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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. Paul: Jenner was very interested in her background even though it should not have been relevant to someone investigating JFK's assassination.
  2. Hi Jim: Sent you a link for ordering the NYC telephone directories. You will have to login and create an account then place your order. I ordered documents and photographs from the Louis Weinstock collection and will upload them when I receive them.
  3. NYPL have these directories on microfilm. I placed an order for them for the years 1946-1949.
  4. Jim: Very interesting post. This could be a source for learning more about young Harvey. Have you or John A attempted to find out anything about the DPC? It should be on the list.
  5. MK-Ultra sub-projects 65 and 82 deal with Hungarian refugees, 89 deals with Hungarian repatriation.
  6. Jim: Was Robert Oswald's wife Hungarian? if yes add her to your list.
  7. Jim: Even though we do not know his birth name I would add refugee societies to the list. These would include Hungarian immigrants providing assistance to refugees from Hungary, the American Red Cross and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration which provided relief and resettlement camps for war victims. Their headquarters was in NYC. They are no longer in existence but their documents are at the United Nations archives. Let me contact the NYPL before looking for a researcher. Have a list of items from the Weinstock papers that I want to review, and will add the New York telephone directory for 1945-1949 to the list. Will also inquire about Yorkville community newspapers and alternatives to the city directory.
  8. Link is for a story about the Mauser by James Day. https://jamesfday.medium.com/the-jfk-assassination-hunting-down-the-mauser-6c30c8f6c6e5
  9. Do not recall seeing this in your posts. If it was in one of them it was buried in one of your many irrelevant posts about the Cold war and hence I did not see it.
  10. Yes they are different. Much more information in a city directory than there is in the telephone book you found online. A directory will provide the names of all people who live at an address not just the name of the person whose telephone number it is. NYPL got back to me and said that the directories were no produced after 1934.
  11. This forum has many threads in which forum members discuss various aspects of JFK's assassination. Each thread has one topic. Sandy started a separate thread with your posts. You can discuss the Cold War with anyone on this forum who is willing to discuss it with you.
  12. Did not ignore the salient points of what you said. As you can tell by the posts on this thread, what we are trying to achieve here is to determine the identity of the man who was accused of assassinating JFK. Our main lead is the Bentley call. We do not have to understand the Cold War to find his identity, what we must do is search for documents that will lead to his identification.
  13. You are obviously very interested in the Cold War but this thread is not about that. It is about John A's book Harvey and Lee in which he proves that a man took on Lee Harvey Oswald's identity and then defected to the Soviet Union. In this thread, the significance of the call to me is about what it can tell us about young Harvey, the boy Bentley told Tippit about. This is why Jim, Paul and I have been doing research on the Tippit family in Connecticut and the Gardos in NYC.
  14. Jim: What we need is the NYC City Directory. This directory will provide the names of each person living at an address listed in the directory. NYPL has city directories online up to the year 1934. Contacted them today regarding obtaining copies of the directory for 77nd avenue and 2nd avenue for the years 1945-1949.
  15. Jim: Checked Ancestry, they do not have the Manhattan 1947 or 1948 telephone directory.
  16. Maybe they wanted to know where all men were even though they may not ask them to serve.
  17. Free digitized copy of Clever Girl is available on Internet Archive.
  18. Do not have anything else on her except her will that is been sent to me by mail.
  19. How did you access 1946? Have you tried Ancestry for the 1948 one?
  20. Paul. Have you know who George and Margaret Paecoast are? According to an FBI document Bentley lived with them in Westport CT for 4 months in 1950. Their address is about 12 miles from where Tina Tippit lived. The document is on pg. 916 of an FBI Bentley file which is over 2,000 pages. https://archive.org/details/bentleyelizabethterrillhqandnyc/page/n915/mode/2up?view=theater
  21. That makes sense, they probably never divorced. When Edwin married Marguerite on May 5, 1945 he became a bigamist.
  22. Jim and Paul: Found Bentley's will. Probate Court will not email it to me but will send it by mail. Will upload it when received.
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