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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. The issue is that Trump's only technically "legal" path to an Electoral College "victory" is for Republican-controlled state legislators to appoint false electors to the EC-- i.e., in defiance of the actual votes of their states' constituents. Hence, the current, frantic efforts by Trump and his RNC goons to create an illusion of voter fraud, (which could be used as an ersatz justification for the selection of false electors.) So the focus in the M$M on the Trump/RNC disinformation about alleged election fraud is a good thing. It's not "hysterical," but entirely rational. We need to debunk the Trump/RNC nonsense that could be used by dishonest state legislators to justify their appointment of false electors.
  2. Dennis, The N-azi regime that subverted the Weimar Republic was, in fact, strongly supported by the military-industrial oligarchy. The military-industrial oligarchs viewed the Nazis as allies against socialism. And there are many other realistic parallels between Trumpism and Naziism. 1) A strong party alliance with the police and ex-military street militias. 2) A powerful propaganda establishment and relentless attack on the opposition "Lugenspresse." 3) Staged rallies in crowded venues. 4) Vilification of minority groups and foreigners. 5) An appeal to blood, soil, and Making Deutschland Great Again.
  3. It's an interesting historical subject. How did Mussolini finally end up on a meat hook? Military force was, obviously, a decisive factor in the collapse of fascism in Italy and Germany, but there was also a process of mass disillusionment with the Goons. Hitler and Mussolini maintained power with military and police terror, but also with disinformation-- mass propaganda. The Trumpaganda/disinformation infrastructure in the U.S. has played a major role in our current crisis. The shocking "success" of the Sociopath-in-Chief in this election is predicated on mass illusions-- Trump's uncanny ability to manipulate 71 million people into believing that he is some sort of patriotic hero who has been economically successful, and will protect white people from dangerous darkies, Mexican rapists, etc. We need to end the destructive illusions and mass disinformation of Trumpism.
  4. The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud The president and his allies have baselessly claimed that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. Officials contacted by The Times said that there were no irregularities that affected the outcome. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/10/us/politics/voting-fraud.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage November 10, 2020
  5. One of the most significant things about this front page WaPo story tonight is that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham and AG Bill Barr cited Hopkins' bogus claims as a pretext for launching a highly irregular DOJ investigation of alleged election fraud. No wonder Wheeler is frantically trying to change the subject.
  6. Indeed. Wheeler has been keeping the forum apprised of all of the bogus election fraud claims being generated by the RNC fabricators-- everything from obituaries of alleged Biden voters to back-dated post marks in Pennsylvania. I think he gets this stuff from various right wing disinformation websites. His on-line disinformation usually has a veneer of technical sophistication, which gives it an aura of authenticity-- reminiscent of disinformation like the pseudo-scientific NIST computer "simulations" of the WTC demolitions on 9/11. Postal worker admits fabricating allegations of ballot tampering, officials say https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/postal-worker-fabricated-ballot-pennsylvania/2020/11/10/99269a7c-2364-11eb-8599-406466ad1b8e_story.html
  7. It looks like Trump is trying to Bush v. Gore the vote count in Pennsylvania, where Biden now leads by 47,000 votes with 51,000 votes left to count... Trump campaign files new election lawsuit in Pennsylvania https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/525224-trump-campaign-files-new-election-lawsuit-in-pennsylvania
  8. Read the book, Rob. Stop drinking the Company kool aid denying Prouty's history as a high level Pentagon briefing officer and Joint Chiefs liaison for CIA Special Operations. Krulak and Prouty wrote the McNamara/Taylor Report in Washington, D.C. McNamara and Taylor didn't have time to write and assemble that lengthy report. Prouty discusses that primary source history in considerable detail.
  9. Remember when Hillary Clinton and the Democrats refused to concede in 2016, and launched lawsuits and a massive disinformation campaign about Trump's strange, razor-thin (80,000 vote) margin in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin? Neither do I. Meanwhile, here are a few stats posted by Ari Berman today. Biden is now winning in Georgia (+11,590 votes) by more than Trump won Michigan in 2016 (10,700 votes) www.democraticunderground.com/100214517126 by Ari Berman · Nov 9, 2020 Biden is now leading the popular vote by 4.3 million, larger than the population of 27 states He's also leading MI/WI/PA by 213,000 votes, 3x larger than Trump's margin of victory in 2016 Biden is now winning in Georgia (+11,590 votes) by more than Trump won Michigan in 2016 (10,700 votes)
  10. At this point, the only way Trump can get to 270 is with diet and exercise.
  11. I thought Biden's speech tonight was terrific-- his best public address ever. It was intelligent, informed, conciliatory, honest, and empathic -- everything that has been utterly absent in the discourse of our 45th President during the past four years. It's a shame that so many Americans have been brainwashed and blinded by Trump's chicanery, to the extent that they cannot even hear the remarkable words that Joe Biden had to say to the country, and to the world, this evening. What is even worse than the cultic blindness is the persistent dishonesty of Trump and the scoundrels promoting his disastrous tenure in the White House. It's like an epidemic of mendacity.
