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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Ron, When it comes to Lauren Boebert making Colorado a laughingstock, that ship has f-ing sailed. 🙄 I'm still wondering how the lady ever got elected to Congress. There are rumors that Boebert was working as an escort in Garfield County, (i.e., Aspen) where she met Ted Cruz and some other Koch-affiliated heavy Republican rollers. Perhaps, some day, we'll get the true story.
  2. George, This doesn't surprise me at all. IMO, the CIA "Mockingbird" staffers have been cranking out fiction for years. E. Howard Hunt, himself, wrote a lot of pulp fiction. James Angleton and Cord Meyer studied poetry at Yale. Ed Lansdale was an ad man.
  3. Geez... Wasn't Ecuador supposed to be one of those charming, low-cost retirement destinations for American ex-patriates -- like Costa Rica, Panama, Uruguay, et.al.? 😲 Ecuador erupts in 'civil war' with cartel thugs: President orders the army onto streets as crazed criminals rampage through cities - with TV station seized, university attacked and jail guards executed following escape of mob boss | Daily Mail Online
  4. Had to laugh at the sheer absurdity... Is there a better example of Trump's extreme narcissism than his recent Tweet insisting that he shouldn't be prosecuted for his serious crimes against the United States, because it could undermine his enjoyment of his Golden Years?
  5. Why Trump Might Pick RFK Jr. as His Running Mate January 9, 2024 at 4:47 pm EST By Taegan Goddard John Ellis: “First, Mr. Kennedy is unlikely to get on the ballot in all 50 states. He’s unlikely to get on the ballot in 25 states. The ‘No Labels’ movement — which has substantial financial resources, a disciplined political operation and a lengthy head start — is having a hard time getting on the ballot in all 50 states, because it’s a huge under-taking. If it’s uphill for ‘No Labels,’ it’s a much, much steeper climb for Kennedy.” “Second, it is believed by some Republican operatives and a number of people in Trump’s ‘brain trust’ that Kennedy will take more votes away from Trump than President Biden in so-called ‘battleground states’. Whether or not this is true doesn’t matter, as long as Team Trump believes it. If Team Trump continues to believe it, something needs to be done.” “Which brings us to the third thing, which is this: I’m reliably informed that long-time Trump-whisperer Steve Bannon is constantly in Trump’s ear, telling him that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. should be his running mate.” “That would knock over the chessboard, to say the least.”
  6. Yeah, Kirk, some of Netanyahu's Likudniks have even talked about shipping indigenous Palestinians to the Congo. 🙄 Israel in discussions with Congo to resettle Palestinians from Gaza, Recalling Nazi Madagascar Plan for Jews (juancole.com)
  7. Yeah, Denny, it looks like Ben Cole has resumed his old MAGA habit of starting a new, redundant, daily thread about the JFK Records and the 2024 election. The JFK records are an issue, but only one of many for 2024-- Trump's sedition, healthcare, climate change, tax policy, voting rights, women's rights, LGBT rights, etc. Nevertheless, for a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And Ben is one of 25% of Americans in a recent shocking poll who still believe that Trump's J6 mob attack on Congress was a Deep State "Patriot Purge" op! Quarter of Americans falsely believe FBI orchestrated January 6, poll finds | The Independent (the-independent.com) Trump and his MAGA goon squad-- Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Tucker Carlson, RoJo, et.al. -- have been cleverly blaming Trump's crimes on the Deep State since 2016. The ruse worked! The suppressed JFK Records give Trump and his MAGA goons a bona fide cause for Deep State criticism-- notwithstanding the awkward fact that Trump, himself, did a snuff job on the JFK Records in 2017 and 2018.
  8. So, if the courts rule that U.S. Presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for acts committed during their Presidential tenure, should Biden order hits on Donald Trump, Roger Stone, MTG, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Samuel Alito? 🤥
  9. LOL... And if only Donald had actually had a "terrific healthcare plan that covers everyone and costs less," as he kept telling us in 2016. As it turned out, Trump never had a healthcare plan. He was lying through his teeth... 🙄 In March of 2017, he endorsed the Paul Ryan/GOP No Care Plan to replace Obamacare and defund Medicare and Medicaid. Then Trump did a snuff job on the JFK Records, when they were finally due to be released to the public in October of 2017. He's, obviously, an heroic adversary of the Deep State.
