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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Indeed, it's a very short leap from learning that Poppy Bush was a high-level CIA man in Texas in 1963, (who was involved with the CIA's anti-Castro Cuban ops) to recognizing that he got outed by a random photograph in Dealey Plaza, along with his high-level CIA colleague, Ed Lansdale. Frankly, I'm puzzled by the incredulity. Both men worked for Allen Dulles, and GHWB was important enough to be sent for a personal briefing from J. Edgar Hoover about the cover up.
  2. I saw the Isley Brothers in a concert at a small venue in Denver, called Ebbet's Field, in about 1974 or '75. I remember sitting right next to the stage. They were cooking that night.
  3. America is no longer a Democracy! Leaders to be appointed by.... somebody. I'm not quite sure who. Steve Thomas My question. At what point does Trump's persistent incitement of riots, death threats, violence, and murder in the U.S. constitute a crime? The problem began four years ago, and has resulted in numerous acts of domestic terrorism, including, most notably, the El Paso Wal-Mart Massacre.
  4. Yo, fellas, since David Andrews posted some stuff by guys from his old high school, I'm going to crash this underground punk party with two soulful tunes by guys from my old high school, Denver East-- alma mater of Douglas Fairbanks, Judy Collins, and Jack Kerouac's road-tripping pal, Neal Cassidy. Phillip Bailey-- one of the founders of Earth, Wind, and Fire-- graduated from Denver East in 1969, along with EW&F saxophonist Andrew Woolfolk. Bailey has a vocal range of four octaves, and is best known for the falsetto vocals of EW&F. EW&F recorded their first platinum album-- Way of the World-- at the Caribou Ranch near Nederland, Colorado in 1975. Damn, these guys were good!! Go, East Angels!!
  5. Yes, Chris, Kirk Gallaway is most likely a CIA Operation Mockingbird contractor who disseminates Deep State disinformazia here and on the radio. Just kidding. 🤪 I agree with Kirk's posts most of the time, but I don't understand his thing about poo-pooing the Dealey Plaza mystery photos of GHWB and his preppy Andover son, Dubya. IMO, the guy in the suit is a dead ringer for Poppy Bush in '63, once we account for the background shadow under the chin and slight variation in camera angles.
  6. Reasons to be cheerful, indeed. Two important reasons Trump should be prosecuted, in my opinion; 1) No one should be above the law in our society. 2) His cult must be confronted with reality, to circumvent their idealization of a sociopath.
  7. Kirk, Look at the two juxtaposed photos I posted above-- of GHWB in 1962 and the mystery man in Dealey Plaza. Anyone who can't tell that the Dealey Plaza mystery man is GHWB either suffers from prosopagnosia or needs to have their visual acuity checked. It's, obviously, Poppy Bush. Let's stop the bunk already. The denial of obvious empirical evidence like this reminds me of those guys who look at the film and still argue that WTC7 didn't collapse in a symmetrical free fall on 9/11.
  8. Speaking of Trump wearing a ball and chain on the links, this is one of the funniest things I've seen during the past miserable week-- and, Lord knows, we could all use a little comic relief... 🤪 Video captures Trump’s profane Thanksgiving Day rant as he hits his golf ball into a pond www.rawstory.com/2020/11/watch-video-captures-trumps-profane-rant-as-he-hits-golf-ball-into-a-pond/
  9. Thanks for posting this, Robert. It's, definitely, "Mr. George Bush of the CIA," in Dealey Plaza. Next, we can all "explore the resistance" to acknowledging GHWB's presence in Dealey Plaza. IMO, it has to do with cognitive dissonance. No one wants to believe that a POTUS was involved in the murder of another POTUS.
  10. The last time that this fake, juxtaposed Company photo was posted on the Forum, no one could tell us where it originated. (I mentioned it above on this thread.) Only an idiot could believe that the guy looking at the camera (on the right) is the guy in the Dealey Plaza profile shot-- Poppy Bush. This is the photo-shopped equivalent of the Company sales pitch about the Hoover memo-- claiming that, "Mr. George Bush of the CIA," was a reference to a low level CIA accountant, George William Bush.
  11. Paul, As I mentioned above, on this thread, I view the photos of Ed Lansdale and GHWB in Dealey Plaza as two small pieces of the larger jig-saw puzzle of JFK assassination evidence. But they do, certainly, constitute important empirical evidence. Do they fit into the puzzle-- i.e., can they be integrated into a more comprehensive picture of the plot to kill JFK? Apparently. As you point out, Joseph McBride's discovery of the Hoover-Bush memo of 11/29/63 is critical when it comes to placing GHWB in the CIA matrix. We also know that GHWB's father, Prescott, hated JFK, and once remarked that he "would never forgive" JFK for firing his friend Allen Dulles. Additional factoids. GHWB (and Barbara) gave conflicting, anomalous accounts of where they were, and when, on 11/22/63. We know GHWB was in Dallas that morning. And we know that GHWB made a strange phone call to the FBI shortly after the murder, which has the hallmarks of establishing an alibi. We also know that Lansdale was Allen Dulles's favorite CIA black ops expert.
