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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. PS-- It hardly needs re-stating that intel agencies love the cut-out. If the CIA (or other agency) can execute a liquidation and not use any agency assets...all the better. That is likely regarded as a "very clean job." By this reasoning, Maheu is perfect. The JFKA, RFK1A and Watergate sure are interesting....
  2. MC-- Thanks for your collegial commentary and posting in this thread. This struck my eye: "The same day G. Gordon Liddy (with "special clearances" from CIA) meets" I usually say something like, 'The entire Watergate burglary team was CIA, with the exception of Liddy." Do you have any more info on what was this "special clearance"?
  3. Surely one of the solons of the JFKA/RFK1A research community is Pat Speer, who has a formidable website for all to read https://www.patspeer.com/ I disagree with PS on some details, such as the topic of GSR or lack of it on LHO cheek. So what? We have difference of opinion, and maybe I am wrong. The PS body of work stands strong. And PS said this regarding a Maheu nexus among the JFKA, RFK1A and Watergate: "Now, some of this is speculation. But there is a ton of evidence connecting Maheu to both the Kennedy assassination and Watergate. So why not RFK? It makes a lot of sense."---PS There are moments when I think the EF-JFKA can become a place for collegial conversations regarding the RFK1A, JFKA and Watergate.
  4. PS- Thanks for bringing your formidable knowledge and bearing to this thread, and for your collegial commentary.
  5. Jim Rose- Thank you for your collegial commentary. I suspect you are right.
  6. As I have said, likely the RFK1A is much more of a Rosetta Stone for the JFKA than the murder of DPD'er Tippit (paraphrasing WC lawyer David Bellin). If you can find who was behind the RFK1A, you are on the trail to the JFKA perps as well. There are JFKA researchers out there who credit Howard Hughes employees/operatives with the JFKA, while RFK1A researcher Lisa Pease suspects Robert Maheu, longtime Hughes top officer, with having a primary role in the RFK1A. So here is the Mormon Mafia book: https://vixra.org/pdf/1401.0114v1.pdf In fact, as stated in the blurb above, Senator Bennett later hired E Howard Hunt to work at his PR firm, which was likely another CIA Op Mock outfit. One curiosity: Rob Reiner, in his recent opus on the JFKA, cites Tosh Plumlee as one of the JFKA gunsels. Tosh Plumlee also figures in the Mormon Mafia book. Like many JFKA books, this one relies on "links" and "ties" to make its case. Here is some more info on the Mormon Mafia and the CIA, and the Watergate break-in. More than a few have puzzled at the links between the Watergate burglary and the JFKA, and the CIA. And then we have Lisa Pease, in her well-regarded book, A Lie Too Big To Fail, in which she lays out the case that Howard Hughes top operative Robert Maheu organized the RFK1A. No need to rehash here; suffice it to say that she makes her case. So there you a have the JFKA/RFK1A nexus. The Howard Hughes Corp. Do I believe it? Well.... For me, the JFKA/RFK1A trail leads back to the JMWave Miami CIA Station, and likely a higher-up somewhere in the CIA. Not to the Mormon Mafia. Maheu was, of course, as much CIA as a Hughes operative. IMHO, the link between the JFKA and the RFK1A is the CIA. But, each to his own.
  7. Thanks for posting this paper on the MC clip. I spent years boning up on bullets (re the Walker steel-jacketed bullet), but never thought about the MC clip. It reads like a solid paper.
  8. CB-- That may be a big clue Files wasn't involved with the JFKA. I tend to side with Pat Speer, the shot from the GK either struck nothing, or was an intentional diversion. I suspect a snub-nosed S&W .38 was used (the default concealed weapon of the day), which have the attributes of being loud and smoky. They can be especially smokey if cheap ammo is used, or black-powder ammo. Hand-loading .38s was common practice back in the day. That's IMHO. For me, the timing of the shots is more important, and detectable, than the direction.
  9. Verily, since 1963 everything has seemed a bit anti-climatic for Dodger fans of a certain age. I never liked the DH and don't really follow baseball anymore. To watch or listen (radio) to baseball is to see (hear) one long string of commercials. Vin Scully has moved on, and no one could match him. But there was a time and place in 1963....
  10. It was those consecutively numbered bills that were found on the burglars, and in the HoJo hotel room on Watergate night. The funny part is, Gordon Liddy figured this out that night, and literally began to run his Benjamin Franklins through a shredder. Many have noted the number of bungles during, before and after the break-in would discredit the Keystone Kops. Groubert thinks it was some sort of set-up, part of a plan to depose Nixon. Those were the days....
  11. As I recall, the 1962 Angels were actually in contention, as were very much so the Los Dodgers. In that year, they both played in the new Dodger Stadium. They was a chance the new stadium would host the World Series, all seven games. Bob Belinsky Leon Wagner Sandy Koufax Don Drysdale Tommy Davis Maury Wills... But in real life and real baseball....
