not even load.

  9. 20 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:


    Try going to the CBC's website using your web browser without clicking the link. Then enter "The Fifth Estate" once you ar eon the CBC's website.



    Thanks John. I tried that. I saw a few blacked out spaces for article links. I tried a few and one briefly came-up with the correct story, then re-directed to this....


  10. Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch society,... "...... identified as Communists who took their orders from Moscow Eisenhower’s brother Milton, then president of Johns Hopkins University; his secretary of state, John Foster Dulles; Dulles’s brother, Allen, then director of Central Intelligence; and former secretary of state George Marshall, among others. In a note Buckley sent Welch along with the returned manuscript, he said that he found the charges against Eisenhower “curiously — almost pathetically optimistic.” If Communist infiltration of the American government was as extensive as Welch claimed, Buckley argued, changing presidents would not relieve the situation. Nor would political organizing. “Reaching for rifles” might be a better approach, Buckley argued." 


  11. 34 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

    I would like to hear more details on this.

    **** edit, from Wikipedia. "Menjou died on October 29, 1963, of hepatitis in Beverly Hills, California."

    Menjou starred/acted in my favorite film, Paths of Glory.

    I found this. It doesn't help the "William F. Buckley-did-it" part of my CT.


  12. 1 hour ago, Ernie Lazar said:

    Insofar as Paul's recollections are correct -- it serves to support what I wrote in a previous message about how people that might initially share political beliefs often have a falling out with each other OR they have personal qualities which render them incompatible with each other.  Nevertheless, if you create a chart connecting people because of EVERY association they ever had with one another you can pretend that they were (or are) always allies and friends - even if that is NOT true!

    That is inherently part of conspiracy arguments (left or right).  On the right, I constantly see pejorative references to George Soros and on the left there are constant derogatory references to the Koch family and how they supposedly corrupt our political life and "control" or "finance" everything which their opponents don't like.  But it is never just that simple -- but the very nature of conspiracy arguments requires dumbing-down our perceptions of how complex relationships operate so that lowest-common-denominator "reasoning" can be used.

    Yesterday, I spent hours on the Free Republic website debating some very hostile critics -- one of whom asked me the question:  "Why are Jews leftists?"  -- so I asked him why, in the entire universe of categories of human beings, he chose to focus exclusively upon the allegedly noxious nature of "Jews"?  That enraged him -- and of course he won't answer the question honestly because he does not want to reveal his bigotry.

    Thanks for this analysis Ernie.

  13. 13 hours ago, John Kowalski said:

    The CBC's "The Fifth Estate" did a show today about the document release and the Kennedy assassination. They interviewed Jeff Morely, David Lifton and Brian McKenna a Canadian journalist who believed that Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy.  The show is available online.



    Guess what happens when I click that link.....


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  14. 18 hours ago, H.L Arledge said:


    Yes, this is one of my favorites. In fact, for years I'd invite friends to watch as ruse to peek there interest in the assassination. It worked every time.

    Thanks for the reply, I am glad someone else also appreciates this movie.

    One scene, one line always stuck with me, and weighed heavily on my politico-social justice development when I was a teen. It is the scene where Kurtwood Smith is trying to break down Kris Kristofferson, out at the landing strip...@48:10

    "Every morning I get up and I thank God for drugs and murder and subversion, because without them, we'd all be out of a job."

    That scene created a cynicism in me that never went away. It was a formative awakening for me, for better or for worse, probably the latter.

  15. On 11/1/2012 at 8:31 AM, Len Colby said:


    On 10/31/2012 at 2:34 PM, Daniel Burnet said:
    Project Hammer and Brigadier General Cocke Cocke was heavily involved with highly secret project called Project Hammer, a covert and complex money-moving operation involving banks throughout the world. In April 2000, shortly before he died of pancreatic cancer, Cooke gave a sworn deposition stating many facts about Project Hammer and his involvement in CIA and complex financial operations. Cocke testified that Project Hammer was started by some unknown people in high government positions, that much of the money was diverted into covert activities, and that it was started as a secret program to repatriate dollar assets from several prior decades, starting with World War II. This also involved much of the gold bullion hidden in the Philippines by the Japanese during World War II. Cocke testified:

    It was mainly to bring monies back to the United States from all types of activities, both legitimately and illegitimately. Not that they were in the smuggling business per se, but they were all in the arms business; they were all retracing dollars of one description or another that had accumulated all through the 40s and 50s. And that probably is as broad a definition as I can give you. All kinds of nationalities were involved, and all kinds of people became involved. Cocke was asked if various agents of the U.S. government were involved, to which Cocke replied: Yes. Obviously the CIA, the FBI, the national security agencies of all types, and the Pentagon in the broadest sense; and the Treasury, Federal Reserve. Nobody got out of the act; everybody wanted to get in the act. Included in his sworn testimony was that Citibank was the main bank involved, especially the New York and Athens offices, with many other banks acting as correspondent to Citibank, and that Citibank was the disbursing bank.

