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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. That's amazing! The same thing happened to me! I do not own the Puginet datebook, and I have signed an NDA that prevents anyone from authenticating the document. But!---I have been allowed to see key passages in the datebook that confirm its authenticity beyond all doubt. We are in the same boat! Exactly the same boat!
  2. Why the antagonism? Let's coordinate! I have the Pugibet datebook, and you have the Lafitte datebook. The power is squared! We can crosscheck references---and I can assure you, what Pugibet did makes Lafitte look like a small sideshow character, a cameo appearance.
  3. Excellent. That raises the possibility the hand-loading was underdone, and so we get the shallow JFK back wound and the Landis bullet result. A plausible scenario.
  4. Interesting. I agree, there are Secret Service agents trying to say they found a slug in the Presidential limo on 11/22, and they have been perhaps "covering up" a miscue, or uneasy about brooking the official narrative. My guess is the pointy tip Parkland Hospital slug was un-related to the JFKA.
  5. Only a white supremacist proto-fascist would challenge the authenticity of the Pugibet datebook. I have given you proof: on 11/24, Pugibet wrote in datebook that he had encountered a Dallas sheriff and a "municipalité de Dallas gen" on or near the GK, and that he escaped by showing Secret Service credentials. "gen." is short for "gendarme." The incident of someone flashing Secret Service credential was not known to the public until much later---proof Pugibet was there. How could Pugibet know of the Secret Service credentials on the GK unless he was there? Like a certain other author, I am talking the "take it or leave it" attitude. I know the Pugibet document is real, by the manner in which it was obtained, and later authentication efforts. I would love to show people the document, but I have signed a NDA with filmmakers, for a very high budget production. This will make Stone's film look like a Super-8 home movie. You can believe me, when I say the high-powered film executives went to extremes to authenticate the document.
  6. Ergo, my Pugibet datebook must be treated as possibly authentic. There is no evidence proving it real, but also no evidence proving it a fraud.
  7. I have, in my possession, the Pugibet datebook. I came across it totally incidentally, and through someone who had no idea of my interest in the JFKA. Unfortunately, I have signed NDA with a filmmaker, and this datebook will not be available to be authenticated. Pugibet was behind the wooden fence, armed with CVA Scout v2 pistol, that fires 6.5 WCC rounds. He placed this pistol under his waistband. Pugibet immediately left the ground behind the wooden stockade, then met a Dallas police officer and then a sheriff, but showed them Secret Service ID. Puginet wrote that into his datebook on 11/24, before it was known to the public that such an encounter had taken place. The datebook has an 11/20 entry, "Op +'ed by AD" which means the operation was approved by Allen Dulles.
  8. Well... I apply the innocent until proven guilty standard to all parties in the JFKA, and outside the JFKA too
  9. Well, everyone is wondering that. Robenalt says Landis was disoriented on 11/22. That is believable. Then maybe Landis wanted to avoid responsibility for what he did thereafter. That is plausible. There is still a fly in the ointment. The bullet found in the Parkland Hospital hallway by the gurney, by the hospital employee named Tomlinson, and also handled by OP Wright, a former cop, was said to be a pointy-head slug. That was the slug that supposedly became CE 399. I have come to suspect (after what happened to the Walker bullet) that slugs were just switched out before they got to the FBI. Sad to say, but I suspect evidence tampering was deemed necessary and responsible, under the imperative that LHO be defined as a loner, loser, leftie with no friends or co-conspirators. But who knows?
  10. I regard the Paul Landis story as plausible. If the rear back JFK wound-making bullet never transited JFK's body---that is, the wound was only one or two inches deep, as one of the autopsists said---then the Landis story makes sense. Jim Robenalt says Landis is credible. The dented WCC 6.5 cartridge may be the result of an amateur hand reloading, resulting in an under-powered slug. Interesting.
  11. Chap. 17 ---Did you ponder if the dented bullet was as a result of "hand loading"? A re-used cartridge?
  12. I have been exploring the issue of evidence tampering in other posts here, particularly in connection with the Walker shooting. A sad story indeed.
  13. This is kind of interesting: In 1966, Wesley Liebeler wrote to Klihr, enclosed a copy of the photo, and tried to get Klihr to identify the car because he couldn’t find any evidence the FBI ever spoke with him. Klihr refused to respond and called the FBI. No comment on the car. Klihr also claimed that he never received the enclosed photo. ---TG That is more than interesting. Really? The WC had wrapped up by then. There are times when even the WC seemed mildly incredulous at the evidence they were receiving. Why all the fancy dancing by Klihr and Surry? No one says, "Yeah, that's my car." Surry says he does not know whose car it is. I guess Walker never said so either. So, this car that no one wants to ID just happens to have the license plate ripped out of the photo of it.
