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Bob Ness

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Everything posted by Bob Ness

  1. You can't answer either John? If I need buzz words I'll let you know.
  2. I'm asking what are you calling the invasion of Ukraine? Simple enough. Why is that mysterious?? I don't care about their opinions. I'm asking you. As far as the other thread goes I dropped and am not going back for more nonsense.
  3. And the US combined with Germany to invade Poland? The US and Germany criss crossed Europe resulting in the deaths of 40 or 50 million people? I didn't hear about that. Clue me in.
  4. Just curious. What do you call what Putin is doing? Anxiously waiting...
  5. You can't possibly imagine Pete Bagley would know more than that master of snark Lance do you? That was precisely the problem. I don't think that can be considered bumbling by a federal agency but I admittedly haven't looked into it enough to come to a conclusion on it.
  6. Just curious. Why do you put together a nicely formed argument and then lace it with insults at the end? Maybe you should park the dimensia rants. Are the doors locked where you live? From the inside that is.
  7. Probably both. They're big critters after all and institutionally have a survival mechanism. I was also concerned the CIA's presence may have had an effect. I believe the Pentagon has the largest PR group in the world. It's hard to say. I had a show that was an historical perspective on the CIA/OSS and the cold war that should have had traction but didn't. It was in the beginning of all the Russia scuflaw but whatever. Haven't seen anything approaching it yet anywhere else but seems like a story rich theme. Maybe it just sucked hahaha.
  8. Not exactly new or independently financed are they? Sure. Apple or Fox or whoever can use Russian villains but criticizing Russia or China can run into pushback. I've shopped projects. With producers you've used as examples. Even the big dudes tread carefully. Red Dawn? Common.
  9. Point Griffith. DVP - ignores Griffith response. That's another point Griffith.
  10. Exactly. The immediate issue was about joining the EU not NATO, although that was certainly a consideration. The biggest problem Putin has is countries setting an example he has no intention of emulating. NATO is the preeminent source of stability in Europe and almost without exception neighboring countries and former Warsaw pact members prefer joining NATO and removing themselves from Putin's grasp. For Putin it has nothing to do with border security and everything to do with reconstituting Russian hegemony over its former satellites. We have Trident submarines 100 miles or less away from Russia that could turn it into a glass bowl in a day. The same goes for them and the US.
  11. Just thought I'd add this tidbit in again Ah, sorry Chris. Trying to put together a movie or TV show in Hollywood that has significant criticism of Russia or China is difficult in my experience. Too much money in the pipeline from those sources' limits interest in that sort of production. It's not impossible but if you're not Fox or somebody it's not likely to happen. Money that washes around in Hollywood is often mixed up with dark money looking for a hiding place.
  12. Something tells me you have never tried bootstrapping an anti-Russian or Chinese show together. Try it sometime. Get back to me.
  13. Those were Ukranian Nasis shooting at themselves to make Putin look bad Matt.
  14. All they have to do is stop shooting people Lori. Most everyone here knows they've been using this gross exaggeration as a pretext to invade. You're the only person here who hadn't heard of Bandera. Your position in view of the facts is both ignorant and discusting. Instead of posting other's opinions go find somebody on the ground there and ask them. Supposedly you are a journalist. Posting other people's work is not that. It's dittoism.
  15. I always like to roll out the idea that we should go through the recordings and transcripts of his testimony. What actually exists of course are notes of what Fritz, Kelley, Holmes etc recounted after they marched him into a firing squad. Pretty convenient. Of course, the LNs consider this as LHO's words. I try to look at the JFKA as a jury member. That fact alone dismisses any charge against him, IMO.
  16. @David Von PeinLet's listen to the recording or go over the transcript. Both! Let's do both of those things.
  17. The problem is Paul it's pretty black and white to begin with. The aforementioned apologists have yet to condemn the actions, even now. The thrust of the arguments is the West has created the problem when in fact autocrats from Europe have been doing this sort of thing with all of the same methods for centuries. I for one don't have any illusions about US geopolitical scoundrels of every stripe (State, CIA, Pentagon, Industry etc) have encouraged, or even provoked at times, conflicts in regions of the world we have no right or justification to be engaged with. In the case of Europe, where we have been sucked into enormous world-wide conflicts that have resulted in millions upon millions of deaths, a larger amount of casualties and untold amount of displacement of innocent people, Europe (I include Russia/USSR in that group) has imposed their problems on us. My family has blood on the ground defending the sensibilities of some idiot King or the other and their interminable border disputes which can be counted in millenia. That's a fact. As I asked many posts ago can anyone name one member country of NATO that has had to endure extended conflict within their borders since its formation? No, they can't. That's why, as Kirk has pointed out from on the ground, peripheral countries, almost without exception, want and prefer inclusion into NATO and the protective umbrella. Those people have uniformly rejected Russian direction (remember the fall?) for good reason and Putin or anyone else's carping about NATO has more to do with an example of democratic countries on his border rather than any military threat. That's bad for business and his future. Putin is probably the world's first trillionaire and that wasn't accomplished because he was an innovator. Unless you count the use of Ricin, Novichuk and Polonium as "inventive". Acid in your face? He's your man. Learn to fly from buildings? He's got that cornered. That's the guy they're defending and those claims aren't controversial. They're facts. Like black and white.
  18. That's a neat way of setting the boundary of an argument. Who said the Maidan revolt was a "coup?" You? Maybe it was a rejection of the Russian backed interference in the affairs of a sovereign country? After all it's their country and if they want to remove a Putin puppet and replace him why shouldn't they? What has clearly failed here is you and Carter's defense of Putin's invasion of their neighbor under false pretenses and pretexts which was clearly pointed out to you at the time. The horrific violence IS NOT UKRAINE'S FAULT and you and Carter's defense of Putin's actions are deplorable. RUSSIA CAN JUST STOP SHOOTING AND LEAVE, RIGHT? VIOLENCE OVER!! The only action they have to take is do NOTHING! Why does that escape you? Do you favor the violence? Do you think they should just surrender? I doubt it but that's what the message is. Appalling.
  19. And you seriously think Putin was negotiating in good faith? Go talk to to his flying Doctors about that. I told you at the time of his Crimea adventure this was the long play and other than the fact Ukrainians won't put up with it Putin would have installed Yankovich in a New York minute. Now I see you and Carter once again blessing the invasion by blaming the victims. Resurecting the bones of Bandera to justify the appalling slaughter we see is an outright lie and gross. It's nice RT does pithy interviews with you but for that to be coloring your intellectual pratfall regarding the invasion is an outrage. Are you serious? "Putin wouldn't have incinerated your women and children if you surrendered your country?" Just stop it.
  20. I'm still waiting for the response on conflicts in NATO member nations since the end of the war. Apparently nobody has looked into that.
  21. How bout those who understand borders? Seems that's pretty basic John.
  22. And this has what to do with Ukraine? Perhaps a geography lesson is needed. If you for a minute think I supported those efforts you're mistaken. Speaking of cheerleading... what makes you cheer on the annihilation of an innocent population in Ukraine?
  23. It's really this simple. What NATO member countries in Europe have broken out in sustained armed conflict since the end of WW2? Considering the hundreds of years of war between Europeans of every stripe including tens of millions of deaths and casualties until that time I don't consider the Pro Russian pablum here has a single strand of thread to dangle from. All of the European violence since the end of the war has the Russians and USSR firmly behind it and occured within their sphere of influence.
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