  10. Does anyone think that Donald Trump will lose any votes because of these latest Epstein documents? My guess is that Trump could rape underage girls on 5th Avenue without losing a single MAGA vote. 🙄
  11. Wow. Incredible story, Sandy. It's a good thing you guys got out of Iran when you did. I have never studied the history of Iran in any depth, but it seems like the U.S. has committed a lot of crimes there-- especially the assassination of Mossadeq, and the establishment of the Shah's police state and SAVAK. Then we sold weapons to Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq War-- including, according to Iran, chemical and biological weapons! This gets back to the larger question of who the "terrorists" are. Is the U.S. the world's leading "terrorist" nation--based on the millions of people we have killed since WWII?
  12. Sandy, As you probably know, the end result of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld's ill-fated invasion and de-Baathification of Iraq is that the country is now governed by the Iranian-allied Shiites-- who constitute two-thirds of Iraq's population. So, it's not really accurate to characterize Iraq's Iranian-aligned government as "terrorist." From their perspective, we are the "terrorists"-- the Shock & Awe Yankees who destroyed their country for the Neocons. We are also the guys who murdered Iranian President Mossadeq and established the Shah's police torture state, under the SAVAK. It would be interesting to have an honest discussion about how the word "terrorism" has been used in modern history. For example, some people have referred to Menachem Begin as the "Godfather of Modern Terrorism." Begin and his Irgun comrades dressed up like Arabs when they blew up the King David Hotel.
  13. If Donald Trump knew anything about American history-- which he, obviously does not-- he would know that American political leaders from the North and South had been "negotiating" the slavery issue for decades prior to 1861. There were a long series of tortured Congressional debates and compromises about the extension of slavery into the Western territories, beginning as early as the Missouri Compromise. Trump also, apparently doesn't know that the Secession, and the establishment of the Confederate States of America, occurred in February of 1861, before Lincoln was even inaugurated as POTUS. The Confederate ship of state had sailed before Lincoln ever arrived in D.C. in 1861. Here are Pat Metheny and Jaco Pastorius performing Metheny's jazz opus, Missouri Uncompromised. (I think Pat Metheny was only 17 when he recorded this album with Jaco.)
  14. Kirk, Speaking of "emotional outbursts" and "ignoring the elephant in the room," I noticed that you avoided the standard courtesy of quoting my concise, accurate comment (at the bottom of page 5) about the fact that you seem to have misunderstand the thesis of this thread-- before posting your rambling, emotional pseudo-rebuttals (above.) You are also mistaken in your (above) claim that I am "upset" and "emotional" about the debate. Not true. My interest here is solely in historical truth -- in this case, regarding the altered course of the history of the Middle East that resulted from the assassinations of JFK (and RFK.) IMO, DiEugenio and Sterling are quite correct. JFK sought an equitable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that respected the fundamental rights of the indigenous Palestinian people. And he was wary of militant right-wing Zionists, as he indicated in his 1939 letter to his father, during his visit to Palestine (see Sterling's article for details.) How would the bloody history of Palestine have differed if JFK had remained President until January of 1969, possibly followed by an RFK Presidency? Notwithstanding your Hawk missile straw man argument, the evidence indicates that the Kennedy brothers would have worked to achieve an equitable solution to the Israeli-Palestine crisis that respected indigenous Palestinian rights. JFK was not a colonialist. He was an Irishman, for God's sake! So, here's my concise argument (above) that you neglected to quote. It can't be said more clearly. Kirk, You and Ben Cole both failed to grasp the essential, accurate theses of the DiEugenio and Sterling essays about JFK and the history of U.S.- Israeli relations before and after JFK's assassination. Did you and Ben even read Sterling's excellent essay at the top of this thread? Thesis: JFK wanted to establish an equitable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And he was privately wary of militant, right wing Zionists. He also opposed Israel's goal of acquiring nukes, and insisted on inspections of Dimona. And RFK worked to properly register Israeli lobbyists in the U.S. as agents of a foreign government. After 11/22/63, AIPAC and the Neocons became increasingly powerful in shaping U.S. foreign policy to serve Israel's interests, while abandoning advocacy for Palestinian rights. By 2000, Ariel Sharon accurately boasted that, "Israel controls America, and the Americans know it." Zbigniew Brzezinski used the 21st century metaphor of Israel leading America around by the nose, "like a stupid mule."
  15. Yeah, Ron, this Salon article is one of the best of the day for J6. The Editorial Board at WaPo published a similar op-ed last night, denouncing the current revisionist MAGA history of J6 in the right wing media. American Trumpsters are still living the Big Lie about Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. They, obviously, live in a MAGA propaganda bubble.
