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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 4 hours ago, Jeffrey Reilley said:

    I like this post. Thank you.


    I've always believed it had to be people that were:

    A: Experienced- Nobody could have just lucked into such a successful operation as their first attempt, nor would any person capable of pulling off such a feat be willing to swing so big on their first attempt. 

    B: Capable- Someone with the ability to get others to go along with the "plan". Not getting people directly involved, but to stand-down at the least...i.e. Hoover, JCS, Warren Commission. A person(s) capable of convincing others that there was no other way. Whether it be because of a possible WWIII scenario or an end to proper democracy because of some weird liberal takeover, the person(s) had to have the ability to reach those in power and convince those in power to either lend a hand or at the least turn a blind eye. 

    C: Willing-  The person(s) had to be willing to deal with the consequences. Whether it be a land war with Cuba where a few thousand Americans and a percentage of the population of Cuba died, or reversing Kennedy's withdrawal plan in Southeast Asia and dealing with the fact that thousands of Americans would die and...what, a couple million Vietnamese deaths would ensue, the person(s) had to be willing to let this happen. 

    D: Arrogant- The person(s) had to believe they would not be challenged, caught, or punished. The person(s) had to believe they were the smartest in the room at any given time. Good lawd, they were  taking down POTUS, for cryin' out loud. That in and of itself screams arrogance...or desperation.


       Who had experience taking down governments? Dulles oversaw the overthrow of Guatemala, right? Others involved in that endeavor were Phillips, Hunt, Shackley, and so on...Why did they do it? Commies running loose through the streets having wild orgies and burning American flags? Or was it some rich old cronies not happy about a new leader trying to add prosperity to impoverished people? How were they so successful? Manipulation of the air waves, and making the people believe they were about to be overrun...controlling the media. Who were in charge of that aspect, Hunt and Shackley(I think). 

    Dulles was retired after BOP, but Hunt was busy helping him with his memoir, if memory serves correct, in 1963. Phillips was apparently setting Oswald up for patsy time and in Mexico City, and Shackley was running JMWAVE. As well, Shackley was very close to Mr. Harvey, who I wouldn't put it past to use an Italian rifle as a little signature on his part.

    Phillips went on to whack the Chilean guy, Shackley decided the heroin business and mass killings in Southeast Asia were his thing, Dulles decided to get real old, but not before being a part of the Warren Commission, and Hunt, once he became a malcontent was put in prison and his wife was in a well timed aircraft accident. 


    KGB, no matter what.

    I think there is room for some “Young Turks” here, as well, who may not have been demonstrably in full possession of all the above mentioned qualities. I am here thinking of YAF members and founders, for example. 

    Fletcher Prouty aptly described the generation of cold warriors who were coming of age at the time. These were guys that were fully embroiled in the Cold battle of the Cold War and were not shaken or shocked by the reality and ugliness of men killing each other in foxholes and on ships. His description of these men is a very important one. I can’t, right now, post the video and point to the place where that description occurs.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Like to hear your reasoning.

    In 1951, along with many other Ivy League alumni, Buckley was recruited into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); he served for two years including one year in Mexico City working on political action for E. Howard Hunt,[23] who was later jailed for his part in The Watergate affair.These two officers remained lifelong friends.[

  3. William F Buckley Jr.

    James McCord Jr.



    1951, along with many other Ivy League alumni, Buckley was recruited into the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); he served for two years including one year in Mexico City working on political action for E. Howard Hunt,[23] who was later jailed for his part in The Watergate affair.These two officers remained lifelong friends.[



    After beginning his career at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, ultimately ascending to a GS-15position in the Agency's Office of Security.[7]For a period of time, he was in charge of physical security at the Agency's Langley headquarters.[8] According to Russ Baker, then-Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dullesonce introduced McCord to an Air Force colonel as "the best man we have".[9] In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.[10]




  4. On 12/26/2015 at 11:52 AM, Ashton Gray said:

    And the sum of other evidence to come supports the conclusion that Baldwin had been hand-selected well in advance by CIA.

    A very interesting post. Could Baldwin have met with Liddy, McCord William F. Buckley, and possibly Hunt in NY or at the Buckley estate in Connecticut? Could Baldwin have been recruited by Liddy or Hunt in the summer of 1963?


    20 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    For Jack Ruby --- Yes! That is just exactly the type of thing that the gregarious and outgoing Mr. Ruby might want to do in order to thrust himself into the middle of a huge story like the one that was unfolding at Dallas City Hall on the night of November 22nd. It was vintage Jack Ruby all the way. Much like his behavior in the DPD hallways that same night when he arranged interviews with D.A. Henry Wade for WNEW's Ike Pappas and for two different reporters at KLIF Radio as well (listen to those KLIF interviews below, including an on-air credit given to Jack Ruby).






    Reprise .... Huh?!

    You're just pulling my leg now, aren't you? You must be. Because you know that G. Robert Blakey is the biggest "The Mob Did It" conspiracy theorist of all time! Just listen to him---here.

    DVP? Do you really think that Ruby acted spontaneously, out of sorrow for the Kennedy family?

  6. 20 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:


    A belated "Welcome to the Forum," Michael!

    Are you on Facebook, by any chance?  Most everybody is these days, but I can't seem to find you.  Would love to become FB "friends" with you if you so desired.  (My FB page is very easy to find.)

    SUNY has 64 campuses.  Which one did you graduate from if you don't mind my asking? 


    --  TG

    Thanks Tommy, this is very kind of you. I don't have a second Facebook identify which I could use for connections that are other than family and close friends, but I should consider creating one. Cheers, Michael

  7. On 9/10/2006 at 6:13 AM, Gerry Hemming said:


    RE: Francesca query -- Bernard Barker [cryptonymed AM/CLATTER-1] was picked up at my base [b.A.M. San Julian, Pinar del Rio Province] on the afternoon of January 18th, 1960. This exfiltration was accomplished by a U.S. Air Force C-54 [Douglas DC-4] operating with documentation as the U.S. Embassy [Am/Emb/Havana] aircraft that I mentioned in a previous post. I had my men keep the aircraft and crew under cover of my machineguns throughout their 25 minute "visit" !!




    I meant to edit this in above. Sorry for the bump.

  8. Reply to DVP, above.


    There are some things that women do well, and “get”, that men do not; and  vice versa. Women do not do cardinal points well. I think that has something to do with it. There also may be some confusion with the directions they were facing as opposed to where they were positioned, using cardinal points, in relation to objects, streets and structures.

  9. On 6/9/2009 at 5:47 AM, John Simkin said:

    Anybody got any ideas on this?

    I think this speaks to the culpability of Nixon in the assassination of JFK; "The whole Bay of Pigs" thing. When Barker gets caught at Watergate, with McCord, Hunt, et al, It would have been a direct threat to follow through on "liberating" Cuba. If you see Dorothy Hunt's death as a murder, you have the answer to that threat. I don't think that answer came from Nixon, who I believe would have liked to fulfill the obligation to the Cuban exiles and Mafia interests. I believe that answer came from racists and evangelicals, who did not care to see a free, Mafia-infested, Catholic, Spanish-speaking, mulatto, black and Hispanic dominated Cuba; that answer also came from the Navy who foresaw the loss of Guantanamo Bay in any normalization of relations with that same, free, and independent Cuba.

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