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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. I read a related comment recently by the German film maker Werner Herzog. Herzog said something to the effect that, "The American public may be waking up to the realization that one third of their people could kill another third, while one third watches."
  2. At the very least, it implies that Lansdale was involved, on some level, in the JFK assassination op prior to his "retirement" on November 1, 1963. But, as I recall, any Alpha 66 type connection to Lansdale was not evident in Garrison's investigation of JFK assassination-related contacts between Clay Shaw, David Ferrie, Arcacha Smith, Oswald, David Phillips, etc. As for Rob's questions about Prouty possibly deflecting attention away from the Joint Chiefs, it does occur to me that Prouty had nothing to say about General Curtis LeMay being flown to the Bethesda Naval Hospital's JFK autopsy on 11/22/63-- especially since Prouty was working for the USAF!
  3. Lansdale was, apparently quite a devious black ops and psy ops genius. His black ops (and psy ops) played a major role in establishing a U.S. aligned military regime in the Phillipines, before he was brought into the CIA's Saigon Station. Much of Prouty's text in JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam is about Lansdale's false flag and psy ops in Vietnam's Strategic Hamlet program, including the mass transport of North Vietnamese Catholics to South Vietnam to shore up the CIA's Diem regime. Prouty, obviously, had concerns about Lansdale's methods-- including his habit of joking about threatening to throw people out of helicopters, etc. As for the JFK assassination, Prouty was convinced that it was initiated, in part, to reverse JFK's NSAM 263 decision to get out of Vietnam. He and General Krulak had been intimately involved in drafting the McNamara-Taylor Report behind JFK's NSAM 263 decision in October of 1963. And Prouty retired from the Air Force, and his position as the Joint Chiefs Liaison to the CIA, after JFK's murder. He was a Mr. X, a former JFK administration insider who knew that powerful members of the JFK (and LBJ) administration had conspired to kill JFK. As for the media, I have seen examples of dubious attacks on Prouty's credibity by sites like McAdams.edu.
  4. According to Col. Prouty (and General Victor Krulak) Ed Lansdale was in Dealey Plaza when JFK was murdered. One photo shows Lansdale walking by the "Three Tramps," after their arrest in the box car behind the Grassy Knoll. The other photo shows Lansdale talking to GHWB in Dealey Plaza.
  5. Michael, I'll have to go back and check, but I'm fairly certain that Lansdale was the guy who sent Prouty to Antarctica during JFK's assassination black op. And, yes, it was Antarctica. The Honolulu flight was a different, concurrent event. Prouty flew back to Christ Church from Antarctica on November 22nd, and recognized the press releases in the New Zealand media as an apparent CIA psy op to frame Oswald, wjo had not even been charged with a crime at the time.
  6. Rob, From what I remember about Prouty's books (The Secret Team and JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam) he believed that JFK was murdered by a very high level U.S. government conspiracy involving people who had operational control of security arrangements in Dallas-- including the Secret Service, the military, and those who prevented any real investigation (e.g., scrubbing and confiscating the limo.) He was assigned by his boss, Ed Lansdale, to fly on a Congressional mission to Antarctica during JFK's assassination, and became highly suspicious of a carefully organized psy op while reading about the Oswald assassination narrative in a New Zealand newspaper. Much of Prouty's direct knowledge of the JFK administration's foreign policies had to do with the Saigon Station, and material later published in The Pentagon Papers. He was highly suspicious about the reversal of NSAM 263 by McGeorge Bundy and LBJ shortly after JFK's murder, and he knew that JFK had intended to get out of Vietnam after the review of the McNamara/Taylor Report of September 1963. My hunch is that Prouty didn't have much direct contact with Lemnitzer or people involved with NATO ops in the early 60s. (I might be wrong.)
  7. According to her book, Classified Woman, Sibel Edmonds is under a gag order regarding her work as an FBI translator (Turkish, Farsi, and Azerbaijani) after 9/11. The case went to the SCOTUS, as I recall. That is why she published her fictional narrative -- The Lone Gladio. It's analogous to the spy novel that Gary Hart wrote after the Church Committee investigations.
