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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. Louis Bloomfield sent a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyer who lived in Westport CT. Have not done any research on these people and do not know what their connection to Bloomfield is. https://archive.org/details/westport-ct_202107
  2. Hi Jim: Called one of her granddaughters today, she did not answer so I left a message. Will keep you updated.
  3. Christina "Tina" Tippit Brown's obituary states that she began her writing career at Texas Tech University, which is located in the city of Lubbock. Her husband Jack D Tippit also went to the same university. She told me that she never met the Tippits but said that they could be distant relatives. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/westport-news/name/christina-brown-obituary?id=8400563
  4. Jim: Have contact information for one of her granddaughters. I could contact her, hoping that her mother or the other woman I spoke to, told her about me so she does not have to talk to a complete stranger. Tina Tippit told me that she was interested in the research being done but I do not know if she passed this information on to her granddaughters. The other option is to have some else call. Was listening to John Armstrong on Black Ops Radio last week and he said that both you and him visited Rob Reiner, who was very interested in John's research. She may be interested in talking to him, since he is a person whose identity they can confirm. Another option is to ask John to call. His identity can be easily confirmed by his website. Let me know what you think about this. I will call them if the above mentioned options are not suitable.
  5. She passed away in 2020. Have been trying to locate an obituary to obtain family names that I can contact.
  6. Paul: Thank you for the information regarding Russ Geck. You have also made a good case for Bentley being the person who probably called Tina Tippet.
  7. When I spoke to Tina Tippet she said that the woman called her several times, always in a rush, fearing that she will be overheard. Maybe her work as a spy made her concerned about people eavesdropping on her conversations, or she was living with someone when she made the phone calls.
  8. Paul: Had a look at page 2, it mentions 1940, Nazi, does not mention Mrs. Oswald.
  9. Jim: Do you know if John ever spoke to Marina about why Oswald had this book?
  10. Do you have any theories that would explain why Oswald had this book?
  11. In Harvey and Lee John A wrote "In January 1953 the HUAC in New York made reference to a "Mrs. M. Oswald" in a CIA Office of Security file. The file contained references to 1941, Nazi's, and New Jersey. Judge John Tunheim, of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), wrote to Henry Hyde in an attempt to get the HUAC files on Lee and Marguerite Oswald released, but his request was refused." Does this statement suggest that she was spying on them? Article below says that the Nazi organization The German-American Bund had its headquarters in Yorkville. Jean Stafford in her book about Marguerite Oswald said that her husband believed that her accent was from Hoboken, New Jersey and Astoria, New York. Am speculating that Marguerite Oswald was from the east coast. If her connections to Nazis in 1941 is true, then she may have been working as an intelligence asset, collecting information on them and this could have been how they eventually recruited her for the Harvey project. Stafford also said that she believed Marguerite took elocution lessons. Elocution lessons can be taken to remove your accent. Maybe she took them in an attempt to hide her east coast accent if she was planning to move to another part of the country. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-reviews/nazi-town-usa-german-american-bund-new-york-hitler-antisemitism-pbs-doc-1234951919/
  12. John A said that there is a list of Oswald possessions, and that this list got bigger after his possessions were sent to Washington. A comparison of these two lists would confirm the planting of evidence.
  13. Hi Pete: MK-Ultra sub-project # 103 was created to study European children to see if they could be used in future CIA operations. https://www.newspapers.com/article/abilene-reporter-news-mkultra-and-childr/7536363/ https://humansbefree.com/2017/06/cia-using-mk-ultra-mind-control-on-children.html
  14. Jim: Does John Armstrong know about these 2 MK-Ultra sub-projects? MK-Ultra sub-project # 89 Hungarian repatriation? MK-Ultra sub-project # 103 was created to study European children to see if they could be used in future CIA operations. https://www.newspapers.com/article/abilene-reporter-news-mkultra-and-childr/7536363/ https://humansbefree.com/2017/06/cia-using-mk-ultra-mind-control-on-children.html
  15. Mary and Fred Blair wrote a letter to Conrad Komorowski at the "Daily World" in New York in 1976. Found this letter in the Blair papers.
  16. Did Edwin Ekdahl ever have custody of Lee Harvey Oswald? If it did happen, could it had been Eckdahl that delivered Oswald to the people connected to the program that eventually led to Harvey and Lee? Have suspicions about Eckdahl i.e. he may been connected to ONI. During WWI he was stationed at an experimental station at New London Connecticut where he did work on submarine detecting devices. This base, given its work, may have been connected to ONI. After the war he went to China and worked for some companies there. ONI contacted overseas American companies and asked them to provide covers for their intelligence assets so there may be the possibility that Ekdahl, while in China was an ONI intelligence asset.
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