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John Kowalski

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Everything posted by John Kowalski

  1. Did research on Ekdahl years ago. Did not find his divorce record. His WWII draft registration card states that he is living with Rasmina at 109 First Ave in Nyak. The draft card is not dated but at the bottom it says D.S.S. Form 1 Revised 4-1-42. He says his age is 46 and was born on September 26, 1895, which suggests that he signed it sometime before his 47th birthday in 1942. Do not know the name of the woman that he had an affair with but John A in one of his podcasts mentioned that Marguerite caught Ekdahl with a woman.
  2. Found a reference to a Hidell name variant at the Black Vault website. The person's name is Joseph Hydell. Another person with a name variant is Fred Blair. His grandfather's name is Andrew Blais and he was born In Quebec. When they moved to the US their name changed to Blair. After reading about the Tunheim document that suggests that Marguerite Oswald may have had some association with Nazis during WWII, I did some research on right wing activities in that area and found a FBI document regarding Robert Edward Edmonson who was described as sympathetic towards Germany and who received donations from many people, one of which was Joseph Hydell. https://archive.org/details/Hydell
  3. Try your local library, they could have a subscription to Ancestry that you can use for free. My local library has one and the archives has one a as well. The Mormons also have a genealogy website and its free. https://www.familysearch.org/search/?cid=PC-00038602&keyword=family history lds&gad_source=1
  4. Jim: If Bentley had a will it could provide the names of people she knew. It may also mention if she left her personal papers with someone or to a library or archive. If she did leave her papers with someone, they would be invaluable to our research. NYU library should have a copying service for people who can't visit the library. They may also have a list of researchers who will copy documents for a fee. Can you let me know what they tell you about it.
  5. Jim: Had a look at the library document, Series I: Personal, may have information about personal contacts that could mention the Blairs and maybe someone they knew who was taking care of a young boy Series II: Correspondence, Correspondence, 1932-1947, inclusive, may mention Bentley Series VII: Photographs, 1920s-1980s, inclusive, one of the boxes has photographs for 1940-1950
  6. Paul: Are you doing research on Bentley, if yes what sources will you be reviewing?
  7. When the program was started, do you think that there may have been other young boys who were brought into into it? Given that this was a long term program, the possibility of something happening to either Lee or Harvey before they could be sent abroad could have prompted them to find other young boys who looked similar and who could participate in the same program.
  8. Found a people search website that had possible telephone numbers for her daughter and granddaughters. Called some of these numbers today and some were disconnected. A few had voicemail so I left a message to call me back. Left a message with the probate court as well about obtaining a copy of her will. The will should have information about her daughter,granddaughters and other relatives that can be used to contact them. Did some Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter searches as well but did not find anything. How far are you from Westport or do you know anyone who lives near there? Local contacts can expedite the search for her daughter and granddaughters.
  9. Ramaz website describes the school as Orthodox. Why would communists send their child and/or Oswald to a religious school?
  10. Paul: Have you done any research on the Boston trip? Apparently Ekdahl, Margaret Oswald and Lee when to Boston for 6 months. It is also interesting that Ekdahl's son, Dewey, did not know where his father lived for 3 years, and it was during this time period that the Boston trip was supposed to have taken place.
  11. Does anyone know why Communists would be taking care of Oswald, given that he was been prepared for some future role in an intelligence operation?
  12. Jim: Have not heard back from her so I will call another person. Have contact information for 2 of of 5 people I want to contact. Will need help locating the other 3 people.
  13. Seen it and recommend it to anyone who wants to know what happened to him.
  14. My original post was about Bloomfield knowing the Myers who lived in Westport, CT. It is probably just a coincidence that he knew someone who lived close to the Tippits.
  15. Phillips took Library and Archives Canada to court and won his case. The archives opened them to the public on the condition that only files 50 years or older would be released. I began reviewing these files then in 2018 the archives closed them again. I took them into court and won my case and now most of the files are open to the public.
  16. He was not a stockholder in Permindex. His role was to represent some of its shareholders. In the appendix to a book review I wrote I discuss Bloomfield;s role with CMC. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/the-canadian-archives-michele-metta-and-the-latest-on-permindex
  17. The only evidence that Bloomfield was involved in intelligence work is his own admission that he did some work in Mexico during WWII.
  18. The census record shows JD, why would his parents provide a first name that was not his real one? I believe that JD was his real name.
  19. Did not search for other records but am sure they could be found somewhere. A lot has been written about JD Tippit. Have you ever read anything about him where JD was not used?
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