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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Cliff, I, certainly, agree with your point about Trump's narcissism, but I would also point out that many people in 2016 viewed Trump as a party establishment outsider who might, conceivably, take on the "Deep State." So, in that sense, Trump's decision in October of 2017 to block the long-awaited release of the JFKA documents could be construed as a "betrayal" to those interested in exposing the machinations of the Deep State. (I voted for Hillary, but I did agree with Trump's 2016 criticism of our misguided Neocon military interventions in Libya and Syria.) See, for example, https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/02/17/trump_you_will_find_out_who_really_knocked_down_the_world_trade_center_secret_papers_may_blame_saudis.html Incidentally, if you do a Google search nowadays on Trump and 9/11 Truth, you will find a veritable mountain of the pervasive M$M disinformation ridiculing the 9/11 Truth research community and kooky conspiracy theories. It's downright Stalin-esque.
  2. Rob, I object to your hijack of this thread about Trump and the JFKA Records Act. Can we please stay on topic here?
  3. Anthony, Your take on this may well be correct. At the very least, it gives the lie to the false narrative that Trump is an "outsider" who would take on the Deep State, etc. I was somewhat hopeful in early 2016 that Trump might actually be a 9/11 Truther, and I still believe that he knows a lot more about his Manhattan colleague Larry Silverstein, the Port Authority, and what happened to the WTC on 9/11 than he has let on since early 2016. He has been dead silent. As for the JFK assassination, the country has waited for almost 57 years now-- and for over 27 years since the passage of the JFK Records Act -- to finally learn the truth about the conspiracy to murder of JFK. Trump sabotaged the Congressionally-mandated release of the JFKA records in 2017 and 2018. That's a big deal. Yet, he has received almost no significant criticism for that crucial decision in our mainstream media, or even on this JFK forum. I think that's the main reason I started this thread. I don't know how or why Trump "got rolled by the Deep State" on this one, but it happened, and it should be acknowledged and discussed.
  4. Well, as the proverbial saying goes, "Opinions are like the distal ends of our alimentary canals. Everyone has one." Thanks for sharing, but you might want to study the policy positions of Biden and Trump on crucial issues like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA, environmental protection, climate change, and Trickle Down Economic tax cuts for billionaires.
  5. Speaking of scary stuff, der Fuhrer just praised a crowd of his cheering white fans in Bemidji, Minnesota for their "good genes," while denouncing local refugees from Somalia... 😮 What's next, Trump concentration camps for der untermenschen? The Coen brothers should incorporate this horror story into their next season of Fargo. Trump's 'good genes' comment at Bemidji rally draws condemnation https://www.startribune.com/trump-s-good-genes-comment-at-bemidji-rally-draws-condemnation/572486371/
  6. Rob, I never knew that you were an NYC developer, multi-millionaire, and even a philanderer. No wonder you like Trump. As for Trump being shielded from Russia-gate and long overdue impeachment by the GOP cabal, here's a new story for you and Jeff Carter to yodel about... 🤥 Mueller prosecutor says special counsel ‘could have done more’ to hold Trump accountable https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mueller-prosecutor-says-special-counsel-could-have-done-more-to-hold-trump-accountable/ar-BB19hb0l?li=BBnbfcL&ocid=DELLDHP
  7. Perhaps we should re-phrase the question. 1) What are the JFKA research experts hoping to find in the classified documents that Trump has refused to de-classify? 2) Any thoughts about whether the remaining classified JFKA documents will be released in October of 2021, or thereafter?
  8. The fallacy of this all-too-prevalent "Both Sider-ism" is the false assumption that there are no true facts pertaining to matters of public policy, or valid ethical precepts, and that both sides in "partisan" political disputes are equally erroneous. It's an absurd concept-- as if, for example, there are no valid scientific facts or moral principles supporting the wearing of masks during the COVID pandemic, or reducing the burning of fossil fuels to prevent climate change!
  9. I would be interested in the forum's opinions about Donald Trump's decision to block the full release of the JFKA records in October of 2017 and April of 2018. Why did Trump do it, and was it a betrayal of the JFKA Truth movement? At the time, Oliver Stone -- whose film, JFK, led directly to the unanimous passage of the 1992 JFK Records Act by Congress -- said that, "Trump got rolled by the Deep State."
