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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 51 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    FBI agent Hosty is an intriguing character.

    Unless the evidence around Hosty was specifically tagged as Kennedy-related by some government functionary at some point, all the Hosty stuff is just sitting pristinely unreleased in the National Archives, waiting for a real researcher to give us a real picture of what Hosty was up to during this period.





  2. 39 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    There's lots of little avenues to explore like the mention below of Ray Edge.

    Fine, so Edge (which may itself be a protective pseudonym) says he doesn't know Oswald or Ruby.  Neither do I.   But what is it about Ray Edge that causes the FBI to even ask him about Oswald and Ruby in November of 63????

    I'm thinking anyone who the FBI imagines is in the same circles as Oswald and/or Ruby might be worth looking at further.







  3. 22 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    I've seen many CIA-as-omnipotent theorists here say they feel Mexico City is the key to unravelling the assassination.

    Before, during, and, after the assassination, the CIA knows everything that's going on, and why, at the US, Soviet, and Cuban embassies, because all 3 are effectively CIA stations penetrated by double agents:





  4. 1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:


    Because of the various obsessions over the years in the CT community, we will indeed get a big document dump, but a lot of it will be a gigantic pile of irrelevant crap on topics like Cuba.   If you are right about Walker, much of what the government has on him will not see the light of day - yet.   So for you and anyone who wades into the National Archives release, and I hope everyone will, discouragement may come quickly.  I'm afraid that instead of finding out who was conspiring to kill Kennedy, we are more likely to get minutia and 1000-page-long-files of arcane details related to the gigantic circus of wasted money and cash-loving-Cuban-scammers involved in the early 60s CIA Cuban obsession.   

    The document release may very well include 100s of new names never before seen in JFK research.  Most of them will be Cubans now dead whose lives were in jeopardy if their relationship with the CIA became public knowledge.  In an astounding case of life imitating art, I predict we will also see in further embarassing detail just how far the CIA in Miami went into a rabbit hole of cloak-and-dagger intrigues straight out of a 007 novel.  From my reading of the document release this year, the CIA isn't hiding anything about Kennedy/Oswald, they are hiding details that show the CIA as a bunch of spendthrift boy-advernturers handing big dollars over to any Cuban who says he will swim back to Havana and topple Castro.  All the Cubans in Miami said that, and got well paid merely by cliaming passionate anti-Castro beliefs.  Castro remained in power not for lack of CIA effort, but rather for CIA efforts aimed at Cuban exiles.

    In reality, Miami in the early 60s (as now) is a much more economically prosperous place for Cubans than Cuba.   No Cuban was really so passionate about returning to Cuba, it is clear to me, and these documents will further underline this point.  That's one reason I know the reasoning that claims the Cubans were angry at Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs is an absurd joke - the everyday Cubans loved Kennedy and in fact had no interest of actually fighting in Cuba for the return of their homeland.  Some of the most extreme Cubans were angry about the Bay of Pigs - mostly the ex-Batistia darlings like General Walker's pal and ultra right winger Carlos Bringuier - or perpetual adventurer and commie-fighter Felix Rodriguez.  The Cuban 1% in some irrational sense of reactionaries everywhere, longed for a return to the corrupt mafia-crime paradise of pre-Castro Cuba where everyday Cubans lived in poverty while a few of the elite lived like kings.  But 99% of Cubans, especially those who made it to the US, were happy with Kennedy and America or in any case unserious about any real effort at counter-revolution or counter-Kennedy programs.

    Better to keep up the CIA cash gravy train by always promising, but never delivering, the always-imminenet Castro overthrow.  There are many parallels to more recent US policies in Iraq and Afghanistan where easy cash is had by anyone who claims to love democracy - but as in Cuba, they never actually do anything to bring democracy to their people.  In sum, I predict the document dump is going to be 80 or 90% about a bunch of Cuban profiteers and their CIA paymasters wasting tax dollars. The documents will show splashing around the Keys in pretend invasion "practice," and CIA "resources" acting more like a drunken overgrown Boy Scout jamboree with an unlimited credit limit than a squad of dangerous killers who might just as easily target JFK after Castro.

