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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 50 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    The following is my opinion: that is all we ever get from Paul.

    I supply plenty of documents and quotations. Falsehood

     You just don't pay enough attention.    False, ad hominem 

    Also, this isn't an ACADEMIC Forum, where everybody is expected to supply footnotes.  An excuse, and justification for years of foisting opinions and falsehoods as facts. Only recently have you been compelled, persuaded or saw the logic in starting your posts with the disclaimer: "The following is my opinion".

    This space has always been far more informal, so that people can feel free to express their honest opinions. Not so. It was, in the past, a much more scholarly forum. But opinions were expressed as such. Only recently have you started imitating that kind if integrity.

    The documents you revealed are all OLD -- even though a few words here and there were REDACTED in decades past. What kind of document is worth anything at all that is not old, or vintage. A typical Trejo falsehood know as a non-sequitor.

    B-O-R-I-N-G-!  Anyone reagingnyour posts Paul is probably doing so for entertainment and the thrill of amazement of fantasy. It is exciting to see real scholarship, such a as Ernie's replies to you, and is far from boring. What caould be more boring than see you post the same stuff, hour after hour, day after day, year after rear; making the same prognostications over and over, except for thoughtful and learned  retorts and reality checks.

    Let's see something new for a change.  Ernie does that with every post, except for when, out of logical necessity, he has to post a retort to you.

     Jason Ward is on the right track.  He will arrive at the goal first, IMHO. More prognostications.


    everything below is straight-up a diversion, red-herring, straw-man or false insinuation.

    As for the Tippit-did-it CT, it is only a short walk from there to the Walker-did-it CT, since Jeff Caufield links both Walker and Tippit to the Dallas BBQ joint, "Austin's Barbecue", where regular John Birch Society meetings took place.

    Also -- the Tippit-did-it CT is several years old.  There are several books on this topic in the past decade, including old threads on this Forum.   Here's one small taste from YouTube which suggests that J.D. Tippit was Badge Man:


    --Paul Trejo

    My replies are in orange.

  2. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:



    1 hour ago, Ernie Lazar said:

    What was your "error"?

    In case anyone isn't aware, whenever Trejo wants to delete what he has posted, he changes what he says to "bump". I take that to mean that he can't accept and is not big enough to admit that he was wrong about something or thought better of posting it. I have seen this numerous times. 


  3. 2 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    Lots and lots of chaff.

    Because of a few honest souls such as yourself who study and read before they speak - I've posted what seems interesting at first glance from the day's document release.   Most of it is simply expanded versions of what we already have, but there are a few kernels of totally new information.

    I'd ask you to look at the Masen references above and in the book I cite below.  Thoughts?






    PS - I'll try to order that item you mentioned to me from the inter-library loan system tomorrow.




    For Paul Trejo, maybe we need to be talking a bit more about what Harrison Livingstone has to say?

    Livingstone, Harrison E.  The Radical Right and the Murder of JFK.  Trafford Publishing; Victoria: 2004.   p. 117


    snippet available free to the public here:

    https://books.google.com/books?id=LD8TUAGSuMoC&pg=PA117&lpg=PA117&dq=minutemen+jfk+masen&source=bl&ots=35_mwCcwWp&sig=OBhjbN-lP3-fw9i9i-ygX-Q0mEo&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwig95Hu9Y_XAhXE5IMKHSTpCLEQ6AEIQjAH#v=onepage&q=minutemen jfk masen&f=false


  4. 7 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    Dinkin Part 3: The End.

    The first time there is any mention whatsoever that Dinkin "had advanced knowledge" of the assassination, was, wait for it:

    AFTER the assassination took place.

    ...and it's not from Dinkin himself, it's from  shyster journalist Alex des Fonatine trying to sell a story he created in hopes of making big bucks after the murder..

    Dinkin never predicted anything.  There is no evidence.  NONE





  5. Just now, Jason Ward said:

    Dinkin part 2 for those distracted by such matters.

    Hint: evidence is easy to find and read from the National Archives, the FBI, the CIA, the Mary Ferrell site, et al.  

    There is not one shred of evidence ANYWHERE that Dinkin ever made any assassination predictions BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION actually TOOK PLACE:




  6. 3 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

    Here's bone #3 tossed to the global-conspiracy-cast-of-1000s-theoriests = Dinkin.

    Not that I expect any but one or two to get off their butt and do some actual research (when posting evidence-free opinions is so fun and worthless to the rest of us,) but 'inanition' and other CIA reveals relevant to this Dinkin sideshow are available at the Mary Ferrell site. 





