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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Ron, I suspect that Trump may be delirious. Hard to know the true facts about his medical condition and treatment, but he is still hoarse, and coughing. He got a dose of high potency steroids at Walter Reed, and may be on oral doses of Prednisone now to prevent inflammatory lung damage. To me, he seems even more erratic and confused than usual. For example, he was just bragging about his terrific treatment with Regeneron and Remdesivir, (he owns stock in both pharmaceutical companies) then started bragging today about how he doesn't need any drugs to beat COVID! He also flip-flopped 180 degrees on the stimulus deal, and ordered Barr to investigate his political adversaries. Perhaps he'll announce tomorrow that he will make his birthday a national holiday. 🤥
  2. Trump, himself, has been speaking in tongues lately-- bragging about the booming "sock rocket," and praising the "YO-Semites," etc. He even used th F-word today in his rambling interview with Rush Limbaugh. Meanwhile, the NYT's lead story this afternoon is about a Trump hotel in Vegas deducting a $21 million dollar "expense" that was paid to ...uh... Donald Trump, himself, through a series of shell companies.
  3. There's a truly shocking new Pew Research survey out this week documenting the differing perceptions about the management of the COVID pandemic in the U.S. between Republican Fox News viewers and Democrats. It's an alarming example of the Orwellian effects of mass media disinformation on public perceptions. About two-thirds of Republicans say the U.S. has controlled the outbreak as much as it could have; 88% of Democrats disagree https://www.journalism.org/2020/10/07/before-trump-tested-positive-for-coronavirus-republicans-attention-to-pandemic-had-sharply-declined/ October 7, 2020
  4. James, I fully understand, and agree, that calling people names in our debates here is beyond the pale. However, if I may clarify one thing-- my above comment about "wing nut history" was a reference to Mr. Harwood's reference article, not to Mr. Harwood. Henceforth, I will, certainly, refrain from using the term, "wing nut" in these discussions.
  5. Kirk, Words cannot describe my disgust with the misogynistic nonsense being spewed about Kamala Harris in the wing nut media today. We witnessed this kind of misogynistic crap during Hillary's 2016 candidacy, by fans of the sleaziest $3 dollar bill in American history-- Donald "Grab 'em by the Pxssy" Trump. Now, they're baackk. But notice how these same misogynistic Trumpsters have completely dodged the news about Kimberly Guillfoyle's lurid sexual harassment scandal at Fox News!
  6. So ironic that you would mention the Jim Jones kool-aid cult in the context of smearing Donald Trump's political adversaries. Do you know anything about the psychology of cults? The truth is that cult leader Donald Trump, himself, is the Jim Jones of American political history. He has even encouraged his cult members this year to forego basic pandemic safety measures like wearing masks and social distancing, while drinking toxic kool aid-- aquarium cleaning products, bleach, etc. And, in your wing nut "history" of Kamala Harris's family, I notice that you managed to omit any substantive discussion of her mother's admirable medical career, or her father's rather distinguished career as an economist at Stanford. This pattern is all too typical of the wing nut smear tactics in modern America. You guys persistently highjack threads by focusing on irrelevant, peripheral details about your adversaries -- straining gnats-- while "swallowing the camels"of your Great Leader's historically disastrous conduct.
  7. The fly probably thought it smelled bullshxt. Some notable Pence flamers... 1) Denying that Trump refused to condemn white supremacists in last Tuesday's debate. Huh? 2) Insisting that Trump told us the truth about COVID. Huh? (What about, "I didn't want them to panic?") 3) Denying that climate change has been accelerated by burning fossil fuels. Huh? 4) Denying that Soleimani's assassination was a strategic blunder. 5) Claiming that Trump "rebuilt" the economy. Bunk. Annual U.S. GDP growth since 2016 has been below 3 percent-- no better than during the 7 year Obama Recovery, when the stock markets nearly TRIPLED!