    Additional Information Concerning General Cocke During 2005 I received several e-mails from a person who worked with General Cocke before Cocke death in 2000. He confirmed some of the statements I made in Defrauding America and Disavow. The person, who was still in covert activities, identified himself only as "Clark." The following are some of the statements he made in his emails to me: I have attached a copy of my credential which were authorized by General Cocke. There were only seven of us and we were known as the seven deadly sins. We were his best-kept secret. This card was issued a few months before he passed away in April of 2000. Cocke had a Special Operations Team that was formed in the early 80s. This team was not part of the government per se. It was made up of ex-military guys such as myself. If the General wanted something done that had to be kept secret from everyone, he called on what he called "his Team." I was the Team Commander so I knew most of what went on. Most everything that went on with General Cocke was highly secret. I knew he had secret meetings with many of the presidents. Cocke was one of the most powerful and feared men in Washington, D.C. Although he was behind the scenes, he was calling the shots. He did a lot of secret banking all over the world for the government and died a very wealthy man His father was the one who created Bank of America. Cocke would provide me with passports from other countries as well as U.S. passports under different names. He and several others ran everything. Admiral Turned and two other Generals, one army and the other Air Force, were all part of the group that was headed by Cocke. The General and his group needed his own people with no influence from the outside; therefore he formed a Special Operations Team, which was sometimes just called "The Team." Basically, the Team didn't exist to anyone other than Cocke and his group and I'm not sure how much the group even knew about us. If we showed up somewhere, the story was we were never there and we don't exist. Just like Area 51 a few years ago. It was not part of the Special Operations Command and was basically an entity of its own made up of ex-military personnel. His reasoning for using ex-military guys was, if something went wrong they could deny our existence completely and prove we were not on military payroll. I had to sign a secrecy agreement with Cocke and I still keep those secrets.

    I was in charge of the team for Cocke and still have the team together. Some of the members have changed, but the team still exists. Shortly before the General passed away, he told me to keep the team intact because we would be called upon again to continue working for different government agencies to serve our country. Cocke would provide me with appointments with other governments as Trade Attaché or Ambassador at Large or military attaché that would allow me to move freely in and out of other countries using diplomatic passports, therefore never showing an exit stamp on my U.S. passport. When I would ask, "Who do I say I work for if questioned," his response was, "When it's not convenient for you to say you work for CIA then you say D.O.D., When it's not convenient to say you work for D.O.D., and then say CIA, but you always work for me and I will keep you out of trouble." Anything and everything we did was secret and clandestine. Nothing was ever over.

    Rodney Stich (2008-05-01). Explosive Secrets of Covert CIA Companies (pp. 12-15). Silverpeak Enterprises, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

    In another email: I can tell you from the days of JFK, Erle Cocke was responsible for setting up ways to hide large amounts of money all over the globe. This money belonged to Senators, congressmen, and high ranking White House officials up to and including the President during each changing administration, up to the time of the General's death in April of 2000. Which means, the General worked for every president from JFK to GW Bush to find ways to hide and launder money for the government or government agencies such as the CIA. There was a Navy Captain and also Admiral Stansfield Turner, ex CIA director, who were close to the General and often had lunch or dinner with him to discuss business. Meetings were often held at the Mayflower hotel. He also was the key negotiator who set up the ownership of the HSBC bank[6] by the CIA among other well-known world banks.

    Rodney Stich (2008-05-01). Explosive Secrets of Covert CIA Companies (p. 16). Silverpeak Enterprises, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

    Until now the affidavit has only been available as a series of individual image files. I have uploaded a PDF version of it to Scribd, where it can be easily read and downloaded.




    Just copying this in order to preserve it. Sorry for the bump.

  16. On 8/31/2008 at 9:09 PM, J. Raymond Carroll said:

    John: Is the link below the COMPLETE TEXT of Cleveland Cram's publicly available commentary on Angleton?



    On 9/1/2008 at 1:52 AM, John Simkin said:

    No, the copy I have is about 80 pages long.

    Ray Caroll's  link is broken. This may be what he had posted....

    https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/books-and-monographs/U-Oct 1993- Of Moles - Molehunters - A Review of Counterintelligence Literature- 1977-92 -v2.pdf

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