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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

     In my opinion it was the 'traitorous' acts of attempts to communicate privately with Cuban and Russian leaders in an effort to defuse third world conflict and the Cold War.

    To be sure, Paul, we are in agreement here as well, with, perhaps the exception of the Guantanamo detail.

    I don't think that JFK could have imagined that 54 years later, we would still be in an antagonistic relationship with Cuba. I don't believe that JFK could have imagined that, by the end of a prospective second term, we would be in an antogonistic relationship with Cuba. I believe he would have seen anything but a satisfactory regime change as an unimaginable failure. Guantanamo would have had to have been renegotiated or vacated for that to happen.

  2. Russian interference in last years election is only spoken about, like LHO's guilt, as if it was a matter of fact. Is it an assumption that only Russian outlets were propogating bogus news a year ago? Are American outlets being investigated as propogating bogus news? Is there such a thing as bogus news if it comes from the US,? Is it only bogus if it is both false and foreign? 

    I don't see us having much luck prosecuting purveyors of bogus news if we are trying to say that we are the only ones that can do that to ourselves. 

    Edited just now by Michael Clark
  3. 24 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Mostly agree, except your straw. Why do you say that? In my opinion it was the 'traitorous' acts of attempts to communicate privately with Cuban and Russian leaders in an effort to defuse third world conflict and the Cold War.

    Paul, the short answer is ...." Because that is what happened". 54 years later we still own Guantanamo, without paying our $4085 rent fee, or re-negotiating it. We don't have to re-nogeotiate with a government that we deem antagonistic, how convenient.

    Part of the long-answer is here on the second page:


    And here:


  4. ***** editing this in here...

    Istanbul, Nov 7 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban researcher Fabian Escalante assured here that despite the passage of time, authorities in the United States are far from clarifying the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, although they have said for 54 years that the secrets will be revealed.


    Escalante is in Turkey to present his book on the assassination of the U.S. president in 1963, which was translated into Turkish, so he made statements to Prensa Latina.

    According to Escalante, 'first they accused Cuba and the Soviet Union of the crime without evidence, just due to ideological reasons'; however, the declassified documents, which belong to three institutional committees, did not shed light on the assassination either.

    'If there was an iota of truth in those documents, it would have been known a long time ago, but 99 percent of the materials have been declassified and there is nothing, so it seems an aggression against Cuba; that is why, they have tried to prevent or frustrate the declassifications of documents,' he noted.

    About Kennedy's assassination, the Cuban researcher questioned its past and pointed out that it was used by U.S. intelligence services to perpetrate a premeditated crime. He assured that 'Lee Harvey Oswald went to the Soviet Union as a deserter but he was already a CIA agent.' 

    Shortly after, he decided to return to the United States and 'the first job that he gets in Dallas is in a company that makes the U2's flight maps. How is it possible that a deserter who returns from the Soviet Union is given such a job? Escalante wondered.

    Later, Oswald left for New Orleans 'and there, the first thing he did was to contact CIA agents; afterwards, he changes his line of conduct and becomes a supporter of Cuba and starts printing flyers in favor of Cuba; that is, at that time, Oswald has been chosen as the scapegoat, he does not know, but it is like that,' the researcher assured.

    The missile crisis in October 1962 changed the political vision of President Kennedy, who sent a commission to Cuba to study the possibility of rapprochement between the two countries, something that, according to Escalante, might have led to his tragic end.

    'On June 10, 1963, Kennedy gave an extraordinary speech, a trial against the Cold War, and I think that it was the last straw in the United States, and his assassination was decided,' noted Escalante, for whom 'a CIA sector that was in charge of the aggression against Cuba' was responsible for that crime.

    'Kennedy was a man with a different perspective, evidently he realized that he had to change the policy on Cuba,' he added, but the tragic end allowed for the continuity until today of 'that real power, which does not forgive Cuba for the revolution it made, at the doors to the United States'. According to the researcher, 'that aggression will be maintained'.


