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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 3/22/2018 at 11:58 PM, Paul Trejo said:

    In my opinion, the Radical Right was a dominant current in the Dallas Police Force in 1963

    I am thinking that the oil and MIC money that was flowing, or about to flow, into Dallas was the "dominant current" in 1963. JFK thought that the TFX contract was about to be shipped to Kansas. JFK was about to pull the rug out from under contracts for 10,000 helicopters that would not be needed in Asia. JFK was challenging the KKK. JFK was Catholic. 

    And, the Dallas Police were, according to you, Paul, all "radical right", and that is what got The President killed, and the crime covered-up?

    Earl Cabell was the mayor of Dallas. A year later he would be a Texas State Representative. Earle Cabell was...........  CIA.

    And a few hundred Dallas Cops were running the show, and killed the United States President, and were able to cover it up?

    And, according to you, Paul, David Morales, Howard Hunt and David Atlee Phillips (All CIA), along with Bannister (FBI) and Antonio Veciana, all were prime movers in the plot to Asssassinate JFK? But Dallas cops "were the dominant current"?

    What about the mob? Where do the "currents"' of the mafia flow and eddy around your men in blue.

    I know, I know, the CIA guys were on lunch break. I have heard your story about that. But, what about the rest, Paul?

  2. Something that I think would be hugely important to the forum, and to John Simkin's Spartacus site as well, is to fix the Spartacus links that have migrated away from the schoolnet URL and which no longer work. If someone had the desire, time and the trust of John, perhaps John would give that person his EF credentials and could go through his posts and fix his links.

  3. This story is from member, Joe Bauer 

    I give up trying the links you provide for me to send this to you otherwise.

    I did so and I received a notice saying my e-mail didn't get through.

    I will only leave this posting up long enough for one of you to copy it as it is not in context with the forum's JFK theme. I would not normally even post something so removed from our forum mission.

    But I want you two to see and read this story  enough to risk posting it for an hour or two until I hear you have copied it.

    I hope other members allow this posting for the brief time I ask.  I will remove it no later than one or two hours from now.

    To anyone who reads this account, please forgive my lack of writing skills.

