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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 37 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    From Accessories After the Fact, by Sylvia Meagher, p. 361 (emphasis added):

    The Commission’s failure to use its full powers of investigation is to be regretted, not only to establish that the allegations resulted from mistaken identity, if indeed they did, but, more importantly, to rule out the possibility of deliberate impersonation.  Several of the stories evoke the almost irresistible suspicion of impersonation because of the flamboyant and gratuitous care “Oswald” to call attention to himself in a way that later appeared to incriminate the real Oswald and to implicate the alleged murder rifle.  For the Commission to pursue the evidence of impersonation was of great importance if it meant to evaluate the inferences that would flow from proof of an imposter-Oswald: that there was a plot to kill the President, planned carefully long before the event; that the conspirators with familiar with Oswald’s background and circumstances and had him selected as their fall guy; that Oswald had to be murdered to prevent him from presenting evidence of his innocence, or evidence implicating others; and that the killers of the President were still at large.

    The fact that the best of the early researchers clearly believed there were two people using the identity of Lee Harvey Oswald during several months prior to the assassination is undeniable.  The Internet trolls who now pretend to be outraged after being shown clear evidence that two Oswalds existed long before the assassination, when in fact they clearly existed at the time of the assassination, are disturbingly illogical. 

    (I added some bold-type to the above.)

    That's great Jim! As always, your knowledge, research and genius always smacks-down the trolls!

  2. 21 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    Agreed.  The level of anger here is hard to take.  Have any of these naysayers actually read Harvey and Lee?  Jim it is very admirable of you to continue to support this evidence with so many posters attacking you.



    It's the fairy tale Dawn.  Jim or me or Sandy or anyone on here could possibly be the nicest people in the world. But it's the STORY that's being attacked. It's ridiculous to think that an Oswald clone was running around in the exact same places as Lee Oswald. Why not have the clone in California while Oswald was in NYC? Or when Oswald was in TX what are the odds of the clone being in NYC like Oswald was years months previously or afterward?

    This whole case brings out the worst in people because they can't get over the fact that although there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy it had to be some all encompassing incredibly convoluted fairy tale with blobs of paint painted into all of the films, an assassination headquarters down in the basement of Ruby's nightclub, microphones painted out of photos when Oswald was killed but not in others, the body being whisked away the minute Air Force One landed at Andrews and, yes, the most goofy story of all - this one.

    At least for the most part the Lone Nutters are consistent with their story line.  Did YOU even bother to read above, where Hargrove is basically taking one of the better researchers (Meagher) and spinning her Oswald double writings and using THAT to say "Yep, there's the Harvey and Lee proof?" It's outrageous that he would do that. Instead of cheering him on, do you not see how dishonest that is, to take a credible researcher's work and twisting it to fit this crazy story?

    Who would you rather believe - Meagher or Hargrove?


    Michael likes to quote people without using the quote function. They won't get a notification and won't be ably to reply, like there was a debate going on. Quoting Dawn, since Michael didn't.

    7 hours ago, Dawn Meredith said:

    Agreed.  The level of anger here is hard to take.  Have any of these naysayers actually read Harvey and Lee?  Jim it is very admirable of you to continue to support this evidence with so many posters attacking you.



  3. Michael Clark wrote;

    "-There is a document from the US embassy in Moscow describing LHO having visited and turned-in his passport. This was not brought-up in this thred so it is not handy. When I find it I will post it here."


    I found the US Russian embassy account of LHO's renunciation of citizenship, and passport surrender at the following US archives link to Appendix 15 of the WCR:



    American officials in Moscow had no knowledge that Oswald was in Russia until October 31, 1959,5 more than 2 weeks after he had arrived, since he failed to register at the U.S. Embassy, as Americans traveling through Russia normally did.6 However, on October 31, 1959, a Saturday, Oswald presented himself at the American Embassy in Moscow.7 He placed his passport on the receptionist's desk and informed her that he had come to "dissolve his American citizenship." 8 She immediately summoned the consul, Richard E. Snyder, who invited Oswald into his office.9 In the room with Snyder was his assistant, John A. McVickar, who observed what ensued.10 Snyder recalled Oswald as "neatly and very presentably dressed," 11 but he also remembered his arrogance. Oswald seemed to "know what his mission was. He took charge in a sense, of the conversation right from the beginning." 12

    Oswald stated at once that he was there to renounce his citizenship 13 and that "his allegiance was to the Soviet Union." 14 He said he had already applied for Soviet citizenship.15 He said he knew the provisions of American law on loss of citizenship and did not want to hear them reviewed by Snyder.16 Having taken his passport back from the receptionist, Oswald put it on Snyder's desk.17 Snyder noticed that Oswald had inked out the portion which would have shown his address in the United States.18 Oswald also presented Snyder with a note 19 which he had prepared in advance, which reads:

    I Lee Harvey Oswald do herby request that my present citizenship in the United States of america, be revoked. 

