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Michael Clark

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Everything posted by Michael Clark

  1. And the Phillidephia, G Gordon Liddy, Swathmore, Trump, Ruth Paine, CIA, connecciones'.
  2. Jason Said: My thesis on the assassination will have a large part advancing my theory that ......" bla bla bla.... Just more Trejoistic prognostications...
  3. Who is not dead yet: James Mccord Alfred Baldwin (forum Member) Doug Caddy (forum member /YAF) G Gordon Liddy George Bush (both) Carlos Binguier Bobby Baker Antonio Veciana ..... who else?
  4. The responses in red are mine. The weaseling is Jason's. Regards, Michael
  5. Jason, You seem to forget that you are a CTist, with your Walker-did-it, a-la Trejo theory.
  6. Bingo! Jason lays the blame on his compadre! Lol! Jason's "yet" is an out, for when nothing is forthcoming to support the Jason Trejo and Paul Ward theory. Lol!
  7. I am imagining Jason Ward, looking back through RCD's contributions to this forum and Ernie's rock solid credentials, offerings and breadth of substantial research. I am imagining Jason Ward wondering how he is going to get out of his ill-advised marriage to Paul Trejo's nonsense.
  8. Interesting question. While processing it, the Vegas shooting and it's purpose gained some meaning. To be ure, the official story of the Vegas shooting does not, to me, add-up. What I noticed is that we all got over it kind of quickly. It's kind of "a day in the life". So maybe that was the purpose; a kind of last minute tenderizing of the people; to accept things like this and move on. I imagine that that is what would happen, just accept it and move on, and continue the isolation of Cuba. Half of us would accept the hypothetical reality that Ernie offers, the other half accepts that it's just another lie, and we all move on.
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