    I hope they aren't so bad they detract from the story.
    Also, I am sure some readers will assume that there is an inference in my story that it involves possible UFO and ET entities.  If this subject is a turn off for you then just don't read this. However, I will say ahead of time that I do not know what my family's experience was caused or influenced by.
    It was the end of August 1997?  My family and I lived in a home in an exclusive area of the Central California Coast named Pebble Beach.
    Pebble Beach is a high income resort community ( the Pebble Beach golf course is located there ) that is nestled among huge tracts of native Pine trees. It is as much a nature preserve as it is a community of homes.
    It was purposely planned and laid out to blend with nature and the surrounding forest and is without sidewalks and street lights. Resident's homes are surrounded by this thick Pine tree forest.
    Our home had open forest on 3 sides and just one home maybe 50 years to our South side. It was "out there" if you will.
    This one warm late August evening we all went to bed as usual. 10:PM or so. Our two young children ( age 12 and 10 ) had their own upstairs bedrooms as did my wife and I.
    At just around 2:AM I was awakened. Not by a sound...but by a light shining into my room so bright I had to hold my hand to my eyes to keep from being totally blinded by it. This light was coming through our upstairs hallway windows facing the street above us. 
    I was sleepy headed enough for the next 30 to 60 seconds after first seeing this light, that I just didn't know what to make of it. I was actually frozen in confused contemplation.
    Now, remember, we had no street lights anywhere near our home. At night it is typically so dark outside with the tall forest trees, you can't see anything without a flashlight or car headlights.
    A light this bright is just unheard of in our neck of the woods.
    This light seemed to be coming in from above the street next to us ( 75 feet away ) which was elevated itself from our property at maybe a 20%  angle.
    The light was so bright my imagination considered that perhaps there were many emergency response vehicles ( fire trucks, police cars, etc. ) right outside our property shining every flood light they had directly on to our home.  But within seconds of this thought I realized that there was "absolutely no sound" anywhere in, outside our home.  There clearly weren't any vehicles with motors running near us.
    I also imagined one or two of those huge Hollywood movie premier lamps being directed onto our home.
    The kind that send beams high up into the sky and can be seen for miles?
    That silly thought dissipated seconds later.
    I was just left in baffled wonder.
    This light that was filling our home and my open door upstairs bedroom had a strange color to it. The best I can describe it is to compare it to the kind of light a welder's torch makes. It wasn't slightly and warmly yellow toned like our daylight sun and most lamps or lights. It had a stark cold blue/white look.  And I might add ominously, the kind of light one sees when viewing documentaries of the moon landing. Just cold white.
    One may wonder why I didn't just leap out of bed and run out into our upstairs hallway to look directly through our windows to see what was shining this light. Honestly, I didn't do so out of a combination of sleepy laziness mixed with confusion and eventually awe and with some apprehension as well. I'll admit I was somewhat rattled and frankly afraid to jump into this light's direct path.
    It was about 2 minutes after this light first awakened me that I heard my wife stir in her bedroom next door. 
    This silent but blinding light was so bright, just it's brightness through the crack underneath her closed bedroom door had awakened her as well. I heard her say to herself..."what is that light?"
    No coward like me, as soon as the light awakened her my wife got up to see what was illuminating this. I heard her door knob turning and at exactly that point this surreal bright blue/white light ... just blinked off!
    And as it did, every electrical appliance and device in our home quit working at the same time. 
    My wife walked into my room, sleepy and perplexed like me, and sat down on the edge of my bed and repeated her question..."what was that incredibly bright light?"
    In my rattled state I said simply..."I have no idea."
    We realized nothing electrical worked as the light switches didn't function. The sound of our refrigerator stopped. Our clock radios no longer shown their lights.
    We soon felt the need to check on our children down the hall. We got a flashlight ( which did work) and walked down and first shined this on our son.  He was lying facing away from us but obviously asleep. Our daughter next door was also asleep and apparently fine.
    My wife and I went back to her bedroom to just think about things. We were now awake enough that going back to sleep wasn't an immediate option.
    We were concerned enough about this weird, strange event that we tried the phone. It worked. We immediately called the Pebble Beach Security people at the gate of entry about a half mile away. We asked them if they had also experienced this bright lite and electrical interruption. We asked them if any other residents had called in about this. They said no to all of these questions.
    Then, about ten minutes after this event first occurred, our lights and electricity just blinked back on!
    More weirdness. 
    Now, we had power lines above our property on the street side. I had given at least some thought that maybe this light was the result of "arcing" wires due to squirrels running onto these?
    I even asked my long time electrical power company employed brother about this possible scenario.
    He told me that high tension lines certain can and do arc. Especially when it is wet outside and something touches them such as a bird of squirrel or even wet broken limbs. And he said this could be very bright and have that blue/white quality.
    But, August is one of our driest months here in California. So there was no wetness anywhere including the trees. No wind or broken limbs either.
    But he also said that if something made these lines arc, it would not be a steady two minute or longer illumination. It would be a broken unsteady one. And whatever animal may have contacted and sparked these wires would be fried within seconds and probably fall to the ground.
    My wife and I eventually got tired from worrying about all this strangeness and went back to bed.
    The next morning ( a Saturday ) my wife and I got up early, before our children, and as my wife began to prepare eggs and bacon for breakfast and I started reading our morning news paper, we heard footsteps coming down the stairs to where we were in the kitchen and living room.
    We didn't immediately look up, until we heard our son say tiredly..."Man,  I had the worst nose bleed of my life last night."
    We looked up and were stunned to see his face from the nose down and much of the front of his T-shirt...covered in dried blood!
    Shocked, we attended to him and soon went back up to his room. His pillow was also covered in blood.
    Since we looked in on our son at about 2:15 am earlier that morning, this "nose bleed" had to have occurred between then and when he got out of bed to see and tell us what he awoke to.
    Also, I had to mention to my wife that I never recalled our son ever getting a nose bleed. She affirmed this memory.
    Well, what does one make of such a strange story like this?  I have no strong idea myself as to what caused this event.
    But, it an absolutely true story...and one strange ( or maybe even scary ) enough to share with readers who enjoy these kinds of tales.
    Last fun little strangeness story. 
    Maybe 10 to 12 years ago I read an obituary in the San Francisco Chronicle.
    It was fairly long and well written. Obviously by a relative of the deceased. It was glowing in it's loving remembrance of this elderly man's very accomplished and giving life.
    It was a very straight forward account. Not overly emotional. One written by someone literate.
    They said their father was surrounded by his very large family when he passed.
    But the very last paragraph stopped me.
    I have to assume the writer must have debated whether to put this into their account. It did not adhere to the remembrance context of the rest of the Obit.
    The writer wrote..."the second my father passed away...every clock in the residence stopped working."
    Whoa...now there's a strange tale.