  7. Just now, Ernie Lazar said:

    Again -- nothing new here.  All these files have been released before -- many years ago.  I received the FBI HQ and Dallas files on National Indignation Convention 13 years ago as paper docs and then I received them again 4 years ago as pdf files which are in my Internet Archive collection.

    https://archive.org/search.php?query=FOIA%3A National Indignation

    Yup, I am scanning the things Jason Ward is posting. It is all exactly as you said it would be, concerned citizens, unsolicited reports, investigations into general racist disturbances.

  8. Just now, Jason Ward said:

    For the 2 or 3 here who study evidence instead of trust their own women's intuition as to what happened in Dallas, I ask you to consider John T. Masen, and his friend Van Pollard, and their Minutemen associations well studied by the FBI in the early 60s along with General Walker.

    Masen was questioned on 22 November by the FBI as perhaps their first Dallas-area suspect generated by intelligence sources.  He was arrested in Dallas around 20 November for creating/selling illegal automatic weapons.  

    If Paul Trejo is right about the Right, it is men like Masen and Pollard who need more scrutiny.  Most of their files remain pristinely unreleased as they are only occasionally directly linked to the assassination as below:





  9. 2 hours ago, Jason Ward said:


    Hi Paul,

    This is kind of abrupt, but you've seen me bring up evidence without much introduction or analysis before; so....

    I think Hemming, Hall, etc., are merely profiteering adventurers who hope to cash in on the CIA's tsunami windfall of dollars spent in Miami to topple Castro.    I doubt they have much insight into JFK, and I know for a fact the CIA would never in a million years hire these guys directly to do anything because they were reputably incompetent wanna-be soldiers of fortune.  They were routinely treated as leachers, posers, scum, by both the FBI and CIA.  They did, however, almost certainly manage to capture some second- and third- hand CIA cash in the way Ferrie and 100s of Cuban exiles did during the early 60s.

    Apart from my own cynicism towards the relevance of these characters, I've seen you write that you think Hall and Hemming may have at been involved in the assassination in at least a minor way.  So I attach these documents below, only because I know this topic is of some interest.  These were released today and may serve as a hint of what's in the .zip files in terms of newly revealed info.   I admit I've always been suspicious of Loran Hall's odyssey across the southern US in 63, complete with a pit stop in Dallas calling on all the usual Right-Wingers.  I admit these guys may have at least heard something, they were certainly in some interesting circles...

    Lester Logue, the John Birch Society, the DPD...if you're Radical Right theory is correct, these guys are right on the cusp of it all, at the right time...








  10. 1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:


    Hi Paul,

    This is kind of abrupt, but you've seen me bring up evidence without much introduction or analysis before; so....

    I think Hemming, Hall, etc., are merely profiteering adventurers who hope to cash in on the CIA's tsunami windfall of dollars spent in Miami to topple Castro.    I doubt they have much insight into JFK, and I know for a fact the CIA would never in a million years hire these guys directly to do anything because they were reputably incompetent wanna-be soldiers of fortune.  They were routinely treated as leachers, posers, scum, by both the FBI and CIA.  They did, however, almost certainly manage to capture some second- and third- hand CIA cash in the way Ferrie and 100s of Cuban exiles did during the early 60s.

    Apart from my own cynicism towards the relevance of these characters, I've seen you write that you think Hall and Hemming may have at been involved in the assassination in at least a minor way.  So I attach these documents below, only because I know this topic is of some interest.  These were released today and may serve as a hint of what's in the .zip files in terms of newly revealed info.   I admit I've always been suspicious of Loran Hall's odyssey across the southern US in 63, complete with a pit stop in Dallas calling on all the usual Right-Wingers.  I admit these guys may have at least heard something, they were certainly in some interesting circles...

    Lester Logue, the John Birch Society, the DPD...if you're Radical Right theory is correct, these guys are right on the cusp of it all, at the right time...








  11. 3 minutes ago, Ernie Lazar said:

    All of those FBI-NY informant symbol codes appear to refer to Communist Party members.  The "S"-suffix refers to a security informant.

    Thanks Ernie. Jason is posting a bunch of stuff without any commentary,explanation or argument. I am just preserving his postings. I don't meant to bury your post. I will bump it after jason is done. He should have started a thread with docs that he wanted to post. He is doing nothing the address the thesis of this post.

  12. 1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:

    Some of Ruby's hookers drift through Ohio at various times, and there is an ultra right sect active in the Southern part of the state associated with General Walker; and some of 007 secret agent Ruth Paine's family is from Ohio --- even so the exceptionally large interest and intense canvassing of CIs in Ohio after the assassination remains largely a mystery afaik.  


    What did Hoover think he might uncover in Ohio???






  13. 1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:

    My thesis on the assassination will have a large part advancing my theory that Hoover's marginalia tells us flash insights in to the FBI director.  This handwritten material is almost entirely hidden by OCR-driven finding aids and electronic search tools so is among the least studied aspects of JFK evidence.

    as JEH says...Watch out!




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