    I have entered the Soviet Union for the express purpose of appling for citizenship in the Soviet Union, through the means of naturalization. 

    My request for citizenship is now pending before Suprem Soviet of the U.S.S.R. 

    I take these steps for political reasons. My request for the revoking of my American citizenship is made only after the longest and most serious considerations. 

    I affirm that my allegiance is to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.20

    Oswald told Snyder that he had not mentioned his intent to remain in the Soviet Union to the Soviet Embassy in Helsinki at the time he had applied for his tourist visa.21 Oswald's passport, upon which his Soviet visa was stamped, shows that by the 31st of October he had already overstayed his visa, despite a 1-day extension which he had received.22 

    Oswald gave as his "principal reason" for wanting to renounce his citizenship, "I am a Marxist." 23 He stated that he admired the system and policies of the Soviet Union and desired to serve the Soviet

  4. 23 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

    Hi Michael,

    I too THOUGHT I was aware of the evidence that Oswald sought citizenship in the USSR.  After further thought, I only am aware that Oswald SAID he applied for Soviet citizenship. But, whether he did or didn't does not seem to me germane to the assassination plot.  Do you think this point is important for solving the assassination?


    As is often the case, Paul Trejo's assertions, when found to be blatantly dishonest, always lead me to the exact opposite of the blatantly and patently false claim that he is making.

    After the recent exchange with Paul Trejo I have come to think that LHO's surrender of his passport, renounciation of US citizenship and apllication for Soviet citizenship, while in Russia, are germane to the case, and also point to his being a CIA asset at that time. This is a conclusion that I was not, previously, an adherent of.

    The false case which Paul Trejo was dishonestly trying to make is that LHO was a flunky, loser, Commie who failed in his effort to be absorbed into Russia and the Communist Party. It seems clear to me know that he was  CIA asset at that time.

    In relation to the topic of this thread, the fact that (as I now believe) he was a CIA, points to his being set-up, if only contingently, as a patsy, as early as the Walker shooting.

    I hate to admit it but I agree with Paul Trejo that the CIA, as an agency, did not do it. CIA rogues, assets and resources did play a key role in the JFKA. Worthy of note, I don't believe that Angleton knew obout the plot, and Dulles was not a participant.

    further, since you revised your comment, above, from awareness of LHO's passport surrender and Citizenship renunciation I'll remind you of the documents that support these events.

    -LHO's Diary, declaring that he had surrendered his passport.

    -LHO's Diary, describing his efforts to repossess his passport before returning to the US.

    -The document from the Yeltsin Cache, generated by The Soviet Governent that LHO had applied for citizenship.

    --The document from the Yeltsin Cache, generated by The Soviet Governent that LHO had been denied citizenship.

    -There is a document from the US embassy in Moscow describing LHO having visited and turned-in his passport. This was not brought-up in this thred so it is not handy. When I find it I will post it here.

    -it should be noted that Paul Trejo's claim that he was constantly invited to join the Communist Party, but refused, is blatantly dishonest. Paul Trejo has never been able to support that claim. If he comes up with support for that, I will eat crow.

    I will also make a separate thread on this so that thread can be referred-to when Paul Trejo, once again, tries to dishonestly pass off this story, which is nothing but bunk. Too many times have threads been derailed by this; and a separate thread which can be linked should keep that from happening again.

  5. 27 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    I appreciate you wanting to neutralize DVP's carnival barker act, but please pay attention to the title of the thread. 

    The CB has a past history of doing this kind of thing, completely heisting a thread and then he says, well it wasn't all my fault.


    DVP says:

    "Was I the first person to write a post in this thread devoted to "NAA"?

    Answer: No.

    Who was?

    Answer: Sandy Larsen.

    And who was the first person to mention "NAA" in this thread?

    Answer: Jimmy DiEugenio."


    LoL, boy did you get right Jim. DVP went and did exactly what you said he would do. That is perfect!