    With that said, wherever Walker was directly linked to the assassination through his contacts with Oswald, Hosty, etc., we should get a few more reveals about the general.  The problem is that because conspiracy theorists have taught the US archivists to concentrate on Cuba, and a few other topics of interests to a standard conspiracy theory ideologically grounded in Garrison's CIA-as-omnipotent theory, anything NOT specifically tagged JFK-releated will remain vaulted.  Walker hiring gunmen may remain vaulted; Cubans buying boats and beer for the 284 planned invasions perpetually just about to happen will be documented immensely.  The still hidden stuff should still be accessible in a new FOI, thankfully.

    Rex Bradford is working on a new script as we speak which should speed through an early analysis of the document release.  Bill Simpich is working with Rex and the data-crunching I did on the summer release to map and extrapolate CIA cryptonyms in such a way that may be entirely revolutionary in its implications.  You still have to literally read every page because OCR is not good with handwriting, marginalia, idiomatic English, etc.   But we'll know fairly soon whether the new release is fruitful or just more Cuban flotsam and garbage.






    There is a lot to unpack here.

  5. 1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:


    .......but a lot of it will be a gigantic pile of irrelevant crap on topics like Cuba.   

    Jason thinks that the documents that are anticipated to be most relevant ones are "irrelevant crap", before he sees them. Sounds like he has taken Paul's predilection for predictions to a new pinnacle of ... ( my plosives-powered alliteration-engine petered-out).


    I predict we will also see in....

    More Trejo-esque predictions...


    Better to keep up the CIA cash gravy train by always promising, but never delivering, the always-imminenet Castro overthrow.  

    Sounds like a CIA-dit-it theory to me. Yet it sounds just like mine.... without the CIA "doin-it".



    But we'll now fairly soon whether the new release is fruitful or just more Cuban garbage.

    Jason wants to pre-qualify, in a Trejoesque manner, the evidence we have not yet seen, as garbage, because he knows it will not support his Tejo-married theory.






    The responses in red are mine. The weaseling is Jason's.



  6. 3 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

    I am imagining Jason Ward, looking back through RCD's contributions to this forum and Ernie's rock solid credentials, offerings and breadth of substantial research. I am imagining Jason Ward wondering how he is going to get out of his ill-advised marriage to Paul Trejo's nonsense.


    1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:


    If you are right about Walker, much of what the government has on him will not see the light of day - yet.   





    Bingo! Jason lays the blame on his compadre! Lol!

    Jason's "yet" is an out, for when nothing is forthcoming to support the Jason Trejo and Paul Ward theory. Lol!

  7. 30 minutes ago, Ernie Lazar said:


    I don't recall right now which book I read this in -- but President LBJ told people privately that his greatest concern was that withheld FBI/CIA JFK documents might show that (1) Castro's Cuba was directly involved in JFK's assassination and (2) the Soviet Union had foreknowledge of Castro's plans (and perhaps even provided assistance).

    In this context, LBJ was worried that if such documents became public, he would face tremendous and insurmountable pressure to invade Cuba and perhaps even take military action of some kind against the Soviets.

    1.  Suppose that the FBI/CIA documents being released this week include records which tend to support the idea that Castro and the Soviet Union had some role in JFK's assassination.

    2.  What do you suppose would the consequences of learning that?

    Interesting question.  While processing it, the Vegas shooting and it's purpose gained some meaning. To be ure, the official story of the Vegas shooting does not, to me, add-up. What I noticed is that we all got over it kind of quickly. It's kind of "a day in the life". So maybe that was the purpose; a kind of last minute tenderizing of the people; to accept things like this and move on. I imagine that that is what would happen, just accept it and move on, and continue the isolation of Cuba. Half of us would accept the hypothetical reality that Ernie offers, the other half accepts that it's just another lie, and we all move on.