  8. The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has just taken the unprecedented step of calling for Donald Trump and his Congressional enablers to be removed from office. For physicians, this is a big deal. The NEJM is the gold standard of medical journals. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2029812?query=featured_home
  9. Indeed, it looks like Donald Trump may well be Patient Zero for the current White House COVID debacle. And, as he has done time and time again, Trump controlled and deflected the narrative last week by promptly blaming Hope Hicks. The Saturday Rose Garden guests who are now COVID positive were, apparently, the ones who met with Trump indoors that day. Similarly, Chris Christie was in close contact with Trump during his debate prep, as were the Gold Star families and Coast Guard chief. Did Trump know he was COVID positive when he went to Cleveland for the debate?
  10. Terrific. Now we too can explore Obama's sinister connection to David Berkowitz-- by way of Obama acquiring a pet dog from the Best Friends Animal Society. 🤕🤪
  11. Ron, Like most of the numerous rural counties in Colorado, Gunnison County has always been solidly Republican. My hunch is that Ken Paxton's wealthy donor owns a posh property in Crested Butte. The only multi-millionaires in Tin Cup are a family who struck oil in Midland, Texas back in the day.
  12. Watching the Trump saga unfold reminds me more of Fargo. If Trump had grown up in a working class family in North Dakota, he'd probably be one of those Teutonic psychopaths who ends up dropping dead bodies into holes in the ice, or shoving body parts into wood chippers. He and Wheeler could go ice fishing together. 🤥
  13. Steroids, including Dexamethasone, commonly cause temporary euphoria. But only Donald Trump could turn a putative recovery from a potentially fatal infection-- which has now sickened many of his closest associates -- into yet another occasion for lethal disinformation.
  14. "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what your country can do for ME!"
  15. Does anyone know the destination and purpose of Trump's SUV joyride today? Among other things, it was a violation of CDC guidelines concerning the transport of COVID positive patients for non-essential medical purposes. Trump also travelled in a small, enclosed space with other people.
  16. Oh, no... not Fred Litwin again... Geez... 😬 Isn't he the guy who claimed to be former "teenage conspiracy nut?"
  17. Since we're posting funny songs about Trump today, here's my tribute to Trump driving around the block at Walter Reed in his motorcade-- the Harold Arlen classic, "Let's Take A Walk Around the Block" (lyrics by Ira Gershwin.)
  18. Kirk, The main difference between utilitarianism and Trumpism is that Trumpism tries bring about the greatest good for the smallest number. 🤥
  19. Trump, apparently, signed a blank piece of paper during his photo op from Walter Reed. Was it his healthcare plan? 🤥
  20. That has to be the weirdest military propaganda video I've ever seen-- a far cry from Eisenstein and Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky masterpiece. Then there's the howlingly funny Kazakhstan state video at the end of the movie Borat.
  21. Perhaps they thought that, "No Time to Die," was not the most appropriate title for a 2020 release. Meanwhile, someone over at the Democratic Underground just posted that, "Trump Won't Win the Nobel Prize in 2020, But He Could Still Win a Darwin Award." 🤪
  22. Not surprising, all things considered, to see COVID finally infest Donald Trump and his inner circle. They've been flirting with this disaster all year-- ridiculing the wearing of masks, and holding crowded campaign rallies, Rose Garden events, and fund raisers with minimal regard for pandemic precautions. Someone I know suggested earlier today that it's karma, but I think it has more to do with stupidity, and a narcissistic delusion of invincibility.
  23. David, I agree that this is no time for schadenfreude. In fact, I heard that the Secret Service has just moved Mike Pence to Trump International Golf Course, in case Pence has to assume Trump's daily executive responsibilities. Hope has been contagious in Trump campaign circles this week, according to one source.
  24. Wheeler has been pushing his theory that Biden is feeble, demented, on the brink of expiring, to be replaced by Andrew Cuomo, etc., for weeks now -- and he's determined to ignore any contrary evidence. I suppose that we're all heavily invested in our own theories and paradigms, but most of us are, at least, willing to acknowledge and contemplate the contrary evidence. I doubt that Wheeler has even considered the possibility that reports of Joe Biden's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
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