  6. 2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Read it more CAREFULLY.  It says:

    "...that Lee Harvey Oswald...be granted the right of TEMPORARY sojourn in the Soviet Union for ONE YEAR, and that the QUESTION of his permanent residency in the USSR and his receiving Soviet citizenship be resolved upon the EXPIRATION of that period."

    --Paul Trejo

    Because this represents Paul Trejo's blatant dishonesty, I have to address this more precisely.

    The three dots, above, that sit between "Oswald" and "be granted" omit the following, from my quotation of the original Russian Document.

    ... "who has applied for US Citizenship," ...

    On 8/17/2017 at 10:43 AM, Paul Trejo said:

    9.1. If Lee Harvey Oswald ever wanted Russian citizenship, he had four years inside Russia to apply for it. He never did. That should answer your question fully.

    Paul changes his story to (bold is mine):

    "2.  After ONE YEAR was over, Lee Harvey Oswald did not pursue any procedure to apply for Russian citizenship.  He just kept living there on his temporary visa.  (By the way -- one could not be a member of the Russian Communist Party without that citizenship.) "

  7. 27 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    .   His story comes long after the JFK assassination -- 

    --Paul Trejo

    Yet, Paul would have us believe that a note from General Walker, written 13 years after the assassination, claiming the the Dallas Police arrested LHO 2 days after attempting to murder him (Walker) is solid, primary evidence that this was so.




  8. 1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:

    Michael, many thanks for the links and so forth.  I already got carried away in largely irrelevant pissing contests this week with Sandy L and Jim D, which I regret.  I'm not real practiced with forum life and let emotions get the best of me once already.  So I'm trying to not pour fuel on the fire anymore.   I of course don't mind challenging Paul about any point, but it's hard enough getting a coherent big picture that I'm not the kind to sweat the details.   I just don't care if LHO was or was not asked to join the CP.   I understand that Paul's theory is that LHO is clever here and maybe playing hard to get; but again it doesn't seem important.  It's like Payne's typewriter....


    thanks again



    Jason, I understand and respect that, yet, as you may find, a pile of details becomes an argument and a comprehensive theory at some point.

    Paul Trejo's tid-bits of bunk, likewise, become a pille of bunk. The tid bits of bunk need to be challenged as he drops them around the forum IMO.


  9. 22 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    The Furniture Mart incident is OBVIOUSLY a case of "mistaken identity".   Read the WC testimony more CAREFULLY.   You keep jumping to your prejudiced conclusions.

    --Paul Trejo

    Paul, regarding prejudiced conclusions. You are the one that said the all incidents of impersonation can be explained as a case of mistaken identity. That, Mr. Trejo, is a prejudiced conclusion, and you think you can use your Hagelian Dialectics to make it so. Dialectics don't exist without a second party to work with the principals. You don't seem to get that.

  10. 1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Read it more CAREFULLY.  It says:

    "...that Lee Harvey Oswald...be granted the right of TEMPORARY sojourn in the Soviet Union for ONE YEAR, and that the QUESTION of his permanent residency in the USSR and his receiving Soviet citizenship be resolved upon the EXPIRATION of that period."

    OK, now we know two facts about Lee Harvey Oswald in the USSR:

    1.  He never gave up his US Passport, even when requested by the USSR.

    2.  After ONE YEAR was over, Lee Harvey Oswald did not pursue any procedure to apply for Russian citizenship.  He just kept living there on his temporary visa.  (By the way -- one could not be a member of the Russian Communist Party without that citizenship.)  

    In other words, Lee Harvey Oswald played a trick on the USSR.


    --Paul Trejo

    Complete Bunk Paul, your selective quotes do not even support your contention that LHO did not give up his passport. His Diary and US consulate documents state that he did surrender the passport, and that he had to return to get them before leaving.

    Paul, Reading "CAREFULLY" does not mean using Hegelian Dailecticsmto turn facts into your personal bunk, regardless of what you think, try, or expect other members to swallow.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Read it more CAREFULLY.  It says:

    "...that Lee Harvey Oswald...be granted the right of TEMPORARY sojourn in the Soviet Union for ONE YEAR, and that the QUESTION of his permanent residency in the USSR and his receiving Soviet citizenship be resolved upon the EXPIRATION of that period."

    OK, now we know two facts about Lee Harvey Oswald in the USSR:

    1.  He never gave up his US Passport, even when requested by the USSR.

    2.  After ONE YEAR was over, Lee Harvey Oswald did not pursue any procedure to apply for Russian citizenship.  He just kept living there on his temporary visa.  (By the way -- one could not be a member of the Russian Communist Party without that citizenship.)  