  10. Joe, I envy you for living in such a blue state. Colorado is currently "purple," and we've been inundated with the usual pre-election political advertising lately. I don't watch much television, except for occasional sports events, when I have been forced to watch political ads -- e.g., during Denver Bronco games. Who'd have thunk that the manager of the Koch's Senate slush fund, Senator Cory Gardner, (R-Colorado) is a guy who deplores John Hickenlooper's apparent corruption, and has "reached across the aisle" since 2014 to "break the gridlock" in Washington? 🤥 With this kind of advertising, who needs Comedy Central?
  11. Jim, If we use Kennedy Assassination Truther-ism as a sort of "single issue" criterion in judging Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, what do you make of Trump using the GHWB Presidential discretion rider to block the full Congressionally-mandated release of the JFKA records in October of 2017 and April of 2018?
  12. As I was saying a few days ago, (when Wheeler blithely accused me of "calling everyone a Nazi.") Psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton: Trump's attempts to falsify reality follows "pattern of the Nazis" www.salon.com/2020/09/21/psychiatrist-robert-jay-lifton-trumps-attempts-to-falsify-reality-follows-pattern-of-the-nazis/ September 21, 2020 A prominent psychiatrist who spent years studying Nazi Germany has called for mental health professionals to speak out about President Trump's "falsification of reality" ahead of the election, warning that his attacks on the truth echo those of the Nazis. Dr. Robert Jay Lifton, distinguished professor emeritus at John Jay College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and a leading psychohistorian who has written extensively about doctors who aided Nazi war crimes, has long called for mental health experts to defy warnings from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and speak out about Trump's mental health. Lifton recently published a book entitled "Losing Reality: On Cults, Cultism, and the Mindset of Political and Religious Zealotry" and was one of the 27 mental health experts featured in "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump," the bestseller edited by Yale psychiatrist Dr. Bandy X. Lee in which mental health professionals assessed the president. Lifton said that Trump's supporters and enablers exhibit the same "cult-like behavior" that he has studied, adding that the current administration has "Trumpified" every part of the federal government, in much the same way that the German government was "Nazified" under Adolf Hitler. Well, I can tell you where I got that idea. It came from my work with Nazi doctors. I studied Nazi doctors and I spoke to a number of them. And in that situation, if a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz, at the ramp, was sending Jews to the gas chamber, that was considered his job. That was what he was supposed to do. He may have had problems with it, but that was what was expected of him. That was a form of the malignant normality of that regime. Now, Trump isn't a Nazi, but still there's an American malignant normality that Trump and his followers impose on us, and that malignant normality has to do with lying. It's particularly extreme in relation to the virus, but it has to do with a more general pattern of lying, a kind of paranoid grandiosity. It has also to do with attacking and seeking to destroy anyone who questions his version of reality. All that is part of the malignant normality imposed on this country by Trump fans, which I think it's our responsibility to expose and combat with the full knowledge and experience of our professions brought into play. So that is how witnessing professionals, again, confront and combat malignant normality.
  13. Geez... What utterly absurd "false equivalence." If you think Trump is merely a "small-fingered vulgarian," you have a great deal to learn about America's severely deranged Sociopath-in-Chief. Have you read any books about Trump-- e.g., Fire and Fury, or the more recent publications by Bolton, Mary Trump, Michael Cohen, Woodward, et.al.?
  14. Well, the good news is that Trump still claims to have a "terrific" healthcare plan. He has, apparently, been keeping it under wraps for the past four years, and it's so secret that even his closest advisors don't know what it is. Check with Wheeler for details. 🤪
  15. In related news, Trump told a crowd in Fayatteville, North Carolina last night that he had already won the Nobel Prize, and that the U.S. would be the first country in the world to put a man on "Nars." Talk about "boldly going where no man has gone before!" 🤥
  16. David, Medicaid expansion under Obamacare has been a Godsend for many people here in Colorado in recent years. We also had a promising Obamacare health insurance co-op here that was, ultimately, sabotaged (defunded) by the GOP-controlled Congress after the Kochs bought control of both the House (2010) and Senate (2014.) Obamacare has been plagued by both the lack of a public insurance option and by state discretion over Medicaid expansion. We'll never have a functional, cost-effective system as long as the private, for-profit health insurance corporations control the money. Trump has done nothing but throw a sabot in the Obamacare machinery, while pushing junk insurance plans.
