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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 2 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    Do you mean something such as attributing it to "Bigfoot"? :-0

    Hi Pamela!

    I just quoted TG to see how his post would evolve. He spends hours and days tweaking his posts. I even noticed, since he has returned, that he has been editing some of his posts that are years old.

  2. The closing of forum registration, which ends tomorrow, along with the current demurenent of administrators,   has me wondering if there is not a coming change of the guard. Tommy's apparent exceptional confidence that his antics will cause him no grief has me fearing the worst at this juncture.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Hello all,

    when I first joined the forum I found it a pretty decent place to share and to learn. In the years since Simkin's departure it has changed into something I don't recognize. I don't claim perfection my part. I've grown frustrated with two posters here but have continued to try to engage them in fruitful discussions. Both are tireless in promulgating their theories and dissing others. It's not fun anymore. There are many still here, posting occasionally, who I respect for their knowledge. But they have become largely silenced by the din of personal attacks. David Joseph's, whose two Oswald theory I don't agree with, is nevertheless one of the best researchers here. He has apparently been kicked off the site without explanation. Don Jefferies had his post erased, and when I posted asking why it was greeted with little interest, and again no explanation. 




    This too shall pass.

    Give it time, Please.



  4. 2 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    With all due respect, what's wrong with that?

    When I was really young (i.e., before I'd become 6' 4.75" and 245 lbs.), my dad used to call me "Big T".

    So it's a compliment of sorts (at least to a guy), and regardless, I was alluding to the fact, pretty wittily I think, that I had a habit of writing the first letter in his name with a big (i.e., upper-case) letter.  No matter how much I despised him.

    (I do the same thing with Hitler, Trump, Putin, Charles Manson, Alan Berkowitz, etc., not that I consider David to be anywhere as "evil" as they are.  LOL)

    --  Tommy  :sun


    Do you think that I am buying any of that, as an excuse and disguise for underhanded insults?

  5. I am wondering if the caller was receiving and sending information on a "Race Wire", sharing information as it came in from Dallas, possibly from the Carousel Lounge itself.

    Some may know that I have suspected that Jack Ruby was using the very-close proximity of the Carousel to the Dallas telephone company Central office, to tap lines, collect information, extort people, serve as a link on Mafia Race Wires, and transfer information between Marcello in NOLA and other Mob hubs such as Chicago and LA. I also surmise that the tapped lines at the Carousel was used for communications during the assassination and clean-up operations.


  6. 6 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    With all due respect, at least I capitalize the appropriate letters.

    And, unlike some, I don't refer to people I disagree with in vicious terms.  Like "vermin," for example. 

    As you have been known to do?

    --  Tommy  :sun


    Tommy are you pretending that you were not referring to David Josephs as QUOTE ON     " Big D"     QUOTE OFF ?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Don Jeffries said:


    If David Josephs has been banned from the forum, that is a true outrage. He is one of the most knowledgeable and coherent researchers left in this fractured "community" of ours. 

    It looks like the moderators desire a forum where Thomas Graves is the dominant voice here, with his Edward Epstein-inspired KGB/Russian "collusion" fantasies. .........

    ....and where he freely uses nicknames or pet names, such as "Big D" for David Josephs, or "Maestro" for Paul Brancato.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    With all due respect, why's that?

    --  Tommy  :sun


    Did it not occur to you that Paul might think that David Joseph's should not be banned? 

    If you claim that that did not occur to you, then are you playing dumb, for some reason?

  9. 5 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    This photo was also retouched.    The "missing tooth" theory really isn't new.   It's an H&L ploy.   (The H&L CT, by the way, is more than 20 years old, having first appeared in an article in Probe Magazine (1995), written by John Armstrong.)

    Proof will take time -- because H&L people play with photography.  In time I will prove it, because it's clearly photograph trickery -- probably being used to seek a Hollywood contract for a movie deal.   It's an affront to JFK Research, so I take this personally.

    I disagree sharply with Jim and with Mike on this point, because the missing "space" between the teeth in Ed Voebel's photo of LHO was large enough for 2.5 teeth.  

    Also, an honest (unretouched) blowup of the original shows black ink marks.   

    In order to prove it, I'll need to get hold of ORIGINAL copies of Ed Voebel's photograph -- because I can't trust the H&L folks with photographic "evidence" anymore.

    --Paul Trejo

    This post deserves to be remembered. It's fantastic.

  10. 5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Don't the photos above tend to show that Mrs. Randle could not have seen Oswald put the package in the car? Unless she walked up to the wood slats in the carport and peeked between their cracks?



    What I am getting at is that it defies any sensible stretch of the imagination to think that Mrs. Randle could have seen what she says she did. But, alas, it is possible that she may have seen a bit of movement through the slats, and that is about all. The Warren Commission does this leap of faith act over and over, like the SBT itself and LHO's hat trick firing the rifle and his pistol that day. It's not really possible, or plausible, but as long as it is imaginable, the WC is willing to say it happened.