  8. Indeed. When I first read Bob Woodward's Iraq War histories -- Plan of Attack and State of Denial-- it was evident that the Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld De-Baathification mandate in May of 2003 directly precipitated the Iraq civil war (and insurrection against U.S. troops.) When Neocon L. Paul Bremer replaced General Jay Garner as regional governor/commander of Iraq in May, Garner told Rumsfeld that "it will take 50 years to stabilize this country if you disband the Iraqi Army!" It occurred to me later that destabilizing Iraq was possibly the Neocon/Bremer goal all along-- to turn Iraq into another Lebanon, a weakly divided nation of warring factions!
  9. This 1992 "Creating the Green Peril" policy paper by Leon Hadar seems like an elaboration on the original 1982 Oded Yinon Plan-- the intellectual predecessor of the Neocon's Wolfowitz/Bush Doctrine. Yinon wrote for the Jerusalem Post, (like Hadar) and was a foreign policy adviser of Ariel Sharon. Yinon envisaged a plan to improve Israel's security by fomenting fractures of Israel's neighbors along ethnic and religious lines-- Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and, especially, Iraq.
  10. Paul, I read an interesting paper on this subject awhile ago-- a 1992 CATO Institute Policy Analysis 177. The “Green Peril”: Creating the Islamic Fundamentalist Threat. By Leon T. Hadar (Jerusalem Post) August 27, 1992 Executive Summary Now that the Cold War is becoming a memory, America’s foreign policy establishment has begun searching for new enemies. Possible new villains include “instability” in Europe—ranging from German resurgence to new Russian imperialism—the “vanishing” ozone layer, nuclear proliferation, and narco-terrorism. Topping the list of potential new global bogeymen, however, are the Yellow Peril, the alleged threat to American economic security emanating from East Asia, and the so-called Green Peril (green is the color of Islam). That peril is symbolized by the Middle Eastern Moslem fundamentalist—the “Fundie,” to use a term coined by The Economist[1]—a Khomeini-like creature, armed with a radical ideology, equipped with nuclear weapons, and intent on launching a violent jihad against Western civilization. George Will even suggested that the 1,000-year battle between Christendom and Islam might be breaking out once more when he asked, “Could it be that 20 years from now we will be saying, not that they’re at the gates of Vienna again, but that, in fact, the birth of Mohammed is at least as important as the birth of Christ, that Islamic vitality could be one of the big stories of the next generations?”[2] Read the Full Policy Analysis PDF (103.18 KB) object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/pubs/pdf/pa177.pdf
  11. My favorite Daniel Ganser quote... (Not sure if he coined it.) "All theories about 9/11 are conspiracy theories."
  12. Quick question. Thanks in advance. Is the paperback version of the Garrison journals printed in a standard journal/magazine format? (I have difficulty reading small print on hard copies.)
  13. Thanks for posting this, fellas. I admire Daniel Ganser's historical research on Gladio, which I first discovered in the context of 9/11 research. Sibel Edmonds related publications on the subject-- Classified Woman, and The Lone Gladio -- are also good reads.
  14. And he should apply it to the case of the free fall demolition of WTC7 on 9/11-- a 47 floor steel skyscraper that was never hit by a plane. The last time I checked there was still a video on You Tube of Dan Rather's live coverage of the free fall collapse of WTC7, in which he correctly observed that it looked just like a professionally planned explosive building demolition.