  8. 6 hours ago, Ernie Lazar said:

    Apparently, according to YOUR criteria (which is shared by Paul Trejo), your first sentence declaring that you don't want any recognition or praise is violated and disproven by your earlier introduction of yourself as follows:

    "I do work for the Mary Ferrell Foundation and I'm in the history department of a major university."

    THEN -- to make it absolutely clear how grandiosely you view yourself, you wrote:

    "By the end of this day, after I've eaten dinner and put my kids to bed, I will show you what a researcher is versus what you are: an opinion peddler.  I am the only one in this thread who ever posts any primary sources whatsoever and you are soon to be revealed as almost entirely free of knowledge on Hoover's surveillance of Walker."

    So -- how do we recognize a real expert -- who is deserving of our respect and careful consideration of what he (or she) has to say?   

    Fortunately, Jason has clearly answered that question for us:

    "No one who is an expert has to insult others for fear of us proving you are in fact an expert at nothing."

    And then Jason carefully illustrates what prudent, sober, and "expert" commentary looks like -- as follows:

    "This is a retarded joke. Where are the documents or primary sources to support your laughable opinions?"

    "As far as I can see, you are an expert at nothing except peddling opinion."   

    "As usual, the laziness of someone who has zero interest nor apparent ability to do basic research is appalling."

    "There will, as usual, be no evidence provided here by this yet another fact-free creative fiction enthusiast, proud and belligerent FBI "expert" Ernie Lazar."


    I have to admit, I was taken aback when I saw that post from Jason Ward. I've had my moments. This issue is frustrating and the stakes involved do not get any higher. 






    The Church Committee Report says Walker is a domestic intelligence target of the Army, information shared with the FBI:



    "These imprecise criteria led to the creation of intelligence files on nearly 100,000 Americans, including Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, Major General Edwin walker, Julian Bond, Joan Baez, Dr. Spock, Reverend William Sloane coffin, congressman Abner mikvah, Senator Adlai Stevenson III, as well as clergyman, teachers,  journalists, editors,  Attorneys, industrialists, a laborer, a construction worker, railroad engineers, a postal worker, a taxi driver, a chiropractor, a doctor, a chemist, an economist, an historian, a playwright, an accountant, an entertainer, professors, a radio announcer, athletes, business executives and authors-all of whom became subjects of Army files simply because of their participation in political protests or their association with those who were engaged in such political activity."




    Just in case a casual reader finds him or herself as impressed as Jason is with his postings, but is not carefully and critically evaluating the material presented, as Jason doe'nt, the above quote, which I transcribed out of the above photo-copied page, points to the exact opposite conclusion that Jason Ward is trying to make. The attention given to General Walker by the Army is hardly distinguishing Walker as anyone of any substance, and on the same level of concern or threat as your average tradesman.

    Paul Trejo has repeatedly said that he repeats, ad infinitum, his nonsense, in order to influence the casual reader. It is clear that Jason Ward comes from the same school of non-thought; and apparently, both prefer to stay at a "Holiday inn Express" every night.


  10. I don't pretend to have thoroughly read everything that Jason just posted. I did read, however, Jason's claim that Ernie Lazar shares no documentation to support his contentions, and that is absurd. Ernie has shared voluminous texts and documents that expose Paul Trejo's fraudulency so deeply that Jason's attempt to keep Trejo's robes in order are embarrassing.

    My look into Jason's documents bring two things to mind.

    1. Ernie Lazar is right, The FBI was not actively perusing, surveilling or investigating Walker. Most of those documents are reports sent to, or up-to, dutifully, by citizens and ageants, the FBI, that are accounts and reports of concerned citizens. 

    2. Likewise, those documents support my contention that the role of The Ridiculous Right and Racist elements, in the south, was to create smoke and fog, to obscure the impending plot. They were not part of the plot, beyond standing back, creating an expectation of a hit, and creating so much noise that resources were stretched too thin to foil the plot ahead of time and served to make it untraceable, after the fact.




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