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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. Thanks for posting. Certainly, EF-JFKA members can agree on nothing, except that the JFK Records should be released immediately and unconditionally.
  2. RM- Thanks for your opinion. We are on different pages on this one, but that is fine. That is what the EF-JFKA forum is for. I will post Groubert's "LBJ Did It" Part II on the next day or so.
  3. RM- Thanks for your collegial commentary. If your version is true...surely, the Democrat President LBJ had motivations up the wazoo to perp the JFKA, and then the Democrat-controlled Congress had no motivation to demand to true investigation into the JFKA---imagine, the sitting Democrat President had offed his Democrat predecessor. This story, if told, would make gangland banana republic partisans look respectable! But...as I say, I have this nagging sense the RFK1A was a follow-on assassination, and the daring, daylight theft of the Scoot Enyart negatives, in 1996, well beyond the ken of the LBJ mafia, but also part of the JFKA/RFK1A story. Those are Rosetta Stone events, and signal (IMHO) the intel-state at work, or if some prefer, the Deep State. Nevertheless, as I have been asked, I will post Part II of Mark Groubert's "LBJ Did It" series. Groubert is a very knowledgable and interesting conversationalist, even if I disagree with some of his views. I like to see other points of views and this is a forum. Censorship is the hobgoblin of small minds in pointy heads.
  4. Spartacus was a great resource. I recently checked on the Scott Enyart RFK1A photo theft there, as a starting point. BTW, Scott Enyart is writing a book about the RFK1A and photo theft. I have a strange story to tell about contacting Enyart on Facebook.
  5. "Isn't that what Ben intended? Mark consolidated the threads as opposed to moving them. And he has commented since. I guess it is what it is depending on where it goes. I don't see a legitimate option to opposing Fascism than Biden. Any other choice at this point might well loose to the Chump's minions."--RB I did not start this thread, which has, in fact, quickly devolved into rank partisan sniping and posing. We see the old red and blue kool-aid pissing wars, led by the EF-JFKA D-Party Auxiliary and Hall Monitor Society, but gamely answered by the overmatched forces of Right-Wingers R Us. I was in no way consulted on the formation of this thread, which I think was very ill-advised. Bu I ask: Should moderators both insult EF-JFKA participants and about half of the voting population in one breath? RB has just done this, although moderators are best when politically neutral and collegial. According to the moderator Ron Bulman, Trump is a fascist and one whose followers are chump minions. That raises a question: Should RB's role as a moderator be matched by someone with the opposite views? Of course, Ron Bulman should matched by his opposite number, if the EF-JFKA wants balanced moderation. Or RB could step down as a moderator, since he has exposed his true self, and has been rather immoderate, to put it mildly. Yes, I posted recently on the RFK1A as a JFKA Rosetta stone, and on Watergate as having strange clues leading back to the JFKA (if only to show how a Deep State is determined to control occupants of the Oval Office) and on the JFK Records Act, which is very germane and topical presently. In all these posts I was collegial, and never expressed views about either of the two major parties. (Jim DiEugenio and Mark Adamczyk (indirectly) also posted on the JFK Records Act.) In each case, yes, there was partisan sniping at me that I had an ulterior motive, which I guess is getting RFK2 elected, although it has also been suggested that I am white supremacist who secretly wants a Nazi-affiliated Mr T. regain the White House. ---30--- To the EF-JFKS Community (or anti-community, as it may be): 1. Nothing said in this forum will affect the pending election. The readership is minute, even by modern standards with readership now fractionated among thousands of networks, cable stations, and online outlets and some floundering newspapers. Don't worry if you see something you dislike, including the acronym "RFK1A." It doesn't matter. 2. Yes, I support RFK2 for president. So does David Talbot, btw. That fact may inspire derogatory commentary, but I do not denigrate others for having a different point of view. 3. Mark Knight needs to review the comments above of the moderator Ron Bulman. Bulman's comment is not the sort a moderator should make, as they are the comments of a very strong partisan. Ron Bulman is entirely entitled to his views, and they are views shared by many. That's fine, just as the views of Trump supporters are fine. This is a forum, not a cocoon. But whether Ron Bulman is moderator material is a reasonable inquiry. Likely this thread needs an early grave. In addition, the EF-JFKA does not need special hidden sections on the RFK1A, Watergate, or the JFK Records Act. Or book reviews. Yes, even books reviews must be stuffed away somewhere. Why?
  6. I was asked to provide this longer version of the LBD did it version of the JFKA. Obviously, this is Part I, but you can find Part II when you watch this one. I am not really a fan of the LBJ Did It version, as I see the JFKA/RFK1A as the beginning of a string of intel-state deposings of US Presidents or aspirants. IMHO, after the JFKA/RFK1A, came Nixon, Carter and then Trump deposings. I find it less plausible that a certain smaller groups, with less resources than the US intel state, could have pulled off such string of events. In the middle was the strange snuff job done on the photographic negatives of Scott Enyart in 1996, which were snapped in the pantry during the RFK1A. That called for some intel-state work also. But certainly the LBJ Did It crowd is strong, and has adherents inside the EF-JFKA, and makes valid arguments. I am not one to censor views not my own, or denigrate those with different views. So, for all in the EF-JFKA, sit back on enjoy Mark Groubert. He is an excellent showman, and a real JFKA buff.