  4. Also, I would like to ask another question. Since David Josephs "vacation" was partly due to a misunderstanding, it is possible that that has happened before. When a member disappears there is usually nothing said about it, I assume that I must not be aware of what transpired, and that it is none of my business. But, there could be members who could very well come back, and there "vacation" was due to a misunderstanding or it was only supposed to be brief.

    My question is: Do you mind being asked about such things? Publicly or privately? 

    Publicly addressing it makes some sense so that other members don't have to wonder about the same question. Perhaps having some indicator on their profile would make it clear. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Michael, so sorry I am not getting this.

    I have gone to the web site listed and can't figure it out.

    Can I list one of my personal e-mail addresses here on this thread and after you link up...share this story with you via this?

    I could then delete my address as soon as I send the story so it isn't on this forum except for a brief time period?


    That's fine Joe. You could PM your email addy if you like as well.





  6. On 3/18/2018 at 12:07 PM, Kirk Ross said:

    In case you haven't already read it, Jim Hougan describes his very interesting background in chapter one of "Secret Agenda." 

    Thanks Kirk. I do want to check out the background sources for the claim that McCord was CIA in 63 and head of the FPCC infiltration program. That to me is huge. I don't understand how it gets so little attention, unless the claims are not well substantiated. The Wikipedia footnote cites Newman, I have to find out who Newman cites. Now, thanks to you, I have Hougan.





  7. Here is the letter that is missing from this post...


    James W. McCord, Jr.
    7 Winder Court
    Rockville , Maryland 20850

    TO: JUDGE SIRICA March 19, 1973

    Certain questions have been posed to me from your honor through the probation officer, dealing with details of the case, motivations, intent and mitigating circumstances.

    In endeavoring to respond to these questions, I am whipsawed in a variety of legalities. First, I may be called before a Senate Committee investigating this matter. Secondly, I may be involved in a civil suit, and thirdly there may be a new trial at some future date. Fourthly, the probation officer may be called before the Senate Committee to present testimony regarding what may otherwise be a privileged communication between defendant and Judge, as I understand it; if I answered certain questions to the probation officer, it is possible such answers could become a matter of record in the Senate and there-fore available for use in the other proceedings just described. My answers would, it would seem to me, to violate my fifth amendment rights, and possibly my 6th amendment right to counsel and possibly other rights.

    On the other hand, to fail to answer your questions may appear to be non-cooperation, and I can therefore expect a much more severe sentence.

    There are further considerations which are not to be lightly taken. Several members of my family have expressed fear for my life if I disclose knowledge of the facts in this matter, either publicly or to any government representative. Whereas I do not share their concerns to the same degree, nevertheless, I do believe that retaliatory measures will be taken against me, my family, and my friends should I disclose such facts. Such retaliation could destroy careers, income, and reputations of persons who are innocent of any guilt whatever.

    Be that as it may, in the interests of justice, and in the interests of restoring faith in the criminal justice system, which faith has been severely damaged in this case, I will state the following to you at this time which I hope may be of help to you in meting out justice in this case:


    1. There was political pressure applied to the defendants to plead guilty and remain silent.
    2. Perjury occurred during the trial in matters highly material to the very structure, orientation, and impact of the government’s case, and to the motivation and intent of the defendants.
    3. Others involved in the Watergate operation were not identified during the trial, when they could have been by those testifying.
    4. The Watergate operation was not a CIA operation. The Cubans may have been misled by others into believing that it was a CIA operation. I know for a fact that it was not.
    5. Some statements were unfortunately made by a witness which left the Court with the impression that he was stating untruths, or withholding facts of his knowledge, when in fact only honest errors of memory were involved.
    6. My motivations were different than those of the others involved, but were not limited to, or simply those offered in my defense during the trial. This is no fault of my attorneys, but of the circumstances under which we had to prepare my defense.

    Following sentence, I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you privately in chambers. Since I cannot feel confident in talking with an FBI agent, in testifying before a Grand Jury whose U.S. Attorneys work for the Department of Justice, or in talking with other government representatives, such a discussion with you would be of assistance to me.

    I have not discussed the above with my attorneys as a matter of protection for them.

    I give this statement freely and voluntarily, fully realizing that I may be prosecuted for giving a false statement to a Judicial Official, if the statements herein are knowingly untrue. The statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    James W. McCord, Jr.

  8. Maybe James or another admin can tell us if this is helpful, and if so, how helpful. When using this start page ....


    .... Which Andy Walker created and brought to the attention of forum members on this thread....


    I see an advertising banner at the top. Sometimes it advertises local businesses. 