    In other words, Lee Harvey Oswald played a trick on the USSR.


    --Paul Trejo

    I have a TYPO in there, but Paul Trejo could have read the Doc. Instead he decided do play with that.

    It should read ".... has applied for Soviet Citzenship."

  12. 1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:

    Hi Michael,

    In my view Oswald was impersonated a number of times.  I particularly highlight the Sportsdome gun range sightings and the car dealers.   So I disagree with Paul about that.  But you know what?  It's like whether Ruth Paine was CIA or just a saintly Quaker, these are fringe operational details that don't matter a whole lot to deciding who 1. the top line guys were pushing this along, and 2. who the bottom line guys were who pulled off an actual homicide.   I mean fake Oswalds or mistaken identity Oswalds changes nothing; Paine CIA or Paine a good Samaritarian changes nothing.  Neither of these elements are critical; they are at best flourishes or administrative niceties.  In my view!


    Jason, I agree. The point is that:

    Paul Trejo makes up stuff and repeats it, ad infinitum,and ignores all evidence to the contrary.

    Jason, Since Paul appears to be using you to further perpetuate his bunk, and he is ignoring me, I'll ask you to challenge his affirmative statement that "LHO was repeatedly asked to join the Communist Party, in Russia, but he refused" (semi quoting here).

    He asked you to show evidence to the contrary. He is making an affirmative statement. He should have that evidence. He does not have it, because he is making it up.

  13. 8 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    Then please do me a favor and don't say that you do, when you probably don't.  It encourages the blithe.

    Oswald refused to give up his US Passport to the very last day.  He refused to join the Communist Party in Russia.  He refused Russian citizenship.   He was a poser.  As soon as Marina crooked her little finger and said, "Let's go to the USA, honey," Oswald was packed and spent months fighting the system to get them all out.  That's what the paperwork actually shows.   The US State Department has all these records.

    --Paul Trejo

    More stinking bunk from Paul Trejo.

    "Oswald refused to give up his US Passport to the very last day. "

    Paul, the last day of what? And who did he refuse? You make it sound like he was being asked to give up his passport, which is pure myth that you made up and you perpetuate in spite of the evidence that says the exact opposite.

    He refused to join the Communist Party in Russia.

    Paul, He was never offered or encouraged to join the Community. He was inquiring about it and was discouraged from doing so.

     He refused Russian citizenship

    Paul, he was never offered Citizenship. He requested Citizenship and was denied.


    Paul wrote: "Oswald refused to give up his US Passport to the very last day.  He refused to join the Communist Party in Russia.  He refused Russian citizenship.   He was a poser.  As soon as Marina crooked her little finger and said, "Let's go to the USA, honey," Oswald was packed and spent months fighting the system to get them all out.  


    That's what the paperwork actually shows.   The US State Department has all these records.

    Paul Trejo, The state department records show efforts to leave them USSR. They indicate nothing about Marina controlling Oswald, and  the state department records (letters between LHO and US government offices) do not support your bunk about LHO's Citizenship status, party status.

    Paul Trejo, you are forever fabricating bunk, for who knows what reason. You forever refuse to consider documented evidence and favor your fabrications.

  14. 9 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Do you claim to have seen REAL EVIDENCE that Oswald sought citizenship in the USSR?   I have seen zero, zip, none.  Please show me what you have.  I'm interested.

    --Paul Trejo

    From this Soviet document that is part of the Yeltsin cache. Paul Trejo has ignored me every time I put this, and LHO's diary in front  of him.



    Department of Language Services

    To: Gormyko et al

    1. Agree with the proposal by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and the Comittee for state security of the Council of Ministers of the USSR that US national, Lee Harvey Oswald, who has applied for US Citizenship, be granted rights of temporary sojourn for one year.....


    Paul Trejo just ignores whatever is not useful to him.



  15. On 3/30/2017 at 4:35 PM, David Josephs said:

    Without a doubt the most absurd thing I've seen today is our dimwitted Mr. Trejo not even playing in the same state let alone ballpark as Jim continually open mouth and insert foot.

    Paul - you're a disgrace to thinking people everywhere.  Whereas everything you offer is opinion, the rest of us prefer to find supporting evidence before posting.