  7. In the dappled fading light of a summer afternoon, you will swoon when you discover who "he" is....and indeed, you will imbibe his verisimilitudes, and find unbounded euphoria.... It's all there in Lafitte's second notebook...mystical incantations and inscriptions...
  8. TG--Great work by you. But I have to respectfully disagree that two DPD detectives, investigating the scene of the most high profile assassination attempt in Dallas history up to that point, of a nationally prominent political figure, would use a colloquial term to describe the intended murder bullet held in evidence, in signed and written reports. In fact, I can find nothing in the literature that suggests anyone in any position of authority ever referred to all rifle bullets as "steel jacketed," since copper-jacketed bullets were then, as now, the default and most common jacket. Steel-jacketing was always uncommon--uncommon enough to warrant mention, properly, in a detective report. If you or I were DPD detectives in the early 1960s, and we found a steel-jacketed bullet at the scene of an attempted murder, we would (properly) note that it was "steel-jacketed." A relative rarity. This might aid in the arrest of the perp, who might have similar steel-jacketed bullets in his possession. It is a clue.
  9. If you consult your tea leaves in the waning afternoon sun, you will find the answer to your questions.
  10. Back on topic, what is your take on whether Buttigieg would open up the JFK Records, or would he maintain the Biden Administration snuff job on the documents? Would Buttigieg eliminate the Orwellian "Transparency Board" or comply with its edicts? I don't know the answer, but Buttigieg, very smart, has spent a lifetime honing insider and establishment credentials. He is not an outsider, and never wanted to be. When Buttigieg is told the JFK Records must remain in the vault for the good of the system....what would be his response?
  11. Mum's the word. These walls have ears. Keep your eye on the sparrow. And remember the sparrow---the ultimate clue, the key that unlocks the truth.
  12. The punters (bettors) agree with you. Joe Biden's Chances of Winning Election Plummet After Debate-Newsweek President Joe Biden's odds of winning a second White House term in November took a tumble with leading bookmakers after Thursday's presidential debate, during which the Democratic incumbent appeared to lose his train of thought at several points. Published Jun 28, 2024 at 5:17 AM EDTUpdated Jun 28, 2024 at 11:12 AM EDT ---30--- Well, who knows. A long way to election day. Really, does it matter much who wins? The U.S. survived under both men before. The TEOTWAWKI fearmongers, Team Blue or Team Red, are paid to amplify scares. Let's ask Mr. Buffalo Horns who should be President.
  13. MK- Thanks for your collegial commentary. I grew up in a do-goody liberal household but spent about 10 years studying ammo for the Walker story (not every day of course, but just boning up on the topic). Plus I lived near downtown L.A. for while before departing for SE Asia, so I wondered if I should carry a gun, and researched options. Actually, most steel-jacketed ammo post WWII on US civilian markets in the late 1950s and early 1960s was either US military surplus or cheap crap from Eastern Europe. The US, under duress of wartime copper shortages, did produce lesser amounts copper-gilded steel-jacketed ammo during WWII. The steel-jacketed ammo was held in low regard for jamming equipment (it was not as ductile) and rusting, and higher rates of misfire. Civilians did not like the ammo for the same reasons, and worried about wear on gun barrels even with the copper gilding. Much of the US WWII steel-jacketed copper-gilded ammo ended up on civilian markets after the war, in the 1950s and 1960s. Also, the US switched to Nato-compatible ammo, and dumped the older ammo (typically the 30.06). But as stated, anybody familiar with guns and ammo was attuned to the cheap steel-jacketed ammo and its flaws. It was typically banned from private gun ranges, and from public areas where hunting was allowed, by game wardens. The idea that two DPD detectives would examine a slug in a very high-profile assassination attempt (Walker was nationally prominent at the time), put initials on the slug, and then incorrectly ID the slug as "copper jacketed" is just...ludicrous. In addition, you are right in that steel-jacketed slugs were much in the minority in US ammo in the early 1960s, with copper-jackets being the default slug of choice. Any police department, any official body, and the US military used copper-jacketed bullets. So, it makes sense that the two DPD detectives explicitly noted they had found a "steel-jacketed" slug in the Walker home, as it was unusual, uncommon. The Warren Commission has in evidence a "Walker" bullet, CE 573, which is a copper-jacketed slug. Well, the WC ran a snuff job on a true JFKA investigation.
