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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    The following is my opinion -- by the numbers:

    1.0. Proof (not 3rd hand accounts) that Oswald and White were associates.

    1.1.  Proof here means material evidence -- something one can examine under a microscope.

    1.2.  My proof is that Roscoe White's wife, Geneva, was in possession of a fourth pose of the Lee Harvey Oswald Backyard Photographs (CE 133-C) -- something that nobody else had ever seen before she displayed it in 1979.

    1.3.  My supporting evidence is that Jack White (photography analyst) reported that the neck, the shoulders, the lumpy right wrist and the backward stance of the body in the Backyard Photographs always belonged to Roscoe White.  They were from his body, and a separate photo of Oswald's head was pasted onto that.

    1.4.  My supporting evidence is that Lee Harvey Oswald had the means to make sophisticated photographic fakes at his place of employment in early 1963, namely, Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall (JCS). 

    1.5.  Lee Harvey Oswald made his fake Alek J. Hidell ID and military cards at JCS. 

    1.6.  Oswald had the means, the opportunity and the motive to falsify the Backyard Photographs at JCS, and if (and only if) he did so, then he clearly did it with the ASSISTANCE of Roscoe White.

    2.0.  Lee Harvey Oswald never applied for Russian citizenship.  That is absolutely my opinion.

    2.1.  The US State Department testified this to the Warren Commission.  It was one of their motives for getting Oswald out of the USSR as soon as they could.

    2.2.  I have never seen any written evidence that Oswald applied for Soviet citizenship.  The keyword is APPLIED.  He might have said anything at all to get into the USSR, but once he was inside, he never formally filled out an APPLICATION for citizenship.

    2.3.  If anybody had that APPLICATION, I have never seen it.  I maintain that none exists.

    3.0.  Proof that Ferrie, Shaw, Crisman, Martin, Beckham, Hemming, Hall, Howard were "far right".

    3.1.  My first evidence is all the data in the writings of Joan Mellen (Farewell to Justice, 2005).

    3.2.  My second evidence is the writings and interviews of Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall and Harry Dean.

    3.3.  My third evidence is the history of Guy Banister, as given by Dr. Jeff Caufield (2015).

    4.0.  Oswald was never any associate of Jack Ruby.

    4.1.  My evidence is the book by Seth Kantor (Who Was Jack Ruby? 1978), who knew Jack Ruby for years.

    4.2.  According to Kantor, Jack Ruby knew nothing about the JFK plot.

    4.3.  Instead, Ruby was hired at the last minute by the Dallas Police to rub out Lee Harvey Oswald at Dallas City Jail, because the police had failed to shoot Oswald in the street.  I accept that CT.

    5.0.  Lee Harvey Oswald might have been connected to E. Howard Hunt.

    5.1.  E. Howard Hunt confessed on his deathbed to a role in the JFK assassination.

    5.2.  Marita Lorenz testified under oath that she saw Hunt and Oswald in the same room.

    5.3.  Since I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a part of the JFK plot (though of course he had no clue that he was the Patsy), then it makes sense to me that Oswald and Hunt might have crossed paths somewhere.

    5.4.  I don't think that Lee Harvey Oswald knew Dallas well enough to be tour guide for E. Howard Hunt -- because Oswald needed a street map to find a job in Dallas.

    Thanks for the polite conversation, Cory.

    --Paul Trejo

    Paul, the subtle change from this.......


    "Paul Trejo wrote:

    "Also, the fact that LHO never surrrendered his US passport  -- smart move.  Also, the fact that LHO enjoyed benefits like the newest apartment complex in Minsk, and additional monthly payments from the Red Cross.  Also, the fact that LHO never applied for Soviet citizenship.  Very smart.  Also, the fact that LHO refused to join the Communist Party there -- though continually invited.   Also smart."

    --Paul Trejo" 3-29-17 "Bill Simpich's State Secrets" thread


    And from the same thread,


    I agree that Oswald was a spy -- in his own mind.

    I also agree that Oswald never renounced his US citizenship, nor applied for USSR citizenship, nor joined any Communist Party while in the USSR, or the USA.

    --Paul Trejo"



    .......To what you wrote above, is just an insertion of weasle words.

    You need to show the Warren commission text of which you speak. You need to show some background for your assertion that LHO was continually asked to join the communist party.


    The Yeltsin Papers, and the diary of Lee Harvey Oswald show that you fabricate stuff, whole cloth, use weasel words to slightly shift your position and don't back up your claims. There is nothing polite in asserting bold-faced fabrications, with a smile.




  2. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Paul - seriously dude, this post is insane.

    1 - the JFK records act has already failed. Your faith is misplaced. 

    2. the CIA wasn't supposed to be monitoring or operating within the US, but they surely did.


