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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. Well, let's see if CNN "confronts" Trump on his bluster in the debate tonight, regarding Trump's promises to open up the JFK Records, or asks Biden about the Orwellian "Transparency Board" he set up to illegally put the records back into the vault in perpetuity. I doubt we will see any trenchant questions on the topic...
  2. Thanks for posting. I confess to never watching Dr. Phil in all those decades I lived in America, and I still never have. When I channel-surfed, Dr. Phil was always moralizing to somebody, usually an errant male. But Dr. Phil recently made a sincere trip to Israel, visited sites of the carnage, and made intelligent commentary. I still won't watch Dr. Phil, even this RFK2 interview. But thanks for posting. There is something about Dr. Phil that strikes me as a synonymous with dull preaching. Not fair, I am sure. Phil Donahue struck me the same way. Maybe guys named "Phil" are just boring.
  3. Getting closer to debate night---will any questions be asked about the JFK Records Act, an issue about which both candidates are vulnerable? The tension is unbearable! Well, likely this debate will not rival the JFK v Nixon tussles. One pundit said the only comforting aspect about this presidential election is one of the candidates will lose.
  4. That's fine. Did the unrepentant Nazis brought to US shores through OSS and CIA auspices then perp the JFKA/RFK1A, in your estimation?
  5. Always worth a listen, Mark Groubert. He is a bit glib, too easily accepts certain JFKA factoids that fit his narratives. But, everyone has flaws. In this episode, Groubert says in Langley, VA, the CIA has a "quonset hut of agents working just on Wikipedia."
  6. That's fine. But do you think the Operation Paperclip crowd had a hand in the RFK1A?
  7. LS- Thanks for your collegial commentary. First, I do not know who perped the JFKA/RFK1A. For the reasons outlined in my opening post of this thread, I suspect very small plots, in terms of witting pre-event participants So for me, your explanation of the JFKA/RFK1A has two problems. 1. You present a bewildering number of possible pre-event participants. 2. You have not linked the JFKA to the RFK1A, although (IMHO) they are obviously linked, they are twin assassinations. Do you have any evidence the Operation Paperclip crowd also targeted RFK1? If you do, please do a post on it. The RFK1A is now a banned topic on the EF-JFKA, but your post will survive for a few days, usually, and I will see it.
  8. This post is yet another reason why Jim DiEugenio is one of the few historians who can place the JFKA/RFK1A into context. Thanks to DiEugenio's efforts (and others) we can see the twin assassinations were not just human tragedies, but altered the course of US foreign-military policy for decades, and not for the better. Who wanted to control US foreign-military policies, and who organized the JFKA/RFK1A is still a relevant topic, 60 years on... Also, were other US Presidents deposed, if by more civil means (no gunfire).
  9. RB- I thought Pat Speer's perspective and comment deserved public airing, and specific or explicit attention. The JFKA Records Act is marginally in the news lately, which is good news for EF-JFKA'ers, although not likely to last. I enjoyed KH's collegial response on this thread, although I wish he had put some of his own thoughts down as well. I enjoy different points of views, and have encouraged the full range of political and JFKA spectrums to participate here. The EF-JFKA is a forum, where (I hope) all people can "pipe up" as they see proper, as long as they do not disparage other commenters, or present hate speech, or drag the EF-JFKA down into petty present-day partisan narratives. All threads, including mine, tend to recede into the past rather quickly, and are soon forgotten, as new threads appear. In my view, as the great Lakers' broadcaster Chick Hearn used to say, "No harm, no foul."
  10. Serious JFKA/RFK1A researcher and EF-JFKA member Pat Speer made this following comment. I think I disagree, but let's read his comment first: "My point was not that the remaining (JFK Records) documents are nothing-burgers, but that the vast majority of the public will come to believe they are nothing burgers. The Northwoods documents came out what? 30 years ago? And yet how many TV shows or history textbooks even mention them? Now, in the long run, this stuff is important and may change the perception of what went on. But the likelihood of a "smoking gun" that will excite the public in the immediate future is next to nothing, IMO."--PS Certainly a valid point of view. Let us suppose, even if the JFK Records are released in a succeeding administration, that we verify Joannides was in New Orleans and working with DRE, and indirectly with LHO (DRE being the cut out). That would hardly prove LHO shot JFK on CIA orders. The loosey-goosey connection would not be enough to shake the MSM into action. Too obscure. And most participants are dead, cannot be interviewed. Well...maybe 10-15 years ago I would agree with Pat Speer. But now, I wonder: Trump's balking at releasing the JFK Records, and then the extraordinary effort and legal chicanery of the Biden Administration to permanently block the JFK Records release...well, something is up. Bottom line: I now strongly suspect there must be documents covered by the JFK Records Act that powerful entities do not want released. But why? By deduction, those documents are clear enough that they will damage the image of the intel community, in the eyes of the lay public, even with an MSM filter. In other words, strong stuff. Since we don't know what we don't know, we don't know what documents are in the vault that could be so damaging to the intel-state. IMHO, we might error if we downplay what could be revealed in a total and honest release of the JFK Records, and the public's reaction to such a release.