    At least you serve as a great example of how not to behave on a forum dedicated to EDUCATION.  It's posters like you who drive quality people away.

    you must enjoy being that gnat on the bull's a$$...  maybe write an essay or two on your own and put them up for review...  see how you do

    y'know?  B)


  16. PAUL TREJO wrote:


    Also, the fact that LHO never surrendered his US passport -- smart move.  

    Also, the fact that LHO never applied for Soviet citizenship.  Very smart.  

    Also, the fact that LHO refused to join the Communist Party there -- though continually invited.   Also smart.


    --Paul Trejo



    Paul, Read this:



    And this:

    Warren Commission Exhibit 24. The Diary of LHO:


    Oct. 16. Arrive from Helsinki by train; am met by Intourest Repre. and in car to Hotel "Berlin". Reges. as. "studet" 5 day Lux. tourist. Ticket.) Meet my Intorist guied Rhimma Sherikova I explain to her I wish to appli. for Rus. citizenship. She is flabbergassed, but aggrees to help. She checks with her boss, main office Intour; than helps me add. a letter to Sup. Sovit asking for citizenship, mean while boss telephons passport & visa office and notifies them about me. 


    Oct. 31. I make my dision. Getting passport at 12"O0 ..... I catch a taxi, "American Embassy" I say. 12"30, I arrive American Embassy, I walk in and say to the receptionist 'I would like to see the Consular" she points at a large lager and says "If you are a tourist please register". I take out my American passport and lay it in the desk, I have come to dissolve my American citizenship. I saymatter-of-factly she rises and enters the office of Richard Snyder American Head Consular in Moscow at that time. He invites me to sit down. He finishes a letter he is typing and than ask what he can do for me. I tell him I have decided to take Soviet citezenship and would like to dissolve my U.S. Citizenship.....


    July - I decided to take my two week vacation and travel to Moscow (without police permission) to the American Embassy to see about geting my U. S. passport back and make arrangements for my wife to enter the U. S. with me.


    There is no mention at all, in his diary, of joining the Communist Party, not joining the Communist Party, nor of being invited to join the Communist Party, much less being 'Continually invited to join the party", while in The USSR.

  17. 8 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:


    Almost every famous murder case has its share of "mistaken identity" eye-witnesses.

    In the case of the FBI Lone-Nut theory, the "mistaken identity" eye-witnesses of Oswald were given high value.

    That is the ONLY source that I can see for the long-time CIA-did-it fiction that there were EVER two Oswalds.

    Simple cases of "mistaken identity."   I'm willing to go over every case in the WC testimony with you on this score.  

    --Paul Trejo

    Paul Trejo, why bother? You just said that your just going to reply: "that's just a case of mistaken identity" or "they were rogue CIA agents".


    The Furniture Mart is the best incident that there was someone setting Oswald up. And it does not mean the CIA did it. But Paul Trejo will twist, dodge, evade, blow smoke or use some sophistry or Hegelian Dialectic to preserve his funky fiction.

  18. 1 minute ago, Jason Ward said:

    Hi Michael,

    I too am aware of the evidence Oswald sought citizenship in the USSR.   But, whether he did or didn't does not seem to me germane to the assassination plot.  Do you think this point is important for solving the assassination?


    No, but it is evidence that Paul Trejo repeatedly peddles bunk that he knows is false.

  19. 1 minute ago, Jason Ward said:

    Thanks for stepping in Michael.

    Yes, I think you cast legitimate suspicion on any talk from Walker that he knew Oswald was after him before Oswald became world famous.    Like so much of the story here, a lot of it seems all-too-conveniently released only AFTER 22Nov.   Even so, the letter Paul cites is ...interesting.  Walker is shortly to be twice arrested for sex in a public toilet so it may be he's going off the rails mentally, but I don't see any self-serving purpose for Walker to claim in 1975 that he always knew Oswald was his attempted assassin, do you?


    Well, yeah, he is maintaining that LHO tried to kill him, for starters. I don't happen to believe that.

  20. 6 minutes ago, Paul Baker said:

    So Jim believes that, by some reasoning, the Abbate affair somehow reduces the credibility of McAdams' logic with respect to the JFK assassination. That is of course pure nonsense, but he's unlikely to ever admit that.

    I did, of course, search for the debate online, but what I found seemed to me to be too short to qualify. I look forward to listening, and hope it isn't as cringeworthy as Jim's failed attempt.

    Jim brings up NAA again. I'm not convinced he understands the science behind it, and is more concerned with discrediting those who demonstrate it as a viable analytic technique. Which is nothing new with this guy.