    8 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Not sure how this adds anything to the copy above, Michael, but here it is again....


    Thanks Jim. It just makes it easer to present when I repost it. I don't have to steer the reader to it or give it some kind of name. I can say... " in this pic....."

    this pic makes me think that one or both teeth were compromised in some way after the fight and that, perhaps, his right tooth was bonded in someway to his left tooth, until it "failed" in '58.

    Also, and very importantly, it points out the foolishness is Paul Trej's claim that the photo was altered by Oswald, or friends, when they were kids.

  12. 1 hour ago, Michael Clark said:

    All you really talk about, all you focus on, is the opinions and works of forum members who have found a place on your hit list.


    7 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    You're beginning to sound more and more like Dave Josephs every day! Congratulations!

    You proved my point.

    Suggestion. Try Offering something, anything, that has nothing to do with anyone else on the forum or in the research community. An original though from you would be impressive. Show us that you have something akin to imagination, creativity, insight or critical thinking skills.


  13. On 3/13/2018 at 1:11 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

    That's right.

    Let's review the evidence we have so far, just for the missing front tooth:

    1. Ed Voebel recalled that Lee lost a tooth in the fist fight.
    2. Aunt Lillian said that Lee's mother took him to the dentist right after the fight, and that she (Lillian) paid the bill.
    3. Ed Voebel took a photo showing the missing tooth:


    4. Lee's 3/27/1958 dental record indicates that his dental bridge has broken. (Is that what Aunt Lillian paid for four years earlier??)
    5. The failed bridge explains the discolored and shortened front teeth we see in this 1958 photo of Lee:



    Isn't it amazing all the evidence we have of Lee having lost his front tooth? Well, not so amazing for those of us who accept that the evidence is overwhelming and that -- statistically speaking -- Lee indeed had to have lost that tooth. The odds are simply too great against the idea that all that evidence is flawed and merely coincidental.


    Sandy or Jim, could one of you post the second pic, above, in isolation? It is the clincher, for me, that Sandy's analysis is correct. 

  14. From Wikipedia:


    "According to Russ Baker, then-Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles once introduced McCord to an Air Force colonel as "the best man we have".[9] In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.[10] He also held the rank of lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force Reserve."



    CIA and faux Air Force Colonel? Doesn't that place James McCord arm-in-arm with Landsdale?

  15. 13 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    Do you have any answers at all about what I'm talking about here? 

    All you really talk about, all you focus on, is the opinions and works of forum members who have found a place on your hit list.

    So yeah, YOU, and who YOU really are, become as much a subject of discussion as the members upon whom you obsess.

    So you reverted from a current photo to that os a child,  and changed your geographic location from what it used to say, to what you now claim it is, after deleting it. If it is allright with the moderators who grant exceptions for particular reasons, that is fine; but, the rules are as clear as is the purpose which those rules seve. I should have a better pic for my avatar. I provided one but it was not changed. I will have to see if I can do it myself.

    Also, and this should have been the first thing addressed, YOU ARE WAY OUT OF LINE ADDRESSING David Lifton as "Old Dave". Jim DiEugenio brings that kind of grit to the forum, and gets away with it; but YOU should not assume such manners nor be given such latitude. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? WHO ARE YOU? I think I have some answers. I wonder if JD is clear on that.

  16. 4 hours ago, Rick McTague said:


    MW, just focusing on this alone, what is your take on the multiple caskets / entries / conditions of (meaning the wrappings vs. body bag) JFK's body?



    Michael Walton Responded:


    I read that the Dallas coffin got busted en route.  So you have to ask yourself - big deal?  This is how Lifton has made his case for the thrumming copter theory. For example, and I know this is not going to answer your "switched coffins" concern 100%, but he does this throughout his writings.  Burkley, Kennedy's doctor, said he was with the coffin the entire time.

    Undeterred, Lifton will then go to another source to "prove" Burkley was wrong.

    I'm putting this here because there's another thread about the thrumming copter theory. I think this, too, is important info to consider about the scalpels at the ready theory that's Lifton's.


    First you called me a schmuck and now because I changed my avatar, what I'm saying about your theory is rubbish?  That's fine, Dave.  It still doesn't change the fact that your body alteration theory is a flight of fantasy.

    And though she's quite subtle in her writing (the story JDE posted on his site above), it looks like M. Cranor doesn't think too highly of your theory as well. Does that make her a schmuck as well?

    I found this for you:

    (Link deleted)

    When was the body squirreled away by the Mad Doctors during this journey?  And please don't tell me it's during the swearing in.  That'd be about as plausible you saying Perry didn't cut through the wound. It just flies against all reason and plausibility.