  11. Well Newman is Newman, but he (like us) is running out of years...and why spread oneself so thin? TBH, I am a bit irked. If Newman has the goods on the JFKA, or better insights, then bring them on. He has done excellent research, and this is not criticism. But bring it on. Other people can cover the also important KingA. I never really linked the KingA to the JFKA-RFK1A, so I don't know why Newman would pursue the topic. As for biographies on King and his times, there are several excellent ones out there. But, each to his own.
  12. MK- Indeed, thanks for your collegial commentary regarding 9/11, and other topics too. Given your sentiments, and earnest nature, I will re-assess my take on the 9/11 event.
  13. I don't know, and Newman is a very mysterious fellow. Does not respond to inquiries. But if I find out, I will let you know.
  14. Ron B- Thanks for your concerns. I support neither Trump not Biden for president, although that fact is not relevant here. Have you read what James DiEugenio, Andrew Iler and Mark Adamczyk, all experts on the JFK Records Act, have written? Perhaps you should defer to their judgements, on this matter. I do: What the Biden Administration has done to the JFK Records Act is a matter of historical record, and entirely germane to the EF-JFKA Forum. The JFK Records Act topic easily transcends petty partisan narratives. Some participants may wish to the frame concerns about the JFK Records Act as partisan in nature. That argument is beneath contempt. There seems to be an unwise agenda within the EF-JFKA, and that is that discussions about the JFK Records Act, or even the RFK1A, need to be censored, pushed off the EF-JFKA into internet Pluto. That is a fine state of affairs: The entirely germane JFK Records Act and the RFK1A (a twin assassination, in the view of most in the JFKA/RFK1A research community) are now "political" topics. How has this happened? How can such perspectives prevail at the EF-JFKA? Who is responsible? Well, we are worlds part on this one.
  15. MK- Thanks for you collegial comments. On this particular issue, we likely disagree. Again, all IMHO--- 1. I believe in small and tight conspiracies, if there is a conspiracy regarding any particular event, particularly as pertains to witting pre-event participants. I believe in small. 2. I read up about about controlled building demolitions (though that hardly makes me an expert). The literature reveals controlled explosions require extensive wiring by floor, exquisitely timed explosions, and have never been done on a building even 1/10th the scale of either one of the old twin towers. I find it hard to believe the 100+ stories of the twin towers were wired up with explosives and no one ever noticed, pre-event. That is a gigantic job, larger by orders of magnitude than ever attempted before. 3. On Tower 7, I am mostly uninformed, but the general explanation seems to be the building had an unusual design and natural gas systems inside, and in the horrible action some flame or destruction was introduced to Tower 7, and that brought the building down. Additionally, to trigger a US invasion of Iraq and the Mideast would not require Tower 7 to be demolished. The Twin Towers would suffice. So why bother with Tower 7? But hey, just IMHO.
  16. Yes, that appears to be the deal. You are justified in your concerns that the next story will be that Assange is dead.
  17. KM- Thanks for your collegial commentary. I will watch the relevant section soon, if I don't fall asleep too early.
  18. There is probably very little, if anything at all, that EF-JFKA participants and moderators agree upon, except that the JFK Records should be released in their entirety. Suffice it to say the JFK Records Act is marginally in the news again, and the Biden v. Trump debate slated for two days out, June 27, hosted by CNN. Will the CNN debate host ask about the JFK Records Act? Will either Trump or Biden bring up the JFK Records Act? Taking odds....
  19. Good to see you again Calvin. Many would agree with your sentiment expressed here.
  20. MK Thanks for your comment. I am not sure on 9/11. I am not in the camp that suspects a large 9/11 conspiracy, as I always suspect tight and small conspiracies, if there is a conspiracy. Do you mean whether the Saudis were behind the 9/11?
  21. Stay the course JD. The tiresome partisan narratives are off base, per usual. I support neither major party, and I would pay money to see the JFK Records released.
  22. PS- Why the Biden Administration Snuff Job on the JFK Records? 1. We don't know what we don't know. So we don't know what is in the remaining JFKA Records, or other related records. 2. We do know there are records related to Joannides stay in N.O. at the very same time LHO was there. This suggests an LHO-Joannides connex, and thus a LHO-CIA connex. Was LHO a witting or unwitting asset? 3. Even if the JFKA Records are largely unimportant, the spirit of the JFK Records Act is that they should have been released in 2017, when Trump was President. Are we a nation of law, or duplicitous chicanery? 4. For a long time, I probably felt something like, "Oh, the JFKA Records have been scrubbed anyway." But consider the tenacity, the outright extraordinary effort and legal fiction, the incredible chicanery and underhandedness on exhibition by the Biden Administration, to keep the remaining records secret. Why the snuff job by the Biden Administration on the JFK Records?
  23. These are trials that EF-JFKA'ers sometimes endure.
  24. CV- Thanks for your commentary. I do not plan to vote for Trump, although Trump supporters should be as welcome in the EF-JFKA as Biden supporters. I hope every one considers their commentary in this light. For me, the JFK Records Act is not about tiresome partisan narratives and shout-downs, red or blue. My interest is in whoever is in the Oval Office honoring the JFK Records Act.
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