  17. Actually, Rob, we now know a great deal about Lincoln's private opinions (and measured public statements) regarding slavery. See Columbia University historian Eric Foner's scholarly monograph on the subject-- The Fiery Trial. Let's look at Trump's new pitch for white supremacist mythology, in lieu of actual history, with regard to the issue of 1619, slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow. Trump has denied the reality of systemic racism in many municipal police departments, while defending Confederate statues. His denial of the true history of American slavery, the Civil War, failed Reconstruction, and Jim Crow is integral to his denial that Black Lives Matter. This is not merely academic. Historians like Foner, Zinn, Kuznick, et.al., have made great strides in correcting our flawed, mythical concepts of "the Lost Cause," and the dark side of our "Manifest Destiny" and American imperialism. It's not a question of being "politically correct," but of having an accurate conception of historical reality.
  18. Scary stuff. A friend of my daughter tested positive recently and my wife subsequently spiked a low grade fever. It's not all that easy to "socially distance" from immediate family members. Fortunately, we all tested negative. I violated Trump's CDC guidelines by getting tested while asymptomatic.
  19. Good example of projection-- from the forum's best known paranoiac. But nay, Rob, far from insisting that "everyone is a Nazi," I'm merely pointing out that Trump is openly following the fascist playbook-- now proposing that the teaching of American history should be replaced by the propagation of fascist mythology. Since Trump knows very little about history or historiography, where is his latest fascist manifesto coming from-- Miller? Bannon? Rush Limbaugh? Any thoughts about the actual subject of my posts?
  20. Excuse me for talking to myself here but, as erstwhile historians, forum members here must, surely, be concerned about Trump's latest proposal. He is, essentially, saying that we need to replace true history-- including the writings of Howard Zinn, Eric Foner, Peter Kuznick, and Oliver Stone-- with white supremacist mythology. This is another Trump page from the Nazi playbook.
  21. This is Ripley's, folks... 🙁 Check out Donald's drug-addled diatribe today against Howard Zinn and the de-mythologizing of traditional American history. My question. Who is writing this nonsense for the Donald? The guy has never read a book in his life, and he's lecturing to us about historiography? Something about this reminds me of Hitler and his goons "correcting" art and pedagogy in the Third Reich. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eRSaUrg82s
  22. Geez... WaPo reports today that military officials discussed using a "heat ray" to disperse White House protesters for Trump's upside-down Bible photo op this summer... I'm picturing Bill Barr with a bull horn, saying, "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, YOU DEMOCRATIC SCUM!"
  23. Robert, These paraphasic Trump errors are, in my opinion, further evidence that Trump has suffered left frontal cortical strokes. They are the kind of speech deficits observed in Broca's aphasia-- caused by damage to the left frontal (motor) cortex. People with Broca's aphasias understand speech, and know what they want to say, but they have difficulty with articulation. This Broca's aphasia would also be consistent with Trump's apparent partial right hemi-paresis-- weakness of his right arm and leg. It has been evident on videos in which Trump is not making a conscious effort to compensate for his neurologic deficts. Meanwhile, Trump has been busted today for promoting yet another fake Biden video-- this time, showing Biden appearing to listen to an anti-police song at a rally. P.S. Wheeler's (above) photos are not the deep fake 2016 "seizure" videos of Hillary that I mentioned. As I recall, these were taken at a time when Hillary had been orthostatic during a brief episode of "walking" pneumonia-- hardly comparable to Trump's neurologic deficits. Is it time to start posting videos for Wheeler of Trump losing his balance and defecating in his pants?
  24. Rob, News flash. The DHS has, reportedly, been suppressing reports that Russia is spreading disinformation about Joe Biden's mental health. Remember all of those fake, pre-election stories and altered videos in 2016 about Hillary allegedly having seizures and being gravely ill? It's de ja vu all over again in Trumptopia.
  25. Indeed, as a guy who has prescribed a lot of Adderall (for adult ADHD) over the years, I do believe Trump is taking time-released tine pills of mixed amphetamine salts. Unfortunately, he still has the attention span of a dung fly, even on his Adderall. One tell about Trump's Adderall use is that the Projector-in-Chief just accused Joe Biden of taking "performance-enhancing" drugs.
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