  5. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Connell

    Michael Connell

    For other people named Michael Connell, see Michael Connell (disambiguation).

    Michael Louis Connell (November 30, 1963 – December 19, 2008) was a high-level Republican consultant who was subpoenaed in a case regarding alleged tampering with the 2004 U.S. Presidential election and a case involving thousands of missing emails pertaining to the political firing of U.S. Attorneys. Connell was killed when the plane he was flying crashed on December 19, 2008.


    Connell was originally from Illinois and lived in Bath Township, near Akron, Ohio.[1] His company also maintained a website for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth527 group during the 2004 election.[2]

    Request for protectionEdit

    In July 2008, the lead attorney in the King Lincoln Bronzeville Neighborhood Association v. Blackwell case, Cliff Arnebeck, sent a letter[citation needed] to U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey seeking protection for Connell as a witness in the case, saying he had been threatened. Arnebeck wrote, “We have been confidentially informed by a source we believe to be credible that Karl Rove has threatened Michael Connell, a principal witness we have identified in our King Lincoln case in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, that if he does not agree to 'take the fall' for election fraud in Ohio, his wife Heather will be prosecuted for supposed lobby law violations."[citation needed] Arnebeck claims that months later, his source called back and warned that Connell's life was in danger.[3]

    He was served with a subpoena in Ohio on September 22, 2008,[citation needed] in a case alleging that vote-tampering during the 2004 presidential election resulted in civil rights violations. Connell, president of GovTech Solutions and New Media Communications, was a website designer and IT professional and created a website for Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell that presented the results of the 2004 election in real time as they were tabulated. At the time, Blackwell was also chairman of the Bush-Cheney 2004 reelection effort in Ohio. Connell refused to testify or to produce documents relating to the system used in the 2004 and 2006 elections, lawyers said.[citation needed] "Connell...was apparently told by a close friend not to fly his plane because his plane might be sabotaged, and twice in the last two months Connell, who is an experienced pilot, cancelled two flights because of suspicious problems with his plane." according to Blake Renault of the Cleveland CBS News station covering the crash.[citation needed]


    At about 6 p.m. on December 19, 2008, Connell was killed, at the age of 45,[1] in the crash of a single-engine 1997 Piper Saratoga private airplane, which he was flying, which occurred in Lake Township, between 2.5 and 3 miles short of the runway at the Akron-Canton Airport near Akron, Ohio. Connell was alone in the plane and had been returning from the College Park Airport in Maryland, near Washington, D.C..[4] The plane crashed on its final approach to the airport's main runway, between two houses, one of which was vacant. Connell had flown the plane from the Akron-Canton Airport to the College Park Airport on December 18, 2008 and, according to the Stark County, Ohio coroner, Connell had on his person a receipt for a breakfast he had purchased in Washington, D.C. on December 19, 2008.

    On December 31, 2008 it was reported that air traffic controllers had noted prior to the crash that Connell was off course, that they had been in communication with him regarding this, and that he had been trying to get back on course at the time of the crash. There were reported to have been no signs of mechanical problems with the plane.[5]

    The National Transportation Safety Board published its final report into the accident that killed Connell on January 28, 2010. The board concluded that Connell had lost control of the aircraft as a result of disorientation while turning in cloud. During a pre-flight briefing Connell had commented that he wanted to return to Akron before the weather "went from bad to worse". Several other pilots in the vicinity had reported severe icing at the time of the crash; Connell's aircraft was not equipped or approved to fly in icing conditions.[6]



  6. 6 hours ago, Michael Walton said:



    When the signal was given for Dallas, it was simple matter of building up the "crazed communist" narrative, moving him around like a chess piece, until 11/22.  I find it very hard to believe that the right could have had this much imagination and initiative to pull something like this off.


    1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

    No doubt Michael - your last paragraph hits the nail on the head. They could have comprised much of the ground crew, but not the sophisticated set up. Nor could they have guaranteed the coverup. 