    The US Supreme Court ruled that NAA is inadmissible in court. Good luck discrediting SCOTUS.



  21. 5 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:


    Some of my questions below are not from disbelief in your opinion and are instead an invitation to firm up what you say and support your own allegations:

                               )   )reference my numbered accounting of your points above(   (

    1> But isn't mother Oswald and brother Oswald living in DFW at the time of LHOs evacuation from Minsk?   Didn't LHO go to his last years of school in Arlington?    You really think LHO has a strong attachment to New Orleans as his hometown?   As for Ferrie, yes I agree that he leveraged his prior association with Oswald in the CAP somehow.   However, Ferrie surrounds himself with young men because of his sexuality.   Clay Shaw-Bertrand has dozens of boys acting as his houseboy, running errands, doing favors, etc., ; some of whom are just French Quarter hustlers, but some also of a caliber more sophisticated than Oswald.   No shortage of man/boy power in N.O.  Yet, Ferrie reaches back into time and across a 1000 miles to pluck Oswald into New Orleans out of the ether; when Ferrie/Shaw-Bertrand always have a dozen+ guys hanging around who are expendable?   Why make the effort towards LHO?   You consider LHO's time in Russia an essential line item on the CV for a patsy in the assassination?   It almost seems easier to set up some dumbass Bourbon Street rent boy as the patsy than Oswald, who is obviously able to think on his feet and more quickly realize the jeopardy he's in.   Why LHO over all others?

    2>Can you cite some sources for the Banister - Walker connection of which you speak?

    3>Thanks for the primary document from Walker alleging he knew almost immediately Oswald tried to assassinate him at his Turtle Creek home.  I'd like to investigate this further and am doing so today.  As usual, it's important for me to rule out alternatives before accepting Walker's letter at face value.  Now, I ask you, when do you place the first PUBLIC mention of Oswald as Walker's shooter?  I've seen 3 points of potential first-public-word-on-the-matter mentioned: )i)an obscure German magazine with CIA ties; )ii) from the mouth of a reporter during one of Chief Curry's press gaggles while LHO is in custody, and )iii) a tiny 23NOV Dallas Morning News hidden away on about page 15 in which LHO is not named but which reads something like, 'police are not eliminating that the shooter of JFK and Walker are one and the same.'  I believe closely accounting for the public release of the Oswald-as-Walker's-failed-assassin narrative is potentially illuminating.

    4> Isn't the Oswald family + Paine family explanation for this rather odd New Orleans move so that LHO can find a job?   Now, I grant you that Marina is a fish out of water and is arguably not in any position to question this as a more typical young American wife probably would; I mean, as far as she knows, it's perfectly normal for a husband to abandon Dallas and seek work in N.O.  But, really, aren't the expected thoughts of those around LHO: "What work is there [ostensibly] available in N.O. not available in DFW for someone of your skillset?" Yet is there any record of what I would expect the Oswalds/Paines to say then or post-assassination to the effect of, "Lee taking off for New Orleans made no sense to me at the time and frankly there are enough jobs in Dallas."???    For that matter, if Ruth Paine and/or George DeM. are CIA Oswald-handlers, why does s/he let Oswald wonder off to N.O......I presume the explanation is in the CIA-driven-narrative that Ruth/DeM. "passes off" LHO to someone in the N.O. cell???

    5> Without at all getting homophobic in my own personal thoughts, nevertheless 1963 is not 2017.  Does David Ferrie seem like a believable CIA agent to you?   An ex-Eastern Air Lines pilot fired for being gay with an unusual look who is not anything like James Bond? ... granted LHO already knew Ferrie, but if Ferrie were my ex-CAP squadron leader and called me out of the blue years later to join the CIA, I would think its more likely he's hiring for gay houseboys in Clay ShawBertrand's merry go round than a legitimate CIA headhunter.  As an aside, my dad was an EAL pilot based in Houston and knew David Ferrie; yes he was considered weird and no one knew how he got the job in the first place.  I'd almost more likely believe that LHO already had some type of CIA contact pre-New Orleans who sent him Ferrie's way.

    6> ehhh.... I lived in NO for awhile and everything that's anything is walking distance from Canal or Poydras.   Any job a young nominally untalented guy could get in NO is very likely to be walking distance from Banister, but this point is not important, don't worry about it.




    Jason, I am not going to sort through Paul's myths above, but if he is saying that Walker knew, soon after the shooting, that LHO shot at him, Walker makes no mention of it until after the assassination.

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