  12. That's it, Ron. Thanks. Interesting thread, with a some informative posts by Joseph McBride, and a of series of glib posts by Denis Morrisette denying GHWB's possible involvement in the JFK assassination op on 11/22/63. Unfortunately, I did not succeed in pasting the actual photo of Dubya Bush in Dealey Plaza at the top of that thread, and there was, consequently, some confusion by various posters about the subject of that thread. Here's the photo of Dubya that I tried to link on the original thread. Taking a page from psychoanalysis, it would be useful, in my opinion, to "explore the resistance" to discussing GHWB's history with the CIA, and his presence in Dallas on 11/22/63. Here's a matching 1962 profile photo of GHWB that I had not seen before. GHWB is, obviously, the man in the Dealey Plaza photo. Kirk's observation about the chin is off, because of the background shadow on the wall.
  13. Another Cory Santos-type argument "from authority"-- i.e., "So-and-so said that the man in the photo isn't Poppy Bush, therefore he isn't Poppy Bush." (Formally similar to the claim that the 11/29/63 Hoover memo about, "Mr. George Bush of the CIA," was a reference to someone other than Poppy Bush.) My response. Look carefully at the actual empirical evidence-- the photo. It's Poppy Bush. Interesting that some people are so, obviously, invested in convincing others that "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" wasn't in Dealey Plaza. I notice that this phenomenon of Bush Denialism is also evident in many of the older Forum threads about GHWB and the CIA.
  14. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Aerosol COVID Transmission But Were Afraid to Ask... https://scitechdaily.com/social-distancing-isnt-enough-to-prevent-infection-how-to-detect-covid-19-super-spreaders/
  15. Jefferson Morley's comments about the GHWB photo in Dealey Plaza don't prove a thing, in my opinion. I'm calling this empirical data as I see it. I think it's a photo of GHWB. Look at the slouch, height, habitus, hairline, facial features, and left ear. It's Poppy Bush. What looks like a differing chin contour is a shadow behind the Dealey Plaza figure. He was a known CIA man whose father (an Allen Dulles crony) hated JFK, who was briefed by Hoover on the assassination "investigation" on 11/29/63, and who gave conflicting accounts of his whereabouts when JFK was murdered. As for the claim that it's a photo of Detective Gus Rose, I noticed that that alibi was debunked here in 2013 by a forum member who said that "Gus Rose never went to Dealey Plaza" on 11/22/63. Todd W. Vaughan Advanced Member http://content.invisioncic.com/r16296/av-6289.jpg Members 494 posts Posted September 20, 2013 Gus Rose never went to Dealey Plaza that day.
  16. Kirk, I'm trying to find that old thread but, for some reason, it doesn't show up under a title search for "George Bush" or even, "Bush." What does show up are an array of old Education Forum threads about George Bush, the CIA, and people looking for the photos. The only putative photos of GHWB and Dubya that I have ever posted are the three (above) on this thread. I think these are, in fact, photos of young GHWB and Dubya. I have a brief, true story for you and Cory about my attitude toward empirical evidence. It's entitled, "Call 'Em the Way You See 'Em." I did a one month clerkship in Cardiology at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital during my fourth year in med school, in about 1982. I was evaluating and preparing a case that I was assigned to present to the Grand Poo Bah one afternoon on rounds -- the well known Chief of Cardiology. I presented the case to the team's intern beforehand, noting that I observed left atrial enlargement on the patient's chest X-ray, and atrial fibrillation on the EKG-- no p waves. The intern said, "No. That doesn't look like atrial enlargement, or atrial fibrillation." So, not trusting my judgment, I altered my presentation of the case to the Grand Poo Bah. But he studied the chest X-ray and said, "This is obvious left atrial enlargement." Then he studied the EKG and said, "This is obvious atrial fibrillation." I didn't say a word, because I didn't want to embarrass the intern, who had turned rather pale. So, I ended up looking like an idiot, but I learned a very important lesson that day about evaluating evidence -- "Call 'em the way you see 'em," regardless of what others say.
  17. Can you post evidence of the alleged "debunking" of the Dealey Plaza photos? Surely you're not referring to that idiotic photo-shopped profile image that someone juxtaposed to the original black-and-white GHWB photo at the TSBD, are you? We discussed that photo here, at length, on an old thread. It was never "debunked" by anyone. Nor has Prouty's identification of his long-time colleague, Ed Lansdale, in the Dealey Plaza photos been "debunked" by anyone. Secondly, most people on the forum were unfamiliar with the Dealey Plaza photo of young George W. Bush when I first started a thread here on the subject. I recall discussing the subject of Dubya being in his senior year at Andover at the time, with Joseph McBride. As for ancillary evidence, have you even read Russ Baker's analysis of GHWB and 11/22/63 in Family of Secrets? You stated above that you choose to believe GHWB's statements about 11/22/63. My question. Which one-- the one where he said that he didn't recall where he was when JFK was shot, or the one where he said that he was speaking to the Kiwanis Club in Tyler?
