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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Excellent refutation of the Fox/Wheeler 6% meme at Salon yesterday. Why the “6%” meme stating COVID-19 deaths are exaggerated is wrong The right seizes on a misread CDC statement as "proof" that coronavirus isn't that deadly https://www.salon.com/2020/08/31/the-right-has-seized-on-a-misunderstood-cdc-statement-as-proof-that-coronavirus-isnt-that-deadly/
  2. Well, at last we know the origin of Wheeler's derangement syndrome. He was wounded by a magic bullet in 1963.
  3. Richard, Indeed, there are many, many parallels between the JFK assassination and 9/11, as described well in Laurent Guyenot's From JFK to 9/11-- 50 Years of Deep State. In both black ops, the false narrative (i.e., Lee Harvey Oswald, "Al Qaeda," etc.) was immediately broadcast (L. Paul Bremer, Ehud Barak, Henry Kissinger) throughout the U.S., UK, and EU mainstream media. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty saw newspaper headlines and photos in New Zealand about Lee Harvey Oswald killing JFK before Oswald had even been charged with a crime on the evening of 11/22/63. He said it had all the hallmarks of a well-organized Lansdale psychological op. Evidence contrary to the official narrative was carefully suppressed-- e.g., the Zapruder film, the explosive demolition of WTC7, arrests of the five "dancing Israeli" Mossad agents at the Holland Tunnel, etc. Both black ops resulted directly in major U.S. wars (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the phony "War on Terror.") Your question about Putin and 9/11 is a good one. I don't have an answer. Putin openly questioned Bush and Cheney's Iraq WMD scam, but he never openly questioned the 9/11 op. One possible explanation (per the Oliver Stone Putin interviews) is that, at the time, he sincerely wanted U.S. assistance in combating Islamic militants in Chechnya.
  4. Cliff, Can you recommend any good books or on-line references about Harriman? I knew that he and McGeorge Bundy were Skull & Bones men, but I've never read much about Harriman's history from the 1930s to the 60s.
  5. Speaking of historic speeches, I sincerely hope that everyone here had a chance to hear Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's remarkable speech today. It was one for the ages.
  6. Rob, At last we agree. Donald Trump belongs in jail. As for Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler's speech today, excoriating Donald Trump for inciting division and violence in America, it's the best indictment of Trump I've heard to date. A++
  7. Huh? I thought you guys "elected" Trump to "make America great again." Is inciting right wing vigilante violence against American citizens your idea of "making America great again," Rob? Also, do you actually believe that many police departments in the U.S. are NOT corrupted by systemic racism and infiltration by right wing militias and white supremacist groups? Who is committing the lion's share of the violence at these protests, and why isn't Trump condemning it? Correct answer: Because the violence isn't a problem for Trump-- it's a SOLUTION.
  8. My question for Rob Wheeler. Why isn't Donald Trump, as POTUS, condemning the violence? Please explain.
  9. It's pretty obvious by now that Trump's political strategy is to profit from the conflict and division-- aligning himself with the ethnic majority.* A responsible, moral POTUS would condemn the violence by both factions -- as Obama did when the Ferguson riots erupted. Interestingly, when Obama denounced the looting and mob violence in his Ferguson address to the nation, saying, "There's no excuse for violence," Fox News deliberately edited those comments out of their coverage of his speech. * Trump Ducks Question About Accused Teen Shooter In Kenosha The president needs another 48 hours to figure out what to say about killings that happened four days earlier. But Trump Jr. retweets a message supporting Kyle Rittenhouse. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-ducks-rittenhouse-question_n_5f4b1ed2c5b64f17e13ebd19
  10. Paul, I have supported the Black Lives Matter movement in principle (sans rioting) since the Ferguson disaster, but I agree with your general point about these protests playing into Trump's hands in 2020. Nothing would undermine Trump's phony "law and order" candidacy more than the protesters taking a break during the next 70 days. For one thing, Trump wants frightened white people to think that this election is about race and riot control. (He can't very well run on his COVID disaster and $3 trillion dollar budget deficit for 2020.) I think it was Martin Luther King, Jr. who once said that a riot is the "language of the unheard." That, certainly, seems to be the case for the George Floyd/Jacob Blake riots-- so Biden and Harris should try to reach out to the protesters to calm things down, while letting them know that they are being heard, and that constructive reform of America's corrupt, racist police departments will only happen when Trump is removed from the White House to jail, where he belongs. Not sure whether that is feasible. How does anyone calm down an angry mob?
  11. Jim, In addition to the evidence about expert snipers failing to replicate Oswald's alleged three shot feat, didn't the FBI find that Carcano shots fired from the TSBD blew off the right half of the cadaver's face? Can't recall where I read about that story, but it may have been in Sylvia Meagher's book, Accessories After the Fact.