    Imagination and initiative, yes.. I DO see Jason Trejo's and Paul Ward's Radical Right (which does not include the YAF, E. H. Hunt, William Buckley Jr., nor the NE Establishment) as having both of those "qualities".

    Yet, regarding the "the sophisticated set up" and the guaranteed coverup that Paul Brancato mentions, I don't see the Ward-Trejo nonsense coming-off without the YAF, E. Howard Hunt, NE Establishment factor.

    Many factors were winding up to create great inertia for the assassination. IMO. It took a straw to break the balance. IMO, that straw was the ONI and it's concern about the future status of Guantanamo, after the YAF, the NE Establishment and their prospects for war, were already on-board, to make the decision to break the back of Camelot.


  7. 18 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Finally, Mathias, I'm pretty sure I shared my opinion with you about the TSBD building -- it was irrelevant to blaming Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK.  The key factors in blaming Oswald were solely and only: (1) that Oswald was fully sheep-dipped in New Orleans as a card-carrying Communist; and (2) that the Dallas Police obtain Oswald's own rifle, somehow.


    So, the TSBD building was only a stroke of good luck for the JFK plotters.   Hoover's "Lone Nut' CT was the stroke of bad luck they had not anticipated.

    --Paul Trejo


    2 hours ago, Mathias Baumann said:



    Concerning the School Book Depository: It was a high office building situated in a perfect position for an ambush, because of the peculiar curve, the other office buildings and the fence that had a parking lot right behind it. I think it was a crucial part of the plot that Oswald got a job there.


    Paul Trejo's assertion here is bewildering. LHO's presence and employment at the TSBD, on the day of the assassination, is quite relevant "to blaming Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of JFK."


  8. 52 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Paul B.,

    I'm also interested in seeing the CIA files on Morales, Hunt and DA Phillips -- but here's what I expect.

    1.   Even though E. Howard Hunt confessed on his deathbed to his son of a role "on the sidelines" of the JFK assassination, the only other people he named as actual JFK co-conspirators were: (A) David Morales; and (B ) Frank Sturgis.  

    1.1.  Although Hunt named Cord Meyer as a CIA guy who hated JFK with a purple passion, because JFK slept with his wife, Mary Meyer, there was no evidence that Cord Meyer was anything other than one more American who cheered with JFK was killed.

    2.  Even though David Morales, when stinking drunk, confessed to his best friend, Ruben Carbajal, that, "we really took care of that sonuvabitch, didn't we?" when the discussion turned to JFK, there was no evidence that he was talking about the CIA, when he said, "we".

    3.  As you know, in my CT, Hunt and Morales were simply lending their assistance to a JFK plot already in progress, led by the Radical Right.

    4.  Because of this, and because Bill Simpich (2014) proved that the CIA High Command had no clue which CIA agent had Impersonated Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City during the summer of 1963, I am convinced that the CIA had no clue who killed JFK in 1963, just as most CIA people have no clue who killed JFK down to this very day.

    5.  Therefore, look all you want at all the hundreds of CIA documents that are being released by the JFK Records Act these days -- YOU WILL FINDING NOTHING AT ALL.

    6.   Instead, people should be reading the newly released FBI records with an eagle eye.  The FBI high command knew ALL ABOUT who killed JFK only three hours after the shooting.  I predict -- that's what the USA is about to learn.

    --Paul Trejo



  9. 37 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Paul B.,

    You're evading the facts and you know it.  

    What I demand that you PROVE -- since you insist on it -- is that Buddy Walther's reported finding METAL FILLING CABINETS  in Ruth Paine's garage.

    I demand ONE SINGLE DOCUMENT to back that up -- and you shy away.   You and Ron both.

    You and Ron both know the RUMOR -- it's more than fifty years old.  

    Way to back-pedal, dude.   

    Let's see what EVIDENCE you have from 11/22/1963!!   HOW DID THAT RUMOR START?  IT DIDN'T START IN JULY 1964.  

    --Paul Trejo


    5 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Man are you spinning out of control Paul T.


