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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Winston Churchill discussed ordering nuclear strikes on the Soviet Union in 1951 | Daily Mail Online
  2. I see, Mathew. So, you still haven't read the Mueller Report or the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian interference in our 2016 election, eh? Incidentally, that Senate Intel Committee was chaired by Trump ally, Senator Richard Burr (R-NC.) Nor have you studied the facts uncovered by the 2022 Congressional J6 Committee investigation.
  3. I read somewhere that Churchill also wanted to nuke the Soviet Union after WWII. Can't recall the source.
  4. Doug, I hope you're right about this one, because non-lawyer Jim Jordan, allegedly, plans to "investigate" the Biden documents case in the House Judiciary Committee. House Judiciary Committee launches probe into Biden’s handling of documents | The Hill
  5. It's an interesting thread, and one that should provoke a lot of thought and critique about the course of the Cold War after WWII. Wallace was naively idealistic in the 1940s about Stalinism, but we can also speculate about how the post-WWII course of Soviet imperialism may have differed in the absence of Anglo-American Cold War hostility toward the Soviet Union. And let's be honest. The Anglo-American Cold Warriors-- including Churchill and the Wall Street lawyers who established the CIA-- were mainly concerned about controlling and exploiting the natural resources of the Third World (including those of Iran, Indonesia, Africa, and Latin America, et.al.) In the cases of Korea and Vietnam, did our military interventions against communism justify the eight million casualties we caused with our bombing campaigns, biological, and chemical weapons-- 3 million Koreans, 1 million Chinese, and 4 million Southeast Asians? Would the Korean Peninsula, like Vietnam, have eventually evolved into a prosperous economy, like that of Red China, in the absence of American military intervention? James DiEugenio has broached this subject in terms of the revised Domino Theory-- i.e., that people can now order Domino's Pizzas in Vietnam. "Not a Pax Americana imposed by American arms"-- Walter Lippman's American Century-- but as Henry Wallace said, "a century of the common man."
  6. "Yes, we have no bananas," eh, Ben? The truth is that you and Mathew Koch didn't want to watch the proceedings of the historic, bipartisan Congressional J6 investigation of Trump's coup attempt, and neither of you ever recognized or understood the damning evidence presented under oath, by Cassidy Hutchinson, Cipollone, and other Trump staffers. That much has been quite clear from our daily discussions on the subject on the 56 Years thread. As for Jim Jordan, he was complicit in Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. It would have been inappropriate for an accomplice in Trump's J6 crimes to participate in the investigation of those crimes-- which is why Jim Jordan's current role in "investigating" the J6 investigation is so absurd, as Adam Schiff stated yesterday in Congress.
  7. Newsflash, Ben. The 2022 Congressional J6 Committee investigation was neither hyper-partisan, nor a gong show. But how could you know that? You never watched the proceedings, as we recommended. And I'll wager you haven't read the detailed Congressional J6 Report.
  8. Well, I'm embarrassed to admit that I had never heard of Marie Muchmore until now. When I saw her name, I wondered at first if she was a dancer at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club. The name sounds like a character in one of Ian Fleming's old 007 novels.
  9. Thanks for serving this up, Mathew, but I had a late lunch today. 🤥
  10. Adam Schiff slammed McCarthy's GOP Circus today, even mentioning McCarthy's infamous bragging about how the Republican Benghazi Circus had succeeded in lowering Hillary's approval ratings -- which I referenced (above.) Schiff's comments begin at the 1:38 mark.
  11. But let's also put this in the context of the dramatic 180 degree shift in U.S. attitudes (and propaganda) about the Soviet Union during and after WWII. Oliver Stone's Untold History series explored this in detail, as did Hollywood film critic J. Hoberman's book, An Army of Phantoms. The Soviet Union played a central role in defeating the German Wehrmacht in WWII, and "Uncle Joe" Stalin was widely viewed as a valuable American ally prior to Germany's surrender in 1945. Then the Cold War paranoia and hostility began, literally, with a bang in Hiroshima. Of course, most Americans -- like Wallace-- knew nothing about Soviet atrocities and the Gulag Archipelago at the time. Soviet atrocities after 1917 were always shrouded in secrecy, prior to Stalin's death and Solzhenitsyn's eventual emergence on the world stage. As for Henry Wallace, he was a great man who had an accurate perspective on prospects for helping the Third World-- beyond the narrow vision of the Dulles brothers and Wall Street Cold Warriors--which anticipated John F. Kennedy's foreign policy vision. The world would be in a much better place, IMO, if Truman had not replaced Wallace on FDR's 1944 Presidential ticket. Wallace was also an early advocate of Civil Rights in the U.S.