  12. This Was the Week American Fascism Reached a Tipping Point https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/rnc-white-house-trump-gop-fascism-kenosha-murder.html?via=taps_top
  13. Well, you would probably prefer bantering with that particular relative of mine. We're all worried about him, because he has been watching Fox News in recent years and seems to be living in the Trump-Pence alternate MAGA universe. My hunch is that we all have a relative or two living in that strange Fox MAGA-verse nowadays. Many of my former patients dreaded Thanksgiving for that very reason -- having to sit at dinner tables with angry uncles who watched Fox News on a daily basis, and had "NOBAMA" bumper stickers on their cars. 🤥
  14. IMO, Rand Paul is being blackmailed to suck up to Trump. He used to be an erstwhile Trump critic, but he did a 180 during the past (?) 18 months, and has become one of Trump's chief GOP scrotum-polishers in the Senate. An alternative explanation is that Paul's constituents in Kentucky are all rabid MAGAts.
  15. It looks like Rob Wheeler is now doing Google searches of Education Forum members' relatives. Does this constitute "stalking?"
  16. Trump's racism is a matter of public record-- e.g., his Central Park Five travesty, his systemic discrimination against blacks in his New York rental properties, and his public pronouncements about "laziness" being a "trait in the blacks," Mexicans being "rapists," etc. Trump's father, Fred, was once arrested at a KKK rally in Queens. When Colin Kaepernick began kneeling at NFL games, Trump said, "Get that son-of-a-bitch off the field." What's worse is that Trump explicitly viewed his attack on Kaepernick and the BLM as politically advantageous. Hopefully, you and Herschel Walker (who played in Trump's failed USFL football league) will eventually learn the truth about Trump's strategic bigotry. I won't hold my breath.
  17. My thesis comes from my own careful observations of Trump and events in the country during the past four years. My "talking points" are entirely my own. Now, for the third time, stop deflecting, and answer my question. Why did Trump pressure the NFL owners to shut down the BLM protesters, and say, "This one LIFTS me?"
  18. Rob, I usually let you hijack threads and deflect from debates here, but I'm calling you out on this one. The thesis of my (above) post on this thread is critically important for the U.S. right now-- 1) That Donald Trump has deliberately engaged in a political strategy of inciting race-based conflict and the denigration of minorities and immigrants in order to promote himself politically. 2) That Trump's racial demagoguery has played a critical role in inciting the statistically observed epidemic of right wing violence against minorities, immigrants, and "liberals" in the U.S. since 2015 (e.g., the El Paso Massacre.) Now, do me (us) the courtesy of responding to my request (above) about Trump's comments to the NFL owners (which were publicized by Dallas Cowboy's owner Jerry Jones during Kaepernick's law suit against the NFL.) If you want to pointedly disagree with someone's arguments here, you should, at the very least, be accountable for responding to their clarifications and questions. That's basic civility, good manners.
  19. Kyle Rittenhouse was, apparently, sitting in the front row at a Trump MAGA rally in Des Moines, Iowa on January 30th this year. He's a hardcore MAGAt. And the Kenosha PD knew in advance that right wing vigilantes like Rittenhouse were coming to Kenosha to take on the protesters. Trump is probably thrilled. The conflict "lifts" him. The lifelong criminal, Donald Trump, gets to sell himself as the "Law and Order" candidate who will save America from minorities and socialist thugs.
  20. Rob, You missed the point entirely, as usual, and then proceeded to create a straw man counter-argument. As a general rule, I tend to avoid engaging in debates with you for this very reason. My above comment isn't about the racial composition of crowds of BLM and George Floyd protesters. It's about Trump's history of inciting racial conflict and white supremacist violence in the U.S. since 2015-- so-called "stochastic terrorism," an old Nazi trick. The data is overwhelming. Study the stats on the incidence of white supremacist hate crimes in the U.S. -- against Latinos, blacks, and other ethnic minorities-- since Trump began to publicly denigrate Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks in 2015. And explain to us why Trump told NFL owners that attacking Colin Kaepernick and the BLM protesters, "Lifts me." I'll wait.
  21. We can add this one to the list of over 60 incidents this summer in which homicidal, right wing nuts have driven their vehicles into crowds of BLM protesters. And Donald Trump has never, to my knowledge, condemned the epidemic of white, right wing violence that he launched in this country in 2015. In fact, his presidency has been deliberately predicated on racial strife and the denigration and scape-goating of minorities, immigrants, and "liberals." Even Donald Trump knows enough arithmetic to realize that a majority of voters are Caucasians.
  22. Speaking of honey, I saw a story this week about the synagogue next door to Bunny and Clod McCloskey's mansion in St. Louis. The rabbi said that the McCloskeys were "bullies" who had destroyed some bee hives on their property line, set up by the children so that the community could have some honey for Rosh Hashana.
  23. Luka Doncic and a number of Slovenian basketball players have played in the NBA, along with many guys from the other former Yugoslav republics-- Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, and Macedonia. The Denver Nuggets All Star center, Nikola Jokic, is from a village in Serbia. The last time I checked, there were more NBA players from the former Yugoslavia than from any other foreign country in the world. The NBA has been thoroughly Balkanized.
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