  14. LHO had in his possession various photos showing approaches to the Walker home. Speculation: I would want photos if I wanted to clue in a conspirator where to meet me, or various exit routes. This is all pre-internet, smartphones of course. The report of a mushroom-shaped steel-jacketed bullet, found in between bundles of paper on April 10 (when one bundle was lifted up, there was the bullet, no discussion of tunneling) does sound fishy, and suggestive of a staged event. (Though I wonder if Walker, a war veteran, might be better than that at staging an event).
  15. And Benjamin, "the U.S. government" had no reason for ordering this ammunition in the first place.--GM My eyes are the size of saucer plates for all you can tell us. My understanding that the US government ordered the 4 million rounds of WCC 6.5 ammo. Now, an organization as large as the US government can often operate without reason. But what does this mean? I understand the ammo did not work in US military rifles (which by then were NATO compatible). Where did the four million rounds go, after the arsenal?
  16. Again, the worrisome point is federal intel agencies treating evidence are something that can be tampered with. Yes, I have read the stuff on Klihr, and it seems mushy. But Klihr or not, tampering with evidence suggests a predisposition to make evidence fit a prosecution. If the FBI was willing to excise evidence from a photo, how about switching a bullet?
  17. Thanks, links would be great. I am not sure of even what I am looking for (hey, life is like that, no?). But four million WCC 6.5 rounds go the arsenal...and then trail goes cold? Except for Sucher? Seems to me the US government must have had a reason to order the ammo. Maybe that reason evaporated in time. Could simple graft and corruption explain matters? There are stories of US military surplus ending on the private markets, that had been stolen. So, the WCC 6.5 ammo was sitting around the warehouse, no longer needed in Greece or wherever, and someone decided to conduct business off the books.
  18. The key question is, "Did the DPD or FBI engage in evidence tampering?" Marina Oswald said the photo was intact, after it was in FBI hands. Then the image of the license plate was removed. The deduction is, officials did not want anyone to know whose auto was parked at the Walker home. IF LHO was, as I suspect, a low-level intel-state asset, then spying on Waker to gain compromising information is one explanation of why he took the photo, and why officials later cut the image of the plate out. The plate, if traced to reporters and others, might suggest why LHO took the photo. This makes two pieces of evidence from the Walker shooting where reasonable doubt is justified. The first is of course, the steel-jacketed bullet found in the Walker home that night of the Walker shooting, that became the copper-jacketed CE 573 by the time it arrived at the FBI in early December.
  19. Out of curiosity, how did the hole in the Walker backyard photograph get there, if it was not there, when the FBI obtained the photograph?
  20. It looks like the FBI engaged in evidence tampering. To what end?
  21. Marina Oswald's testimony to investigators, and then the Warren Commission, was often indefinite and contradictory. Marina seems rather certain that the photograph was not mutilated when in LHP's possession, but rather later, when in FBI possession Here is what she said about the mysterious hole in the Walker backyard photograph: WALKER PHOTO HOLE Mr. LIEBELER. I show you Commission Exhibit No. 5, which is a copy of one of the photographs that was found among these effects after the assassination. *Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Does that appear to be one of the photographs about which you were speaking? *Mrs. OSWALD. Yes; that's one. Mr. LIEBELER. Are you absolutely sure about that? *Mrs. OSWALD. No; I don't remember when Lee showed me the picture that it was this. Mrs. OSWALD. When I was first shown this picture, I remember that there was a license plate number on this car. Mr. LIEBELER. When Lee showed you the picture, there was a license plate number on the car? *Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. As shown in Commission Exhibit No. 5; is that right? *Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. When you look at this picture you see that there is a black mark on the back of this, do you know what makes that black mark? *Mrs. OSWALD. No; but I think when the Commission showed me this picture the number was there. Mr. McKENZIE. License plate? Mrs. OSWALD. I would have remembered this black spot if it were there at the time the Commission showed me this, or the FBI. When the FBI first showed me this photograph I remember that the license plate, the number of the license plate was on this car, was on the photograph. *Mrs. OSWALD. It had the white and black numbers. There was no black spot that I see on it now. When Lee showed me this photograph there was the number on the license plate on this picture. I would have remembered it if there were a black spot on the back of the car where the license plate would be. Mr. LIEBELER. The original of this picture, the actual photograph, has a hole through it. That's what makes this black spot. *Mrs. OSWALD. This is from the negative? Mr. GREGORY. This picture was made from the original photograph, rather than from a negative? Mr. LIEBELER. Yes; it's simply a picture of a picture. Mrs. OSWALD. When the FBI and Lee showed me this particular picture-- *Mrs. OSWALD. Not this big size. Mrs. OSWALD. This photograph--it was a smaller size. Mr. LIEBELER. Yes. Mrs. OSWALD. There was a license plate on this car. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you remember that very clearly? Mrs. OSWALD. When Lee showed it to me, I remember very distinctly that there was a license plate on this car. When this business about General Walker came up I would have remembered this black spot. 294 Page 295 Mr. LIEBELER. Or the hole? Mrs. OSWALD. Or the hole in the original--I would have remembered it. Mr. LIEBELER. And you remember, then, that the license plate was actually on that car when you saw the picture? Mrs. OSWALD. This black spot is so striking I would have remembered it if it were on the photograph that Lee showed me or the FBI. Mr. LIEBELER. Let's address ourselves also, not just to the black spot but to the possibility that they may have shown you the actual original photograph on which there is no black spot, but which has a hole right through the photograph. Mrs. OSWALD. There was no hole in the original when they showed it to me I'm positive of it. Mr. McKENZIE. All right, let me ask her a question. Mrs. OSWALD. This is the first time I saw a black spot or have heard about a hole in the original photograph. *Mrs. OSWALD. Why does the Commission not ask me about this? Mr. McKENZIE. Well, the Commission is asking you about it now, because Mr. Liebeler represents the Commission. *Mrs. OSWALD. I know it. Mr. McKENZIE. Let me ask you--when Lee showed you this picture, which is Commission Exhibit No. 5, had it been folded over? *Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. McKENZIE. At that time did the car that appears in the picture, did it have a hole in the picture? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. McKENZIE. When the FBI or the Secret Service showed you this picture, had it been folded? *Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. McKENZIE. Who showed you the picture the FBI or the Secret Service or the Commission? *Mrs. OSWALD. The FBI first and then the Commission. Mr. McKENZIE. Now, at the time the Commission showed you the picture in Washington, was there a hole shown in the picture where the cat's license plate would be? *Mrs. OSWALD. No; I don't know what happened to this picture, because when the Commission showed me the picture there was not this spot here. Mrs. OSWALD. If there was a hole, I would have asked them right away why that hole is there or the black spot. Mr. McKENZIE. Off the record, please. (Discussion between Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Liebeler to the effect that the picture might have been creased in the process of making a print from the original photograph.) Mr. McKENZIE. One more question---is this the first time that you have seen the picture when there was a black spot in the back of the automobile? *Mrs. OSWALD. Yes; the first time. Mr. LIEBELER. Have you ever seen a picture like this that had a hole in it? *Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you think of anything else about this Walker incident that you haven't already told the Commission that you think we should know that you can remember?
  22. That is a possibility, although very low probability The license plate, if identified, might allow someone to pinpoint when LHO was there. That is, authorities could ask the owners of the vehicle, "When were you visiting Walker?" On the other hand, perhaps the license plate would reveal the photo as having been taken after the Walker shooting. That is, the vehicle belonged to someone who visited Walker in May. Also, if LHO was concerned the photograph would connect him to the shooting---why hold on to the photograph? Hold onto the photograph but cut out the license plate number? Huh? The odds favor an official excised the Walker backyard photograph of the license plate. Reasonable deductions on why?
  23. One of the curiosities of the missed shot at Genera Edwin Walker, on the evening April 10, 1963, was the photograph alleged to have been found in LHO's possession post-JFKA. As most JFK researchers know, the FBI and Dallas Police said they had recovered a photograph of Walker's backyard in LHO's belongings, the same backyard from which someone took a potshot at Walker. But there is another feature of that backyard photograph that everyone immediately notices: What the hell happened to the back trunk of the 1957 Chevy parked in Walker backyard? It was not Walker's auto, and looks like someone ripped a huge hole in the trunk. As it turns out, there is actually a hole in the physical Walker photograph. Someone cut out of the photograph the auto's license plate and perhaps other insignia. That someone was almost certainly in acting in an official capacity. Marina Oswald testified that when she last saw the Walker backyard photograph, the license plate was intact. It makes no sense for LHO to have cut out the image of the license plate. If LHO wanted the plate number to run searches on the auto and its ownership, he could have simply used a paper and pencil to make a note. Which brings up an interesting speculation: LHO was a low level intel-state asset, as alleged by John Newman and other serious researchers. The Deep State then and now routinely develops dirt on public figures, through honey traps, bugging, surveillance and other methods. Indeed, the infamous Watergate burglary was, in part, to develop information on a call-girl ring being run from the DNC, and thus to compromise D-Party officials. Was LHO spying on Walker? At the time Walker was a national political figure, very prominent in right-wing circles, touted for office in Texas or even nationally. But Walker also had a private life, one then very much considered out of step with his public image and politics. Was the backyard photograph, and the license plate number, part of LHO's low-level smear-job work on behalf of the intel-state? Why would an official cut out the license plate number from the Walker backyard photograph?
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