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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Statistically, Trump's chances for recovery are closer to 95%-- based on his age. What amazes me is that Hope Hicks was flying around on Air Force One all week without a mask-- to Cleveland, Minnesota, etc. Unreal.
  2. Indeed, if I understand it correctly, the "well ordered militias" mentioned in the Second Amendment were slave patrols in the Southern colonies.
  3. Rob, Trump's shout out to his Proud Boys on Tuesday night wasn't a dog whistle. This time, he didn't even use a whistle to sick those dogs on American citizens.
  4. I can't recall whether someone has already posted this archival Americana here at the Education Forum. If so, apologies in advance. It's a hoot and, after Tuesday's debate, we could all use some comic relief. 🤪 (I was trying to link to the second JFK commercial in the 1960 archives. You have to click on the commercial.) http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1960
  5. And Reagan saying, "There you go again!" 🤪 As for the microphone in Biden's sleeve theory, what possible purpose would it serve? Is the Bill Barr/Ron John narrative that Biden is using a microphone in his sleeve to solicit campaign funds from Burisma?
  6. I've carefully watched all of the Presidential debates since Ford and Carter in '76. This was, far and away, the worst-- mainly because Trump violated the rules and Chris Wallace couldn't shut him up. I kept wishing they would turn off Il Douche's microphone while Biden was speaking. And, as expected, Trump lied non-stop throughout the debate, about everything from Ron John's ludicrous Hunter Biden "investigation" to his bungling of the COVID crisis. Most notably, Trump refused to answer the $750 question about his taxes, and he told the Proud Boys to "stand by" during the election.
  7. I told my wife this morning that I'd much rather watch Bernie or Elizabeth Warren debate Trump tonight. After a debate with Elizabeth Warren, Trump would probably be singing soprano.
  8. Bill Barr should be drawn and quartered. GHWB's Iran-Contra pardoner is a psychopath. DOJ Altered an Exhibit in the Mike Flynn Case to Support a False Smear of Joe Biden https://www.emptywheel.net/2020/09/29/doj-altered-an-exhibit-in-the-mike-flynn-case-to-support-a-false-smear-of-joe-biden/
  9. NYT published Part II of their Trump Tax Bombshell story tonight-- focusing on how The Apprentice hoax saved Trump from financial collapse. He had massive debts and financial losses of $89 million the year he got the gig for The Apprentice, 2004, where he falsely posed as a successful businessman. It was always a myth-- a YUGE hoax that Trump propagated all the way to the White House.
  10. We've been waiting for four years. Remember when Trump said prior to the election in 2016 that he would release his tax returns "after the audit was completed?"
  11. Speaking of hoaxes, Dan Rather just Tweeted that, "The definition of 'hoax' is Donald Trump pretending to be a successful business mogul on The Apprentice." 🤪
  12. A friend of mine has just calculated that Donald Trump's hair styling bill comes out to $191 per day, every day. This prompted me to coin a phrase that encapsulates the statesmanship of Donald J. Trump. Since I don't have a day job, or a Face Book account, I'll post it here. "The price of vanity is eternal vigilance." -- Donald J. Trump
  13. Remember the sh*t storm in the M$M recently about Nancy Pelosi getting a haircut? Trump wrote off $70,000 in hair styling fees... 🤥 www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-hair-cost_n_5f714792c5b64deddeefae00
  14. Goldfinger: Did you really believe that I would pay income taxes to Her Majesty's government, Mr. Bond? Now I will have to use this laser to do to you what we did to that IRS fellow who was caught snooping around here recently. Bond: But I don't work for Inland Revenue, Goldfinger! I'm only a horn dog from MI6 who was looking for Pussy Galore!
  15. I always liked that line from the old timey folk song, Rye Whiskey -- "If a tree don't fall on me, I'll live 'til I die."
  16. So many great Dick Cavett interviews over the years... A few of my personal favorites were with Orson Welles, Richard Burton, (when Burton was appearing on Broadway in Equus) E.L. Doctorow, and Jimi Hendrix.
  17. Rob, I have a lot of questions about what was happening in the FBI before and after 9/11, and not only in New York. Have you read Sibel Edmond's book, Classified Woman? In addition to suppressing pre-9/11 field reports about the alleged "Al Qaeda" hijackers, the FBI was directly involved in confiscating all of the security cameras at the Pentagon, and withholding that evidence from the public. They also suppressed and withheld evidence about Dominick Suter and his "Five Dancing Israeli" Mossad agents arrested at the Holland Tunnel on 9/11-- although they, ultimately, released some of those files and photos in response to a protracted FOIA suit. Do you know anything about Rudy Giuliani's FBI associates in New York? Giuliani (a pre-9/11 Dick Cheney associate) had definite foreknowledge of the WTC demolitions, and he played a critical role in blocking access to, and destroying, WTC 9/11 forensic evidence.
  18. Rob, This thread is not about Joe Biden. It's about Trump blocking the full release of the JFKA records in 2017 and 2018. If you want to start a thread about Joe Biden, go for it. If you have anything to say about Trump and the JFK Records Act, let us know.
  19. Ron, These extreme skiers are nuts, and they have a fairly high mortality rate-- worse than COVID. Believe it or not, an extreme skier from Slovenia actually climbed and skied down Mount Everest a few years ago. He survived the descent, but later died while cutting down a tree in his yard.
  20. Rob, IMO, any competent mental health professional can readily diagnose Trump's severe narcissistic (and sociopathic) personality disorder. It's painfully obvious. What has baffled me for the past four years is the inability of Trump Cult members to make the diagnosis. There's an old saying in medicine-- "You see what you look for, and you look for what you know." People in the Trump Cult don't seem to know what a narcissistic personality disorder is.
  21. Godwin's Law posits that all social media threads will, eventually, result in a post about Hitler and the Nazis. Wheeler's Law posits that all social media threads will, eventually, result in a post about Robert Mueller's family owning a property on Gibson Island. 🤥
  22. Bond: I couldn't help noticing that you defecated in your trousers on the last hole, Goldfinger. I was under the impression that you only use a golden toilet for such occasions. Goldfinger: My golf habits are none of your business, Mr. Bond. In a moment, Odd Job will show you how he decapitates statues and trouble makers by throwing his hat like a Frisbee.
  23. You can say that again, Cliff 🤥 Amazing that this disinformation about COVID deaths in the U.S. is still making the rounds. As Dr. Fauci and numerous epidemiologists have explained, in the absence of COVID infections these deceased, COVID-positive Americans with co-morbidities would not have died.
  24. Kirk, I've never had any illusions about Donald Trump's characterologic grandiosity but, as a long-time real estate developer in Manhattan, Trump was almost certainly aware of the details of Larry Silverstein's acquisition of the Port Authority lease of the WTC Twin Towers in July of 2001. Trump was also, evidently, quite familiar with the structural details of WTC1 and WTC2, as illustrated by his comments (You Tube video below--beginning at the 5:30 mark) on 9/11, in which he quite correctly surmised that the massive steel exo-skeletons and cores of the Twin Towers could only have been demolished by "bombs." Thirdly, Trump said publicly in February of 2016 that, "When I'm President the American people are going to find out who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w&list=PLvhgC77o4nXKEVPcGISuiqpK9bGBSPo9C&index=148
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