  12. Cliff, Many thanks for your diligent fact-checking of Ben's nightly, large print ampliganda posts. They never end. We see the same thing with Mathew Koch's daily YouTube ampliganda non sequiturs on the forum. I have no doubt that Ben and Mathew will continue to spam the forum this year with daily propaganda nothing burgers from the Fox/GOP MAGA-verse-- about Hunter Biden's laptop, the 10 classified documents found at Biden's university office, China and U. Penn, Burisma, etc., etc. The point of serving up these GOP nothing burgers is to create an illusion of false equivalence between the Trump/GOP's serious crimes-- Russiagate, Emoluments violations, January 6th, Mar-a-Lago document theft, etc.-- and alleged Democratic misconduct. While they often post about Hunter Biden's laptop, has anyone ever seen Ben or Mathew post anything about Jared Kushner's 2 billion Saudi bribe, taken while Kushner was in charge of Trump's Middle East policies? As for the new Republican "Cover Up" Committee, we've all seen this B movie before-- Whitewater, Fast and Furious, the endless GOP Benghazi "investigations," Obamagate, Spygate, Nunes memo, Durham Report, etc. Talk about "weaponizing government" for political purposes! Kevin McCarthy even bragged openly during the Benghazi investigations that the Republican "investigations" had succeeded in reducing Hillary Clinton's high approval ratings. Wink. Wink.
  13. Mathew, Is this the same Thomas Massie you Trumpsters keep raving about? 🤥
  14. As usual, James Risen nailed it... Republicans Who Voted To Overturn The 2020 Election Get Top Committee Posts | HuffPost Latest News January 10, 2023
  15. The Concession McCarthy Shouldn’t Have Made https://politicalwire.com/2023/01/10/the-concession-mccarthy-shouldnt-have-made/ January 10, 2023 Jonathan Bernstein: “Rep. Kevin McCarthy made many concessions in his bid to become speaker of the House. But his offer to allow the hard-line House Freedom Caucus to select three of the nine Republicans on the powerful House Committee on Rules stands out for its ability to diminish the influence of the Republican Party within the House. It will grant a handful of extremists outsize power in Congress, reducing the Republican Party’s ability to govern.” “The deal, which wasn’t part of proposed rule amendments adopted Monday evening, is far more significant than the much-ballyhooed change allowing a single House member to essentially call a vote of no-confidence against the speaker. Threatening the speaker’s job is messy, and as aggressive as the dissidents might be, the mechanism isn’t something likely to see everyday use.” “By contrast, handing seats on the Rules Committee to a small, radical faction institutionalizes their influence in a way that will come into play on every single bill the House considers, because every bill must go through that committee in order to be considered by the full House.”
  16. Russ Baker and Milicent Cranor published a new article at WhoWhatWhy.com today. Good commentary about Michael Beschloss, Tucker Carlson, and the deceptive M$M coverage of the recent JFK records release. JFK Murder: Evolving Strategies for Damage Control JFK Murder: Evolving Strategies for Damage Control - WhoWhatWhy January 9, 2023
  17. IMO, James Risen is one of the finest journalists in the U.S. Kevin McCarthy Debacle Is an Insurrection by Other Means (theintercept.com)
  18. Mathew, This could be another teachable moment for you, (although I'm not holding my breath.) Are you old enough to remember watching that Carter-Reagan debate in 1980, where Reagan famously quipped, "There you go again?" Do you remember the context of Reagan's deflective remark? I remember watching that debate with a few of my classmates in medical school. President Carter was raising the subject of Ronald Reagan's famous opposition in the 1960s to Ted Kennedy and the landmark Medicare legislation that has raised millions of American seniors out of poverty. Reagan's response? "There you go again." And, coincidentally, one of Jim Jordan and the GOP House agendas in 2023 is to use the debt ceiling negotiations to force cuts in Medicare and Social Security. MAGA!! 🤥
  19. Yes, I sure hope that Lawrence Schnapf doesn't move to 4Chan or McAdams.edu. It would be a big loss for the Education Forum. Perhaps we loony libs need to stop criticizing Fox News and the GOP Sedition Caucus... 🤥 Personally, I appreciate Mr. Schnapf's efforts to win the release of the JFK records, and Tucker Carlson's unusual honesty recently about the JFK assassination case. If only Tucker Carlson had spoken up in October of 2017, when Fox was functioning as an arm of the Trump administration!
  20. Mathew, Jim Jordan is a sociopath. Study his history at Ohio State and in Congress. His agenda in 2023 is to undermine the investigation of Trump's criminal efforts to overturn the 2020 election-- with the complicity of Jordan and other Republican members of Congress. As for Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill and the editors of the Intercept cut ties with Greenwald after he sold his soul to Rupert Murdoch and the Fox Propaganda Corporation.