  15. Pure quackery that continues to be foisted upon the gullible American public, as we saw in December of 2017. The first iteration was, of course, Laffer Reaganomics in the 1980s. Then Clinton and the Democrats narrowly succeeded in raising the top income tax rate in 1993, with a Senate vote of 51-50 (with Al Gore casting the decisive vote.) As even Alan Greenspan acknowledged in his memoir, A Time of Turbulence, the Federal government had realistic prospects of paying off the $5 trillion dollar national debt in 2001, when Clinton left Bush and Cheney with a budgetary surplus. But the "supply side" tax cuts by Bush and Cheney in 2001 and 2003 were lethal-- causing massive annual deficits and a doubling of the national debt by 2009, all exacerbated by the Great Recession and the staggering expense of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The continuing surge in the national debt during the Obama years was chiefly a result of; 1) the Bush-Cheney tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, (which McConnell and Boehner fought tooth-and-claw to preserve) 2) the Great Recession, and 3) the Iraq and Afghanistan war debts. Yet, when Trump and the GOP Congress narrowly passed their additional "supply side" tax cuts just before Christmas of 2017, the media silence about the historic failures of U.S. "supply side" tax cuts (including the Kansas debacle) was deafening. IMO, it wasn't a mere failure of journalism. The tax cuts were immensely popular in corporate media circles.
  16. I watched Parkland on DVD awhile ago, and I wondered why the film was ever made. As I recall, they also omitted the important story about LBJ calling the surgeon at Parkland to find out if Oswald had spilled any beans before dying.
  17. Someone should nominate Steven Gillon for Brown University's distinguished E. Howard Hunt Fake History Alumnus Award.
  18. I learn something new every day. Never realized that John Kennedy, Jr. and I both majored in American Studies at Brown. (I graduated from Brown in '79, the year John Kennedy, Jr. matriculated.) Brown had an excellent inter-disciplinary program in American Studies. As for John, Jr.'s knowledge of the circumstances surrounding his father's death, he must, surely, have learned a great deal from his mother and others. As I recall, Jackie always believed that LBJ was in on the plot to kill her husband. She also feared that her brother-in-law, Bobby, would be murdered if he threw his hat in the ring in '68.
  19. Yes, it's truly a shame that guys like Arledge are still cranking out this kind of disinformation about Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw, in 2019. There's no excuse for such willful ignorance (or dishonesty.) Someone should tell Arledge to get a clue and study Destiny Betrayed.
  20. Didn't J. Edgar Hoover have a sex tape of Gerald Ford cavorting with the East German spy Ellen Rometsch? Can't recall where I read that salacious story, but I was under the impression that Hoover had Gerald Ford by the short hairs during the Warren Commission "investigation."
  21. I think it was Michael Wolff who first said, in Fire and Fury, that Trump had been effectively bribed by Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer, et.al., to become an Israeli/Neocon mule. It was another 180 degree flip-flop by Trump on a 2016 Trump campaign policy "position," because Trump had been highly critical of Hillary and the Obama administration's involvement in the Neocon wars in the Middle East, including the CIA's Operation Timber Sycamore, to overthrow the Assad regime with proxy Sunni militias, including "Al Qaeda." It was the only policy position in 2016 where I agreed with Trump rather than Hillary. And Trump did, in fact, pull the funding plug on Timber Sycamore in July of 2017. Then, in a surprising reversal, in the spring of 2018, Trump had appointed the Neocon war monger John Bolton as his National Security advisor! Jimmy Carter presciently called Bolton's 2018 NSC appointment, "a disaster for this country." I'm not privy to the longstanding political disputes here between various forum members, but I do believe that DiEugenio's latest Kamala Harris history is timely and important. I interpret it in light of the role of the MSM in influencing our choices about viable alternatives to Trump, whose presidency has been, in my view, an unmitigated disaster for this country and the planet.
  22. Not all politicians are similarly Machiavellian and psychopathic-- least of all Bobby Kennedy and his older brother, Jack. Bobby, certainly, believed that it was less than expedient to demand that Martin Luther King, Jr. be released from a Georgia prison, but he did so because he knew that it was morally right. Personally, I won't vote for a Machiavellian shark nominated by either party. I want a POTUS who has the moral sensibility and courage to break the CIA into a thousand pieces, or stare down Joint Chiefs clamoring for a nuclear war because he knows they're nuts.
  23. Good point, but, in some cases, accusing a politician of showboating is more akin to accusing a shark of swimming. For example, Donald Trump invited women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct to one of his debates with Hillary-- around the same time that Donald arranged for Michael Cohen to pay $130 K to Stormy Daniels. Trump is a shark. Is Kamala Harris a shark, or a fish?
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