    And take a look at this:

    (Link deleted)

    With all the people on board milling about mid-flight - and with them removing the seats to make a special place to put the coffin for the return to DC - do you really think someone would have hurriedly removed the body back there?  And where would they have put the body?  The Irish Mafia did not want to put the body in the cargo hold for this very reason.  They thought it would be undignified to put it down in the cargo hold, hence, the little private spot they found in the back.  And yes, it was actually convenient to park it there as well as it's pretty close to the rear entrance where it was brought in and taken off later in DC. Would any of them allowed the Mad Doctors to have removed the body and then thrown it down into the cargo hold? Or maybe find some very tight nook *somewhere* on the flight deck to stuff it in and hide it?

    Come on, Dave.  You have to have a "decency" or two bone in your body to realize that this whole thrumming copter and scalpels at the ready theory holds about as much water as the Hardly Lee "Oswald and his Mom had clones from Europe 13 whole years before 11/22" fiction.

    And I've said this before but don't mind saying it again.  I really truly think it's disgraceful of you to be trying to twist and turn Malcolm Perry's clearly stated record that he DID cut into the throat wound in order to further bolster your thrumming copter theory.  IMO - it's outrageously distasteful of you.

    And one other thing - look how supporters here are even talking about how the coffin selection could be iffy? I mean the madness to support these outlandish theories just never stops.

    Andrej - you're putting the cart before the horse. If the Mad Doctors couldn't get a hold of the body when there were so many upset, crying, angry people around guarding the body with their lives, why put numbers on an image of the throat wound trying to prove something that never happened in the first place?

    And ask yourself - what about the back wound?  The autopsy photo clearly shows that that shot would not have exited with a downward trajectory through the throat wound. Right?  Yet, Dave, you and others who believe this theory think that the Mad Doctors did surgery to the body before the autopsy. So why didn't they work feverishly to somehow try to cover up the back wound? Or did they just forget to try to cover that wound up?

    That's what I've never understood about the way people think about this case.  There's plenty of evidence to prove the case for conspiracy, including the photos and the Z film.  Yet, it's always got to be more. More conspiracy, more over-analyzing of things until you wind up with theories that are nothing but malarkey.




    Notice how Walton obsesses on forum memebers, and has hardly anything to say about the case itself, nothing that comes from himself. 

  17. From the Baylor University - John Armstrong files, mentioned above there is some great reading. There are so many stories and references that the sheer number of them preclude so many from being common knowledge in the investigative/online/forum community. 

    I've stated before that when I dig into Ruby I get overwhelmingly creeped-out, to the point that it disturbs my sleep. And I usually sleep like a rock, dreaming amazing, wonderful dreams. I mention this because I read a few more stories where absolute terror beheld some folks around the time of the assassination. Even Ruby exhibited this terror. Wasn't he said to be smoking like a fiend, a nervous wreck, until he had heard that Oswald was dead? Could it possibly be that the forewarnings of the woman who made the Oxnard call might have been an accurate, real portent of what would have happened if one man, Oswald, had not been killed? Was Ruby truly and honestly a hero? It's crazy!

    We are all familiar with the phrase, follow the money. I think WE should, in our study, adopt the phrase, follow the terror.

    Anyway, p.33-36 of the below-linked PDF relates the story of one MRS. CORRINE VERGES VILLARD . I have never heard this story before.


  18. On 3/12/2018 at 6:09 AM, Steve Thomas said:

    If the assassination of JFK was committed by disaffected elements of the CIA and KGB, is there any evidence of KGB officials or other Russian witnesses dying suddenly in the immediate aftermath of JFK's assassination?


    Steve Thomas

    I've found it peculiar that we didn't get more information out of Russia, or from Russians elsewhere, asfter the assassination.

  19. On 10/17/2014 at 6:22 PM, Paul Trejo said:

    Flaw in my logic? Nobody pointed out any flaw in my logic,


    The only choices that I see are these:

    (1) Phillips was really working with Guy Banister to make Lee Harvey Oswald believe that he was going to assassinate Fidel Castro and get a big reward and an official, salaried job with the CIA for for eliminating Castro -- knowing that this was all baloney and that Oswald was really being framed to be the patsy for the JFK murder; or

    (2) Phillips was really fooled along with Lee Harvey Oswald to believe that Oswald was part of Operation Mongoose and AMLASH, which related to Phillips' official role in the CIA.


    --Paul Trejo   

    And there's this, from Trejo:

    In other words, Roscoe White was working with Guy Banister, even in the summer of 1963 -- along with David Ferrie, and with mercenaries like Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall, Larry Howard, Roy Hargraves, William Seymour, and countless Cuban refugees. (This was part-time, though, because Roscoe lived in Dallas.)

    Their common goal was to assassinate Fidel Castro -- but there was a secondary goal known only to a very few -- namely, to assassinate JFK.


    From this thread (it's a beauty).... http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/12851-michael-paine/?page=5&tab=comments#comment-290417

    Paul also claims that Oswald went to Mexico City, with his rifle in a duffel bag, intending to go to Cuba and kill Castro.



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