  21. Well, I'm shocked, shocked to hear that Mathew Koch still hasn't read the Mueller Report or the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian interference in our 2016 U.S. election. Apparently, Mathew also never studied Reality Winner's NSA document that was leaked to the Intercept after Putin and Trump denied the U.S. intelligence claims about Russian interference in our election.
  22. This is what some Republicans are comparing to the Church Committee... 🤥 The reality is that Gym Jordan and the Sedition Caucus are mainly interested in obstructing the investigation of Trump's J6 coup attempt. Jim Jordan's Attempt to Subpoena FBI Branded 'Idiotic' by Legal Expert (msn.com)
  23. Larry, It can't be said any more precisely and clearly than I said it (above.) Republicans aren't heroic adversaries of the Deep State. They only "discovered" Peter Dale Scott's "Deep State" in 2017, after Trump and his propagandists in the media began trying to blame Trump's Russiagate scandal on the Deep State (the FBI, in particular.) So, they cooked up an endless series of nothing burgers-- Obamagate, Spygate, Nunes Memo, misrepresentation of the Mueller Report, Durham Report, etc. Similarly, Trump and his media propagandists have been trying to blame Trump's January 6th coup attempt on the Deep State-- e.g., the "patriot purge" narrative. It's a ruse. IMO, Kevin McCarthy and his Sedition Caucus-- Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, et.al.-- are mainly interested in undermining the DOJ investigation of Trump's multi-faceted efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. They aren't heroic truth seekers-- just the opposite. That's why they refused to comply with their Congressional subpoenas last year. If you and Tucker Carlson can inspire the 118th Congress to push for the release of the JFK records, that would be great. But, IMO, the Republicans' main agenda in "investigating" the Deep State is to obstruct the investigation and prosecution of their J6 crimes. And where were these heroic Republican truth seekers (including Tucker Carlson) when Trump blocked the release of the JFK records in 2017 and 2018?
  24. Mathew, What's embarrassing is your persistent ignorance about Trump's longstanding involvement with the Russian mafia and Putin's oligarchs. And my information on those subjects didn't come from intelligence agencies. It came from investigative journalists. You obviously didn't read the references that I posted for you on that subject by Russ Baker, (from March of 2017) and by British author Catherine Belton (2020.) Baker published a series of articles about Trump's involvement with the Russian mafia in the spring of 2017. Ignorance may be bliss, but your willful ignorance is inexcusable. 1) Behind-the-Scenes Interview on Exclusive Trump-Russia-FBI Story - WhoWhatWhy 2) Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West: Belton, Catherine: 9780374238711: Amazon.com: Books
  25. Paul, Let's be honest here. Trump Republicans only "discovered" the Deep State after Trump tried to blame his 2016 campaign's involvement with the Kremlin on the FBI. It was a deflection. It was originally labeled in Trumpaganda circles as "Obamagate," and "Spygate," then got replayed in Trump's "Nunes Memo" scam and, later, Bill Barr's Durham investigation. All of these were nothing burgers, but they reinforced the false impression in the MAGA-verse that Trump was not a criminal, but a victim of the Deep State. The truth is that Trump was involved with the Russian mafia and Putin's oligarchs for years, and was aided by the Kremlin in his fateful 2016 Presidential campaign. Even the Republican-controlled Senate Intel Committee belatedly conceded as much. The same Trumpaganda strategy of blaming Trump's crimes on the Deep State was used after January 6th. This "Patriot Purge" narrative was actively promoted by Tucker Carlson during the Congressional J6 investigation, and is still being promoted by people who are unfamiliar with the facts about Trump's coup attempt-- including Mathew Koch and Benjamin Cole. As the Congressional J6 investigation has shown in considerable detail, Trump was the driving force behind his multi-faceted efforts to overturn the result of the 2020 election, culminating in his incitement of the violent mob attack on Congress on January 6th. There were suspicious security failures by Trump's appointees at the FBI, DHS, Secret Service, and Pentagon on J6, and an even more suspicious destruction of their text messages and communications. If anything, Trump's "Deep State" staffers seem to have played a role in the lack of adequate Capitol security on J6-- including blocking the deployment of the National Guard. I believe that Kevin McCarthy and the GOP Sedition Caucus-- Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, And Biggs, Paul Gosar, Lauren Boebert, et.al.-- are mainly interested in interfering with the DOJ investigation of their own possibly criminal involvement in Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Naturally, I would welcome any good faith effort by Tucker Carlson and Republican members of Congress to win the release of the JFK assassination records, but I seriously doubt that Kevin McCarthy and the Sedition Caucus are motivated by that agenda.
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