  18. Neocon strategist Douglas Feith, who was Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz's #3 man (Director of Plans) at the Pentagon during 2001 and the subsequent Iraq War, has reportedly been working since being dismissed from the Pentagon (with Rumsfeld) on plans to engage the U.S. military in attacks on Iran. I agree with the guys here who are wondering about some sort of false flag incident prior to January 20th that will be blamed on Iran-- although Trump and Pompeo may not even pretend to "need" a false flag attack to justify bombing Iran. They'll just do it.
  19. Neil Gorsuch's majority opinion in this case is absurd-- or, at least, unscientific. He doesn't understand the biology and physics of aerosol COVID infestation. Meanwhile, look at this precedent. From the Supreme Court over 100 years ago... “The Constitution does not import an absolute right in each person to be, at all times and in all circumstances, wholly freed from restraint. A community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic, and its members may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.” Jacobson vs Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11, 7-2 majority
  20. Cory, Thus far, you haven't succeeded in rebutting a single argument that I recently posted-- just a serious of inaccurate ad hominem slurs. I notice that you have nothing of substance to say about; 1) GHWB's status as a CIA man who was briefed by J. Edgar Hoover on 11/29/63 about the aborted FBI investigation of JFK's assassination. Why Bush? 2) The fact that GHWB was in Dallas on 11/22/63. 3) The fact that GHWB called the FBI shortly after the assassination to report alleged suspicions about one of his own campaign staffers (who was utterly bewildered when the FBI knocked on his door.) 4) The fact that Lansdale was Allen Dulles's favorite black ops expert (who had, like GHWB, been involved in CIA anti-Castro ops.) 5) The empirical evidence of the Dealey Plaza photos, themselves-- which are publicly available for our examination.
  21. Huh, Cory? Evidence? As a guy who has studied science and research literature (at Harvard and elsewhere) for the past 50 years, I know something about "evidence." Who says that unaltered photographs don't constitute valid "evidence?" It's an absurd argument. But claims about alleged Dealey Plaza photographs of Ed Lansdale, GHWB, or even George W. Bush also need to be assessed in the larger context of all of the available historical data about the vast jig-saw puzzle of JFK's assassination. In Lansdale's case, we know that he was a long-time CIA black ops expert who was a favorite of Allen Dulles, the likely mastermind of the plot to kill JFK. Prouty identifying his long-time associate, Ed Lansdale, in the Dealey Plaza photos is only one piece of a much larger picture of Lansdale's history and putative role in the assassination op. In the case of GHWB, we also know (thanks to Joseph McBride) that he was a CIA agent of sufficient importance to have been personally briefed by J. Edgar Hoover on 11/29/63 about the status of the FBI's aborted investigation of JFK's murder. We also know that GHWB was in Dallas on 11/22/63, having stayed overnight at the Dallas Sheraton on 11/21/63. Further "evidence"-- GHWB made a strange (alibi?) phone call to the FBI shortly after JFK's murder in which he claimed to be calling from Tyler, Texas to report suspicions about one of his own Senate campaign staffers as a possible suspect. Barbara Bush's much later autobiographical account of 11/22/63 contains numerous oddities, as described in Russ Baker's analysis in Family of Secrets. And GHWB also once claimed that he didn't remember where he was when JFK was killed!
  22. Steve, Frankly, I'd rather see a targeted Mossad assassination of an Iranian nuclear weapons scientist than a U.S. bombing campaign that triggers a potentially catastrophic war in the Persian Gulf (and the entire Middle East.) The outbreak of a war between the U.S./Saudi/UAE/Israeli Axis and the Tehran/Baghdad/Damascus/Russia Axis would probably be catastrophic for the entire planet. As Mark Esper said when he was recently fired, "Lord, help us." I simply don't trust the judgment of Trump, Pompeo, and the sycophants Trump has recently appointed to run the Pentagon. It's a kakistocracy predicated on pay-to-play.
  23. Excellent commentaries. The only comment I will add to this discussion of the M$M and the false Warren Commission narrative is that, in my opinion, the same systematic mainstream media propaganda has been deployed in the cover up of PNAC's 9/11 black op. A great deal of definitive scientific and forensic evidence debunking the official 9/11 narrative has been thoroughly blacklisted by the U.S. mainstream media during the past 19 years.
  24. Yes, and Rob Clark also, apparently, still believes that Prouty was not a briefing officer or the Joint Chiefs liaison to the CIA in 1963. My two questions for Rob; 1) Where's the documentation for his claims about Krulak? 2) How can he claim that Prouty "contradicted everything he ever wrote," etc., if he (Rob Clark) has never even read Prouty's books?
  25. Good idea. We need a Constitutional Amendment regarding Presidential candidates that disqualifies; 1) reality T.V. stars 2) Hollywood actors 3) guys who have filed for bankruptcy more than three times 4) guys who have bragged about grabbing women by the pxssy 5) guys who have laundered money for domestic or foreign crime syndicates 6) guys who have barred minorities from their rental properties 7) guys who use bronzer or Propecia
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