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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. LOL. Trump should play the old Sinatra hit, "Strangers in the Night," at his Super Spreader rallies... "Strangers in the night, at a Trump rally, Not a mask in sight, right up our alley. We'd be sharing germs, before the night was through!"
  2. Yeah, Joe, no wonder the Trump Federal budget deficit for 2020 is on pace to reach a staggering $4 trillion by the end of the year. But, what about really important stuff like Hunter Biden's alleged laptop? 🤥
  3. Important article at WaPo today. It gets at the crux of the confusion in the M$M about Sturgis being a super spreader event-- the lack of appropriate contact tracing. How the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally may have spread coronavirus across the Upper Midwest Within weeks of the gathering that drew nearly half a million bikers, the Dakotas, along with Wyoming, Minnesota and Montana, were leading the nation in new coronavirus infections per capita. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/10/17/sturgis-rally-spread/
  4. It's a terrific scene, which condenses a great deal of material from Prouty's books into a brief monologue -- something that I realized by re-watching JFK after studying Prouty's work.
  5. Can't picture Trump living in Gabon, Namibia or Uganda. He might opt for a heavily guarded luxury property in Dubai or Sochi. I noticed that NOKO isn't on the list, but he'd probably be warmly welcomed by that nation's Great Leader. Trump is sort of the Dennis Rodman of American statesmen. 🤥
  6. Indeed, with regard to the Bush-Cheney "War on Terror" swamp, Trump's first state visit was to Riyadh, where he did the sword dance with Prince Mohammed Bin Bone-Sawed Salaami. The Bush-embracing Saudis were involved in the 9/11 op-- based on their goal of using the U.S. military to depose Saddam Hussein and wage war against Iran. They also bankrolled "Al Qaeda," Al Nusra, and ISIS in their Sunni proxy war to depose Assad's Alawite regime in Damascus. If anything good has resulted from Trump being Putin's puppet, it was that Trump backed away from the covert U.S. war against the Russian-backed Assad regime in Syria. Putin effectively stabilized Syria by intervening in 2015 against the CIA/NATO/Saudi coalition that launched the Sunni proxy war against Assad.
  7. Good post. One thing I would add is that Prouty had worked with Lansdale at Saigon Station, and was very familiar with Lansdale's history of managing black ops and psy ops in Vietnam and in the Philippines. He discusses Landale's black ops history in considerable detail in, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy. Identifying Lansdale in the Dealey Plaza photos was only one aspect of a much broader inquiry by Prouty into the details surrounding JFK's assassination-- including, as mentioned above, the curious experience of Lansdale sending Prouty on a strange trip to Antarctica during the black op in Dallas.
  8. A couple of possibilities come to mind-- 1) Fox News. 2) His arse. As for Rudy Giuliani and Rupert Murdoch's "October Surprise" story about alleged Hunter Biden Emails, laptop, etc., here's what I find so damned irritating about it. There are so many critically important things at stake in this election-- everything from the fate of Obamacare, Medicare, and Social Security to environmental protection, climate change mitigation, domestic terrorism, and Trump's bottomless corruption-- that the hijacking of the news by this pre-planned Giuliani garbage is a travesty. It's similar to the absurd focus on Hillary's Emails in 2016 that resulted in four years of Trump's truly disastrous tenure in the White House.
  9. And, speaking of crack pipes, I notice that Wheeler has been hitting the Giuliani crack pipe story in the NY Post about Hunter Biden's alleged laptop repairs by a blind man. Giuliani probably came up with this kooky laptop story because the kooky Anthony Weiner laptop story worked so well in October of 2016. And these Republican dirty tricksters know that they can always rely on guys like Wheeler to amplify their fake crack pipe/pedophilia stories on social media.
  10. Good question. What's to like about America's orange 45th President? I'm, frankly, astonished that anyone with an IQ above room temperature would consider re-electing the guy. Trump's corruption is bottomless. The recent, landmark NYT series about his tax returns including, "The Swamp That Trump Built" (Part III) should win a Pulitzer for investigative reporting. His deliberate mismanagement of the COVID pandemic is inexcusable. His ongoing incitement of inter-racial conflict and domestic terrorism in the U.S. is absolutely inexcusable. His sabotage of environmental protection and climate change mitigation is inexcusable. His corruption of our elections-- including sabotage of the USPS-- is inexcusable. His trickle down economic tax cut for billionaires and corporations is bad policy. Little wonder that Trump fans in 2020 are focusing on trying to smear Biden. That's all they've got.