  10. 15 minutes ago, Dan Doyle said:

    Great thread.  I think Nixon's organized crime ties have been overlooked by the MSM & their historians for far too long, which makes me wonder why so?  If you're in the CT camp, the names of Nixon's organized crime ties reads like a who's who in the JFK case.  According to below linked article, Carlos Marcello gave Nixon $500k in cash  in September 1960 before the November election.  Oswald' uncle Murret worked for Marcello (as a booky) as did Ferrie, Bannister and (supposedly) Ruby.   Then there's Nixon's best buddy, Bebe Rebozo, a American-born Cuban with extensive ties to organized crime. And let's not forget that in 1959 Nixon was Eisenhower's point man for Operation Zapata(BOP).  JFK's securing of the Presidency in 1960,  was a big set back to this Operation.  I can't imagine Nixon withholding air support, as JFK did, when the BOP invasion foundered.

    From this article I ran across ww.crimemagazine.com/mobs-president-richard-nixons-secret-ties-mafia, which is a great read:

    " In February 1955, Vice President Richard Nixon traveled to Havana to embrace Batista at the despot's lavish private palace, praise ''the competence and stability'' of his regime, award him a medal of honor, and compare him with Abraham Lincoln.'  

    The Watergate Scandal seems to come into better focus when Nixon's mafia ties are factored in.  My guess is that Nixon knew what went down on 11/22/63 by way of his Operation Zapata( Hunt, Sturgis,etc)- Organized Crime( Marcello, Hoffa, etc) connections and was using this knowledge to blackmail someone( the CIA, the Military?) and that someone gave the Watergate break-in legs, which it wouldn't have normally had.   Didn't Nixon call it "a third rate burglary"?; right, a third rate burglary which cost him the Presidency.  What about the parallels between Nixon and Trump, and both with extensive organized crime ties....scary stuff!

    While I would like to back -off the Trump comments as unclear in specifics and relavence, I think this is a great post Dan.

  11. 5 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Actually, the USA is not Colonialist, and never was.  We made a serious mistake supporting the French in Vietnam, but that was a 1960's mistake based on our domino theory of Communism -- not a ploy to support the French Colony in Vietnam.

    As proof of our mistake, we cut our losses and got out of Vietnam ten years later.  There are no more Colonies on Planet Earth, thanks largely to the USA.   Not Vietnam, not Hong Kong, not Kuwait.


    --Paul Trejo

    The things that Paul can convince himself of are mind boggling. Does he just ignore our capture and occupation of Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, The Phillipines and Cuba?

  12. On 11/6/2017 at 3:46 PM, Paul Trejo said:

    have never seen any written evidence that Oswald applied for Soviet citizenship.  The keyword is APPLIED.  He might have said anything at all to get into the USSR, but once he was inside, he never formally filled out an APPLICATION for citizenship.

    That is due, Paul Trejo, to your rabid use of the ignore function on this forum. It's kind of convenient isn't it, otherwise you could not make such claims.

    Your capitalized weasle-words don't go unnoticed as such. You seem to be unaware that your Hegelian dialectic "nuances" don't exist in the vacuum of your own skull. A dialectic by definition comes about in an exchange with others. Your "Dialectics" amounts to fraudulent blather.

  13. 2 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Say no more Michael.... 

    I stopped bothering with his posts a while back other than to acknowledge when he quotes from my work without credit.  (as he seems to do to many of us).

    CE985 reiterates that Oswald is a "person without citizenship"...  Kinda hard to be a citizen when it's been explained to you you're NOT a citizen.


    img_1135_418_300.png img_1135_428_200.jpg



    Did he leave his PASSPORT?  [blank]

    ID card for: Person without Citizenship

    Couple pages later shows MARINA with a passport... yet also as a person "without citizenship" on Jan 4, 1961 ???


    Thanks David, his diary says he went back to or was going to, the US Embassy and got his passport back. I saw some state department docs somewhere that documented this, from the perspective of the embassy.