  14. SC- Actually, the interior Walker walls were the old-fashioned slat-and-plaster, not drywall. In days of yore (again the house I grew up in) there would be slats of wood running horizontally between vertical beams. As I recall, the slats of wood would be about 2 1/2 inches wide, and 3/8th inch thick. The slats were placed with a small gap between slats, and then workers squished the plaster into the slats and let it dry to make the wall. Lots and lots of horizontal slats on every wall. If the Walker bullet struck wood, and perhaps part of a (more substantial) vertical beam, that could explain disfiguring. But the Walker bullet in evidence today (CE-573) is likely not the same bullet that was found in Walker's home the night of the shooting, for a lot of reason, including the lack of identifying initials (marks). Walker was confused about a HSCA display of new steel-jacketed bullets, which were silver in color. Why the HSCA displayed such bullets is...well, just off-base. A steel-jacketed bullet found in the Walker home likely had copper gilding, to reduce wear and tear on the gun barrel. Steel-jacketed bullets are held in disfavor among the guns-and-ammo crowd, for causing jams, sparks (banned at firing ranges and by game wardens), rusting prematurely, and when not gilded, wearing out gun barrels. But any detective, gun-range operator, game warden knew the difference between steel-jacketed bullets and copper-jacketed bullets.
  15. CY-- Evidently, you are not alone in your take on the debate. From Sky News: 'Unmitigated disaster' for Biden in TV debate with Trump - as he faces calls from Democrats to step aside After the debate, political figures and commentators broached the idea of replacing Mr Biden as the presidential nominee - with some Democrats describing his debate performance as an "unmitigated disaster", "a meltdown", and "a slow-motion car crash". ---30--- Sky News UK is regarded as center-left.
  16. Well, sometimes these windows have weighted pullies and sometimes it is just friction.
  17. Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A.
  18. Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A.
  19. GD-- I grew up in a house with these exact same window latches. The latch swivels. You see that part protruding towards you from the latch? You swivel that protruding part to the left, and on the opposite side of the latch, metal goes underneath an anchor. Really hard to explain. This picture should clear it up: https://www.ebay.com/itm/166774608506?itmmeta=01J1EGV4QS5KTPQ35VEFJ1VCHY&hash=item26d48a927a:g:tA8AAOSwv2tmS1E9
  20. CB-- Thanks for your collegial comment. Well, I had my hopes up...but dashed. Not the first time.
  21. MK- Thanks for your report I am busy with farm-work, so can only duck in---tell us if CNN asks any questions about the Biden Administration snuff job on the JFK Records Act, and about Trump's recent (likely fake) bluster he would actually open up the JFK Records.
  22. I am informed that some of Pierre Laffite's notations are code language for Mossad assets and agents.
  23. Does your explanation of the JFKA/RFK1A merge the Nazis with the known Mossad operation to perp the JFKA/RFK1A? What is your explanation of how these two intrepid globe-girding yet covert groups---Nazis and Mossad---operating clandestinely but together and hand-in-glove, pulled off the despicable JFKA/RFK1A? Trump's father was Germanic (read "Nazi') and his son-in-law is Jewish (read "Mossad"). Will the pending second Trump Presidency be the culmination of a decades-long Nazi-Jewish effort to control the White House?
  24. GD- Thanks for posting. Always fun to research primary materials in the JFKA/RFK1A. If I am looking at this correctly, we are seeing a picture of the inside of the Walker window, as determined by the window lock just above and to the right of the purported hole. In other words, we are inside the Walker home, looking out, in this photo. It sure looks like a non-through hole. The DPD visited and examined the scene the night of the Walker shooting, with two detectives. I do not think the detectives were under pressure to do anything except their jobs that night, and two detectives and two patrolmen signed reports that night as to what they found (including a steel-jacketed slug inside the Walker home). A couple possibilities: 1. If you look at the bullet hole in the photo, it appears darker near the top of the hole. The DPD noted a downward trajectory of the bullet from the firing location. So that dark spot, inside and near the top of the bullet hole, is actually the entrance to the tunnel made by the bullet as it passed through the wooden window frame. This is my best guess. 2. Second guess: Walker staged the shooting. The DPD patrolman reported finding the steel-jacketed slug resting in between bundled paper literature. They reported lifting up one bundle of paper, and resting atop the next bundle was the purported Waller slug. Some have suggested the Walker shooting was a PR stunt. For me, the only indisputable part is that a steel-jacketed slug was officially reported as found in the Walker home that night, and the two detectives easily knew the difference between copper- and steel-jacketed slugs, and it would be extremely unlikely for DPD detectives, knowing their work would be reviewed, to incorrectly describe a bullet in what had been the most high-profile assassination attempt in Dallas history to that point. Also, the Walker bullet now in evidence, CE-573, may be the most obviously copper-jacketed bullet in all police annals.... So that is my best guess. But the JFKA/RFK1A is always a minefield, and to this day JFK Records are kept from the public by the Biden Administration. So...your guess is as good as mine.
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