  11. Yo, Rob, speaking of Rudy Giuliani and his bag of Republican dirty tricks, how'd the October "Durham Report" turn out? Has Barr released it yet? Meanwhile, you and the M$M have been awfully quiet about Hunter Biden's tenure as Chairman of the Board of World Food Program USA from 2013-19. WFP just won the Nobel Peace Prize.
  12. Kathy, The fact that Trump was treated with monoclonal antibodies doesn't mean that he hasn't also developed antibodies to the virus. In effect, his COVID infection would function similarly to a vaccine with attenuated viral antigens. So, at this point, he may well be immune.
  13. That face you make when you've spent two years trying to smear Hunter Biden, and you learn that his World Food Program charity just won the Nobel Prize...
  14. Interesting that you mention Leo Strauss, Anthony. As I recall he was an erstwhile mentor and intellectual Godfather of the Neocon movement. He studied Machiavelli, and his pupils-- including Paul Wolfowitz -- believed that the ignorant masses must be manipulated to achieve the political ends of the state. Wolfowitz, et.al., certainly actualized that concept with the Bush-Cheney "War on Terror" after 9/11. Epstein was, obviously, engaged in a similar process by helping the Deep State cover up the murder of JFK.
  15. News flash, Rob. The Saudis and the UAE have never funded Shiites. They have funded Sunni militants like Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and ISIS-- the "terrorists." So, naturally, Trump's first state visit as POTUS was to Riyadh, where he did the sword dance with Mohammed Bin Salami.
  16. The latest report in the Denver Post (below) is that the shooter, Mathew Dolloff, worked for Pinkerton, and that our local 9News Corporation had contracted with Pinkerton to protect their journalists. The victim, Lee Keltner, was an ex-Navy guy from Arkansas, who had slapped Dolloff and sprayed him with mace before Dolloff fired the fatal shot. It's a senseless tragedy that never should have happened. https://www.denverpost.com/2020/10/11/denver-protest-shooting-suspect-9news-matthew-dolloff/
  17. Ron, In addition to the issue of abortion, Trump seems to appeal to what I view as a pseudo-Christian, tribal/fascist element in the U.S. Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and other Evangelicals celebrated Trump's blather in 2016 about banning Muslims from several countries that have had no discernible role in any "terrorist" attacks on the U.S. In that sense, they falsely viewed Trump as a "champion" of Christianity, while ignoring the fact that Trump has always worshipped the Golden Calf. Trump's anti-Muslim blather dove-tailed superficially with the old "War on Terror" concept, except for the fact that none of the Bush-Cheney era boogeymen-- Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ISIS, et.al.-- were Shiites from the countries Trump targeted for condemnation, as opposed to the sword-dancing Saudis! It also aligned with the eight year old Karl Rove propaganda meme about Obama being a Muslim who was going to destroy Christendom.
  18. Rob, As a former atheist, I agree with your basic argument about the logical positivism of atheism. But let's be serious. There's nothing even remotely "Christian" about Donald Trump. Trump's worldview and ethics are the diametric opposite of traditional (Eastern Orthodox) Christianity. The best analysis I've ever read on the subject was published by Republican theologian Peter Wehner in July of 2016 in the New York Times. The essay is a theological and philosophical masterpiece. The Theology of Donald Trump https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/05/opinion/campaign-stops/the-theology-of-donald-trump.html
  19. Ron, I read somewhere that the stadium at College Station, Texas was packed yesterday for the Florida/Texas A&M game. I've heard a lot of Aggie jokes over the years, but this is no joke. It's unbelievable.
  20. Joe, Not sure that there's a comprehensive sound byte that children could readily understand. I might describe the culprits as you did, as "powerful men" in the military-industrial complex-- "Cold Warriors," who were angry at Kennedy for trying to, "break the CIA into a thousand pieces," and de-escalate the war against communism in places like Cuba and Southeast Asia. My own belief is that Allen Dulles and James Angleton were key conspirators in the assassination plot, but they, obviously, had powerful co-conspirators in key U.S. government agencies, and in our corporate media.
  21. Jim, After reading your latest article, I'm puzzled. Why would a WCR critic like Sylvia Meagher have been so hostile to Garrison, and so, apparently, sympathetic toward Clay Shaw? There's something very odd about this, IMO. Meagher, obviously, realized by 1967 that the WCR was fraudulent. Under the circumstances, it seems like she would have welcomed alternative evidence and theories about JFK's assassination, including many details that Garrison's investigation had unearthed.
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