  14. 14 minutes ago, Tom Hume said:

    The transcription of Lee Oswald’s Historic Diary at the beginning of this thread has this note: “In the interest of clarity and legibility, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization have been corrected in certain cases.”

    If the diary contains code of any sort, this is a little like wiping a murder weapon clean before dusting it for fingerprints. 

    Below are 12 links to the pages of Lee Oswald’s Historic Diary:

    Page #1


    Page #2


    Page #3


    Page #4


    Page #5


    Page #6


    Page #7


    Page #8


    Page #9


    Page #10


    Page #11


    Page #12



    I believe that was me Tom. I know I cleaned-up a very difficult to read copy. It is possible I found a cleaned up a copy and posted it. No harm meant. I will check, but I believe my copy came from the Boris Yeltsin cache'. There were other documents in that cache that supported the claims of LHO as stated in his diary. Few people are looking for anagrams and codes; many people will choose to not read a document that is painfully full of typos and such. If I cleaned this version up, it was for the greater good.

  15. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Michael...  as much as it pains me to agree with PT... 

    This diary claiming one thing or another is not PROOF...  it's just Oswald's word, or whoever wrote it.

    His citizenship in the USA was never officially renounced;
    He did give them a Passport
    He may have requested Soviet citizenship, but he never got it...


    & everyone who analyzed it came to the same conclusion as the HSCA...


    (48) XI. A check was made of the historical diary (item 16) .
    The 12 pages were written with the same type of writing instrument.
    The paper used for 11 of the 12 pages is similar ; only the last page
    differs-it is appreciably thinner. The writing has a continuity from
    page to page and line to line that is indicative of being written about,
    or at, the same time. It does not give the impression of being "random"
    as would be expected of a diary extended over a period of time. It appears
    that this diary has been written within a short period of time
    and not over any extensive period .


    (143) Opinion. While the diary was submitted for examination in
    original form, it was almost completely unsuitable (with the exception
    of p. 11) for document examination because of treatment with fingerprint
    developer. Little patches of ink were unobscured, but these were
    insufficient as a basis for a definite conclusion . From the patches of
    ink that could be studied, there are indications that the same pen and,
    ink could have been used to write the entire diary. However, this observation
    is based solely on microscopic examination ; no chemical
    tests were made or authorized . Use of the same pen and ink (particularly
    when, as here, a fountain pen or a dip pen, rather than a ballpoint
    pen, was used) is more consistent with the diary having been
    prepared at one time
    , or over a few consecutive writing sessions, than
    it is with execution from day to day over the extensive period covered.

    David, as always, thanks for your input. It is always highly valued.

    I don't take the diary to the bank.

    What is troublesome is Paul Trejo's propensity to make assertions as if they were common knowledge. In this case he uses weasle words to ever so slightly distance himself from from the outright to a nuanced fraudulancy. He changed his words slightly rather than show evidence of his claims, and, again, pose it as if it were common knowledge.

    Paul Says that LHO was continually asked to join the CP, where does that come from? He makes claims denying what LHO says he did with regard to his citizenship and passport, without showing what his claims are based on.

    His next sentence is typical of his presentation of his fraudulency; he says " Anybody who knows anything about the Communists during the Cold War knows that....." blah, blah, blah.  He couches unsupported claims and fraud within the context of his self proclaimed expertise. There is nothing polite about that and it boils my oil when he demands politeness.


  16. 9 hours ago, John Kowalski said:

    Does anyone know why I am receiving the following message "max total size (for attachments) .14mb? Want to upload another document related to the Grimsby call but can't do it because it is larger than .14 mb.

    User storage for uploading photos is very limited. You can use the "insert other media" tab for posting pics.


  17. 22 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:



    The fact that Oswald never really defected to the USSR should have been mentioned.  He always maintained his US Passport.  He never applied for Soviet citizenship while he lived in the USSR for 2.5 years.  He never joined the Communist Party, although this was offered to him continually.



    --Paul Trejo


    Paul Trejo is at it again.... with weasle-words





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