    It fits his "everything is fine" attitude. If a host of CIA agents conspired to kill JFK it's "because they were rogue", and the CIA bears no culpability. According to Paul, there was no Coup De ta because we had a Vice President who succeeded, even if there was a cover-up. He blames some cowboys who went un-noticed, except by Himself, so he is a genius and everyone else is a fool. It's a deep look into his mentality. The up-side is that, if he is being honest (albeit foolish) it is due to denial; and that denial is fueled by the reality of consequences of the false governance we have been living under and it's implications for the future. It's difficult to accept and I have seen  intelligent people have a brush with that reality  and they immediately fall back on the WC fable because it is much easier to accept.

    An analogy is the idea of barriers to entry into a market in the business world. The barrier to accepting the coup and conspiracy is the fact that you have to accept that you are no longer free, and that you have been living a lie. It is very difficult to accept when it hits you all at once. One is either living a lie or selling the lie.

  3. Thanks for the commentary Paul.  I have not read enough of her stuff. That magazine I posted should be an interesting source in general going forward. I’ll admit that I have camped on my CT, so I now see more of what I am looking for rather than looking with an open mind. Mae and this magazine have caught my interest though. Thanks for the copy-paste.

  4. 25 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:



    "The fact that Oswald never really defected to the USSR should have been mentioned.  He always maintained his US Passport.  He never applied for Soviet citizenship while he lived in the USSR for 2.5 years.  He never joined the Communist Party, although this was offered to him continually."


    --Paul Trejo

    One of many falsehoods that Paul Trejo repeats over and over even though he is repeatedly shown that his claim is false.

  5. 32 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - google the Nazi connection to the JFK assassination by Mae Brussell.

    I found this, and it is searchable.... https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/Rebel_11-22-83.pdf


    "Buckley served the CIA in Japan from 1950 to 1954.
    He also did a stint with CIA in Mexico with E
    . Howard Hunt. Co-founder of YAF was Douglas Caddy, whose offices were

    used by the CIA, Howard Hughes organization, at the time of Watergate illegal entries and other dirty tricks. "



    In 1961, a year after Buckley founded YAF, another conserva­tive organization was formed in Munich, Germany, calling itself CUSA, Conservatism USA. These were not students, but mem­bers of the U.S. army, soon to be mustered out, then to appear in Dallas, Texas, by November 1963. The host would be Robert Morris. 


    "Friday night I attended a gathering of the top conservatives in Dallas."

    "The meeting was at the home of Dr. Robert Morris, President of the Defenders of American Liberty."

    "Present were Mr. George Ward, Detective for Dallas City Police, Mr. Ken Thompson, editorial writer for the Dallas Morn­ ing News, Mr. Clyde Moore, former PR man for H.L. Hunt, for­ mer UPI writer. (Eight others)"

    "I told them exactly what I wanted"

    "Others suggested using an already existing movement, name the Young Americans for Freedom, with already 50,000 members."

    "CUSA, as set up in Munich, is now an established fact in Dallas, only we are calling it YAF. I think you catch on".

    "We are starting Munich chapters of YAF. "To spread to Stutt­ gart, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Berlin, Kaiserslautern,"

    "We are getting every top name in business, education, politics and religion to endorse YAF".
    "The advisory board includes 37 Congressmen
    ... including

    Sen. Strom Thurmond, Sen. John Tower, and Sen. Barry Goldwa­ ter. There is Ronald Reagan, Gen. Mark Clark, Gen. Charles Willoughby, John Wayne, etc."

    Change all your records to read YAF".

    "All those months in Munich were not wasted. I accomplished my task in Dallas. I need you here soon. I sold these people on each of you and they are expecting you to come to Dallas and play an important role".

    "The days of leisure are over".
    "We want to see you, Norman, Jim and Bill Burley back here in Dallas".
    "Sheila and my brother will be here in August; Ken Glazebrook in Sept."

    June 13, 1963, Larry Schmidt to B. Weissman in Munich, Germany. "

  6. 15 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Thanks for posting. I reread it and noticed the headline puts 'Soviet Spy' in quotes and later refers to Osborne as a suspected Soviet spy without explanation. I'm trying to post a screen shot from Mae Brussell's essay on the Nazi connection to the JFK assassination. There may be some errors or speculation here. But considering it was written in 1983 that is excusable. She makes the point elsewhere in the article that we should look closely at the Russian community that play so prominently in the Dallas life of the Oswalds, and in the Warren Commission witnesses. I agree.IMG_0106.thumb.PNG.6385fd94d9a21f3dd54f3750febfe4af.PNG

    " There were two possible assassination teams in Dallas.

    The military from Munich, Germany, that was to take over the YAF, with Robert Morris' help, have yet to be identified."

    Bingo, the the Northeast Establishment handshake with Walker.

    If I could ask Mr Caddy a question,  I would love to know how deep G. Gordon Liddy's relationship to the YAF and William F. Buckley actually ran. And if he, Caddy, knew Liddy from the 1958 time frame.

    Young Turks.....


    Paul, would you share the link to that article please?