  12. DM- Thank you for your collegial contribution. There is no doubt the emerging "Kennedy Dynasty" was murdered off in the 1960s, in the JFKA/RFK1A event. The Deep State and the GOP had nothing to compete with JFK and RFK1, who were so charismatic and well-spoken, and relatively young. Even Ted Kennedy was in the wings. Until 11/22/63 one could dream of a string of Kennedys who could occupy the White House for decades. The dream became a nightmare in 1968, with the RFK1A. Some have also noted links between the Bushes and the JFKA.
  13. Sadly, I am showing my age. I actually remember Bob Barker. I even remember Art Linkletter. Post corrected.
  14. Exactly. But usually just a one step operation. That is, whoever axed Eladio Del Valle did not know why he axed Del Valle; indeed may have been told that Del Valle welched on a drug deal (and it appears Del Valle, like many Cuban exiles, was in the drug business). Late in life, HSCA counsel Blakely came to suspect Del Valle and Herminio Diaz of involvement in the JFKA. Both were dead by 1967. For me, the trails from the JFKA/RFK1A lead back to Miami... Just for fun, I am working on a Howard Hughes-JFKA/RFK1A nexus post. There has been a book written on the "Mormon Mafia" inside the Howard Hughes Corp perping the JFKA, and of course, Robert Maheu, Howard Hughes op, is suspected of a role in the RFK1A. TBH, for me the best bet is still JMWAVE perping the JFKA/RFK1A, but I like to see other viewpoints....
  15. If you want to watch about the Grassy Knoll perp, do not watch this video. Some have posited Watergate burglar and CIA asset Bernard Barker was the man who flashed Secret Service credentials at Dallas Sheriff Seymour Weitzman and DPD Joe Hill on 11/22. The evidence for that is rather thin, although in theory it holds water. This video barely touches upon that particular topic. But it remains interesting that so many names connected to the Watergate burglary also show up in relation to the JFKA, including James McCord and E. Howard Hunt. Some have called the Tippit murder the "Rosetta Stone" of the JFKA. I am more inclined that the Watergate burglary and the RFK1A are more likely the Rosetta Stones. The garrulous Groubert expands that what we are seeing are Deep State ops to remove un-liked Presidents, with the intel perps effectively using assassinations or partisan strife to depose Presidents. Agree or disagree, Groubert is an interesting watch. Groubert has many episodes on the JFKA, btw.
  16. Home of the Los Angeles Rams and the Los Angeles Chargers. And the long-gone Hollywood racetrack. The Fabulous Forum. Here's one for you. What was the first home of the big-league Los Angeles Angels?
  17. MA-- Well, thanks to your collegial nudge, I found Scott Enyart's Facebook page, and sent a note that I want to ask him some questions. BTW, Enyart has photos of the RFK event at the Ambassador on his Facebook page, so I guess it is still a live topic for him. I guess it is for everybody in the JFKA/RFK1A research community.
  18. Just so KG will not be accused of being off topic The JFK Half Dollar, Willie Mays connection.
  19. Indeed, Eladio Del Valle (murdered) and David Ferrie died (or was murdered) on the same day, both CIA assets with Cuban connections. Was Hunt on his deathbed telling the truth? I dunno. I never bought into the Files tale, but like I say, even with my omniscient powers of divination, I cannot summon forth the true and complete stories of the JFKA and RFK1A.
  20. Many years ago I called the lawyer, Skip Miller, but he did not respond. Upon learning of the disappearing Enyart negatives, he told the court the a "petty crime" had been committed. Miller was in a courtroom in L.A. and the negatives had been swiped from a car at LAX. I guess he has telescopic x-ray vision. LAX has its own PD, for whatever that is worth.
  21. What are the true configurations of the plots and perps behind the JFKA/RFK1A? Well, I don't know. I will say this: Sure seems to me the number of witting pre-event participants had to be small. Why? Let us posit there is a 10% chance any particular witting pre-assassination participant will "crack," either before or after the event, and tell the truth. If you have five guys in your plot, that is 0.90 to the fifth, or about a 41% chance someone will crack and tell the truth. Let us add if you are bringing "outside" people into your plot who you are are not deeply familiar with, then you are unsure of their ability not to crack. A good reason to not go outside your circle. Of course, there are variables. Some people can be executed after the event. Perhaps some people can be brainwashed (Sirhan/RFK1A). After the event, it is easier to gain compliance, or complicity, from non-participants by citing national security, pandering to political biases, offering upward mobility in the job market and so on. Or threats too. The investigators do not know the full story, only that there are doing something that is required by national security or their superiors. The autopsists followed orders in the JFKA. Whoever stole the Scott Enyart photos of the RFK1A scene only knew his assignment, and that a fat payday was pending, and not much more. My hunch is the JFKA/RFK1A was organized within one intel agency, or tight intel community, by a very small group.
  22. Cesar accidentally shot RFK three times, and one time point blank into his head?
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