  16. Joe, This stuff is fascinating. Where did you find this interesting biographical material about Jeane De Mohrenschildt?
  17. Projection Alert!! Donald Trump is now referring to others as "bags of crap." 🤥
  18. Steve, With any luck at all, Andrew Giuliani will never be the man his father is. 🤥
  19. Kirk, Let me get this straight... Your argument that JFK; 1) failed to establish an equitable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, (as he intended) 2) failed to prevent Israel from acquiring nukes, (as he intended) and 3) failed to properly register Israeli lobbyists in the U.S. as agents of a foreign government, (as he intended) BECAUSE HE WAS ASSASSINATED on 11/22/63!! Voila!! I agree. That's what the DiEugenio "Destiny Betrayed" thesis is all about, isn't it? JFK's assassination resulted in dramatic changes in U.S. foreign policy-- including JFK's approach to the Middle East. It sounds like we agree on the rest-- i.e., that dramatic alterations in U.S. relations with Israel resulted from the increased power of AIPAC and the rise of the Neocons in the post-JFK era.
  20. Who'd have thunk? After Biden bombs Baghdad, the Iraqi government wants remaining U.S. troops out of their country. Iraqi PM seeks to end presence of US-led coalition troops Source: Deutsche Welle January 5, 2024 The Iraqi government on Friday announced plans to kick off the process of forcing out the US-led international military coalition. The move comes a day after a US strike killed the commander of a pro-Iran militia. Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani's office said the "government is setting the date for the start of the bilateral committee to put arrangements to end the presence of the international coalition forces in Iraq permanently." There are some 2,500 US troops stationed in Iraq, along with a further 900 in Syria, as part of efforts to prevent the so-called Islamic State (IS) from resurging. Al-Sudani's decision comes as parliamentary factions aligned with Iran, and on whose support the prime minister is reliant, reacted with anger over the killing of Mushtaq Jawad Kazim al-Jawari in Baghdad on Thursday. Read more: https://www.dw.com/en/iraqi-pm-seeks-to-end-presence-of-us-led-coalition-troops/a-67903698
  21. Kirk, You and Ben Cole both failed to grasp the essential, accurate theses of the DiEugenio and Sterling essays about JFK and the history of U.S.- Israeli relations before and after JFK's assassination. Did you and Ben even read Sterling's excellent essay at the top of this thread? Thesis: JFK wanted to establish an equitable solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And he was privately wary of militant, right wing Zionists. He also opposed Israel's goal of acquiring nukes, and insisted on inspections of Dimona. And RFK worked to properly register Israeli lobbyists in the U.S. as agents of a foreign government. After 11/22/63, AIPAC and the Neocons became increasingly powerful in shaping U.S. foreign policy to serve Israel's interests, while abandoning advocacy for Palestinian rights. By 2000, Ariel Sharon accurately boasted that, "Israel controls America, and the Americans know it." Zbigniew Brzezinski used the 21st century metaphor of Israel leading America around by the nose, "like a stupid mule."
  22. Incidentally, Robert, since we're all talking about DiEugenio's essay on JFK and Israel, and the later rise of the Neocons in U.S. politics, I wonder if people remember the reports about Zbigniew Brzezinski's advice to Obama in 2012. At the time, Brzezinski told Obama that he shouldn't let Israel lead him by the nose into a U.S. war with Iran, "like a stupid mule." * Obama took Brzezinski's advice, and had John Kerry work with the international community to negotiate the Iranian nuclear disarmament treaty. Later, Trump unilaterally withdrew the U.S. from the Iranian treaty-- like a stupid mule. Here's the question for 2024. Is Biden being led, like a stupid mule, into a war with Iran? * Brzezinski: U.S. won’t follow Israel 'like a stupid mule' (arabamericannews.com)
  23. Sandy, I'd be interested to hear more about your experiences in Iran during the revolution. I have never known anyone who was there at the time! As for ISIS and the latest terrorist attack on Iran, I wonder if people on the forum have read much about Operation Timber Sycamore, and the evidence that the CIA, Mossad, Saudis, and MI6 helped create ISIS. It's one of the best kept secrets in America, along with all of the suppressed 9/11 evidence.
  24. But who is screwing whom here, historically, in the U.S. relationship with the Neocons and Likudniks? Kirk's meme has assigned precisely the wrong genders to the U.S. and Israel. "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
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