    1. Users could use this to enter the forum. (Would it generate revenue?)

    2. Things could be set-up so that all outside traffic gets directed to that page. From there they could click a link that would direct them to the page to which they were originally navigating. It would essentially be an advertising portal, which already exists. You might as well use it, right?

    Just out of curiosity, and I understand that it is none of my business,  Do you see any revenue from that page?




  9. 7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Just went to this site. It's a Jeep forum.

    No problem at all with this.  Just not sure my story would fit in with this main theme.

    Paul, Michael, I could just e-mail you my story.

    I re-read your post, Joe. I see what you said about the theme. It's not about Jeeps, it's about scary stories. I just happened to have pulled those stories from a Jeep Forum. I would be glad to post your story Joe, but the thread is for everyone. If I keep posting, other memebers would be less likely to post their stories.

  10. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


    First of all, great work on finding this story by Marion Meharg.   I've never seen it before.

    I will, for the sake of argument, admit the plausibility that SOMEBODY ran from the North Loading dock of the TSBD -- and into a two-tone Chevy station wagon -- and sped away.

    That is certainly possible.  There is also a fair chance that it was the same scene that Deputy Roger Craig saw -- and he believed that person looked the same as Lee Harvey Oswald.

    In fact -- there is also some chance that it actually was Lee Harvey Oswald AND AN ACCOMPLICE.    Let me stipulate that it was, for the sake of argument.  By the way -- I believe that Oswald actually did exit the rear dock of the TSBD, minutes after the encounter with DPD motorcycle cop, Marrion Baker.   I totally discount the "Lone Nut" legend that Oswald took a bus and a taxi from the TSBD.  I regard that as a fiction created by the FBI and DPD.   I have held that conviction for many years.

    HOWEVER -- on the other side -- I have a problem with this testimony by Marion Meharg.  He then ascribes in his "memory," that the license plate number was the same as that of his wife -- and so the Chevy was the same one that his wife owned.   And so, we observe this Oedipal fantasy in his mind -- probably the result of alcoholism.  So -- although I accept that Meharg saw a man jump into a station wagon and speed away -- the details are obscured for us because of the pathetic nature of his "memory."

    NOW -- let us turn to Deputy Roger Craig.   I will also stipulate that he saw the same scene -- but just like Marion Meharg -- Roger Craig steps on his own story.  I totally discount Roger Craig's elaboration on this story -- that he personally encountered Lee Harvey Oswald inside the officer of Captain Will Fritz, and provoked Oswald into exclaiming, "That station wagon belongs to Ruth Paine -- you leave her out of this!"  

    First, Captain Fritz is befuddled by the story.   Of course he would recall what happened inside his own office!   Would Captain Fritz expose himself to the charge of lying if he had no superlative reason?   Of course not.

    Secondly, if the DPD cops and Deputies are coordinating their stories, then why is Roger Craig trying to make himself into a central figure in the JFK saga?

    Therefore, I do accept that Lee Harvey Oswald exited the rear of the TSBD building and jumped into a station wagon driven by an accomplice who was dark skinned -- perhaps a Cuban or a Mexican-American (e.g. David Morales or Larry Howard) -- and sped away. 

    HOWEVER, I reject accept the "elaborations" told by both witnesses.   They added stuff.  Meharg added a fantasy about his wife.  Roger Craig added a fantasy about Ruth Paine (and he most likely heard about Ruth Paine from another Dallas Deputy, e.g. Buddy Walthers).

    So -- in a sad twist of fate -- both witnesses were 50% truthful, but their "elaborations" canceled their true history.  There's my opinion.

    Finally, Jason, great work on finding this story by Marion Meharg.   I've never seen it before.

    All best,

    That's quite a salad you have made there, Paul. It's a shame, however, that you are such a picky-eater.

  11. 7 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - you're like a voice crying out in the wilderness. I see your point of course, and I have other areas of interest, though none to compare with this one when it comes to wanting to exchange and discuss. I've tried the other sections a few times and posted on a few. But there were so few people engaged that it didn't seem worth it. Would you say the only alive section is this one? 

    Simkin surely had wider interests in mind, as evidenced by his tweets, which I followed for a while. I signed out of Twitter recently as I never tweeted and tired of Twitter trying to interest me in someone's tweets. Simkin tweeted on history, and he has a very wide scope. My bet is that he was disappointed that the forum devolved the way it did. 

    Paul, thanks for responding. To be sure, I had almost no expectection of getting Andy real results when I posted this originally last year, or by bumping it today. I just felt it needed to be said and I think it could happen if small steps were taken by members and mods. 

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