  12. The RNC is recruiting Republican activists across the nation to make false claims of election fraud www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/11/6/1993438/-The-RNC-is-recruiting-Republican-activists-across-the-nation-to-make-false-claims-of-election-fraud
  13. Impressive forecasting, Kirk. One thing I'm curious about with the 2020 vote tallies is the converse of what we're hearing from the Trump/Giuliani/Wheeler GOP wankers who are promoting disinformation about election fraudulence by Democrats. To wit, I read at Raw Story that only 67% of mail-in ballots in South Florida were delivered by the Trump/DeJoy USPS in time to be counted! In another critical state, Ohio, something like 300,000 ballots were allegedly misprinted by a Republican yahoo with the printing contract. Meanwhile, for the first time in over 57 years, we will finally have another decent, conscientious, Irish Catholic POTUS in the White House!!! YA HOO!!!! A small Irish town claims victory after Biden wins https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/07/europe/ancestral-homes-biden-us-election-intl/index.html
  14. Goldfinger: I never lose, Mr. Bond. That would be about as likely as a grown ass man being sucked through a tiny bullet hole in a jet fuselage!
  15. New Paula White Trump Victory Prayer video from Dj Suede the Remix God... 🤪 Cheggidout...
  16. Those people in Georgia who stood in line for hours and hours to vote are American heroes, IMO. I was wondering this afternoon if they would be willing to do that again for the Senate run-offs. Sounds like that isn't very likely, (or fair.) It's a lot to ask.
  17. Geez, Rob, get a clue. Prouty didn't get that chapter in American military history wrong. He was part of that history-- i.e., the preparation of the McNamara/Taylor Report. The data from the "Krulak/Mendenhall mission" was incorporated by General Krulak, et.al., into the McNamara/Taylor Report. The moral of this story for me is, "Never debate about a historical subject with someone who hasn't even read the primary source material." This is especially true for subjects like the JFK assassination, where disinformation has been so abundant during the past 57 years.
  18. Trump and his media goons are inciting domestic terrorism with all of their disinformation about voter fraud. The police in Philly just arrested an armed yahoo from Virginia who, apparently, drove up to the City of Brotherly Love to attack a vote counting center.
  19. Rob, Prouty writes at length in his book JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam about his involvement with General Victor Krulak in the writing of the McNamara/Taylor Report. I don't want to further transcribe the (paperback) book by hand, but there is an on-line transcript of Prouty's March 6, 1990 letter to Jim Garrison, including the following quote... "In October 1963, JFK ... had just published National Security Action Memorandum #263 saying...among other things...that he was taking 1000 troops home from Vietnam by Christmas 1963 and ALL AMERICANS out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. That cost him his life. JFK came to that... conclusion in the Summer of 1963 and sent Gen Krulak to Vietnam for advance work. Krulak and I (with others) wrote that long "Taylor-McNamara" Report of their "Visit to Vietnam" (obviously they did not write, illustrate and bind it as they traveled). Krulak got his information daily in the White House. We simply wrote it. That led to NSAM #263. This same Trip Report is Document #142 and appears on page 751 to 766 of Vol. II of the Gravel Edition of the Pentagon Papers. NSAM #263 appears on pages 769-770." https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKprouty.htm
  20. Rob, Prouty wasn't just "anybody writing a book." He was the principle Joint Chiefs' liaison to the CIA in 1963, and he had worked closely with the CIA (and Lansdale) on Special Ops for many years. Does any serious (non-CIA funded) historian deny that Prouty worked with General Victor Krulak on the drafting of the September 1963 McNamara/Taylor Report? He describes that history in considerable detail. I'm not going to re-write my comments about Prouty's character and credibility, in contrast with his various detractors, including Lansdale. As for the Antarctic assignment, when was it created, and by whom? Let us know if you have any factual basis for disagreeing with Prouty's view of the subject (posted above on my post with the quote from his book.)
  21. And now, as expected, Trump and his flying GOP monkeys are descending on Nevada to disrupt the vote counting process there. We've seen this bad Republicon movie before. As for 48% of voters voting for the sociopath, Tom Nichols expressed my own sentiments on the subject in yesterday's Atlantic. A Large Portion of the Electorate Chose the Sociopath https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/11/large-portion-electorate-chose-sociopath/616994/
  22. Rob, There are many false statements in your post (above) that have already been thoroughly debunked on this thread-- e.g., the bogus claim that Prouty was only a pilot, that he wasn't involved in formulating JFK's NSAM 263 policy, (and the McNamara/Taylor Report) that Lansdale didn't arrange to send Prouty to Antarctica in November of 1963, that the assignment wasn't somewhat unusual in the context of Prouty's active involvement in reviewing the intel used in Honolulu to draft LBJ's NSAM 273 on November 21st, that Prouty was a "fraud" who knew nothing about Presidential security protocols, etc. All bunk. Rather than repeating the facts, my suggestion is that you go back and re-read this thread, and finally read Prouty's book about JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam.
  23. On a more serious note, a friend of mine suggested a great stocking stuffer gift idea for Christmas 2020. Thought I'd pass it along. 🤥 The Trump Toilet Brush Make Your Toilet Great Again!
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