  7. Interesting stuff. This needs to be transcribed.

    On p. 16

    Gifford Pinchot 

    Right wing scion of a wealthy Pennsylvania Family. Involved in Anti-Castro activity with Frank Fiorins Sturgis, Marita Lorenz and E. Howard Hunt. Knowledge of No-Name Key activity. (Miami)


    Apparently, this is Mary Meyer's half brother. Their grandfather was once the Governor of Pennsylvania.

  8. 3 hours ago, Kenneth Drew said:

    I agree Paul.  The CIA was basically in charge of the whole event.  They control the documents.  They've had 54 years to arrange the documents to show what they want them to show.  I doubt they will ever release a document saying:  " JFK----CIA releases documents to prove that they did it.".  Even if they let a tidbit out, such as 'well GHWB really was on the ground in Dallas that day, but he doesn't remember what it was all about,  claims he never worked for the CIA and, of course, we, the CIA certainly never knew he was  on our payroll. None of our dozens of agents that were there on the ground that day remember seeing George".    Naw, somehow, I don't think they're ever going to tell the truth.  

    Lol! Paul Trejo believes that the CIA took an extended lunch on 11-22-63 ( what the heck, it’s Friday, right)  and were therefore off the clock, and not responsible.

  9. I though she was pretty fair, pointing out that Newman even calls the WWIII virus speculation. She is clear in that she respects his work. Without better and further proof that takes us, and Newman, to more solid ground than speculation, such an article is important. I am not nearly as convinced, as many people here are, that Angleton was a main player. I think Newman's theory has a lot to do with the large number of people who suspect Angleton; a lot of people may be side-tracked.

    Regarding Mexico City: I am not seeing enough of a distinction being made, or more precisely, being made clearly, about what people are specifically saying when they write about Oswald being in Mexico City and the evidence thereof.

    Distinctions should be made as to whether Oswald:

    -Was in MC as per the Warren Comission.

    -Whether the evidence supports that

    -Whether he was in MC, in that time frame, but not at the embassy or Consulate at all.

    -Whether he was in MC in that time frame, but at the embassy or consulate at a different time.

    -Whether he was in MC at a different time frame.

    -Was there evidence for any this

    ... and on and on.

    A dubunking of the WC story is important, but the presumption, from that debunking, that he did not go at all, and there never was evidence for it all, is an assumption that divides researchers and hinders an understanding of what may have happened.




  10. 14 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Here is the Josh Marshall blog piece.


    He bases this claim on the so called Mailer Standard.  How anyone could find Norman Mailer reliable on the JFK case after he flipped sides for monetary reasons and became partners with JFK FBI informant Larry Schiller, that is just nutty.  

    But even more stupid is that Marshall does not even know the ins and outs of Hoover's thinking on the SBT.  

    Just pathetic.  As I told someone today, viewing the media coverage of these documents has been like watching a 737 crash in slow motion through the glass sliding doors of your living room.  You sit there speechless, helpless and appalled.

    It’s a pathetic and painful read, like a FB clickbait interest piece. Sadly that type of writing seems to be infecting the field of jurinalism at a rather aggressive pace.

  11. 7 minutes ago, Glenn Nall said:

    ah - well and good. I do not believe he is anti-conspiracy, though. that last part may have just been lip-service.

    It is likely, I think, that he can, like many of us, put to rest conspiracy theories because he, like many of us, know that there was a conspiracy. I am sure he knows that there was a conspiracy. He is not even being dishonest with that statement. Conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy is not in the realm of theory, it is a fact. Only the manner, motives and actors are in the theoretical realm.

  12. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


    As for the Tippit-did-it CT, it is only a short walk from there to the Walker-did-it CT, since Jeff Caufield links both Walker and Tippit to the Dallas BBQ joint, "Austin's Barbecue", where regular John Birch Society meetings took place.

    Also -- the Tippit-did-it CT is several years old.  There are several books on this topic in the past decade, including old threads on this Forum.   Here's one small taste from YouTube which suggests that J.D. Tippit was Badge Man:


    --Paul Trejo

    Then Jason wrote:


    If you look at JD Tippit in totality according to the evidence, he is clearly in the same ideological family as Walker......

    I was wondering where Paul's odd mention of Tippit came from. It looks like Paul and Jason are precticing Tee-Ball here, with Trejo setting-up the ball for Jason to take a swing at.


  13. 17 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    .......In reality, the ability or true wish to murder is rare and is always associated with mental disturbance.  Murderers have known, defined, quantifiable mental criteria 100% of the time.  Tippit is the only one around who has documented proof of the requisite mental state necessary to kill with ease, and without need of justification/imminent threat.


    Unlike Jason, I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night, so these statements sound like falsehoods to me.

  14. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Sometimes this new Forum Editor will not allow comments to be added to a quoted post, when the quoted post is truncated first.   I consider it to be a bug.   Just my opinion.

    Perfect example of Paul's inability to accept that he may be a flawed human being. User Error or ignorance becomes a "bug" in the software.

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